Horizon:Volume 1B Character

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  • Aoi Toori: Protagonist. Musashi Ariadust Academy's Chancellor and Student Council President. "Mr. Impossible".
  • Aoi Kimi: Toori's older sister, believes in the God of Erotica and Dance. High-tensioned by nature and selfish in practice.
  • Azuma: Child of the Emperor, a demigod. All of his abilities are sealed. He lives in Musashi.
  • Asama Tomo: Daughter of the main shrine of Musashi, the Asama Shrine. Childhood friend of Toori and Kimi as well as victim of life.
  • Itou Kenji: Lively incubus. A naked and bald muscle-type. Nicknamed Itoken.
  • Adele Balfette: A Support Warrior-type who came from France. Glasses girl.
  • Kiyonari Urquiaga: Second Special Duty Officer. An Aerial-type half-dragon, wishes to be an Inquisitor. Nicknamed Ukii.
  • Ohiroshiki Ginji: A gourmet and otaku with a heart-type body build.
  • Tenzou Crossunite: First Special Duty Officer. A ninja who always covers his face with his hat and a gofer.
  • Shirojiro Bertoni: Treasurer. Young executive of the Musashi Business Administration.
  • Naomasa: Sixth Special Duty Officer. Elder sister-type who works in the Engineering Club. Smokes tobacco and laughs with a booming voice.
  • Toussaint Neshinbara: Secretary. He loves history and aspires to be an author. Makes doujins.
  • Nenji: A slime with around 3 HP. Manly.
  • Nate Mitotsudaira: Fifth Special Duty Officer. Inheritor of the name Mito Komon, a Knight-type. Half-werewolf.
  • Heidi Augesvarer: Treasurer's Assistant. Shirojiro's partner, always wears a white fox scarf.
  • Noriki: Working boy who supports his family. Clumsy-style fighter. Quiet and unsociable.
  • Persona-kun: Super macho with a bucket helmet. Silent, monstrously strong, and with a gentle heart.
  • Hassan Fullbush: Calpis brand-type Indian. Eats, drinks and lives nothing but curry.
  • Malga Naruze: Fourth Special Duty Officer. Black haired six-winged White Magician. Belongs to the Manga Research Club.
  • Honda Masazumi: Student Council Vice-President. Serious personality, transfer student who came from Mikawa last year. Has a lot going on in her family.
  • Miriam Poqou: A girl who attends school from home because she requires a wheelchair.
  • Margot Naito: Third Special Duty Officer. Blonde six-winged Black Magician. Always smiling.
  • Mukai Suzu: Blind, but a girl who does her best. Acts as a stopper for everyone.

Academy's Affiliates

  • Sakai Tadatsugu: Musashi Ariadust Academy Principal. Before, he was a rather capable person, but was demoted.
  • Oriotorai Makiko: High-speed battle style female teacher. Always wears a jersey.
  • Yoshinao: Musashi's King who was sent from Hexagone Française. Holds the right to veto the Academy as well as the authority of the management of Musashi.
  • "Musashi": Automated doll that supervises Musashi and is the Commander. Can't stand spiciness.
  • Honda Futayo: Student of Mikawa. Daughter of Honda Tadakatsu. Her language is rough, preferring to use a samurai's personal pronoun and definite article.
  • Sanyou Mitsuki: Homeroom teacher of the third year Bamboo Class. She looks up to Oriotorai as a senior. Seems just ever so slightly unlucky.
  • Horizon Ariadust: Toori's childhood friend and current lord of Mikawa. An automaton as of now. Her feeling were taken from her to be used in an Armament of Deadly Sin.


  • Oda Nobunaga: In recent years, an inheritor of the name appeared, but wary of the Testament Union's assassination, he does not show his figure in public.
  • Innocentius: Pope-President. The head of the old faith and representative of K.P.A. Italia.
  • Matsudaira Motonobu: Mikawa's ruler. He is a "Puppet Man", but he keeps his neutral state between the Testament Union and P.A. ODA.
  • Tachibana Muneshige: Peerless in the West. Wielder of the Deadly Sin Armament 'Sloth's Lament'. First special duty officer of Tres Espana. A good, kind person and son-in-law.
  • Tachibana Gin: Tachibana Michiyuki's daughter and Muneshige's wife. Both her arms are prosthetic. Tres Espana's third special duty officer. Has a rather calm personality.