OreShura: Volume 1 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Highschool Life begins in Mayhem

Harusaki Chiwa.

Freshman. Childhood friend of Eita.

A bit dumb. Was in the Kendo club.

Favourite line is "feel free to eat as much as you wish"

It wouldn't be quite suitable for me to say this, but I am "anti-romance".

Romance this sort of thing, is nothing but a mirage. It's a disease. If you don't believe me take a look at couples giggling every now and then in front of everyone. It's annoying to whoever sees them, praying for them to leave. As for their reasons to flirt in public? That's because this is the real romance, unmasked: Morphine emitting everywhere in the brain, making them lose their shame and all. My attitude towards these people? I always put up with it because I don't care. But when it comes to myself, it's another topic. For me, even if it were not in public, I will never do such shameless moves.

Of course, if I told anyone about my thoughts like this, they would probably chuckle and reply "There's no need to pretend to be strong" "Is this the excuse of an unpopular person amongst females?"

Huh. Me, unpopular amongst females? What a joke. I have a history of being confessed to. Nostalgic, those times in the kindergarten..... Forget it, those past glories? Who cares.

But really. If other people gave me a reply like this, I would fully understand. It sounds just as bad as college dropouts saying "schdule my a**" - lack of persuasive power. Not having a single bit of romance in my entire life so far, saying anything casually like that would sound nothing more than the sour grapes of jealousy.

Which pretty much sums up why I don't tell anyone about it, but it IS truly how I feel. And the people who taught me to think like that were my parents.

The story of how my parents got together: they met; they fell in love; they got married. Just like every other love dramas on the television. Throughout childhood I was bombarded with them talking about the ups and downs of their love story. Then in junior high, I was subjected to their endless fights. One day as I was about to go into high school, they both left to seek the "real one" for them and disappeared forever from my eyes, leaving only a letter entrusting me to relatives and a power of attorney to their house as funds for unsettled expenses.

- You - Are - All - Bastards

Me and my hatred to my parents and romance itself was to the degree of using "Hakata Salt's" advertising techniques. (Note: Lyrics in the Hakata Salt commercial are sang syllable by syllable.)

Of course, my sensible logic tells me not all parents are like mine. On the contrary, people falling blissfully in love, getting married, form the majority. Though say my logic is sensible, I still would not "fall in love blissfully just to show you!" or any other kind of similar urges. After all, without romance, life can still go on. Won't make much of a difference not doing pointless stuff. Besides, I don't have the time either.

I have my own ambitions. My target is to get into National University's medical faculty and become a doctor.

Getting into the medical faculty would mean a considerable amount of expense, and I simply cannot give any more trouble to my current guardian Saeko-san.

Kiryū Saeko is my father's sister; in other words, my aunt. She is my benefactor who takes care of me, here to clean up my parent's mess. Originally she thought of selling this tattered house to raise money, but putting my feelings of attachment in this house into account, she eventually moved in and settled down with me together. If it weren't for Saeko-san, I would have been moved else where to some unknown relative a long time ago. Therefore, I have decided to repay this debt to Saeko-san one day, definitely.

My highschool is called Haneyama Public Highschool (short form Hane High). In this school, we have one policy that goes like this: the school will award talented students with good conduct a place at National University (with scholarship). And That's what I'm aiming for.

After entering high school, for the first semester I have already been ranked the first in my year. To a person whose results were in the fairly low district for the entire junior high, this is a staggering feat. I have no intent to slow down, and will continue working hard to keep my grades up.

Which is why, I have no time to spare on romance.

Therefore, I have sworn myself to the following laws:

  1. Studying comes first!
  2. No romance! Romance alert!
  3. But don't let others believe I'm gay because of the 2nd rule

As long as I follow these laws, my highschool life will be perfect!


Yet, even for a person like me, have an attached girl. The so called fate of a childhood friend.

Well, why shouldn't I begin the story from her then.

It was the end of May, an incident that happened some day when students were about to change into summer uniforms. Because of work, Saeko-san is often away from home. A reason why I have to do all the housework alone. Dinner; vacumming the floor; hanging clothes dry; all part of my work. In the eyes of others, this may look very extraneous. True. But only at beginning. But now, chores have even become one of my hobbies. Especially making dinner, not only can it directly reflect your results, it is also an useful skill in life.

It was almost dusk, half past five. I threw all the washed clothes into the dryer, about to step outside for ingredients for dinner. Before that, I have to prepare rice and started pouring rice into the cooker, when suddenly, short energetic cries of "Urg!" and "Hah!" came next door.

