Madan no Ou to Vanadis:Volume01 Chapter1

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The voice of a girl he had grown used hearing reached his ears, and he felt his body being shaken.

Because of the bright light shining through the window, he understood that morning had come.

However, he was still sleepy.

"A little longer...... Just a little longer."

"How long is 'a little longer', may I ask?"

"There aren't any plans to go hunting today, so until noon......"

"Cut it out and please wake up!"

The girl roared out loud.

He was stripped of his blanket, his shoulder was grabbed, and he was woken up violently.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the bright red face of the girl, boiling with anger, was in close proximity.

She had a child-like face, which had no intimidating power even when she was angry. Her chestnut-coloured hair was tied in twin tails. Her small body was dressed in a uniform with black long sleeves, a black skirt that reached down to her feet, and also a white apron that gave off a feeling of cleanliness. That was how the maidservant looked like.

"Ah...... Morning, Titta."

With a drowsy and slow voice, Tigul called out the name of the maidservant who was a year younger than him. Seeing that he seemed to be awake, Titta released her hand.

"The soldiers have already finished their preparations a long time ago, and are all waiting for Tigul-sama!"

Tigul was confused, and thought about what she had just said.

The blood rushed from his face immediately as the realisation sank in.

"......... Oh crap!"

As though rolling out of his bed, he got up, and Titta held out a set of folded clothes to him. Beside her feet was a small pail, filled with water.

"Thank you. You're as well prepared as always."

"That is because I had expected this to happen. I will go and prepare breakfast, so please wash your face and get changed in the mean time."

With the anger having left her face, Titta made a cheerful smile, bowed, pulling the hem of her skirt slightly upwards in a curtsey, and left the room gracefully.

Tigul washed his face, the cool and refreshing feeling cleansing the remaining drowsiness from him. While putting on his clothes, he dashed out from the room, buttoning them as he ran down the corridor.

"Though I don't have any time left......... I still can't slack off."

He originally intended on going straight for the dining room, but instead he headed towards the small room at the end of the corridor.

This was a room small enough that three adults are unable to sit down together at once, inside. Opposite the entrance was a exquisitely decorated rack, and on it, was a bow.

The bowstring was firm and taut, and it seemed like it was ready for use at any time.

If one were to describe that bow with one word, it would be 'black'.

The handle, the bowstring, the entire bow was pure black, with no luster or shine.

It would not be unbelievable if people were told that this bow was cut and made from darkness.

―― The mere sight of it gave off an oppressive feeling...

The bow with such a mysterious atmosphere, was a family heirloom of the Volen family, said to have been used by their hunter ancestors.

Tigul's father had left behind a last request regarding the bow.

'Only when you are truly in need of this bow, may you use it. Not under any other circumstance.'

Upon hearing his father's will, Tigul felt an undescribable feeling of eerieness from it, and decided not to touch it.

Tigul stood up straight, regulated his breathing, placed his clenched fist against his chest, moving it horizontally. Then, he made a bow, to his ancestors.

Finishing this action, he quietly left the room, and headed for the dining room.

Tigulvrumud Volen was sixteen this year. Born in a Count's House in the Kingdom of Briune, he had succeeded the family when his father had passed away due to illness.

The name which was quite a mouthful had been passed down by the ancestors who had obtained the position of a Count. He himself had found it long and troublesome to call, hence he had asked those close to him to address him as 'Tigul'.

Tigul stepped into the dining room, where he smelled a delicious aroma.

On the simple dining table, there were ham wrapped in fried egg, rye bread, milk, mushroom soup and others, hot enough for faint vapour to be rising from them.

Titta was on stand-by at the side of the table.

"Just the soup will do."

"That won't do."

When it came to food, Titta was unmovingly stubborn.

"Do you want your stomach to be grumbling in front of everyone? It would be unsightly."

Her two hands placed on her hips, she glared directly at Tigul. It was a look full of intensity, very much unlike a maidservant. It was far scarier than when she was waking him up.

Tigul knew very well that he could not win this argument, hence he readily gave in.

