Zero no Tsukaima:Volume17 Chapter9

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Two days after Julio brought Josette out of Saint Margerita's Convent......

Charlotte, the Gallian Queen, a.k.a Tabitha, was looking over the newly constructed palace with her ministers.

The dark evening sky cast a gloomy atmosphere over the majestic palace, but it was not enough to cover the exquisite beauty of the jade noble emblem.

Isabella, who was beside Tabitha, exclaimed, “The palace looks even more beautiful than before!”

Barberini, the Gallian Prime Minister on the other side of Tabitha said, “That's because the palace will be heralding the coming of the new queen, how can we do that with the old palace!”

Isabelle simply shot Barberini a glare and ignored him.

Barberini was extremely familiar with various age-old and modern ceremonies so he was in charge with the garden party four days later to celebrate the coronation of the new Queen of Gallia. The reception party, party seats, dinner menu, and even the schedule of the one week long party and ball was so flawlessly orchestrated by his own hand that even the Gallian nobles who were picky about details were unable to find fault with it.

Even though this person was extremely capable, Isabella did not trust the Prime Minister from Romania.

His extremely cautious ways of doing things was exactly what made Isabella raise her guard. As his ability was nothing but ordinary, she couldn't let her guard down, otherwise this country will be overtaken by him under her nose.

However, if they lost Romania's aid, Tabitha's coronation was out of their reach, so they could not refuse him. Also, if they really did that, the monasteries and disciples of entire country will revolt against Tabitha.

Now, Isabella did not knew if Tabitha shared her concerns as she was simply gazing blankly at the new palace. What did the palace looked like was perhaps meaningless to her.

Just then, the church bell rang, signalling that it was six o'clock. Isabella sighed and turned to the ministers.

“Everyone, now is time for Her Majesty to enjoy her dinner!”

Put in other words, they can leave.

Tabitha normally took her dinner with Isabella and her mother. Of course, there was also her familiar, Slyphid.

The ministers and nobles looker at Tabitha expectantly, hoping that Her Majesty would entertain their request for a dinner with them that night. However, except the two persons and one familiar, nobody had the opportunity to eat with the queen.

Seeing the dumb looks on the ministers' faces, Isabella bowed to Tabitha and left early.

Madam Orleans was waiting for her daughter and her niece in the old dining place. She revealed a smile as she saw Isabella pulled Tabitha into the room.

“Come on, sit down, my dear daughter and Isabella. They've prepared mixed fruit salad with beef today. Oh, doesn't that smells great?”

Seeing that Tabitha and Isabella took their places beside Madam Orlean, Percerin immediately poured Happoshu(T/L: Japanese sparkling wine drunk before a meal) into their glasses.

Madam Orleans' past beauty was slowly recovering, even though it was slow, but it was undeniable. After drinking Happoshu, the three noble ladies began to chat. The one who started the conversation was always Madam Orleans. The conversations were very simple, like what dramas were popular in the city, without a trace of politics or deep rumors.

Slyphid also joined in frequently with her trademark “Chiu, chiu”......

During these times Isabella will feel herself purged of her wrongdoings and sins, without those, Tabitha felt just like a irreplaceable sister to her.

That was......a feeling she had when she was a child.

Now, Isabella was a secret aide to Tabitha to help consolidate Tabitha's position as the new monarch.

“Hey, Helene.”

Unknowing, Slyphid has already collapsed on the table, snoring in a drunken stupor. Isabella took the opportunity to call out Tabitha's nickname while everyone was quiet. In front of the ministers she called Tabitha “Your majesty”, but in private she preferred to be more intimate, like their childhood times.

“I don't think letting Barberini take care of so many important things is a good idea.”

Tabitha shook her head.

“It's just the tip of the iceberg.”

In other words, it was a gimmick that would keep him away from the core. Isabella nodded after she heard Tabitha. The garden party arrangement seemed important, but it was nothing of central political importance.

“Okay then. Also, I was thinking of sending the 'knights' to spy on him, what do you think?”

Considering it for a moment, Tabitha nodded her agreement.

“Thank you.”

Actually, Isabella has already placed a few eyes into Barberini's side. Everyone that has been to his place, every letter, and even the menu of his dinner is at the Isabella's fingertips.

Even though there was not any suspicious activity, she could not afford to let him go past her nose easily. As the leader of the North Garden Knights, Isabella was well accustomed to the antics behind the scenes in Romania. Since they had been ruling the world as the main church of Founder Brimir for thousands of years, their power cannot be underestimated.