"What the heck? Hmm....?"

After finishing last touches and setting the rice cooker into position, I walked down the hallway into the courtyard. Not very big, around the size of the area of 3 hanging racks, less than ten or more steps to my neighbour's fence. Across the short fence seperating both houses, I could see a person dressed in sportswear and skirts, waving her bamboo blade around. I called out and greeted "Hey-- Chiwa--"

Chiwa stopped her exercise and turned around, sweat sparkling in the sunlight of what was remaining of the sun.

"Hi--Ei-kun! What's for dinner?"

Heh, thinking about food from dawn til dusk.

"Why are you doing practices with your sword?"

"I guess because there was a sword lying around?"


According to my calculations, this person will become addicted to mountaineering activities in the near future.

"I thought you gave up a long time ago?"

"The Kendo club was what I gave up. Despite many persuasion from my seniors, I finally severed my ties with them."

"Did you give up because of your health conditions? Now you're practicing again, won't it...."

Harusaki Chiwa smiled. "No problem. I had a body check last week and my doctor said if it were exercises, then I'd be fine~"


"Really~ really, Ei-kun loves to worry~"

Chiwa had been practicing kendo from elementary school up til the 2nd year of junior high. Instead of practice, one could say, buried her head in kendo. She even came 4th in the province-wide group competition, 2nd in personal competition. Her unfavourable height and strength didn't have much affect on her performance, even aiming for the national-wide competition next summer.

But then, the 3rd summer of junior high.

Just as the date for the competition was approaching, Chiwa got involved in a traffic accident.

While the Kendo club was jogging for training, a cargo from a passing by truck coincidentally fell off, crushing Chiwa below it.

Her whole body suffered serious injury, the damage to her waist was even worse.

After a large surgery, Chiwa spent her last summer of junior high in hospital.

Although after this Chiwa have worked hard for rehabilitation, now that the after effects does not affect her daily life, extreme social activities like kendo is out of the topic.

But Chiwa didn't complain at all, accepting everything silently.

To a person like me who never joined much social activies, we won't be able to imagine what it feels like for Chiwa. But in my point of view, Chiwa definitely lost an important part of her life.

".....Don't push yourself too much. The waist, like how it's written, is the most important part of the body." (Note: In Japanese [and Chinese], the word waist is combined from two parts: body and important)

"Eh--?" Chiwa winced her eyes as if contemplating something, "Ei-kun seems especially kind today? Don't tell me it's because you want to see my underpants?"


"Wh-who wants to see yo-your u-u-u"

Such a failure. Stumbling over something so trivial.

"Oh my. Ei-kun must have reached the age where he is interested in these things. Is the word 'underpants' too stimulating for you?" Chiwa giggled happily.

Chiwa took a twirl like a ballerina. The short white skirt was lifted by air, revealing her long, slender, healthy legs. Of course, the underpants stayed out of sight. .....But still I couldn't help but get slightly exicted. Such a failure.

"Wh-who wants to see your childish underwear!"

"Huh, you don't have to insist, you know~"

Curse her.... such a fun-loving little kid. A mature grown up like me have no common language with her!

"Forget it. I'm going out to buy ingredients for dinner."

"Oh, wait! I'm going with you!"

"Don't. If you go, you always make additional expenses."

"I won't nag for snacks this time! I promise!"


Everytime she sneaks chocolate and gum and whatnot into my shopping cart.

Whatever. Even if I refused, this kid will tag along.

"....you have 3 minutes. Hurry up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Really. How can such a small little body be so energetic.

From our home to the "Marutoku" shopping mall is around a ten minutes trip.

Chiwa was dressed up in jeans skirts and a sleeveless shirt.

It is only May yet already sleeveless.... I don't know whether to call her out-going, or lack of a sense of seasons.

"And, Ei-kun, what are you having tonight?"

"Hmm? Um..."

Through the intelligence received from the flyers this morning, the recipe is all set.

"Japanese-styled taro with fish miso soup and Soybean Sargassum salad"

Chiwa made an expression as if the end of the world have come "Wh-what about meat?!"

"Don't you know? Beans are called the 'Vegetarian's meat'."

"....Lately Ei-kun and my mother sound alike"

Chiwa's parents are workaholics, plus their workload is heavy, usually they don't come home until late night. Since my aunt Saeko-san also seldom comes home, dinner is almost always eaten between me and Chiwa.

Entering into the shop, we quickly grabbed all the special priced objects. A sudden scent of curry came from the corner of the shop. Looks like they're trying to sell a new instant curry.

