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About Me

This really needs an update. *dusts off*

An avid reader and writer, and translator for Accel World.

British English is my first language, while Chinese is my second.

Screen Names: tusjecht(AnimeSuki, WordPress), theUnbreakableSky (, Or some derivation thereof.

Age: 18 going on 19

Residing in: Singapore (GMT +8)

Gmail: tusjecht

Current Projects: Accel World V11 and Traces Of Prominence (Blu-Ray Side Story)

Planned projects:

  1. Accel World V12
  2. Accel World Blu-Ray Side Story ( Black Twin Sword & Twin Silver Wings) After Breakdown16 is finished so that I dont steal his limelight. :P
  3. (Really ambitious one) Sword Art Online WEB Alicization novel

I have access to Chinese Translations for all AW novels, BR SSes, and have reasonable confidence in compiling the WEB novel. Credits to Flere821 for sourcing the translations, as well as all Chinese translators who made it available to begin with.

I will be enlisting for National Service just like Teh_Ping on May 7, so until then I'm rushing to do as much V11 as I can. After May I can pretty much guarantee almost nothing will be translated, unless I sacrifice sleep to translate on my phone.

Even More About Me

Favourite anime"

  1. Accel World
  2. Black Rock Shooter
  3. Elfen Lied
  4. Mirai Nikki
  5. Ore No Imouto
  6. Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo
  7. Sword Art Online


  1. Castle In The Sky
  2. Inception
  3. Matrix Trilogy
  4. The Place Promised In Our Early Days
  5. Brave Story

Favourite Games:

  1. Touhou 6, 7, 8, 11, Great Fairy Wars
  2. Halo PC (A few times a week I login to the OZ servers to have a few rounds of Zombies In Vehicles or Random Weapons. ID is Kyousuke, and if I may boast, I'm not too bad with an Assault Rifle/Pistol either.)


Credits to my Kouhai-chan who introduced me back to the world of anime and all things Japanese. Without her I think I would not be typing all this stuff today. (: No prizes for guessing, I started with Vocaloid.

It's been awhile so I've mellowed down from favouring any particular Vocaloid, at one point in time I was taking Gumi as my waifu, then IA, then Luka, get the drift. There's no end to the waifu and 'best girl' war. Instead I'm now favouring artistes and composers who can do a great job marrying voice, lyrics, and backgrounds.

-Maya-P for producing personal favourite Fake Or Fate? and Flowers Of Dawn.

-Taishi for producing four personal favourites: The Personalizer, Aviator In The Soul, Falling Apart. and Destination, which unfortunately has no YT link yet. (A side project I want to do is to make an AMV of this, so keep an eye out for me on YT. Hee.)

Music Beyond Vocaloid

It's not like all I listen to is Vocaloid music...just 99% of the time I listen to Vocaloid. :heehee: In my younger years I was into Linkin Park, Evanescence, Fort Minor, touching very lightly on Simple Plan. The last quarter of my music world went to the instrumentals: I spent hours downloading and recording the soundtracks of Ace Combat 04/5/6/X/Zero, and tried to learn piano for awhile. You could say I was going through a Chuunibyou phase; I spent hours drawing and decorating aircraft, swords, and the odd sketch. The sketches didn't go much further; the piano did. With no background in music apart from note-reading which I learnt in violin, I learnt and memorised the scores for Yiruma'a River Flows In You, D.Gray Man's Musician (and a few variants), and the theme song of The Myth starring Jackie Chan. It's a very small spectrum, but if I could, I'd definitely learn more songs like those. I also learnt and memorised the first half of Final Fantasy X's Ending Theme - wait a moment, HNNNGH FEELS - but by that time O Levels rolled around and I never got around to completely learn and memorise it. Even so, I perfected that one half of the song to the point where I recall playing it once in front of a small audience (hm, four to five girls and one guy). By the time it ended one of the girls said they were deeply moved and disappointed I didn't know the rest of the song. ) : and nope, I didn't ask her out, I had someone on my mind already. I still listen to them once in awhile, though for the moment I gaining interest in Two Steps From Hell (thanks to Kouhai-chan again). I'm looking for more songs by them after listening to Protectors Of The Earth and Undying Love, the latter of which was featured in a clip advertising Halo in a certain fest. Hnnngh.


Oh man, this. It's like the rabbit hole, but the Underworld isn't that great looking.

I entered fanfiction writing one fine day after I read a couple of posts on AS asking a certain banned user to move to the fanfiction thread. That's when I searched for 'accel world fanfiction' and fell down the rabbit hole.

I started out with a really OP character, thinking I'm on par with the other writers in the AW section. Turns out that hardly means you're okay to start with. After a thorough thrashing and discussion on the AS: AW Fanfiction/Spoilers & Speculation threads with Sunder The Gold, and catching up to more AW mechanics I realised all of us fanfic writers were ridiculously OP. And broken. And pulling Churchgates left, right, and centre. So I toned down my OC, but unfortunately my character now seemed under-powered and underpowered = weak = uninteresting. I hardly get views nowadays.

You can read that story here to see the start of my attempt to show that the owners of The Disaster are human like we all are, but I really recommend Judgement Blow instead. A short excerpt into Niko's state of mind, this is the tried-and-true method to avoid asspulls when writing fanfiction and still tug at your hearts enough to either draw tears of joy or tears of grief. I do mean in when I say, I want to rewrite the history of The Disaster (as I state on my FFN profile, but due to translation and future obligations that rewrite is veryy far off.