“Hmm? What are you girls discussing about?”

Hearing such care from her aunt, Isabella shook her head.

“Nothing, Auntie.”

Since few weeks before, Isabella has been viewing her aunt as her mother, so Isabella can't bear to let her worry.

While Madam Orleans also treated Isabella and Tabitha equally.

“Any way, congratulation on the upcoming garden party.”

Madam Orleans said nonchalantly while quietly stuffing food into Tabitha's mouth.

“Mother, do you still don't want to go to the party?”

Madam Orleans shook her head.

“Sorry, but I don't wish to participate in such social activities anymore.”

Tabitha stopped, looking a little disappointed. Tabitha, who was normally expressionless in front of her ministers, would reveal her true feelings in front of her intimate family.

Seeing her daughter like this, Madam Orleans took Tabitha's hand.

“Because, even without me, you can still take care of the visitors perfectly!”

Tabitha nodded her head once. “Un.”

I will protect this mother and daughter—-Every time she was touched by such a heart warming scene during dinner, Isabella would swear in her heart.

After dinner, Tabitha came to the newly built Grand Rockwell Palace, and entered her quarters.

“ stomach's so full, Slyphid will go to bed now!”

Slyphid reached a corner of the room, laid down on a pile of clothes and slept soundly.

On the bed, the gown brought by the maid servants during the day was strewn across the bed.

During the garden party, Tabitha would have to change a set of clothes every morning, afternoon and night. Made by professional tailors of the country, the beautiful gown, made out for the queen was waiting to be worn.

Tabitha took one of the clothes and held it before herself. It was a lacy dress, covered in infinite minuscule holes, allowing others to take a glimpse of the body underneath. However, important parts are still covered decently.

Tabitha felt a little worried if her little body would fit the wonderfully designed dress.

“Why would I be worrying about this?”

When she realized the reason, Tabitha'face went red. She took the list of delegates on the table. Her eyes stopped at the last name of the delegates from the Tristan empire.

“The Tristan Minister of Diplomatic Relations-cum-Vice Commander of the Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Saito De Hiraga Des Ornières.

Maybe he was appointed as one of delegates because of his relation with her before in the academy. His name has also become longer so he seems to have been awarded a land title.

What kind of land was it?

The kind with a mansion?

What kinds of crops do they have there, and what about the people there?”

Also, Louise who has a perpetually sour face was also living with him, right?

Tabitha imagined Saito's new residence, Des Ornières, which she has never seen before.

“I could finally see him again.”

She felt that ages has past since their last meeting at the Lelion river. Then, she agreed to put on the crown under the urgings of the fake Saito.

Tabitha bore a deep grudge over that incident, so she tried not to think of Saito......

However, the thought of meeting him in a few days time made her uncontrollably happy.

He already has a lover, and her name also appeared on the list. She was Tabitha's friend, also someone she respected deeply, even though she did not approve of the way she treated Saito.

“I could just, dance with him for one song.”

Right, a dance.

With him.

Dancing with delegates of other countries is also one of the aspects in diplomatic relations, so it was something extremely ordinary no matter how one sees it.

What should she wear then?

The lace net gown came into her vision again. Tabitha held it up with both of her hands, staring at it.

After making sure that Slyphid was fast asleep, Tabitha soundlessly took off all her clothes and put on the gown.


Naturally, as Tabitha has expected, the gown fit her snugly. Her inner clothing were exposed through the minuscule holes.

What kind of underwear did the designer had in mind while he was designing the gown? It probably was not the kind wore in the bedroom.


Tabitha's cheeks flushed as she sunk deeper into her imagination.

“I've become a strange person.”

Shaking her head, she took up another gown. This was sewn with black glossy cloth with a beautiful dark glow, but it was far more modest.

However, after she wore it, Tabitha noticed that the gown fitted her body tightly at the part above her thighs, sketching the curve of her body line, showing her immature figure clearly for all to see. If she were to enter the ballroom like that, any further imagination of her dance partner were sure to be crushed.

But......maybe Saito liked this kind of body shape. After all, just by looking at Louise's body, no one would think that she had anything to show off at all.

Either way, she didn't need to care so much about that.

Thinking about this, Tabitha smiled softly.

“Now, I should be.......very happy.”

Even though her position as the queen made her uneasy,