"Oh, siblings shopping together? If you don't mind, would you like to try some?" Wearing an apron, the saleswoman showed a professional smile.

Since small, both of us have always been mistaken as siblings. Although only during Grade 3 to Grade 4 did Chiwa's height exceed mine, I have always been taken as the younger brother in our pseudo sibling relationship. Between you and me, I have always taken this as the shame of my life. On the bright side, Chiwa's height also stopped growing since grade school.

"Then, excuse me~~"

Well, no thanks for me. Chiwa, of course, couldn't care less about me, and reached out for the paper plates. Though her arms look short, they can extend to an incredible length when reaching for food.

"Here you go. There's two tastes here to try out, heavy and light!"

I guess there's not much choice but to taste as well.

.....Well, that wasn't so bad.

Saeko-san's snacks storage is close to going out of stock. Why not, I thought. Two would be too many though.

"May I ask which taste is better selling?"


"Which curry is sells better? I'll have one of that."

With a slightly awkward expression, the saleslady pointed to the light curry, whereas Chiwa placed a heavy tasted curry into my shopping cart.

"Hey, Chiwa"

"It's for Saeko-san, no? This one tastes better~"

The saleslady made a muffled laugh.

Huh. Who made you my mother.

On the way home after lining up and paying, I couldn't help but say "Chiwa, please don't interfer with my logical decisions"

"Lo~gi~cal Decisions?"

"Compared to your tongue, I'd rather trust the choice of democracy"

"That won't come into use at all. My taste is the same as Saeko-san's."

"You won't be able to prove it"

Chiwa shrugged exaggeratedly "Ei-kun surely changed a lot in this field. In junior high you weren't so addicted to talking sense."

"Well that's normal isn't it. We are high school students after all"

"ehh, but I like the clumsier Ei-kun better-- you were hilarious"

"You." Slightly pissed, "You never change, still at the stage of junior, no, no difference from a gradeschool child"

"Wh-what. I've grown" Chiwa puffed out her chests.

.....Umm, that? Nope. Not so far, at least.

" 'The late growth of breasts due to immaturity' -- If I became a doctor, I would definitely invite you as a test subject for my thesis "

"P-pretending to be very smart! I'm still 3 months and 10 days older than you!"

"It only further proves your immaturity if you even think that matters"

"S-such arrogance! H-how, how dare Ei-kun!!"

Haha, a complete victory from my side. Sadly, defeating Chiwa isn't exactly something to brag about.

And so, we returned home and I began preparing dinner swiftly. Fish itself is sold in slices, so roasting it shouldn't be too hard. More importantly was the Japanese styled taro. It needs to be kept shaking such that it won't get burnt.

As for Chiwa, she pouted on the sofa hugging her knees, calling out "Ei-kun is an idiot", "Stupid", "Muffled pervert" and all sorts of names.

Can't believe such a sporty girl can take these things so personally. Looks like there's only one thing to do.

"Hey, Chiwa"

"Huh. I hate Ei-kun the most"

"There's some bacon in the fridge, do you want me to fry it in soya-sauce?"

"Yay! Ei-kun I love you!"


Love bought with 100 grams of bacon.

If treated specially, it only costs ¥59.....

I mixed all the vegetables into one big bowl and placed it on the table. Although it looks less attractive, we seldom separate the vegetables into single dishes, but instead we eat it directly from one big bowl. Soon it became a habit. Moreover, I have less plates to wash this way.

The two of us ate, going through all sorts of unimportant subjects.

"That reminds me--"

"Reminds you of what??"

"In mangas or in drama TVs, female childhood friends tend to cook"

"That's right"

"Then why is our characters switched?"

Chiwa looked at me a bit confused "Eh? Did you want to eat my cooking?"

"......Nnnnever mind."

I was suddenly reminded of myself collapsing from the food she made once. That was a bubbling roasted steak sweetened to the fattening degree. Because we didn't have red wine, we had carbonated grape juice (0% natural) as substitue. When asked of the motive for her crime, Chiwa replied "they both look pretty much the same anyways" and "Besides, I'm sure it would taste better with something carbonated"

The less a person knows how to cook, the more likely he would be to invent crazy recipes.....

"Say," Chiwa garbled while chewing bacon, "There's a girl called Natsukawa Masuzu in Ei-kun's class?"

"Oh, I guess"

Then with a sudden spurt of energy "That girl is incredible! Just like a princess! Even boys in our class are talking about her, so I took a look today. I was shocked! Her hair is silver, her eyes are blue, like some European offspring or somewhere else! I also heard she is super rich!"

"Umm, I guess--" I answered vaguely.

