User talk:Braiam

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say when will this be update? I can't wait to read it again though... if you could can you hurry up and update the part 3,4,and 5 and the next life 2 too...

Hmm... You are asking to the wrong one. Check the registration page, and you must remember that all translators are volunteer, so there is no schedule. Eternal Dreamer its who took over the volume, its up to him when he release the next part or the whole chapter. --Braiam 10:38, 8 May 2012 (CDT)

Dusk Taker is the avatar name. The author usually does not use an avatar name for the volume title. It might be close, but not the exact name which is in English. Xplorer30 - Talk 17:11, 2 September 2012 (CDT)

I'm doing the V8C1+2.--Kadi (talk) 17:40, 14 September 2012 (CDT)

Golden Time main page

Please refrain from changing the volume header lines for "Golden Time". Those must stay the way they are, as the links between the chapters use them. Whenever you click on "Main Page" from a chapter page, it takes you back to the section header for the volume of the moment. When you move the "Full Text" stuff onto that line, it breaks the links.

As for the Spanish stuff, without those links, they have no home for now. And probably never will, given the pace (or lack thereof) at which it is being (not) worked on. I could do the Spanish translation myself, but (1) it would come out slightly odd to a native speaker (which I am not), and (2) it would slow down my progress on the Japanese to English translation. --Rpapo (talk) 05:05, 11 April 2013 (CDT)

OreImo v12c02

Doumo, doumo, konnichiwa...

Your fixes to OreImo v12c02 w/ regard to the misc. accidental wiki-markup missed before, et cetera, are much appreciated! However, I was wondering whether the removal of certain italics was intentional?

I realize they can look a lot like unbalanced double quotes in the edit-view if they're done with doubled-up single-quotes (''italics'') rather than HTML (<i>italics!</i>), so I thought I'd see if that was the case. The last thing I want to start is a fight, so I figured it'd be best to check rather than assuming one way or the other and reverting those particular changes.

That aside, thanks for staying vigilant with edits! Every positive contribution helps make the TLs that much better for the readers!

Cheers, -shift (talk) 14:10, 1 July 2013 (CDT)

Yeah, for my point of view, they were more trailing quotes than attempts of using italics, as you can see only two single-quotes at the start of the line, instead both start and end, so I took them as mistake since they didn't appear to fit as murmur from Kyosuke and in same chapter line 4 (actually 12-something but I'm not going to count) translator used 'Sentence' for internal troughs/flashback, and that didn't looks like when I read the text and since formatting of internal troughs don't have defined rule in the guidelines I just went and deleted em. About the use of HTML syntax for the wiki, I'm rather against it for 3 reasons:
  1. This is a wiki, not a HTML page, hence if it has a proper syntax, why reinvent the wheel?
  2. I have 3 keys less to press when using single-quotes marks (not counting that for <> I have to use Shift too),
  3. The source page looks cleaner that way.
  4. The only advantage that has the HTML is for large chunk of text where single quotes is a hassle to use.
  5. It uses less bandwidth/disk space since it only uses 32 bits of data.

Well, I said 3... but who cares about what I say. I will normalize the use of italics for two single-quote marks where I see fit in any case.