Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa:Volume 2 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Her decision

Living under the same roof as girls is a situation any healthy male high school student would have longed for at least once.

Let’s picture it:

  • Carelessly opening the bathroom’s door one day and encountering a shower scene with a nude pretty girl.
  • Turning on the TV one day, they show by chance a commercial for a horror movie and giving the reason of ‘since I can’t sleep by myself’ she ask you “Could you sleep with me…?” putting puppy eyes.

Even I had a time when I longed for that kind of throbbitty-throb (obsolete word)[1] situations.

But, reality is so cruel.

If you try looking under the lid, the much desired ‘lifestyle under the same roof’ is full of terrible things.

Why is it like that? The silver-haired blue-eyed beauty that suddenly came to live with me shows a curious guard where she doesn’t even show the “pa” in “pantyshot”.

And instead of becoming frightened with horror movies, it’s her existence what’s frightening!

The ghoul, Zonmi Ra McKenzie.

Since I shoulder the commendable duty of a Monster tamer, I can’t do but being abused by the behavior of this arrogant girl.

“Welcome back. Chiharu.”

Once I finished my work as an executive committee member, when I opened my home’s front door, Zonmi greeted me with the looks of a vacuum cleaner-wielding apron-dressed newlywed wife.

“Eeerm… Is this some kind of shyness play?”

This is no place to play the straight man.

I don’t know what to say, before the entryway there are numerous familiar porno mags piled into a huge mount on the “Have they just published a new O• Piece[2] book!?” level.

“Since I didn’t know what to do while I waited until Chiharu returned home, I decided to clean your room. While I was at it, I decided to dispose of things I deemed unneeded, don’t mind it.”

“… Why so sudden?” When I asked, Zonmi’s eyes lost their light and became those of a dead fish.

“Yoghurt strawberry sundae.”


“Chiharu. It seems you had plenty of fun this evening. ¿Have you neglected your partner to have a fancy dinner with the Nephilim?


How careless. It seems that somehow or other today’s events have reached Zonmi’s ears.

How could Zonmi know about today?

Even though that question crossed my mind… As we are partners bound by the ring, we can pick up each other’s whereabouts.

“Eeerm. For that, sorry. You don’t have to worry one bit about that…”

“No problem. Since Chiharu is free to have dinner with whom he wants.”

“… Ha, ha!”

Nothing costs as much as what is given to us.

Somehow it seems that if I don’t repay Zonmi, I’ll lose the thing I value next to my life.


Pearls before swine. A waste of resources

Telling Zonmi about the porn mags?

It seems that the porn mags that have invaluable price to a guy in his puberty, to her are no more than trash.

“… Is that so? Thanks for expressly doing the cleaning. How should I put it, my room, was it filthy?”

“No. Chiharu’s room was very clean. It was a bit… artificial.”

“If you put it like that, it seems you’re trying to imply something…”

About my room being clean… That is, there is a bit of a meaning that I want to conceal the things I don’t want to be seen.

Since I think that from back when I was in elementary school, I’ve tried to lead a lifestyle based on cleanliness.

“I’m quite thankful for your selfless consideration, but don’t you think there’s something mixed in that’s not rubbish?”

Maou na Ore to Fushihime no Yubiwa 2 p015.png

“Ho, ho. If it seems like I made a mistake, pick the necessary things from here and bring them back to your room.”

“That being the case, since thi book is not trash, I’ll bring them back to my ro… Ii!”

When I tried, totally composed, to pick up my bible of the ’Hundred top lewd athletes in the world’, my hand was brushed of as if it were natural.

“Chiharu, that’s rubbish, isn’t it?”

Though her face was smiling, Zonmi’s eyes weren’t.

“… Sorry, sorry. It seems I had something in my eye.”

“Is that so? That’s good, then. If that before had been serious, I would have no other choice but mince up Chiharu’s body and take it out as burnable rubbish along with these magazines.”

“… Ahaha… Haha.”

“Come on. Pick up soon those filthy things. We’ll dispose of them right away.”

