Zero no Tsukaima:Volume4 Chapter4 - MTL

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Chapter Four: Tabitha's Secret

This is a preview script. Please be aware that the degree of translation error may be higher than usual due to the translation speed & method employed.

A few days back, in the late morning of the day when Louise and Saito had been in a pursuit.

Kirche and Tabitha sat in the horse drawn carriage. They had travelled from the southeast, from the magic school. Kirche stretched her head out the window and gasped.

"Tabitha! Check it out! Cows! Cows! Look! There are a lot!"

The ranch was on both sides of the road and cows were grazing.

"They are grazing! Wow!"

However Tabitha didn't respond. She continued to read her book as usual. Kirche felt that it was boring.

"Visiting your family, this is a rare thing, right? Are you happy?"

Since Louise and Saito weren't here because they had been called to the royal palace, when she came to find Tabitha in her room, she was shocked to find her packing her baggage.

"Are you going on a trip?" Kirche asked her.

Tabitha told her she had to leave to go back to her home. However Kirche felt something different in her voice. So Kirche and Tabitha took the trip together.

Tabitha had sent word to her home to send someone to pick them up from the school. So they had no need to use Tabitha's wind dragon. Instead it circled above them in the sky during the trip carrying Kirche's Salamander on its back.

"Since the school had given us a formal approval for our leave, it won't be counted as an absence and we don't have to worry about to have to clean the tower as punishment."

Tabitha continued to look at her book without answering. I've been her friend for more than three years, and I still don't know what she is thinking.

Kirche decided to try and spark a different conversation.

"This is the first time I learned that your motherland isn't Tristain, but is Gallia. You are an exchange student?

They were soon passing the border, Kirche had already asked Principal Osman to sign and issue papers allowing for her safe passage.

Kirche had a vague sense that Tabitha's name was a pseudonym..... But she had never inquired Tabitha of the origins of her name.

Tabitha. It was actually a quite common name. Even the commoners would use better names. It was the kind of name that could be given to cats.

She had always thought that Tabitha was perhaps hiding that she belonged to a distinguished aristocrat family of Tristain, but it appeared she was wrong, she actually belonged to the ancient kingdom of Gallia nobility bordering Germania.

The land of Halkeginia was prominent to the ocean and had a gentle arc, creating a giant peninsula. Only the original people of the land knew of the words to describe it.

Gallia is located in the southeast and Germania, Kirche's home country, is in the northeast. Tristain is between the two and its size is equivalent to Netherlands plus Belgium mentioned in Saito's world.

The land area of these two countries is around ten times the size of Tristain. The people of Tristain called their own motherland the 'small country' in self-ridicule.

In the small peninsula in the south facing the sea, countries like Germania had fight for local hegemony. The religious country of Romalia was involved in the fight over hegemony; the office of the pope advocated the beliefs of the Founder Brimir and the gods. Incidentally Cardinal Mazarini was coming from Romalia.

Advancing toward the east of Halkeginia, there was uncivilized ground where barbarians and demons lived. Further in the east was a vast desert where Elves who could reclaim the barren ground, were protecting the Holy Lands. If we continue east, there is the unknown continent Roba Aru Kariie.

Constantly floating above the ocean and the mainland of Halkeginia was the floating continent of Albion. Stricktly speaking, Albion wasn't a part of the mainland of Halkeginia.

Kirche turned to ask Tabitha,

"Why did you come to study abroad?"

However just as before, Tabitha didn't reply to Kirche's words. She continued to sit and read her book as she had before. Then Kirche suddenly noticed something. The page in her book never changed, it was the same from before. Tabitha had been staring at the same identical page the entire time.

Kirche decided not to ask her again. Whatever her reasons were for studying abroad, she would wait till Tabitha spoke about it to her naturally. Kirche wondered if Tabitha would ever tell her.

Even though they were of different ages they had become friends, and not just because they went to the same school.

To become friends, there are things that the two sides shall not force the other side to speak of.

Tabitha who might not open her mouth very often. Kirche being concerned as a senior.

Both of them had their own reason for passing through the border and having gone to Tristain.

As they travelled Kirche recalled the various political situations of the various countries. Although she had no interest in politics.

However with the rumors of war floating around she couldn't help but speculate within her mind.

Gallia was still neutral and was staying silent over the invasion of Tristain by Albion. Even though a threat could be felt from the political change in Albion and their new government. A proposal of alliance has been made by Tristain but it was rejected. It was very likely that they were going to keep neutrality as long as their own territory was safe.