Washing the bread down with milk, he then grabbed the plate and gobbled down the fried egg, and finished the soup in great gulps.

"Thank you for the meal."

He stood up as he said that. Titta immediately walked up to him, a comb and napkin in her hands.

"There's still a little bit left on your mouth, please wipe it properly."

Speaking as though she were a little angry, Titta wiped his mouth clean with the napkin.

"And, you've got some bed-hair too."

She extended the hand which held the comb, and thoroughly combed Tigul's red hair.

"Look, even your collar's crooked."

Placing the comb and napkin on the table, her outstretched hand arranged his collar neatly. Tigul quietly accepted it.

" ―― Tigul-sama."

"What is it?"

Suddenly, Titta's voice had lost it's strictness, becoming rather feminine, and she called out to Tigul gently. Tigul had always thought of her, who was a year younger, as his younger sister.

"Why does Tigul-sama have to go out and do battle?"

Tigul's expression became a little troubled, and he ran his hand through his dark red hair. At times, Titta would ask these kind of hard-to-answer questions, and he would be at a loss trying to come up with an answer.

"It's His Majesty's military draft. For the Kingdom of Briune, it is only natural for the House of Count Vorun to take part."


Looking up at Tigul with a teary-looking face, Titta argued vehemently.

"It wasn't easy for us to have even mustered up a hundred soldiers........."

Whether it was the nobility or Counts, there were many different types.

And, though House Volen was not in a situation where they would be deemed 'poor', describing them as 'simple', or other similar adjectives would not be too far off from the mark, that was the noble family of Volen.

This countryside, which was distant from the central area of the territory known as Alsace, besides being small, was also covered mainly with forests and mountains, hence there were not many things they could reap profits from.

Even Tigul's lifestyle, was far off from what one might expect from the image of 'nobility', lacking in luxury and grandeur.

The house was not large to begin with, but just the mere fact that Titta could manage the domestic chores of the entire house alone, was enough to illustrate this point.

"Furthermore, I've heard that the enemy is the Kingdom of Zhcted. If that's the case, shouldn't Tigul-sama be staying here? After all, Zhcted and Alsace are only separated by a mountain."

"That may be so, but this is a place that's as rural as it gets. Even Zhcted won't think of invading here."

To Tigul, the fact that this place will not be turned into a battlefield, was a good thing.

"W-what's more......... don't they always make a fool out of Tigul-sama's bow skills?"

"It's indeed impossible to establish chanson de geste** with that, eh."

"It's fine even if you don't!"

Insisting that with a loud voice, Titta then buried her head into Tigul's chest.

"I only.... wish that you do not push yourself too hard, and that no injuries shall ever befall you, and please, return in good health."

The slender body of the maidservant hugged Tigul lightly, worrying for him.

"Don't worry too much. In my first battle two years ago, did I not return unharmed in the end?"

"That time, Ulus-sama was......"

Titta's voice trailed off halfway. Ulus was Tigul's father, who had passed away two years ago.

In order for Titta to be at ease of heart, Tigul lightly patted her on her head.

"In this battle ahead, my unit will be located at the rear of the main forces, a safe place to be. No matter what happens, I'll think of something."

Bringing his hand up, he wiped off the tears at the corner of Titta's eyes. With an 'I understand', Titta nodded.

"L-listen well, Tigul-sama. Please don't oversleep on the battlefield, like you always do."

"The way you say it makes it seem like I'm always oversleeping."

"That is the truth. The only times that Tigul-sama would wake up on time is when there is hunting to be done, isn't it?"

To Tigul's astonished response, she rebutted.

Even so, he understood that Titta was cheering for him with all her heart, and once again, Tigul hugged her.

Titta relaxed her body, letting Tigul hold her.

The warmth of her body could be felt even through her clothes, and her chestnut-coloured hair gave off a faint fragrance.

Though he would have liked to continue like this a little longer, he did not have much time.

Tigul reluctantly released her body, gently.

"I'm counting on you to watch the house, Titta."

Titta wiped aside her tears with her sleeve, and said, smiling.

"Please leave it to me. Tigul-sama too, take care of yourself."