“Wait a minute!? Why do I have to carry them myself!?”

Asking that to Zonmi, her cheeks turned fiery red,

“Do, don’t you mean you expect me to carry those filthy things!?”

She mouthed those words while looking down.

Filthy. That’s a mean thing to say…

Nonetheless, I’m a high school boy that has hit puberty.

It’s a sad thing, but I can’t deny it.

… Ku. Sorry. Porn mags…

After this, I will absolutely go to salvage you!

“Mm. What’s this…?”

Right after I lifted the mags.

*TUMBLE* Something fell from inside of one of them to the floor.

Actually, you could say that I could virtually pick it up.

Looking carefully it was — a pendant shaped like a key attached to a silver chain.

What’s that that I could virtually pick up?

I can’t recall where I got it from.

However, I think this seems like something absurdly valuable.

“Why are you slacking off? Let’s go!”

“… Understood.”

In the end, I secretly put it into my pocket so that Zonmi didn’t realize and hurriedly followed after Zonmi.

× × ×

Kurose Kyouko.

There’s nobody who hasn’t heard of her name at Seiran Private Academy.

My high-handed childhood friend. Those who see her for the first time may not hold such impression.

The truth is, she’s a person that minds her surroundings in order to put off a cool persona not used to deal with people more than necessary.

Attractive face and figure. A woman gifted with looks and brains.

A prize beyond reach owned by nobody.

Since she gives that impression, loved by those around her, it makes her popularity to be on fire.

However. She’s actually different.

Her social disposition has become quite dry — because she mingles with other people while hiding tha she’s a monster. The truth is she’s way more lonely than the rest — she’s nothing more than a weak girls that thirsts for other people’s warmth.

And nobody knows her better than…

Kusumi Chiharu. Kyouko’s childhood friend since elementary school.

“Yo, touch!”

“Uwaaaah! Run awaay! You’ll catch the Kurose germs!!”

Around seven years ago. Kyouko, due to her father’s job, moved here, to Saegusa.

She was still in her third year of elementary school.

Back in elementary school. Kyouko was subjected to the teasing of her male classmates on a regular basis.

Because of that, the Kyouko from childhood, different from now — due to her complex personality, she looked like an easy target for bullying.

Though she had fine basic features, due to things like her naturally curly her or her big rimmed glasses, her appearance didn’t show even a bit of her current refinement.

“Sob, sob… *hiccup*”

“Ahh, ahh. She’s cryiiing. She’s cryiiing.”

“Th-that’s fine! She’s a freak. Let her cry!”

The word “freak” her male classmates nonchalantly called her pierced Kyouko’s heart.

(That’s right… I’m a freak… Since I’m not human. It’s natural that I have to suffer…)

At the time, on a popular Sunday morning tokusatsu[3] hero show, fantastic beings like Kyouko were always being depicted in story as ‘foes’.

In Kyouko’s very young mind, she was vaguely aware that it was decided she couldn’t become the heroine or the main character of the story.

“How can it be fine!”

It was at that time. The first time she met ‘him’—

Kusumi Chiharu. She had known about him since before.

With outstanding reflexes, he also handled flawlessly his studies.

His looks that resembled closely those of a medium-sized dog full of charm weren’t bad too… If you had to say, it was a clear strike on Kyouko’s preferences.

Even while he didn’t lack many special traits, his popularity among the rest of the girls didn’t stem from that, but solely because of his unheard-of inside self.

“Wah, what’s this?”

“Po-pool bag!?”

What made a clean hit on the heads of the boy classmates that surrounded Kyouko was an out of season pool bag.

Strange. That’s weird.

Swimming classes in physical education have ended long ago—

When that doubt was rosen inside Kyouko’s head.

References and Translation Notes

  1. It says “munekyun (obsolete word)” literally.
  2. One Piece.
  3. It means “special effects” and it usually refers to transforming hero shows (lone or squad) where attacks and transformations are done with (usually poor) special effects and the monster of the week is either a puppet or an actor in costume; think about Power Rangers.

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