Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa:Volume 1 Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - The time of the final battle

After thirty minutes of flight, whe managed to ascertain Iris's whereabouts.

As aerial transportartion had the advantage of not being caught by hindrances such as traffic lights or congestions, our actual velocity went up.

"This is Yokohama's harbor..."

On the harbor's scenery seen from the sky, there weren't signs of life among the rows of large warehouses.

I see, this is the most suitable place to hide somebody.

"Chiharu, where does the thread connect to?"

"Mm, there!"

The thread seemed to be connected to one of the biggest of the warehouses.

"Well, then, we are landing!"

Kyouko slowly lost altitude. I realized that those flying skills have improved remarkably in this short time. Frankly, we almost died at the start.

Once Kyouko's feet reached the ground, then Zonmi and I jumped from Kyouko's back.

"Fiuuu, like I thought, the ground is the best."

The trip through the sky was good, but also too thrilling. I didn't feel safe.

"Isn't it!? Isn't it!?"

"Why do you look so happy?"

Retorted Kyouko in shock to Zonmi, who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Good, then, do we go?"

"Be careful, please. There are signs of monsters on the vicinity."

"... Understood."

I braced myself once again.

I'll repeat it, our opponents are the atrocious tamers that exterminated Iris's clan. From here on, a little mistake can cost us our lives.

"Wa-wait! Don't go yet. I'm putting on my clothes!"

Looking back in confusion, Kyouko was in the middle of changing. She had changed shapes from Nephilim to human.

"Eh, why have you changed back?"

"... Don't look here."


Though I was already tired from seeing Kyouko's panties.

"On your limit, already?... You couldn't keep your transformation more than that."

"Is it?..."

This could be a little bad.

If Kyoko couldn't participate in the battle, Zonmi was our last ray of hope. Though we don't know the extent of the true power of our enemy, won't it be quite the unsparing battle?...

"Chiharu, let's go... Don't worry, since I won't lose."

As if reading my thoughts, Zonmi muttered reasurringly.

So it's like that. That's what I heve to do when I grow weak-hearted.

After reaching this point, we can only fight at full power!...


"Chiharu! Behind you!"

"Good grief. As soon as you name them, they come!"

A geiser of water sprayed with vigour.

Turning aroud in a rush, what appeared from the sea — was a giant squid monster.

As the squid monster emmited a jet-black aura, he threatened us.

"Wha? I mean, haven't I see this guy somewhere..."

I had an intense recollection of this monster.

"It's a kraken of the sea beast tribe... I dare say it's the same individual we saw some time ago on television."

So it was that. It's the guy broadcasted on the TV news the day I met Zonmi.

I see. I remember that the place they showed then was Yokohama.

But wait a minute, wasn't the squid monster from back then killed by a monster that came oround? What is this guy doing in this place?

"Look, the black magic power that wraps this child... It's under 'Enforce'!"

"Wait, what's 'Enforce'?"

"By means of an item illegally manufactured by people with ill will — the 'Enforce Ring', they bring the monster to an state of forced submission."

"There's such an item...!?"

"Yeah. Differently from the normal 'Contract Ring'[1], this is the most illegal thing among the illegalities. Put under one-sided command, the monster looses its freedom."

I think I understand.

While on a normal contract the monster stands as an equal, under 'Enforce' it's treated as nothing more than a slave.

And, the next instant.


The squid tentacles that bent like whips grasped us three tightly.


Looking closely, the squid's overall length reached the twenty meters — huge to a bizarre level. It's beyond comparation the greatest of the monsters I've met till now.

Or, how should I put it, this circumstances... Are quite bad.

Is it OK that we were so easily caught!?

And contrastive to my panicking, those two's facial expressions were still composed.

A premonition rised to my mind as a cork submerged in water... Could these two have been caught on purpose?




With movements so fast my eyes couldn't catch on, those two tore the squid's tentacles to pieces.

"... Good grief, what a reliable fellows."

If I tried to do the same thing, I'd have been powerless before the squid's slippery tentacles.

"Until when will you remain carelessly caught!?"

Zonmi's umbrella cut up the air.

Slash. The tentacle that restrained me was splendidly cut in two.

"Chiharu, please get down!"


Once my feet reached ground, keeping that distance, I watched over those two's appearances...

Let's cool our heads. Right in front of me there are those two's enticing legs. A glimpse of that is the very best.

And with those circumpstances. It seems this squid rascal is no match against Zonmi and Kyouko.


It seems like my thoughts were too naive.

The enemy was not this weak. It had an astounding restoration ability. The torn up tentacles regrew in an instant. And that in merely seconds. Its restoration ability is of a very high level.

"... What should I say to this!?"

To the panicking me, Zonmi said with indifference.