A rumor she had heard however hinted that Gallia was giving rise to the domestic civil strife crisis. With all these internal and external political problems it wasn't easy to imagine the headaches political rulers were facing.

She continued to accompany Tabitha through the Gallia kingdom. Although they were travelling as tourists, Kirche has a bad premonition that the possibility of something going wrong was strong.

As she was thinking of this she absent-minded stuck her head out the window of the carriage.

A line of pedestrian appeared ahead of the horse drawn carriage. Kirche's attention was grasped by this line of a little less than ten pedestrians. All of them were wearing hooded cape covering their face.

Kirche noticed that they were all carrying magic wands, they were nobles. Upon another look, the style of their wands seemed to indicate that they were in fact soldiers. Because it was a time of war, this sort of thing was not unusual.

The horse rushed forward to advance.

Through a gap in the hooded cape, she could see the face of one of the nobles. It was the eyes of a clearly handsome young man. She leaned her head on her hand and sighed.

"A handsome guy, in the place where I am."

After that she noticed it suddenly. I think that I know him by sight.

"Where have I seen......who is he....."

She gazed on at him while he was still in sight, her heat rising then cooling. Her enthusiasm soon left when she could no longer see him, he soon became forgotten.

Kirche moved forward and looked at Tabitha. Her limpid blue eyes hidden behind her glasses stared down at the same page of her book.

Gently putting her hand on Tabitha's shoulder, she said in her usual optimistic voice:

"It doesn't matter. No matter what happens, I will be with you together."

So they continued to travel for two more days till they reached the borderline.

At the border checkpoint the guards read their papers and allowed them to enter through. Here is Gallia. The languages and the cultures of Gallia and Tristain resembled each other. They are also known as "the twin crowns".

When they arrived at the border crossing, the guards approached demanding proof for their trip. Holding huge spears the men opened the doors upon confirming Tabitha's and Kirche's travel permits.

Then they said:

"The road up ahead can't be used anymore, you'll have to make a detour."

"Why, what's going on?"

"Because lately the lake has overflowed and several roads are already completely flooded."

The Lagdorian lake was a big lake that stretches along the border of Gallia and Tristain. It was the place with the most beautiful scenery in Halkeginia and has a big reputation.

After advancing for a while along the road, they finally reached an open place. The road is located at the edge of a small number of gentle hills, and the widening of highways separated from the Lagdorian lake. On the other side of the shore of the lake was Tristain.

As the guards had said, the water level of the lake seems certainly to have gone up. Without even being able to see the border of the lake, they could witness that the water had already submerged some of the nearby hills. The flowers and the grass inundated by the water could be seen.

Tabitha closed the book and looked through the window to the outside.

"Is your home near here?"


It was the first time Tabitha has opened her mouth ever since they had gotten in the carriage. However she became silent once again.

Turning onto a mountain road, the horse drawn carriage continued to advance forward. They advanced inside a forest and reached a place where many big oak trees were growing. Farmers were taking a rest in the shaded glade.

Kirche noticed a farmer with a basket of apples and yelled for the carriage to stop. Then she yelled out to the farmer.

"That looks like a delicious apple, how much do you sell it to me?"

The farmer took an apple from the basket and passed it to Kirche in exchange for several copper coins.

"There is enough money here to buy the entire basket!"

"Two will be enough."

Kirche took a bite into the apple as the farmer handed the second apple to her. Kirche quickly gave it to Tabitha. She went onto say:

"This apple is really good. How is called this piece of land?"

"The area around Lagdorian is a direct control territory."

"Huh? Direct control territory?"

Territory directly held and managed by the King.

"This land is ruled directly under his highness, and we are now his vassals." The farmer said smiling.

The land was truly fertile and seemed to be something out of a painting with it's picturesque beauty. Why the King wanted the land was understandable.

Kirche turned to look at Tabitha.

"This territory is under your family.....are you....."

After about ten minute they could finally see Tabitha's house up ahead. It was an old feudal lord mansion, splendidly built.

Kirche was looking at the carved crest that could be seen at the gate. She was breathless. The emblem was two magic wands intersecting and had the inscription "to advance"

This was the Gallia royal family crest.

However when approaching, a wound could be seen on the crest. It was a sign of dishonor. Although it means that this is the royal family, they were stripped of their rights.

