OreShura: Volume 1 Chapter 0

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#0 Childhood Friend's Confession Mayhem

Flowers In Both Hands:

For example, getting hold of two great things at the same time.

Also refers to a man getting hold of two girls at the same time.

                                     (From the Digital Daijisen)

--- In my case, even though they are flowers, they are more like flower sparks![1]

It was during afterschool hours in early June, right after a seasonal change of clothing.

I was standing on the rooftop of the darkening school premise.

Before me, was a girl of the same grade as me.

Harusaki Chiwa.

I've been hanging out with her since grade one, in other words, she's the so-called childhood friend.

High school year one. Age fifteen.

Her short stature reached up to only my shoulders. The two sides of her long hair were fastened with ribbons, resembling the ears of a dog. Her round, large eyes, for some reason, were innocent-looking like those of a puppy. Her skirt, with some evidence of it still being new remaining, fluttered in the wind.



But deplorable.

Firstly, her eyes were deplorable.

Attached to an inverse triangular shape, they were bloodshot. Seems like she could kill with her gaze. Those upturned eyes were glaring at me, who stood facing her.

And then, the air around her was deplorable.

Her veins were showing on her temples. Haah, haah, she panted like a beast. Her violent aura was as much as to say, I just stabbed a person. Doesn't make a difference if I make that two. Aah? Nii-chan.

However I looked at it, she was too tensed up.

That tensed up Chiwa pointed her tiny finger towards me,

"I-I'm going to con-confesshyu!"


Right at the beginning, this fella had bitten herself.

"Even when I talk about confessing, I'm not talking about I actually failed!, or The person who ate the shortcake was me!."

Will anyone actually take the trouble to call me up to the rooftop to talk about these things?

"The confession I'm talking about, i-is, a, l-love confession."

I heaved a large sigh.

As I squinted my eyes from the rays of the setting sun, I calmed myself.

"I got it. Let me hear your feelings."


Suuhaa, suuhaa, Chiwa took a few deep breaths.

"...... can you wait for a while?"

"What now?"

"Wait for a while, just wait for a while."

Chiwa went to the entrance of the rooftop to retrieve the belongings she had left there.

What she took out from the leather bag, was a Shinai.

By the way, Chiwa is not a member of the Kendo club. While she did Kendo until grade nine, she didn't carry on in high school.

But yet, she adopted a middle stance with the Shinai she had brought for some reason.

"Alright, I'm set!"

"No, you aren't!?"

"But, I feel calmer with this."

Indeed, her nervousness had left her.

Her expression also became relaxed.

"Hnnnnn! Somehow, I can feel my tension swelling up! Prepare yourself!"

"Hey, isn't this a confession? A love confession right!?"

My body sensed danger and I backed off.

"That's right, it's a confession. Ki-eeeeee!"

In a splendid manner, Chiwa shuffled her feet forward and closed in.

"W-wait wait! What kind of girl would brandish a Shinai while confessing!?"

"Don't sweat it. Even my Sensei from before had said, don't fuss too much over the form."

Of course I would fuss over! It's my life here!

"B-but, didn't you give up the sword right? Aren't you going to walk the path of romance? Didn't you say that you want to have a love life like those in Shoujo manga!"

I desperately tried to persuade her.

To think that a love confession could be this dangerous......

"...... I got it."

Chiwa lowered her Shinai.

"Sorry. Let's redo it. I'll get it right this time."

Chiwa stiffened herself and looked up at me.

Her black eyes were gooey looking like those of a puppy.

Her soft-looking hair were fluttering in the wind.

Her small hands grasped her skirt and then released them.

...... uhn, high quality indeed.

From her appearance, it was quite unbelievable that she has no boyfriend up till now.

"Erm, hey. Ei-kun[2]......"


That's how Chiwa addresses me, Kidou Eita.

It's embarrassing so please stop, I've told her umpteen times, but she didn't even till today.

"Ei-kun, I can still remember the time when you were in grade four...... while carrying your lunch to the classroom, you fell and got smeared with curry, and as a result, you got the nickname Careless Indian."

"...... aah."


That was a good old "story that was still funny to date" to bring up between the two of us.

"I know that in grade five, when you couldn't hold it any longer, you dashed into the women's toilet, and consequently, for the entire second term, you were called Women's Toilet Overdrive."


I clutched my stomach and my knees buckled to the ground.

That, that nickname...... is unbecoming for a joke you know, Chiwa.

