Kenshin no Keishousha:Volume 1 Chapter2

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Kurou dragged the maid outfit wearing girl by the hand and led her into the depths of the school.

Once there, no other figures were in sight. Interrogating the baffling girl in a place like this seemed profoundly fitting.

“So what’s with all this?”

The girl known as Hinako kept her back against the wall and listlessly raised her head as she looked towards Kurou. If other people were to witness this, they may misconstrue this as Kurou coercing a girl. However, regardless of how other people viewed him, Kurou could not even comprehend what was going on himself.

“These were my orders, to serve you starting today. That’s why I came here.”

“Serving me......who ordered you to do so?”

“That’s not an issue at the moment.”

“It’s a huge issue!”

Does this girl even know what she is talking about?

During that one night while attacking the sun cultists, her appearance was indeed very bizarre.

No, this was perhaps not on outlandish levels.

That was because the blinding emitted light wasn’t something that could be just promptly understood. As a result, he just forgot about it after writing the report, yet.......

“Anyways, I’ll be working for you. Anything outside of that isn’t my problem.”

“So extreme......”

Kurou weakly muttered. Following that, he sensed that class was about to start. There was no time to be engaging in nugatory disputes with this uncanny girl.

“Let me confirm something first. You’re a human right?”

“Well, I believe so.”

Although it was an amusing reply, Kurou was nearly certain that was the case. This girl appeared to be very feeble, completely different from a Swordie.

“Even though I have no idea what’s going on, you might as well go back. Other than humans who stroll around here working as servants, anyone else would be driven out.”

Within the academy, there was quite a large group of humans. They were not students or teachers but rather servants.

Other than the people employed here or those taking care of miscellaneous tasks within the school, the servants brought along by the students were largely comprised of humans as well.

Despite the academy disallowing humans from enrolling into the school as students, it was ok for them to be at the campus if it was purely work related.

However, if a human did not possess a permit to enter the Swordie school, things would inevitably get chancy.

“It’s fine, I already have a permit.”

“Huh? Where did you get it......hmm?”

Kurou suddenly turned around.

There were several colossal trees planted there. Just as Kurou was scrutinizing one of them————

“As expected of Kurou, you’re quite sharp.”

“It’s easy to detect your aura. Do you get that often?”

Lars walked out from behind the tree. He was wearing his school uniform and carried his sword by his waist just like Kurou.

“Was it you that brought her along?”

“All I did was lead her here. Afterwards I handed her over to you. Like raising kids, as long as they can work for you it should be fine.”

“No no, suddenly bringing up servicing or being serviced is too out of the ordinary! I don’t have the money to employ a servant!”

“Is the issue money? Well, I believe this aspect has already been taken care of! It’s because of————the director.”

“So this stunt was her doing!”

Thinking about it for a second, there was no one else who was capable of meddling to this extent.

“It’s still quite perplexing why she’d tend to the money related problems behind my back. What the heck is going on, explain yourself.”

“There’s really no other way it seems.”

After Lars took a glimpse at Hinako, he urged Kurou to move to somewhere else in order to get some separation from her.

Following that, he gave a run-down of the situation with a nonchalant tone.

Lars was most likely called to headquarters early in the morning by Manaka. Once there, he encountered this maid attire wearing girl and was imparted with all the details.

“She’s————the cult founder’s daughter.”

“Daughter? You mean there’s a founder or something within the sun cult?”

Although the people the Sabers suppressed were practically all followers of the sun, Kurou had limited knowledge about their higher-ups. What he did know was only the cult’s battle strength————equipment, and battling personnel count.

“Well, I guess a founder probably does exist. Story has it that it’s been over ten years since he last publicly appeared. However, the Sabers did receive reports indicating the cult founder has a daughter. Since DNA confirmation was not utilized, we don’t know whether or not she really is a legitimate daughter of his but she did say so herself.”

“Herself————sounds quite suspicious. We still don’t even know what she may be plotting.”

Hinako seemed to be completely uninterested in Kurou’s conversation as she leaned against the wall and leisurely stared into the sky. No matter how one looked at it, she did not resemble any of the dangerous sun cultists.

“That girl seems to be harboring some secrets. At the very least, she doesn’t seem to be the cult founder’s daughter, having not been placed on that high of a pedestal.”

“I agree.”

If she was a human who was influenced by the sun cult to oppose Swordies, then she probably would not have been inserted into a school filled with them. At the very least, she wouldn’t have shown up early in the morning wearing a maid outfit.

“Except, the so-called daughter of the cult founder isn’t a known truth. It’s a matter still under investigation. What is known is that the sun cult members seemed to be very focused on her, this is without a doubt. During that night, the sun cult’s movements appeared to be very flurried. Even that secretive criminal ringleader made her move. We questioned the apprehended sun cult followers numerous times, they appeared to have been ordered to ‘retrieve the package.’”

“That package probably referred to the girl. If she is the cult founder’s daughter, presumably that was a huge event back then......”

“Besides, even if that Hinako girl is really the cult founder’s daughter, there doesn’t seem to be a trace of criminal activity linked to her. Even if she was a follower of the sun, as long as she’s just a believer, there’s nothing wrong with that.”


Just like Lars said, the sun cult itself didn’t face restrictions from the law.

In the words of the Swordies, they were just a group of people with extremist values......

“When facing opponents who carry weapons, we Swordies will show no mercy in routing them. However, one of our rules is that we don’t harm those who don’t carry weapons. In short, it’s just the cultists who are armed.

“What a peculiar group of people.”

Kurou wryly smiled.

Even seventy years ago when the Swordies fought against humans during the Great War, the Swordies would not attack civilians. Especially those who were defenseless, they definitely would not have crossed swords with them.

It could be said that this was one of the restraints of a Swordie swordsman. Even if they strongly detested the opponent, they would not attack someone that was defenseless. What an extreme moral idiosyncrasy.

“However, Kurou wants to add himself to this group of bizarre individuals right? Thus, take her as your maid!”

“Well......wait, I need to attain a Swordie ID, what does having her be my maid have anything to do with that!?”

Kurou couldn’t help but shake his head towards Lars’s enthusiastic urging.

Kurou wished to protect Hinako, that was all. Anything after that should be dealt with by the upper management of the Sabers. Basically, handling this fell on Manaka and the others.

“However, even the Sabers would have a hard time dealing with a child. She may be the cult founder’s daughter, but there’s no reason to arrest her because she isn’t a criminal. That said, we could fabricate an accusation but for it to be something done by a girl like her, there’s no way something like that would pass. Nevertheless, if we were to leave her alone then......hence, it was determined that she would be handed off to Kurou.”

“What an absurd leap of judgment!”

Why was there a girl with such a problematic standing, so much so that she was strongly forced onto the hands of a normal member like Kurou.

“Furthermore, humans can live normally within the academy so her guise is quite well-done. That said, her identity may lead to some trouble but as long as Kurou is around, no matter what happens she should be fine right?”

“So you’re saying for me to become her bodyguard and guardian?”

“Kurou is also about to receive his pay from the Sabers so you can’t decline. This is an order———I believe that was what the director had said.”

“......Damn it.”

Kurou seemed to have no room to voice complaints once again.

Indeed, even if he had already earned his money, Manaka’s orders were final. In addition, if he loses his earnings from the Sabers, then there would no way for him to maintain life down the road. Although his current gains from reward money were kept in his savings, he didn’t want the path to a steady future be discontinued.

“Well then, good luck Kurou.”

Lars stated as he was beaming with excitement.

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