"And she's super popular! Only two months into school, already according to sources, the number of confessions she's had have already exceeded two digits! I originally thought it was a made up story from nosy person, but after seeing her today, I am almost certain of it! Two digits!"

"Ohh--" I agreed vaguely.

"Oh, Ei-kun isn't interested? Or did you already give up because she is out of reach?"

"Not really"

I have to agree, Natsukawa-san is very pretty indeed, but it has nothing to do with me. Besides, for some reason, I have a dislike towards her. Although I've had a few conversations with her.... it always feels like she's hiding something under her acclaimed looks. Should I say, I can't read her thoughts, or is she too unpredictable.

"Anyhow I don't really like her"

"....is that so" Chiwa nodded a few times.

"Hoho, today's dinner taste very good"

"Oh that, I just cooked it like every other day"

I wonder what was the reason that made her feel happy. Just bacon is enough to cheer her up?

After dinner, the two of us gathered bowls and chopsticks. Afterwards I started preparing for tomorrow's courses while Chiwa took some manga from the mountainous piles stored in Saeko-san's room and started reading at the sofa.

Saeko-san works at some game production company. Occasionally she does work like writing scripts, drawing graphics, even coding and music, in short she does a lot. The company makes galgames and love games directed to girls.

Perhaps it's because of work, Saeko-san acts like this at home "Eita, mor~ning~! Are you used to highschool life? Are there any cute girls you've fallen for?"

"No progress at all with Chiwawa? Settings like this kind of childhood friend is usually a highway to HAPPYENDs, what have you been doing all the time?"

"When you're in bed with a girl you have to watch out for her impression-- If you focus too much on a single girl and forget about others, some day bad news will spread!"

Who would be in bed with a girl. You think I'm some oil monopoly king in Arabia?

--Anyway, don't pay too much attention to these stuff.

For purposes of gathering information for work, Saeko-san has tonnes of bishojo mangas. Reading these mangas have recently become a daily habit of Chiwa's.

"Hey, the tea's ready, I'll put it down right here"


Chiwa was motionless. She turns like this whenever in the world of manga.

Looks like she's especially focused today.

".....Sniff" Chiwa grabbed a tissue from the tissue box and wiped the corner of her eye with it while blowing her nose. "It would be nice if that happened to me just once."

"Happen what?"

"A romance like this"

"How's it like?"

"You read, you read"

I flipped the pages of the manga Chiwa handed to me. The two childhood friends both had their own lovers, but one day both of them noticed their love towards each other, then after many many difficult obstacles, the two of them eventually became lovers forever-- you get the idea.

"How cliche." I commented. "Besides, childhood friends are pretty much like brothers and sisters, they won't become lovers"

"Is that so? I thought there's some fact to it."

"Only works in stories. Let's take us as an example, one look and you see how it's impossible in real life."



I was expecting a "You've got a point-- That is certainly impossible--" or some similar response..... but she turned out to be silent.

"Y-you've got a point-- That is certainly impossible--"

Ah, here comes the expected response.

Perhaps she's only too tired from her kendo exercise? Maybe I should add more meat in dinner next time.....

"Take, taking the childhood friend setting aside, this kind of romance, or I should say this kind of sweet, or wait, this kind of complete devotion in romance, doesn't seems so bad. Besides, I'm already a highschool student."

So that's why.

It's a good thing to want to devote fullying into something as replacement of Kendo, just that --

"So, what do you want to do then?"

"I want to become popular!"

....well that was direct.

"Fancied by many males, after experiencing many ups and downs, finally settling down with a normal male who has been supporting her silently all the time -- This is what I should experience at least?"

".....ha. Ohhh"

How should I put it, feels just like what a book called "Chihuahua Mood for Saucy Love" would be about.

It sounds a bit depressing coming from a friend who's been growing up with her since small, but....

"You should give up. It's still too early for you."


"First of all, just the word 'popular' is impossible. I've never seen you do make up. Moreover, I doubt you have lots of clothes?"

"C-clothes, I have a lot! I have 5 workout suits!"

I totally understand her anxiousness in wanting to refute my statements, but in reality, she's just digging her own grave.

"Plus, you never really cared about how other males look at you? A while ago you were playing soccer with the males in the sports grounds without even changing to sports clothes. Annd, you sit with your legs crossed, when you're in a skirt you always shake your feet around"

Having her worst habit pointed out, Chiwa stopped moving her legs. Just so you know, she was moving her legs rythmatically all along.