"And during summer vacation in grade six, you hid the pornbook, Doppyun Serenade[3], which you picked up from under the bridge, in a puppy's kennel,"

"Please stoppppppppppppppppppppppp! I beg you, forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

I'm already.

I'm already on the verge of tears.

Dug out.

My dark history has been dug out......

"I really love the Ei-kun who did all these."

"Stop lying!?"

What kind of maniac hobbies do you have?

With a seemingly perplexed look, Chiwa said,

"What do you mean by lying? I really......"

"What are you planning to do by exposing my past? Is there a confession that deals out such level of mental damage?"

"But it's the manga that said that this will go well! This fella can actually remember all these things to such an extent!, Because, I've been always watching you ☆, it said."


While I don't know the contents of that manga, words like 'women's toilet' and 'Doppyun Serenade' shouldn't appear in it.

"Anyway, it's a love confession right? You should be praising my strengths right? Such as, You're always studying earnestly. Or like You topped the level in the recent mid-terms right."

Hm, Chiwa folded her arms and looked away.

"Because all that is boring."

"What do you mean by boring! Isn't it the duty of a student to study!"

"I prefer the idiot Ei-kun in middle school though."

"I even took such great pains to become your practicing partner, so what's with that attitude!?"

"What's with that belittling look! Even when you're younger than me!"

"Only by three months and ten days right! How long are you going to act like a big sister, this Deplorable Chiwawa!"

And at that moment.

"That should be enough, both of you."

A girl stepped out from the shadow of the water tank.

Her long silver hair danced in the wind.

She gazed at us with her clear, blue eyes.

Her skin was white like powdered snow, and her lips were lustrous looking like cherries.

With foreign blood mixed in, her fairy like beauty --- if Chiwa is said to be 'ordinary cute', then this fella can be said to be 'incredibly beautiful'. A princess who hogs many treasures that many girls would be unable to lay their hands on, no matter how much they wish for them.

My classmate Natsukawa Masuzu.

Fuu, she breathed out as she tilted her head,

"Is it really impossible for Eita-kun to be the practicing partner of a love confession, I wonder?"

"That's why, I already said that right from the beginning, didn't I!"

--- and so, well.

In short, the series of confessions just now was all a 'play'.

The conceited Chiwa who loves to act tough and has a muscle-filled brain, was now practicing for the sake of becoming a "Super Popular" girl with a love life like those found in Shoujo manga. Training. Learning through an experience.

And I was pulled into the role of the partner for that special training arranged by Masuzu.

If I am to go into the details of how things had become so complicated bit by bit ---

"What a shame, Harusaki-san. Even after I went to great lengths to lend you my boyfriend."

Masuzu winked as she clung onto my right arm.

Biki, veins popped out from the temples of Chiwa,

"Th-that is my bad, Natsukawa Masuzu. What's so good about Ei-kun, I totally! Don't get it!"

That's right.

It's unbelievable, but this incredibly beautiful girl, Masuzu, is my girlfriend.

...... well, she's not just any 'girlfriend' though.

But it's a secret from Chiwa.

"If you can't comprehend the charm of Eita-kun, then your dream of becoming super popular will just remain a dream, you know?"

While giving a sidelong glance to Chiwa, Masuzu pressed against me even closer.

"O-oiy! Don't get so close to me, it's stifling."

"You're so shy as always. I also like that about you."


Don't get ahead of yourself, Masuzu.

I'll definitely not yield to the allure of a woman.

Your hair doesn't smell good!

Your breath against my ear doesn't feel ticklish!

Not to mention that your soft and squishy bulges are not tooouching my arm!




I returned to my senses from my brief moment of reverie.

Biting her lower lip, Chiwa glared at me with her upturned eyes.


Who was it, the one who gave this fella the nickname, 'Chiwawa'.

She's a Tosa however you look at her right?

"Don't you, don't you, don't you make out in front of me!"

"But, we're a lovey dovey couple. A lovey dovey couple. A lovey dovey couple."

Why did you say it three times!?

"Hm. It's not good to lie, Natsukawa Masuzu. Lovey dovey? Where? Ei-kun is breaking out in cold sweat, isn't he? However you look at it, he's being pressured right!"

No, the main cause behind my cold sweat is because of the pressure from the rage you're emitting.

...... but I didn't say that.

Life is precious.

"Oh. Isn't this modesty part of the charm of Eita-kun? You're still a child, and won't be able to understand though."

With her eyes shining mischievously, Masuzu enthusiastically entwine her arms around mine.

