Talk:Zero no Tsukaima:guidelines

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This Page is a reference for the Naming Guidelines of the Zero no Tsukaima Project. Naming is currently being discussed in the forums, so there may be changes in the future. Characters with multiple/changing allegiances are sorted by first appearance. Here is what we have so far: ( Orginal kanji to help translators )



Academy of Magic students

  • Louise
    • Title Name (complete) : Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière (ルイズ・フランソワーズ・ル・ブラン・ド・ラ・ヴァリエール)
    • Nickname: Louise the Zero / Louise the Void (ゼロのルイズ / 虚無のルイズ )
    • Affinity: Void
    • Class: Dot
    • Familiar:
      • Name: Hiraga Saito
      • Type: human
  • Hiraga Saito ( 平賀 才人 (ひらが さいと))
    • Title name (complete): Saito Chevalier de Hiraga des Ornières, Knight of Ondine
    • Weapon: A sentient sword, Derflinger ( デルフリンガー )
    • The legendary familiar Gandálfr ( ガンダールヴ )
  • Kirche
    • Title Name (complete): Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt Zerbst (キュルケ・アウグスタ・フレデリカ・フォン・アンハルツ・ツェルプストー )
    • Nickname: Kirche the Ardent ( 微熱のキュルケ )
    • Affinity: Fire
    • Familiar:
      • Name: Flame (フレイム)
      • Type: fire salamander
  • Tabitha (タバサ)
    • Real Name: Charlotte Hélène d'Orléans
      • Title name (complete): Her Highness the Duchess Charlotte Hélène d'Orléans, Knight of the North Parterre ( 北花壇騎士 / シユヴアリエ.ド.ノールバルテル (chevalier du north parterre) )
    • Nickname: Tabitha the Snowstorm ( 雪風のタバサ )
    • Affinity: Wind
    • Class: Square
    • Familiar:
      • Name: Sylphid ( シルフィード )
      • Type: A wind rhyme dragon ( 風韻竜 )
  • Guiche
    • Title Name (complete): Guiche de Gramont, Knight of Ondine ( ギーシュ・ド・グラモン )
    • Nickname: Guiche the Bronze (青銅のギーシュ)
    • Affinity: Earth
    • Class: Dot
    • Can summon golems shaped like Valkyries (ワルキューレ)
    • Familiar:
      • Name: Verdandi (ヴェルダンデ)
      • Type: A giant mole
  • Montmorency
    • Title name (complete): Montmorency Margarita La Fère de Montmorency (モンモランシー・マルガリタ・ラ・フェール・ド・モンモランシ)
    • Nickname: Montmorency the Fragrance (香水のモンモランシー)
    • Affinity: Water
    • Class: Dot
    • Familiar:
      • Name: Robin ( ロビン )
      • Type: frog
  • Malicorne ( マリコンヌ )
    • Title name (complete): Malicorne de Grandple, Knight of Ondine
    • Nickname: Malicorne the Windward ( 風上のマリコンヌ)
    • Affinity: Wind
    • Class: Dot
    • Familiar:
      • Name: (unknown)
      • Type: (unknown)
  • Old Osman ( オールド・オスマン )
    • Title: Headmaster Osman
    • Class: Square
    • Familiar:
      • Name: Motsognir ( モートソグニル )
      • Type: A mouse
  • Longueville(Fouquet) ( ロングビル ( フーケ ) )
    • Real name: Mathilda of Saxe-Gotha
    • Nickname: Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt ( 土くれのフーケ )
    • Affinity: Earth
    • Class: Triangle-mage
    • Familiar:
      • Name: (unknown)
      • Type: (unknown)
  • Colbert ( コルベール )
    • Real name: Jean Colbert
    • Nickname: Colbert the Flame Serpent ( 炎蛇のコルベール )
    • Affinity: Fire
    • Class: Triangle (or higher)
    • Familiar:
      • Name: (unknown)
      • Type: (unknown)

  • Chevreuse ( シュヴルーズ )
    • Nickname: Chevreuse the Red Clay ( 赤土のシュヴルーズ )
    • Affinity: Earth
    • Class: Triangle
    • Familiar:
      • Name: (unknown)
      • Type: (unknown)

  • Ajax ( エイジャックス )
  • Gimli ( ギムリー )
  • Katie
  • Reynal
  • Styx ( スティックス )
  • Pelisson ( ペリッソン )

Commoners(ひらが さいと)

  • Head Chef Marteau ( マルトー )
  • Scarron
  • Siesta ( シエスタ )
  • Jessica


  • 2nd Dragon Knight Squadron
    • René Vonke (Captain)
  • Agnès, Knight de Milan (Commander of the Musketeer Corps)
  • Chief of the General Staff Wimpffen
  • Sargeant Nicolas (de Vineuil Battalion)
  • Supreme Commander/General De Poitiers

Other Nobles

  • Cattleya
  • Duke de La Vallière
  • Éléonore

Royal Government

  • Cardinal Mazarin
  • Finance Minister De Muri
  • Her Highness the Princess / Her Majesty the Queen Henrietta de Tristain


  • Captain/Viscount Jean-Jacques Wardes
  • General Hawkings
  • Henry Bowood (Captain and POW)
  • Menvil the White Flame (Mercenary)
  • Oliver Cromwell (Chairman and first Albion Emperor)
  • His Highness the Prince Wales Tudor of Albion
  • His Majesty the King James I Tudor of Albion
  • Tyffania Westwood Tudor of Albion


  • Julio Cesar
    • Parter: A wind dragon, Azuro
    • Priest
    • The legendary familiar Windalf


