Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume11 The First Question

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“That…damned granny! She pulled that sort of stunt on us!? We were just one step away from our victory here!”


“How many days—doesn’t she know how many days I’ve been waiting for this!? Now she’s actually saying such selfish things to me now!?”


“I won't be content with just splitting her body now! How am I going to repay this grudge now!?”


“Don’t stop me, Shouko! I’m going to concentrate my burning rage and boiling grudge inside this bat and smash that old hag a thousand times—”

“…We lost just now.”


“…You won, Yuuji and everyone else. We admit defeat.”

“…Why are you saying such a thing? What are you trying to say?”

“…This isn’t okay?”

“What do you mean not okay…Shouko, this isn’t the problem to me here.”

“…Then, what’s the problem?”

“For the sake of better facilities.”

“…You’re lying. You won’t fuss over such a thing, Yuuji.”

“Himeji’s physical condition.”

“…There hasn’t been any problems up till now.”

“Ahh…well, about that, how should I put it?”


“Don’t mind about such small details!”

“…You haven’t answered my question.”

“Oh, looks like Akihisa got into quite the tough predicament there! I have to go help him out there!”


“…Yuuji, why are you so insistent on having the summoning war?”

Please answer the following question:

Please name the three kingdoms that ruled China during the Three Kingdoms era.

Himeji Mizuki’s answer:

“Gi” “Shoku” “Go”[1]

Teacher’s comment:

Correct answer. They are also called Sougi For Gi, Shokukan for Shoku, and Tougo for Go.

Tsuchiya Kouta’s answer:

“Gi” Shoku” “Go” [2]

Teacher’s comment:

Please write down the answers in kanji.

Shimada Minami’s answer:

“Gi “Shoku” “Kure”

Teacher’s comment:

Since you don’t know how to write kanji, you ended up mixing in a certain city in Hiroshima. [3]

His eyebrows are really long.

He has a nice nose bridge and a slender lower chin; I can only describe such a beautiful face as a work of art.

“—And then, his fringe gently caressed my face and I…”



What happened just now was so shocking that I can’t face reality properly.

“Takashiro, you bastard…! You actually used such a psychological attack…! It’s okay for you now because Akihisa just managed to understand homosexual love, isn’t it!?”


Yuuji’s words dragged me from my thoughts back into reality. I, I actually kissed a guy…!

“A-Akihisa-kun? Erm, well…I don’t know what to say now, but thank you for saving me…is this alright…?”

Himeji-san’s feeling really troubled, but she still awkwardly thanked me. No, it’s fine. If it’s for Himeji-san’s sake, this little thing…

“Himeji, don’t mind Akihisa. This has been his ambition for a long time anyway.” “(GARRAK) Tamano Miki’s late, but she’s now here!”

“Tamano!? Who called you here!? Nobody can keep up with you in such conversations!”

“But someone called me by saying ‘homo’ here!”[4]

“Aren’t your ears a little too weird!? You’re mistaken here! Go back now!”

“Did I hear it wrongly…really, why must you get in my way? I’ve been thinking of getting memorial photos of Aki-chan and Takashiro-sempai here…”

“Hold on a minute, Tamano-san! I think I just heard some weird lines in the back!”

“Akhisa that’s enough! Letting her stay here is going to cause us nothing but trouble!”

“…‘I want to see your surprised expression’…the ‘terminal of friendship’…the ‘new world’…”


Before my cries of agonies reached Tamano-san, she skipped out of 2-A’s classroom. Argh…to what extent is my pride going to be trampled on…?

“Hm…looks like I can’t continue talking like this now. Let’s start over again since it can’t be helped.” My enemy as well as the mastermind behind this, Takashiro-sempai, continues on as he sees us in this commotion.

“Takashiro-sempai, can I speak with you for a moment?”

A male student stands in front of Takashiro-sempai.

“Hm? You’re the second ranked of the second years, Kubo Toshimitsu-kun right? What do you want with me?”

“Well, it’s very awkward to say such a thing to you, sempai—”

Kubo-kun nudged his glasses and warned Takashiro-sempai.

“—But I can’t just let you go back like this you know.”

And then, Kubo-kun lowered his upper body as he faced Takashiro-kun. To the serious Kubo-kun, I guess it’s really hard for him to accept the ridiculous proposal from the 3rd years. He may have sounded really calm, but I’ve never seen him so angry up till now.

“Kubo Toshimitsu-kun, if you have any objections about the proposal us 3rd years made—”

“That doesn’t matter now.”

Kubo-kun immediately denied this. What is he trying to do?

“Sempai, just let me beat you up or I won’t be able to relive my frustration” “So you’re going to punch me once for the sake of your friend?”

“No, for Yoshii-kun’s—and my sake. Two punches altogether.”

Why is he counting me in this too?

“I see. I don’t like violence—but at this moment, it looks like I can only play along with you.”

“Even if you’re an upperclassman, there are some boundaries that are not meant to be crossed but you have crossed them. I’m going to beat you up with Yoshii-kun’s regret and my fury.”

Wh-why do things feel very complicated here…I have to say something, some joke to calm the situation now! Erm, erm…!