"And I don't have to tell you about how you go on the rooftop in nothing but a towel on your body, hands on hips, gulping down milk in one go. The Asakura's auntie even jokes 'Chiwa-chan looks exactly like my father', so she said"

The two ponytails from the two sides of her head began trembling.

The Asakuras is our neighbour across the street. Their grandpa was an coach, sometimes even attenting fitness contests. He's a bearded old guy covered in muscles.

"Anyway, you are a sports girl from head to feet, just like how they say 'Brawn but no brains'. In reality, the way you analyse things is by brute force, facing it directly, guided by power. In addition, you always think like a child, I can't really tell how you look like a highschool student......"



"Ei-kun is a giant idiot!!!!!!"

Ah, there she blows.

"Ei-kun is a jerk! Jerk jerk jerk jerk! How would you know until I try! I'm not brawn but no brains! I'm not a child!"


Thrashing her arms and legs around on the sofa, I really want to see her to prove me wrong.

When I realised I did go a bit overboard, it was already too late. The damage is done.

"Forget it. I've decided," Chiwa stood up from the sofa, "From tomorrow onwards, I will become a person in love!!"


"Not only will I be in love, I will become super popular! If Chiwawa-chan gets serious, even Natsukawa Masuzu won't stand a chance!"

Well good luck on that, I said. "Do you know how to draw males' attention? Even abstractly?"

"I'll begin learning right now!"

"Annd where exactly will you be learning from?"

"With this!" Chiwa held up the bishojo manga in front of my face "Saeko-san once said, bishojo manga is the bible of love. Therefore I must study well, remember it well, practice it all day long, and win a prize in a competition!"

"Competition whaa.....?"

The stance of a girl warrior.

"Let's say....this" Chiwa flipped to a heroine on some random page in the manga, "Look at the eyes of this heroine, looook at them! Don't you find them adorable? If I make the same look, I will definitely become popular with males!"


The heroine's eyes was half the size of her face.

And there was a lot of glitter in her eyes.

How the heck do you plan to imitate that.....

"A while ago, a girl next to my desk was reading a magazine 'Pachi Lemon'. It also wrote that 'if you look at boys from below, it will make you cute and popular!' It seems looking people from below is the secret technique. Oh, I'm very talented in hitting people from above in Kendo!"


Definitely brawny but not brainy.

"I won't tell you otherwise anymore. As for the things I said, I'm sorry. Please consider it again"

"What! What are you talking about! Besides Ei-kun has never been in love! You've never had a crush on anyone!"

"Oh? Do you?"

".....H-how's that possible! Ei-kun you big idiot!"

So I was scolded. What's wrong with this person.

"I'll begin practising now. Lend me these books, will you" Chiwa carried a pile of Bishojo mangas with both hands.

"Ei-kun, byebye~ around a week later I will become Super popular, by that time you'll realise 'Chiwa-chan is such a perfect female', but it'll be too late!"

"What a pity-- What a pity" And so, I sent Chiwa out of my door.

A week later.

In my class 1A, a rumour like this started to spread: class 1E's Harusaki Chiwa became super popular, and was called out by boys--

Like hell it is.

In reality, the rumour was that Chiwa was called by the school counselor's office. In short-- "She stared with bloodshot eyes at boys in her class"

"She'd sometimes stare with blank eyes"

"Nonetheless it's terrifying"

You get the idea.

I even heard that Chiwa's mother had come to school to talk as well.

I guess I should probably roast more meat for her tonight.

"Wahh.... I followed the instructions on the mangas, yet why am I not popular?" Chiwa swallowed the juicy meat with her own tears, talking to herself.


"What now?"

"Don't tell me.... I am too cute to handle?!"


Pachi Lemon's April Edition, Special Support for freshmen Guide

Cuteness & Popularity measure of female High School students!

Reply to student "Cute Chiwawa"

  • Q1: You wake up in the morning and greet yourself in the mirror. What did you say?
  • A1: I'm hungry!
  • Q2: He laughs at your new haircut! What do you do?
  • A2: Cut Ei-kun's eyebrows off as revenge
  • Q3: Your male friends tells you about his troubles about love. How did you encourage him?
  • A3: Let's run 50 laps around the sports ground!
  • Q4: You have a date at the restaurant with your boyfriend. What did you order?
  • A4: A big piece of meat!
  • Q5: You accidentally overslept. Although in a hurry, your hair keeps curling up and won't stay flat~ (tears). What do you do?
  • A5: Instead of this, what's for breakfast??

Your Cuteness & Popularity score: 5/100

Editors of Pachi Lemon: There is still a long way from being cute and popular. Why don't you try going on a diet?