  • His Majesty the King Joseph de Gallia
  • Sheffield, the Myoznitnirn
  • Mrs. Molière


  • Bidashal of Nephthys / Bidashal of Sahara
  • Chief Tariq


  • Marquis Handenburg (Commander of the Germania army)
  • Minican
  • Pelisson
  • Water Spirit




  • Royal Army
  • National Army (aka Marquis Army)
  • Sky Navy
  • Imperial Guards
    • Dragon Knight Corps
    • Griffon Corps
    • Manticore Corps
    • Musketeer Corps
    • Ondine ・ Knight Corps of the Water Spirit

Military Units

  • 2nd Dragon Knight Squadron
  • De Vineuil Independent Musket Infantry Battalion
  • Magical Research Experimental Group
  • Zero Organization (Fictional)


  • Council of Nephthys


  • Allied Forces
  • Reconquista



  • Halkeginia (The continent) ( ハルケギニア )
    • Albion (Kingdom of / Holy Republic of)
    • Gallia (Kingdom of)
    • Germania (Empire of) ( ゲルマニア )
    • Grudenholf (Grand Duchy of)
    • Romalia (Holy Empire of)
    • Tristain (Kingdom of) ( トリステイン王国 )
  • Sahara
  • Rub' al Khali


  • Tristain
    • La Rochelle (port) ( ラ・ロシェール )
    • Tarbes (town)
    • Tristania (capital)
      • Bourdonné Street ( ブルドンネ街 )
      • Chicton Street
      • "Charming Fairies" inn
      • Royal Palace
    • D’Angleterre (Agnès's hometown)
    • Tristain's Academy of Magic ( トリステイン魔法学院 )
      • Alvíss Dining Hall ( アルヴィーズの食堂 )
      • Austri Plaza
      • Fenrir's Library ( フェニアのライブラリ )
      • Vestri Courtyard ( ヴェストリの広場 )
  • Albion
    • Dartanes (port)
    • Londinium (capital)
      • Havilland (Emperor's palace)
        • White Hall
    • Newcastle (Where Prince Wales was)
    • Rosais (airbase)
    • Saxe-Gotha (castle/city)
    • Westwood (forest/village)
  • Gallia
    • Lutèce (capital) ( リュティス )
    • Versailles (de facto capital)
      • Grand Troyes ( グラン.トロワ )
  • Germania
    • Vindobona (capital)


  • Marie Galante
  • Ragdorian Lake
  • Scarborough
  • Champs de Mars Training Facility

The Founder[edit]

  • Founder Brimir
    • Full name: Brimir Ru Rumiru Yuru Viri Vee Varutori (ブリミル・ル・ルミル・ユル・ヴィリ・ヴェー・ヴァルトリ, Burimiru Ru Rumiru Yuru Viri Vee Varutori)

The Founder's Treasure[edit]

  • The Founder’s Prayer Book (Tristain)
  • The Founder’s Censor (Gallia)
  • The Founder’s Music Box (Albion)
  • The Founder’s ? (Romalia)

The Founder's Rings[edit]

  • Ruby of Water (Tristain)
  • Ruby of Earth (Gallia)
  • Ruby of Wind (Albion)
  • Ruby of Fire (Romalia)

Familiar of Void ( 虚無の使い魔 )[edit]

To read runes, download the Aboriginal Serif font

  • Gandálfr (ガンダールヴ, Gandāruvu), ᚷᚨᚾᛞᚨᛚᚠ, on the illustrations and in the anime it's ᚷᚢᚾᛞᛟᛚᚠ (Gundolf)
  • Windalf, ᚹᛁᚾᛞᚨᛚᚠ
  • Myoznitnirn, ᛗᛇᛟᛉᚾᛁᛏᚾᛁᚱ, in the anime it's ᛗᛇᛟᛞᚨᛁᛏᚾᛁᚱ (Myodaitnir)

Other Terms[edit]


  • General (non branch specific)
    • Contract Servant ( コントラクト・サーヴァント )
    • Summon Servant ( サモン・サーヴァント )
  • Earth
    • Alchemy
    • Fixation
  • Fire
    • Ignite
  • Wind
    • Silence
    • Air Hammer ( ラグーズ・ウォータル・デル・ウィンデ (Laguz Water Deru Winde) )
    • Ubiquitous Deru Winde ( ユビキタス・デル・ウィンデ )

  • Void
    • Dispel Magic
    • Illusion
    • Explosion


Saito's World

  • Staff of Destruction (M72 Rocket Launcher) ( 破壊の杖(M72ロケットランチャー ) )
  • Dragon's Raiment (Zero Fighter)


  • Varsenda (Tristain Dragon Carrier-class carrier)
  • Redoutable (Tristain battleship)
  • Lexington (Albion capital ship)
  • Ostland (Built by Colbert, owned by Kirche)


Magical Artifacts

  • The Ring of Andvari
  • The Bell of Slumber ( 眠りの鐘 )


  • Secret of the Flame Serpent (Colbert's manual)
  • The Practical Doctrine


  • Currency
    • Écu Gold ( エキュー金貨 )
    • New Gold ( 新金貨 )
  • Founder Brimir's Advent Festival
  • Lord Spee's Sword ( シュペー卿の剣 )
  • Medal of White Hair Soul
  • New Religon Hunt
  • Ancient Magic ( 先住の魔法 )
  • The Predecessor
  • Magic Elements
    • Wind
    • Water
    • Fire
    • Earth
    • Void ( 虚無 )
  • Magic Class Levels (Ranking of either a mage or spell)
    • Dot
    • Line
    • Triangle
    • Square