Talk:Date A Live:Volume 6 Prologue

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Should it 'The Girl's Trust'? Zeru (talk) 22:59, 7 May 2013 (CDT)

Girl's/Girls' is ambiguous whether in katakana or kanji (and will have to be decided based on the chapter contents), but Trust/Tryst is ambiguous in neither. Kanji would be completely different, and Tryst in katakana would have an 'イ' (or at least something from that column) in it, which Trust would not. If you feel it more likely that it deals with a single girl rather than several acting in concert (even better if you have the original text to check), it probably doesn't matter if you step in and change the apostrophe location for until an official decision is or is not made. -Multipartite (talk) 02:34, 8 May 2013 (CDT)
Edit: I've found the table of contents, , and the word is 'shoujo-tachi' (with 'no' as the possessive), so definitely Girls' (since plural). 'Tryst' is kanji; checking it just in case. Indeed 'ouse', tryst, unless there's a different possibility for the hard-to-read second character. Probably not, since JDIC has only fifteen words with the first character in it, and only ouse's second character has the water radical on the left.
A question which just occurred to me is whether it's 'Tryst' or 'Trysts', but it seems relatively unlikely that several girls are having multiple trysts with multiple people, and more that they're having a single simultaneous tryst with the same person. Then again, it could also be sequential trysts. For the moment, leaving it as it is at least until more is known. Ah, also changing the chatper name in the main contents page as well. -Multipartite (talk) 02:49, 8 May 2013 (CDT)
Second edit: (In both summaries, I misplaced the 」... aghh. No translation effect for now, unless one wanted to put it as [Third edit: deleted due to double-'s causing italics. -Multipartite (talk) 02:59, 8 May 2013 (CDT)], which could be inconvenient in terms of the readability. *shakes head to clear it* Sticking to the minimum necessary alteration, that being the insertion of the missing apostrophe after 'Girls'. Yes.) -Multipartite (talk) 02:58, 8 May 2013 (CDT)

errr.....okaay...all i can say is, lay off the're being too serious here(+hyper)--RikiNutcase (talk) 09:14, 8 May 2013 (CDT)

<crooked smile> I don't actually partake of coffee, or anything else mood-altering except chocolate. If it helps, I am not under any stress; it is relaxing/pleasurable to carry out clear corrections, and enjoyable (like a puzzle?) thinking through a matter logically. In both cases, this applies even if I know what I do is something minor that someone else would eventually do anyway. Possibly-relevantly, I touch-type nearly as fast as I think. (I admittedly become embarrassed when I make a mistake, but I am glad to learn about mistakes I make and hopefully decrease them in future.) I hope that my existence is not disturbing to observe. While I'm writing this, thank you very much for your recent work on the fifth volume of Date A Live! (And for this prologue, I now understand how it can be multiple 'girls' yet a single tryst, along with why there were 「」 around 'shoujo-tachi'... ufufufufu...) (Unrelated, the line 'she was the owner of a beautiful and if the times were better' may be missing a word; I would suspect 'voice' except for that that would leave the phrase 'beautiful voice' repeated with the same wording three times in quick succession.) -Multipartite (talk) 10:14, 8 May 2013 (CDT)

oops--RikiNutcase (talk) 10:25, 8 May 2013 (CDT)

<happiness> Another possible minor thing to change (just spotted), more ambiguous: the question 'Do you like crepe?' is similar to the question 'Do you like doughnut?' or 'Do you like eating icecream cone?'; discrete things which are liked as a plural 'in general' and eaten individually. ...Hmm, it's interesting that this pattern works for 'slice of cake' ('Would you like this slice of cake', 'Do you like slices of cake'), but not for 'cake', which seems to be treated as a material rather than a singular. (Same for bread or pizza, for that matter. Maybe because they're all divided into slices/servings?) Ah, but 'cupcake' is a singular rather than a material. 'Do you like cupcakes?', 'Do you like eating icecream cones?', 'Do you like doughnuts?', 'Do you like crêpes?'. As such, I suggest that 'crepe' be made plural. -Multipartite (talk) 13:03, 8 May 2013 (CDT)

LOL the first discussion was taken way to seriously. Anyways riki i changed some of the words again like last time. I replaced "Tenguu High School Combination Festival" to "Tenguu Joint High School Festival" (though It might be better to add City after the word Tenguu). Some other minor fixes (like crepe to crepes, since when talking about food, the plural form is used) were done so I'd like you to check. Dont have the raws yet so maybe I made a mistake in some. Looking forward to your TL again! Looks like I'll edit this one too. -Daylighter (talk) 15:31, 15 May 2013 (GMT +8:00)

[Shidou would most likely not choose the mentioned remark to his throat.] whats the last part of this sentence mean? something like "not choose to let the mentioned remark come out of his throat"?