“Stop it you two! Don’t fight each other for my sake!”

“Don’t stop me here Yoshii-kun! I’ll take back your trampled pride for your sake!”

“Alright, Kubo Toshimitsu-kun, if you insist, I’ll be your opponent for now.”


What’s going on…they won’t stop no matter what I do now…!?

“Oi! Heroine! If you don’t do something, we’ll end up with a situation we can’t handle!”

“WHO’S THE HEROINE HERE, YOU IDIOT YUUJI!!?” “First your lips were suddenly taken away, and now guys are fighting over you…aren’t you the heroine since you’re in the middle of all this?”


“What is it Akihisa?”


“Wait! You’re really crying!?”

“Because Yuuji said (sobs) something really cruel to me (Snivels)”

“Don’t cry Akihisa. You’ll cause a bigger commotion if you keep crying here!”

“Damn it—! Either you or Takashiro-sempai can go kiss that old hag of a principal and become unfortunate! Consider this a wish from me!”


How selfish! He’s not going down to hell with me here. What kind of classmate is he!?

“Hey, Mizuki.”

“What is it, Minami-chan?”

“Exactly what happened in the end? “I-I don’t really know…I came here late, so I’m not really informed…”

“I’ve been here right from the beginning, but I don’t understand what’s going on at all.”

“Ahh, that’s enough! You brats are really noisy! Quiet down a listen to me!”


The principal’s interference caused us to interrupt our showdown when we could nearly do so, and the class F members all shouted in unison as they were vexed because of this.

“Kubo Toshimitsu-kun and everyone from class F, please calm down”

Takashiro-sempai, who had a stareoff with Kubo-kun, stood in front of the principal while seemingly trying to mediate.

“How do you expect everyone to calm down here! Someone interfered with our wish here!”

“And you made us see such a disgusting thing! How do you expect to compensate us here!?”

“You and that old hag can scram! Bring out Kogure-sempai!”

The members of class F started yelling at Takashiro-sempai and the principal.

“Is that so? I understand why everyone’s unhappy here.”

Takashiro-sempai answered in an extremely calm manner. “Obviously as everyone can see here, the principal indeed does not have a nice appearance.”

Is this really the main point of this issue?

“Takashiro-kun, that’s enough”

Kogure-sempai has the same idea as me, and although she tried to advise Takashiro-sempai, he continues on.

“The principal really isn’t pretty—and I can even say that her looks aren’t even average.”

“Please stop. Don’t continue on any further.”

“Ehh…I might even say that it’s more accurate to call her ugly!”

“Please calm down, Takashiro-kun! The principal will really become your enemy in this case.”

“Relax, Kogure. Right from the start, I’ve been treating everyone here as my enemy.”

“But people’s worth isn’t decided by their appearance! You have to listen to the principal even if she’s ugly! Even if she looks like this, she’s still able to talk with others here!”

“I understand now, Takashiro-kun. Looks like there’s still need to further educated you.”

Kogure-sempai herself may not have that intention, but she let out a sigh in a really bewitching manner.

Also, is Takashiro-sempai’s head really alright here…?

“Alright, we’ll leave Takashiro’s punishment to Kogure…now let’s get back to the main point about the ‘summoning war between the second years and third years’.”

It seems that the principal agreed to the fact that Takashiro-sempai needs to be punished as she changed the topic.

Upon hearing the summoning war issue pop up, Yuuji’s expression changed.

“Principal, let me get this straight. Do we have the right to refuse this war?”

“If there is, you don’t think that I’ll deliberately make my way here to interfere in your war, right?”

“That’s true. Just to be sure.”

Yuuji nodded away, seemingly expecting this.

That’s true, if we can reject the principal’s proposal even after her interference, she’ll really deserve a thousand deaths or more.”

“So what about that? It’s enough for us to kill you here…!”

“We planned to use that large display for a viewing party…!”

“How do you intend to compensate me when I was going to rub my face on Kirishima-san’s seat here…!” Never mind. It doesn’t matter whether it was the case or not, since the end would be the same for her either way.

The principal looks like she’s trying to appease the furious class as she tries to warn them not to do so yet.

“Anyway, there are still a lot of things you want to say to me, right? But you can leave it for the time being can’t you? You can boil me or roast me however you want after this anyway.”

“I understand. Once this is over, I’ll kill you without remorse here.”


The principal answered in shock. What are you shocked about? You’re the one who said this. It’s not weird to have whatever outcome happen to you after this, right?

“A-anyway, The summoning war between the second and third years is an established thing so we can consider this to be a school event.”

Since it’s a school event, we naturally don’t have room to object. Of course, boycotting it is a completely different case altogether.”

“Let me ask you again old hag.

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  1. Those not familiar with the three kingdoms, the kingdoms are Wei(魏), Shu(蜀), and Wu(呉). The given Romanization here is how the Japanese pronounce.
  2. His answers are in hiragana, not kanji
  3. Kureshi (呉市). The 呉here is read as Kure
  4. 本望 – Ambition for a long time. Homo – read asほんもう