Chiwa's face became increasingly more drawn.

"A-aren't you the one with a strange preference?"

"Oh. I don't want to hear that kind of comment from a person who still likes to wear teddy bear panties even when she's already in freshman year."

No no.

The time when Chiwa wore such panties was when she was in grade four you know.

There's no way she's still wearing,

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-what's wrong with that!?"


She self-destructed ---

"Because, I like teddy bears......"

On seeing the tearful eyes of Chiwa, Oh dear, Masuzu began shaking her head,

"As much as you may like them, you can't attract the attention of gentlemen you know?"

"I-I've never thought of attracting them with my panties! Besides, I'm not a pervert!"

"Nope. As a lady, to ensure that we are always ready when our beloved invite us to spend the night together, we must constantly have our best lingerie on us."

"In that case, teddies will do as well right! They are cute right!"

"That will only be forgivable if you are an elementary school student. Just as one would expect, a high school student has to battle it out with black. --- Right? Eita-kun?"


She directed that to me?

"Eita-kun, what you love is the black color that can bring out the sexiness of an adult right?"

"Teddies are cute right? It suits me right?"

Masuzu's smiling face, Chiwa's teary eyes; both of them sidled up to me.

I scratched my temple,

"No, if the other person is either of you, regardless of your lingerie, I will pass."



"...... nothing."

I kept quiet after feeling their glares fixated on me with their intimidating eyes.

It's only during times like this that they are totally in sync huh.

"Jeez Eita-kun, you're surprisingly curt today, aren't you? You can just be like always, going 'Masuzu-chan's opanchu[4]! What will today's be like? Yahoo!' while you roll around on the ground, you know?"

"I've never done anything like that before right!?"

"E-Ei-kun, you always do that kind of thing!?"

"Like I say, I didn't!"

"Denied the perpetrator."

"Who are you calling perpetrator!? Even as a joke, is that something you would say to your boyfriend!?"

"...... I'm sorry."

Masuzu apologized meekly.

"Those wicked words were not what I truly meant. It's bad habit I picked up --- so to speak, a folly of my youth."

"What's that?"

Masuzu spoke as she lowered her eyes.

"When I was in middle school, there was a time when I aspired to be like the character of a certain manga. A wicked tongue beauty with an air of bewitching sexual appeal floating around her. Wanting to become someone like that, I mimicked her mannerisms and way of speaking. And it was that which remains in me."

"...... hahaa. I see."

Well, it's not like I don't understand.

I also, a long time ago, had aspired to be like the nihilistic antagonist of a Shounen manga, and had mimicked his way of speaking and mean actions. Even though I was really a squib who can't even litter.

"Therefore, there is really no deep meaning behind my wicked words. So just let them pass without taking them too seriously ok, Mr Half-Price Bento [5]."

"What's with that nickname!?"

"It means you are someone who goes for foodstuffs that are on the verge of expiring."

"Seems like there's an incredibly deep meaning to it!"

How can I let that pass without taking it too seriously?

It's impossible no matter how tolerant one is right......

"Ei-kun. What in the world do you like about this woman? Don't tell me you are a masochist?"

Asked Chiwa with her watery eyes.

"Well? I really...... have no idea myself......"

I gazed into the distant setting sun, and could only leave my body to the raging wind.

"It's really simple, Harusaki-san."

Masuzu grinned.

"What Eita-kun really wants is just my body."

"I beg you, stop talking alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

--- this is well, something like that.

A story of me getting caught up in a place where mayhem reigns.

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Translator's Notes and References

  1. Pre-chapter: This section explains the proverb: 両手に花. See here for Daijisen.

  2. Ei-kun: Ei is pronounced as 'A' as in 'Area'.

  3. Doppyun Serenade: If you really want to know the actual reference, google "どっぴゅんセレナーデ". It may be NSFW (not safe for work). You have been warned. Honestly I've never seen it before, so I know not its contents. I swear.

  4. Opanchu: I don't feel like translating this term because I don't know how to translate it nicely. Opanchu is essentially a view of a girl's undies usually with the <20+<# lining visible, and is often used as a fan service device. I supposed it's a contraction of something which I didn't bother to research. If you don't understand leetspeak of the censored word. You can look at these pictures and these pixv drawings which are NSFW (not safe for work). You have been warned.

    Maybe you're talking about pantyshots? -idiffer
  5. Half-Price Bento: This is actually a reference to Ben-To LOL!