Current Interests


I caught the motorbike bug from my dad, who rides a Suzuki Freewind he bought from a parallel importer, seeing as they're not sold in my country. This also works against him because all the spare parts have to be imported in too (and a lot of parts; the bike is nearly 10 years old).

At present I'm taking practical lessons to get my first motorbike license, class 2B. That's good enough for most entry-level bikes and my savings. I'm not really concerned about which bike I want to buy though I do have my eye on the models we use for practical lessons. Hnnnngh.

All things textual...

I finished pre-univerisity education last year and have not touched my books since, but I still continue to read the news daily without fail, especially the columns at the back when writers rant about a certain subject in the world or in Singapore. I think to myself because talking to myself is weird, and though I wish I could write down my thoughts, waterproof paper does not exist yet for my pleasure, so I will have to start thinking deeply in front of a book with pen in hand or my computer, rather than musing in the shower.

I hope to enter a university course that trains me to think even deeper and analyse more critically. My main inspiration is from these student's ripostes to a professor's assertation that my country is somehow responsible for the age-old Arab-Israel feud. That, IMO is truly deserving of the meme "Your argument is invalid."


Seeing as my holier-than-thou Kouhai-chan is still studying (she's one year younger than me), you could say my current interest is also to support her and encourage her to make the final push past the last major national exam. But I'm making next to no progress on that front. ):


After discovering the official Chinese Translations of Oreimo, I realised there is indeed an entire world out there I'm missing out just because I disliked Chinese in Pre-U.

...suffice to say, it's not too late. In the process of translating AW I'm slowly picking up my Chinese. Though it will never reach anything like the level of Flere821, or any other reasonably well-educated student my age. I missed out on two years of Chinese Ed when I was 9-12 because I was staying overseas when my father was posted to the US, so I've always been two years behind. I can still handle simple conversations and sentences, but I'm out of my depth when I look at the WEB Alicization translations. That's why it's ambitious of me to try translation when I can barely read a sentence uninterrupted.

(But then again Flere821 has declared, he's not really interested in translation from his Index days so this is still a possibility.)

I do plan to learn Japanese too, when I'm in university. There's a class just for Japanese covering all aspects up to basic conversation and manners, and that's better than nothing. I can only read katakana and whatever kanji that shares the same form and meaning as its Chinese counterpart, so I really want to work on that.

I envy Teh_Ping for having the determination to learn Japanese from scratch for this. Granted though, his Chinese is definitely on a better footing than mine to begin with.

I might want to retake both my major exams as a private candidate just for this, maybe studying English Literature at the same time too (I had an interest but put it off after discouragement that it was hard to score).

Past Interests


I played the violin in my younger years for the inter-school concert once, and once more for another school concert. However, since I've not learnt Music Theory I can't advance past Grade 5. Not that I passed the exam anyway, I think; I've never quite gotten around to collect my certificate.

An electric piano sits behind me for no real reason too. I used to try to teach myself some piano pieces, but not anymore. Yet I'm too sentimental to sell it. ):

Candy Crush

I have no qualms about relegating this game to 'past' status easily despite being only a few hours since I cleared Level 35; the game is horrible. I was invited to pay real money for imaginary data at every step, and from my understanding of the mathematics behind Tetris and Hatetris, I can reasonably conjecture that the mechanics of CCS forcefully deal bad hands to you, and hence induces the full course of raeg and haet. That's why some levels are hard as $hit and some are as breezy as your first day of play.

The final straw was when it asked me to invite three FB friends to support me or pay $1.28 to unlock the next round of levels. I've got one friend who also plays CCS (but she's much further ahead than me), but even if I had three or thirty I still wouldn't do it. It reeks of greed and gluttony, if not at least silently supporting dentists and tooth fillers worldwide. is making millions from their games and I fully intend to not contribute. I deleted it from my phone, but to them it won't matter; for every user that quits, three more take his place, and then some return from their CCS cold turkey attempt. I don't feel sorry for them, I just wonder if there's something else they can invest their time in that delivers something more concrete than the skill to match virtual candy.

Rant over.


The Wikipedia entry if you don't know much about it. I was in my Pre-U's team and we did pretty well in the national race, but I must disclaim that only three schools were serious anyway, so our first placing must be seen in that kind of context.

I enjoyed it a lot, feeling the water on my face and all, as well as that feel of working as a team to row to the finish line. However schoolwork and studies dampened an otherwise enthusiastic me.

I won't really want to take it up in university again if given the choice. A lot of time is invested into it, more than I was able to give.

Future Interests


This is more of a whim than anything, but I must say, kendo practitioners look badass.

Jokes aside, I would like some enforced meditation since at any other time in the present I believe I have better things to do than meditate. The swinging-a-sword part is cool, and I'd like to do that too, but at the same time I would give just as much effort into the soft side of kendo, the meditation, the calming-yourself, all that. I think so much I can keep myself awake at night.

Lucid Dreaming

Experience SAO without a NerveGear, hell yeah.

One of the things I would totally do when lucid dreaming is to examine myself going about the day and wondering if I really look that much of a NEET as some people have said. And then I'd check to see if normally my glasses are horizontal or slanted.