Shippai Kinshi:Volume2 Chapter1

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Feeling that the sun was too strong, he couldn’t help but to cover his eyes.

Walking on the scorching path to school alone as always, is me, Shou Shimizu.

Then suddenly a lovely voice rang out.

“......Long time no see. Shou-kun. At last, at last, at last I am finally able to meet you”

Whether the cheerful voice was feigned or not, I had no way of determining it.

Looking at where the voice came from, there stood a petite girl.

Conspicuously attracting the attention of passers-by.

My eyes bugged out as I moaned.

That’s because that girl shouldn’t be here.

A girl with pristine long hair and a petite body.

On her head, jutted dog ears like hair are being exhibited.

“.........Inui, Aki.........”

A hoarse voice was let out of my throat forcibly.

“Why, are you here.....”


Aki’s expression immediately changed to one of delight.

tata* she trod over to my side.

Her dog ears alike swayed back and forth.

She approached me from the front.


Leaping forward, she hugged me.

At the front, two bulging objects happened to be present.

“Wah.....! Wh-what do you think you’re doing......!”

“I have been longing to see you! I miss you! I miss youuuuuuu! Waaaaaaaaaaaa!”

“W, wait I can’t see the front! This is dangerous!”

Grabbing my head with her slender hands, she began to rub her cheeks against mine.

“It’s Shou-kun, Shou-kun’s smell! sniff, sniff! Haa,haa--”

“W, why the smell!?”

“Why? Do you even need to ask, it’s because I love Shou-kun’s smell!”

“This again, you always give me this reason--hey, uwa!”

Thereupon, a leg came flying out of nowhere along with a painful sensation. The next thing he could feel was that his body was being sent flying.

The me, whose vision was blocked, tripped back and fell over.


Aki, who was mounting on my chest, toppled down.

With that her white nape exposed.


“O, oi. We are in public right now!?”

“No way, I’ve been keeping it in for a long time already! I can’t wait any longer......! I sniff, I sniff.”

Aki snuggled at my neck, then lifted her head up afterwards.

“You know, Aki got a whiff of your scent and came running over.”

“S, scent...!”

Speaking of which.

“You know, Aki has a good sense of smell ever since.”

“A lot had happened and before I knew it my sense of smell has improved. Therefore, Shou-kun-.HaaHaa. Such a nice scent.”

“H, huh, smells nice...!”

“A nice smell will always be a nice smell! I have always liked Shou-kun’s smell ever since I met you! that includes Shou-kun too.”

Aki with her head held up high was very dazzling; resembling a sunflower being attracted to the sun.

“You can even discern the smell!?”

“Yes. Yes. I can. Shou-kun’s smell is the most valuable thing in the world.”

With clenched fists, Aki held on tight.

“Is, is that so......”

Against this action, he was left dumbstruck.

“......Hur--. Hey-”

After sniffing up a huge round, Aki displayed a face full of satisfaction.

Adhering to this, I felt an indescribable feeling welling up.

Perhaps, the incident before with Aki was what led to the current situation.

Back then, I didn’t even have the guts to apologize.

Unknowingly, Aki had transferred to another school.

Leaving without saying anything.

I must have hurt her a lot.

However, it would be best if she didn’t received any psychological damage.

At that time, Aki got involved in a fight with Hijiri.

“Really, that’s good then--”

While I’m lost in my thoughts, Aki kept her head held up high and heaved out a sigh.

As if to drown out the earlier smile, a frown appeared on her face.

Suddenly the gaze Aki emitted was as if to pierce through the target.

The petite girl who possesses an extraordinary sense of smell proceeded to sniff.

“------This scent. It’s that annoying woman’s scent--”

The voice being uttered was cold and full of enmity.

Following Aki’s line of sight, what appeared was the figure of Hijiri.

Clutching her hair from being blown in the wind, she was expressionless as always.

A doll-like beauty, my sister.

Hijiri, completely unaware of Aki, slowly walked over.

Afterwards, she halted her footstep.

Their gazes collided together.

For a moment Hijiri widened her eyes in surprise, then shockingly said.


”Long time no see. Hijiri.”

A very bland tone.

Aki exerted force on her hand and pinned me down.