The carriage stopped in front of the gates, and an old servant approached, bowed, and opened the door for Tabitha to come out.

"Miss, welcome back."

No other people came and it made Kirche feel as though it was deserted. She got down from the carriage while thinking of this. Tabitha and Kirche arrived in the living room with guidance by the old servant.

The room was very neat, however it was strangely quiet, almost appearing spiritless. It looks like a temple preparing for a funeral.

Kirche sat herself down on the living room sofa and said:

"Can we first say hello to your father?"

However Tabitha shook her head.

"Wait here."

She then left the living room.

Kirche sat on the sofa and looked to her right as the old servant approached with wine and dessert and set them before her. But she didn't touch them and instead asked him directly:

"This is her home, and yet it seems besides you no one else lives here."

"I'm the butler of the Orleans family, Percerin. Are you Miss Charlotte's friend?"

Kirche nodded. Charlotte of Orleans seems to be Tabitha's real name.

Orleans, Orleans, she kept thinking of the name, and then suddenly she thought of something. Orleans, isn't it the family name of the younger brother of the King of Gallia?

"Why is there a dishonor sign on the crest of this house?"

"It appears you are a foreigner, please forgive me, can I ask for your name?"

"I'm Germania's von Zerbst. By the way what on earth is this house? Why has Tabitha to study abroad using a fake name? Why when she was just a child?"

The butler listened to Kirche's questions and then sighed.

"The Miss calls herself Tabitha.... I see....she has never brought a friend before. Since it's a person to whom she has opened herself, it shouldn't be a problem to tell you the story."

After that Percerin bowed deeply and then continued to talk.

"This residence is in fact a prison."

Tabitha knocked at the door of the deepest room in the residence. There was no answer. It was normal here.

Over the past five years, no one had ever opened the door when it was knocked on. At that time Tabitha was just ten years old.

Tabitha opened the door.

The inside of the room was of a different layout than the rest of the mansion. The only things in the room was a bed, the table, and a chair. Nothing else. The cool breeze flowed in through the open window. The curtains rippled as the wind pushed against them. The inside of the room wasn't disturbed by the intrusion.

Holding the doll tightly with her hands. There was a thin and tall woman. What remained of her beautiful face was now gone because of a disease. She was between thirty five and forty years old, but she looked twenty years old.

She peeped at Tabitha with terrified eyes just like a child.

"Who is it?"

Tabitha bowed deeply while approaching the woman.

"I have returned, mother."

However the woman didn't acknowledge Tabitha as her daughter. Not only that, but she also turned coldly to Tabitha and said:

"Go away, you insolent girl! Are you a spy of the royal family? You want to snatch my beautiful daughter Charlotte from my hands? I will never give Charlotte to you!"

Tabitha didn't respond and kept her head bowed.

"How horrible to even pretend that this child would one day aim for the throne ....

I have had enough of dirty court life! We just want a quiet life ... just leave me now!"

The mother threw out the glass of water on the table to Tabitha. Tabitha didn't avoid it. It struck her head and rolled on the floor.

The mother returned to rubbing the dolls face. Part of the doll's face was exposed and revealed the cotton underneath, most likely worn out from all the previous times the mother had rubbed it's face with her hand.

Tabitha revealed a sad smile, an expression she would only show in this room in front of her mother.



The wind blew into the room through the open windows, shaking the curtains. Even though it was early summer, the wind that blew from the lake was chilly.

"A victim of a succession fight?" When Kirche asked it, Percerin nodded.

"Yes, it happened five years ago with the death of the King. He left behind two crown princes. The one on the throne now is the eldest son, Joseph. Miss Charlotte's father, the duke of Orleans, was the second son."

"So she really does belong to the royal family."

"The Duke of Orleans was talented and loved by all and appeared as a qualified ruler in the eyes of the people even though he had to meet hardships being the second son.

Therefore many people were supporting the Duke of Orleans and wanted him to take the throne. The palace was then divided into two factions, launching into an ugly struggle for power.

Finally, the Duke of Orleans was murdered.

He was struck in the chest with a poisoned arrow. A person who was nobler than anyone else in this country was killed not by some magic, but by a poisoned arrow. The regret and the indignation were unimaginable.

However the misfortune was far from over."

Percerin breathed in more air and continued:

"Next those who made Joseph the King started targeting the Miss. They wanted to stamp out the source of any possible future trouble.

These people summoned Madame and the Miss to a banquet in their honor. However they had poisoned the drink of the Miss.