"This is no more than an hypothesis, but... I dare say the tentacles are but a decoy. Anytime you cut them, they are regrown with magical power. And, in fact, you can't get close to the real body without facing the tentacles before."

"That's... In that case, what the heck do we do?"

Anyhow, the squid has ten tentacles.

We number three — no matter how I think of it, I don't feel we can get next to the main body.

"It can't be helped. Leave this to me."


The one who said that was Kyouko.

"What the heck will you do?"

"If I throw to it everything on the surroundings, even this guy will eventually be exhausted. Luckily, there's no lack of things to throw inside these warehouses. Perhaps, my defeating this guy will we worthless."

"But, Nephilim, will you be OK? Isn't your magic power almost depleted?"

"Don't worry. Rather than that, to the me right now, I think this guy alone will be no match... Even though it's vexing, I'll take care of this guy here that's releasing this awfully unpleasant magic power... Ghoul. I leave it to you."

"If I come back and you're collapsed after exhausting all your magic power... Please spare me that outcome. Since we haven't settled yet our dispute."

"Ha, ha, that's my line!"

Contrastive to the cynicism mixed in their conversation, they did a high five with refreshing expressions.

By some kind of female bonding, it seems they have awakened to a strange camaraderie.

"Let's go, Chiharu, our foe is very near."


Feeling gratitude towards Kyouko, We left behind that place.

× × ×

There was more darkness than expected inside the warehouse, it doesn't seem like there are many people.

There were containers loaded with miscellaneous cargo lined up. They were probably varied articles scheduled to be exported overseas.

When I looked from the sky, the thread surely reached inside here.

There's no mistake... Iris should be very close to here.

We should proceed to the interior with caution.

"Ahaha. How unusual to have guests here."

As we thought we heard a man's voice, suddenly, the lighting installed on the ceiling illuminated a nearby position.

We unintentionally squinted our eyes. Who the heck is the one who did this... And.


Bound of hands and feet by thick ropes, an Iris tied to a pillar entered our field of vision.

Dishevelled golden hair. Bare skin full of injuries.

Her face, lacking the ambition of before, looked pale.

"Foolish one... Why art thee here..."

Judging from her hoarse tone of voice, she seemed to be quite weakened.

"How weird~. As the Kraken should ave been standing watch, how can you guys be here?"

It was an unpleasant voice.

Right besides Iris was standing a man with long hair.

Covered from head to toe with a black suit.

The arrangement of his features was uncanny, but his very long bangs gave the feeling of an annoying narcissist. His age, maybe the early twenties? Saying it straightfordwardly, he was an extremely disgusting man.

"I've been wondering for some time... Why do you do these mean things? Do you understand how grave a crime is a contract that disregards the free will of the monster? If it gets leaked to the IMA, it won't end like this."

As Zonmi spoke with an emphatic tone, the man showed a composed smile.

"What a problem~. Since I don't feel like letting you scape under my nose. That aside, I want to get a chat with that tamer there."


Shaken by the sudden change of topic, I was left without words.

"You should be a 7th generation rookie. You got to choose a red dragon. Amazing, the best! I now understand what the boss said! What an outstanding talent do you have!?"

"Wait, what the heck are you saying?"

""Don't you know? ... I'm honestly praising you. When a monster tamer gets selected, the three initial monsters to choose from are assigned according to their individual aptitude. For a monster of the red dragon class, an apt person doesn't appear even once in a generation."

"... I don't care, I'm not glad to be praised by you! What do you want to say?"

"Fu, fu, such cold words. You — will also become a tamer of this side."


What did this guy blurt out of nowhere.

"Ha, ha, I'm astonished Me becoming the colleague of a criminal?"

"Aah, in that case, you can do me a favor and sell me the blood of this chick. To make my monsters even more powerful. Unfortunately, the battle before against the damned dragon was consuming, but I still have more stock of 'Enforce' arranged. How do you think, is it a bad offer?"

"Don't mess with me! I won't consent to what you say, you fool!"

It's obvious that doing that won't benefit me in the least.

Thereupon, the man distorted his face,

"From my point of view, you are the hopeless fools...

Being a tamer from the 6th generation, among my peers I'm the one with the fastest success in life — and saying that, it won't do you harm listening to what your senior says.

Believe it or not, like you lot now, I too was once a foolish tamer that performed his duty diligently. So, until you know the inevitability of destiny..."

"... What the heck do you mean by that?"

"You, have you thought about the end of the world?"

The man switched to a serious tone,

"As we are now, humanity will meet its unavoidable destruction. By the hands of the large number of monsters that inundate us from the Netherworld."

References and Translation Notes

  1. BTW I've been translating all this time 契約 as "contract", since it's the direct translation, but anytime a forced reading appears, including this one, it says "contact"; I don't know if this is intended or a mistake by the author, but if you think this is intended, feel free to change all "contract"s to "contact"s.

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