“...Urgh, urgh.”

Hijiri’s shoulder was trembling non-stop as if being twisted.

Aki watched Hijiri as she slowly stood up.

“Back then, before we separated, do you still remember?”

Hearing this, Hijiri trembled.

“You know, Aki cannot absolutely forgive Hijiri......!”

Directing her finger at Hijiri as she spoke.

“......A, Aki, at that time--”

Just as Hijiri was about to say something, her thighs moved awkwardly.

Sweat dripped down from her forehead, staining the school uniform.


“......A, ab, ab, about that time”

Hijiri was shaking even more uncontrollably with her mouth open.

Her neck had turned red.

While her cheeks were also flushed crimson.

“......Eh, a......, a, about that time...a...”

I was startled.

“H, Hijiri......? Could it be that you——”


In other word, ——triggered?

If this is the case, then all the more she shouldn’t be asking in front of Aki.

Hijiri started to wriggle around.

Accordingly, Aki’s nose shifted slightly.

“Ara? There’s some strange scent. Mixed with sweat, where have I come across it before——”

“N, no Aki! You must be mistaken!”

Afterwards, Aki looked over with her pair of moist eyes.

“What mistake. Shou.”

“L, like I said you are mistaken......!”

“Hmph. The smell, is it from there......?”

With Aki setting her sight on Hijiri, Hijiri become pale like a ghost.

It seemed like Aki got quite a good olfactory perception.

As I am pondering over the matter, Aki slowly crept closer to Hijiri.

“Eh, so it's from Hijiri?”

I can’t let Aki be close to Hijiri anymore than this!

“Sorry! Aki! We have some matters to take care of......!”

I went in between the two of them, and quickly carried Hijiri up.

“......B, brother......! What’s all the sudden......”

Hijiri, who I am carrying princess style.


Like this, I ran toward the school.

Good, Aki wasn’t following.

Although passerby were watching, that wasn't important right now.

The current situation was much more dire.


After taking a turn at a corner, Aki couldn’t be seen anymore.

“......L, let me down, brother.”

Hijiri, bashfully said to me.

I slowly lowered myself down, lightly putting Hijiri on the ground.

“Are you alright? Hijiri.”

“......Um. I am fine. I’ve calmed down already. Sorry ……”

“No, no problem. Don’t mind it.”

I flashed a smile at Hijiri.

But she turned her face away to the side, exposing her white nape.

“Hijiri, Hijiri?”

Her cheeks turned a little red——

“......B, brother. This is kinda embarrassing......”


It was a reaction he had never seen before.

It was not like she was completely ignoring me, just that she put up a cold front.

Speaking of which, it seemed like her attitude towards me was much gentler a moment ago.

“Hijiri, Hijiri? What’s up?”


“D, do you have a fever?”

“......B, brother?”

Extending my hand out, I touched Hijiri’s forehead.


Hijiri seemingly jumped a step backwards.

“Hijiri? Hijiri......?”

Ah! So it’s like that. So she dislikes being touched by her brother on her forehead......

That must be the case, no doubt about it. Since Hijiri felt uncomfortable a moment ago.

My sto, stomach, started to hurt......!

“......That, that’s just sweat, nothing more”

“R, really. Sorry. We are already high schoolers. It is only natural that you would dislike being touched by other people.”


Apparently I am crouching down on the floor. Even my field of vision was starting to become hazy.

“......Brother. …...Wa. Your eyes, not good. C, come back to your sense——”

“I, I am still alive. I am fine. Ahh, huu, haa. No problem at all——”

“......G, goodness. Brother. Thank goodness.”

Hijri said it quickly.

“Huu, haa...huu...”

I was clueless at why Hijiri lowered down her head.

“......B, brother......! Brother......? …...*sulk**sulk*, why does’t brother listen to me. It’s because of me that......”



I don’t have the slightest idea why Hijiri felt lost.

At that moment, the screeching sound of a wheel came over.

“Senpai! Hijiri-Senpai! Good morning——!”

Turning backwards, a black bicycle is approaching near.

Out came long black hair that fluttered in the wind, with the cross in front of her chest swaying.

Her eyes were slightly narrowed due to her smile causing it.

Karin Minato.