Madame had realized this, and in order to protect the Miss, drank it herself. A magic which breaks one's mind had been cast on the water. Since then, Madame has been insane."

Kirche shocked and at a loss for words was listening to the confession of the butler.

"Since then the Miss sealed away her words and expressions. Miss Charlotte originally was lively and bright, a different person than she is now.

However it is understandable. Anyone who would witness their mother going mad will become like that.

The others knowing they had failed, in order to protect themselves, sent a royal order to Miss Charlotte. The task was extremely difficult, no one had been able to accomplish it alive.

However the Miss did complete the task and pledged her loyalty to the royal family, to protect them. But Miss Charlotte was still treated coldly by the royal family. Normally this achievement would have been enough to deserve a territory, but instead she was granted the title of Chevalier and was forced to study abroad.

The Madame stayed here at the house, in the current condition she is in."

Percerin bit his lip with regrets.

"Then! Whenever the royal family had a difficult task to be done, they ask her to do their dirty work?

Her father was killed, her mother was poisoned and made insane, and she is led and directed by her personal enemies like a beast of burden!

I never knew something could be as tragic as this, how people could be so cruel to this level."

Kirche now realized why Tabitha had remained silent. She had never known the reason she was given the title of Chevalier was for a task she didn't apply for.

On their travels she had remained staring at the same page in her book.

'Snowstorm' is her second name. Cold wind had been blowing out inside her heart and it still haven't ceased. This cold feeling she felt, Kirche thought it was unimaginable.

"Didn't you say that the Miss introduces herself as Tabitha?"


"Madame was a very busy person, however the young Miss kept an open and bright disposition. The young Miss was in fact quite lonely.

Madame had gone into the city and had selected a doll especially for the young Miss during her busy schedule. The Miss was very happy and treated it as though it were a sister.

Now the doll is in the hands of Madame. Because of the current state of her mind, she believes the doll to be Miss Charlotte."

Kirche was startled.

"Tabitha. That is the name the young Miss gave to the doll."

Suddenly the door opened and Tabitha walked in.

The butler bowed, hiding his painful expression and handed her a letter from the royal family.

"These are the instructions from the royal family."

Tabitha removed the seal after receiving the letter and began to read it casually. When she had finished reading it she nodded lightly.

"When do you intend to begin?"

Tabitha answered as if she was just scheduling a stroll.


"Understood, I will convey this to the envoys. I wish you safety on your completion of this."

The butler bowed solemnly and left the room. Tabitha walked over to Kirche.

"Wait here."

Kirche shook her head.

"Sorry, I have heard of everything, I'm also coming."


"I can't let you go alone."

Tabitha didn't answer. However she lowered her head lightly.

That night the two slept together in the same room. As soon as Tabitha had hit the bed, she had fallen asleep. Kirche was sleepless and lay on the sofa with one hand under the pillow.

Tabitha had explained to Kirche what the task would require of her, and Kirche if she did indeed come.

"Although I promised......this certainly will be no ordinary task."

It was very likely that they could die in attempting to complete this task. But as a noble, the risk of death has always been in the not so distant future. Compared to this, she was more worried about this child.

What incredible loneliness this child might have endured?

Tabitha was turning over in her bed. With her glasses now gone, her sleeping face was the one of an innocent young girl.


It didn't show that she was shouldering unhappiness that doesn't suit her age, the distinguished services that have conferred her the title of Chevalier and the difficult assignment that she had to complete.


Tabitha muttered in her sleep. Kirche's shoulders reacted to the word.

"Mom, don't drink it. Mom"

Tabitha called for her mother many times while sleeping. Her forehead constantly kept sweating with more intensity after each call.

Kirche gently stood up, laid on the bed next to Tabitha, embracing her closely. Tabitha buried her head in Kirche's chest. The heartbeat of Kirche passed on into Tabitha as they lay there, it might have feel like a mother.

Tabitha soon became calm again, her night sweat leaving her.

As for Kirche, she thought that she somehow understood the reason why Tabitha treated her as a friend. Her heart hadn't been totally frozen, within her heart still remained some warmth. Only that the ice wind that flowed blocked it. She might have feel that the fire inside Kirche could melt it.

Kirche, while falling slowly off to sleep, in a gentle manner said:

"Hey Charlotte. 'The Slight Fever' warms everything and will melt it. Therefore you can slowly rest at ease."