User talk:Dreyakis

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Revision as of 18:26, 25 December 2012 by James Gobilzkame (talk | contribs)
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Questions and Answers

1. Are you working on the light novels or the web novels? What's the difference?

I'm working from the Chinese translations of the light novels. The web novels were published before the light novels, but the light novels contain more content in terms of character development and extra scenes. In addition, some lines in the web novels were toned down in the light novels. (And there's more fanservice in the light novels.)

2. When are you going to translate the Afterwords or The Late Great Favorite?

Uh, probably some far distant time in the future. (read: never) The Afterwords and the Late Great Favorite bear no impact on the story itself. They are merely the author's thoughts as each novel comes to a close. Hence why their priority is very, very low.

3. Hey, dude, the chapters are out of order! Why did you translate Chapter Y before Chapter X?

Simply put, because someone signed up to do Chapter X before I did. Translators work at different speeds, so some chapters may come out ahead of the others. Everyone works at their own pace, so give them some time.

4. So when's your next chapter coming out?

If I got a dollar every time someone asked me this, I would be able to do this for a living. Click on the User Page tab on the top left corner and you will find my progression on the latest chapter as well as a rough estimate on when the chapter will be complete. And, no, it has been scientifically proven that asking me to work faster/harder does not improve translation speed. I am working off of PST in California, so do take that into account when looking for the new chapter on my update days.

5. Are you going to translate all the volumes?

Until otherwise stated, yes. Volume 5 may get delayed though, since it is a collection of side stories rather than advancing the main plot. We'll see what happens after the Nine Schools Competition.

6. I got the chapter summaries from somewhere else, may I post them in the forums?

Please don't. Last I heard, the chapter summaries flying everywhere absolutely killed all motivation for the translators. So...... Please don't. Please.

7. I want to join the project, where do I sign up?

I don't have the power to actually grant that, since I am not the project leader for MKnR, larenthian is. If you are interested in joining the project, drop by the Feedback Thread to let larenthian and Seitsuki know. Following that, inscribe your name onto the Registration page next to which chapter you would like to work on. You will have to hunt down your own copy of the RAWs, I'm afraid.

8. I have more questions that you haven't answered here!

Drop me a line in the comments section below. If I can't answer it, go ahead and take it to the Feedback Thread on the forums.


Now for the biggest dilemma of the holidays, do i read Vol 6 chapter one or wait for volume 5 to finish. but then again, since Dreyakis is so amazing he may surprise us all with a Christmas gift with the completion of volume 5. Keep up the amazing work - Assasinart

At Assasinart, Volume 5 has doing to do with the story line they are just little side stories, some that take place before they enrolled at school and some after. Not reading volume 5 will not make you miss anything. Volume 6 picks up right after volume 4. Md_rat

It's what, the 21st already? Even I'm not going to pump out Volume 5 in time for Christmas even if I tried. I'm a machine, not a miracle worker. :P Dreyakis (talk) 17:10, 21 December 2012 (CST)

Is it possible that we will see volume 5 sometime in January? Also are you planning to translate Preamble and also add the Full Text to volume 4? Well in any case thanks for the amazing speed in your translations, your work is much appreciated!

Wait so you admit you are a machine and not human? I knew it you were too godly fast at translating to be human.--Gohankuten (talk) 18:33, 21 December 2012 (CST)

Screw volume 5 side stories or preambles, all for the original plan of doing volume 6! Power to you man! Lp113 (talk) 21:27, 21 December 2012 (CST)

Just because you don't care to read them doesn't mean others don't, the translator is free to translate in whatever order he/she chooses but don't make it seem that just because volume 5 is being delayed that it has no importance, if it didn't have a single piece of relevance then the author would have never wrote in the first place...

I think that just 2 chapters from volume 5 have importance: 1-Summer break (already translated) and 2-Presidential elections and the queen (elections to the new student council). i hope someone do this (not dreyakis because he already did so much and now he's doing volume 6 ) anyway, thanks so much for your work. Merry christmas! -Neobosco

I did not mean that they are not important, it is just that they are not part of the main story line. They add little but more information into their past and gives you a quick peek at what is to come in the future. I just meant that you would not miss much if you skipped them. The order of translations is all up to Dreyakis so he might decided to translate them but I think he is working on the main story line first. Sorry if I offended anyone. Md_rat

Hello Dreyakis, thanks for your hard work. I don't wanna be a smartass or something like that, but here's some advice. I don't know where are you from but now is the time of the year packed with holidays, you should take a break with translating, to rest a little (even a machine needs to cool down sometimes).The second reason is that if you translate volume 6 chapter 1, then take a break, you'll start a new arc and curiosity will kill someone (probably me), now if you don't celebrate christmas and following holidays my bad--Silver Horn (talk) 18:34, 23 December 2012 (GMT+1)

Hohoho..It seems you've been holding back to give us a Christmas present. Well,Gambatte! --Naavi--

I agree with Silver Horn, take all the time you need in real life, and enjoy the season. We will appreciate the chapter when ever it is ready. Thanks again for everything you have done and will do. --Bilagaana (talk) 02:36, 24 December 2012 (CST)

I wish you a Merry Christmas Dreyakis! Thanks a lot for your hard work.

Merry Christmas Dreyakis! Merry Christmas Mahouka Fans! I hope you all get what you want for Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Thanks for all your translations on Mahouka!

Merry Christmas, and thank you for all the wonderful work you've done!

And a Merry Christmas to you all. Go get the new chapter now! :D Dreyakis (talk) 03:27, 25 December 2012 (CST)

Merry Christmas Dreyakis. And Thank you very much for the wonderful Christmas present XD --Naavi--

I just wanted to say a big thank you for translating this series,keep up the good work, and Merry christmas

Thanks alot for translating the other chapters. i wish you all the happiness this Christmas and advance happy new year too. more power to you. --James--