Absolute Duo:Volume 1 Epilogue

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The crimson flames were burning everything down.

Again, this dream.

A grey dream.

A nightmare with red as its only color existing.

Otoha’s death.

Those words from my best friend.

“They are dead, because they were weak”

And then------with a shout painted with hopelessness, rage and resentment, the memories called a nightmare concluded.


It looks like she woke up from the shout I raised, and Yurie took a peek at me in worry.

“Sorry…………..i surprised you, again…………”

“Please do not mind it. ………………more importantly, are you okay Tooru?”

“Aah………..i just…………saw a bad dream………….”

My clothes were wet with sticky cold sweat and I could only say it is unpleasant.

“…………………sorry, I’ll change my clothes. While I am at it, I’ll go get a drink in the lounge so, don’t mind me and sleep Yurie. I am really sorry I woke you up”

Saying only that, I quickly changed my clothes before, exiting the room.


Just before I closed the door, I heard Yurie’s worried voice but, I did not stop my legs.

While thinking I made her worried even more, this unpleasantness------- this squirming dark feeling in the depths of my heart, the face distorted from that feeling, I didn’t want Yurie to see any of it.

Blue night----------

After coming out to the balcony from the lounge, I was waiting for that world befitting that representation.

The pale moon was shinning up in the sky, and it was a peaceful and kind world.

But that dark feeling was still swirling inside my heart.

On that summer day---------that moment, has still not left my mind.


I lost everything.

My precious sister, my precious benefactor, and people that is the same as my family--------

Ever since then, I followed my best friend’s words, to seek <<Power>> and reached to this academy.

(If I was strong, will I have not lost everything………)

Time will not go back.

Even if I seek <<Power>> now or gain it, nothing will come back.

I know there is no meaning.

But even so, I have no choice but to seek it.

My precious daily life-------- towards my best friend who destroyed everything, in order to slam these black feelings at him.

Even though 2 years passed after that, the rage and hate did not change inside me.

It has been one month since I came to Kouryou academy---------


Suddenly, a voice was called out to me from behind.

I didn’t need to turn around.

It was because there is only one person that would call me in that tone.

“………………you didn’t sleep, Yurie”

“You weren’t coming back so…………”

“…………..sorry to make you worry. i was just cooling off………lets go back and sleep”

To avoid letting Yurie see my face, I went pass her flank and was about to go out to the lounge------


I stopped my legs from her loud voice.

When I turned around, Yurie was looking straight at me.

Expressing a pitiful light, she was staring fixed at me with her Ruby eyesred eyes.

“I heard, the words Tooru was saying when you were having a nightmare………..”

I was not surprised from her words. It was because I thought that might have been the case.

“Otoha………why………………answer me………..i won’t forgive you……. I will definitely--------kill you”

“………….forget it”

While thinking it was futile, I could only say that.

“Is that…………….Tooru’s goal……..?”

“Forget it………!!”

The atmosphere shook from my shout.

But Yurie slowly swing her head-------

“Me too-------“

Under the moonlight, she exposed her white skin.

Absolute Duo Volume 1 Non-Colour 10.jpg


“I am the same with Tooru”

“Same……….with me…………?”

In that instant, a gust of wind passed by and made her Silver BlondeSilver hair fluttered about.

My back muscle twitched.

Towards that long straight scar carved behind her exposed back.

Inside that blue time, the words the silver girl put into her mouth-----that confession.

“I am also same with Tooru-------an <<Avenger>>.”


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