Kaze no Stigma:Volume1 Chapter5

From Baka-Tsuki
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Riding the Shinkansen[Japan express train] headed for Tokyo, Kazuma and Ayano were sitting on a wide seat within a side-room[包廂], quietly waiting for their arrival.

The air conditioning was very cooling, and it is an extremely cozy environment. However, most people would rather choose to squeeze in the over-congested train chambers than to sit in the same room as these two.

There is a kind of unpleasant atmosphere that makes it hard for one to stay within the room.

This is infuriating.

This is so infuriating.

Ayano’s eyes were filled with murderous desires, staring straight at Kazuma, who was sitting diagonally from her.

Even though it is impossible not to notice, Kazuma does not even look at Ayano. He shakes his leg comfortably, and is reading a magazine he bought from a stall quickly.

Ayano shifts her view back to the scenery outside once more.

Her current mood is the worst in her life so far. To have to work together with Kazuma made her feel very unhappy. And her father Jugo seems to have more faith in Kazuma’s abilities rather than on her, this makes her feel even more unhappy.

She stubbornly forced her head to face the window while glancing at Kazuma. From the looks of it, he is completely different from the way he was four years ago. His appearance does not seem much different, but in her heart, he has already jumped up several levels.

She hates Kazuma very much, she can even guarantee that while hitting on her chest. But--- her eyes just cannot divert. Unknowingly, she has begun to go in pursuit of Kazuma, observing his every move. Ayano cannot tolerate her such actions.

(Speaking of which, this is totally unbelievable! How did he become so strong in just four years?)

Kazuma four years ago was just like a stone by the roadside. This is not considered bullying or looking down upon him, more of removing him from sight automatically and naturally.

It is the same even during the “Successor Ceremony”. Kazuma joined the ceremony only because Genma forced him to. Between Ayano and Kazuma, who cannot even use En-Jutsu, there should not even be a fight. This is because, even before the fight, everyone knew the outcomes.

(But I heard that his fighting skills and other Jutsus were rather good…… No! Why should I be trying to spot his good points!?)

Ayano shakes her head hard, removing all unpleasant thoughts from mind. She organizes her breathe, and rises her head. At this moment, her eyes met those of Kazuma’s.

“…… You seem very happy.”

Kazuma was not mocking her, but simply spoke in a surprised tone.

“Who…… Who would be happy! Just the fact that I am being with you makes me feel unhappy to the max!”

”Is that so!”

Rebutting the agitated Ayano, Kazuma replied faintly, as though nothing had happened and took out a cigarette from a hidden pocket in his jacket.

“Hey! Don’t smoke in this kind of small room!”

(----Here we go again.)

As she was shouting in complain, Ayano began to have doubts about her uncontrollable emotions. As long as Kazuma is in front of her, she seems to turn aggressive subconsciously.

This type of emotions cannot be explained clearly with just the reason “because of hate”. After all, Ayano is the type to totally ignore those she dislikes. It would be impossible for her to even lift her head to talk to them.

(So I guess this means I don’t just hate him, I hate him very very very much!)

She used such a farfetched logic to sooth the unpleasantness in her heart. But, looking at that super detestable guy chewing his cigarette, and taking out a lighter, Ayano went on a rage once more.

“I told you not to smoke, did you not hear me!”

Kazuma filled his lungs with smoke and released them slowly, the air between the two of them became thick with the smoke. After repeating the same actions once more, he looked into Ayano’s angry stare.

“------I heard you.”

The voice reached Ayano’s seat together with smoke. Watching Ayano as she is getting choked by the smoke, Kazuma continues to pollute the air with second hand smoke.

“---- You imbecile!”

Ayano stares at Kazuma’s mouth. The spirits responded to the will of the descendent of the master of flames quickly.


The sound of an explosion sounded off, the cigarette that Kazuma was chewing on was burnt to the cigarette head instantly. If Kazuma was any slower in spitting it out, his own mouth would have been burnt by it.

“Heh heh!”

Ignoing Ayano who seems so proud and pleased with herself, Kazuma took out another cigarette. This time he set up a kekkai around him, sealing off any flame spirits that may try to get out of control.

Ayano furiously stared once more at Kazuma, who began to produce more smoke. And what is even more detestable, is that smoke went through the kekkai and began to taint her surroundings white.

“Stop playing such stupid tricks, how about we discuss on our plans for the battle?”

Ayano fights hard to keep her desires to burn the whole train sector, and proposed on a plan for the cooperation. It seems that having been scolded to be brainless by her father was a very shocking matter.

In the process of Ayano’s growth, all her emotional expressions could be said to have been developed according to Jugo, but Kazuma gives a very calm reaction now.

“The two of us working together requires no plan. You go ahead and fight with Ryuya, I will stay at the back and cover you. Is there any other way?”

”……Why do I get the feeling my job is much more dangerous?”

Ayano knows that this is the most efficient way too, but just feels that something doesn’t make sense. This is because she doesn’t trust Kazuma completely, thus she always gets the feeling that she is being framed.

“This is your family’s problem! Shouldn’t you work harder for it?”

”For someone who is getting paid to do the job, you sure sound proud. Mercenaries should fight at the front line! You are obliged to protect me.”

”Are you that weak?”

Kazuma gives a snort of contempt and says.. “You cannot survive without someone protecting you?”


At the face of the furious Ayano, who is so angry she is at a loss for words, Kazuma said something even more rude..

“Listen well, and remember it. I have no energy to spare to protect you. Ryuya is very strong. Stronger than me, and of course even stronger than you. We must both use our powers to the limit, only under such circumstances do we stand a chance to win. Even if you don’t trust me, at least try to unconditionally trust me for today! If you cannot do that, we are just going to die.”

Kazuma put it all out so plainly and spoke in such a calm manner, Ayano is unable to rebut. She knows that she is losing her momentum. A strong “qi” is restraining her, she cannot even move a finger.

“I……I got it already……”

A tone that sounds as though she is fighting back, that is the only resistance she can put up, as it felt as though that if she does not make an attempt to resist, she would be conquered both physically and mentally, and will be unable to resist ever again.

“However, it is just for today…… If it weren’t for a time like this, I would never……”

She tries her best to rebut, but Kazuma does not reply, his presence earlier seemed to have vanished without a trace, as though that was just a dream, Kazuma relaxed his whole body, and fiddles with his cigarette in a lazy posture. Ayano thinks to herself, just like a poisonous bug.

(------What a mean person.)

She scolds in her heart. How come I am so afraid of this kind of self degrading nicotine addict, what an embarrassment.

“I am going to sleep.”

She left this line, and shut her eyes, and then opened them once more to stare at Kazuma.

“If you try anything funny, I will burn you!”

”Don’t worry! I am not interested in creatures that have yet to become a woman.”


After hearing such a rude reply, Ayano holds her fist and stands up. But Kazuma continues to read his magazine, without bothering with her actions. Just as he had said that he is “not interested”, Kazuma proves it through his actions in a very natural manner.

In an instant, Ayano’s expression seems to be about to cry. She blinked her eyes, which became wet without a proper reason, and then returned back to her seat, and closing her eyes.

In her mind, her uncertain feelings became a whirlpool. She can no longer be sure if she is angry or sad anymore.

(Why should I even bother myself about that guy……)

Unable to verify her own feelings, Ayano locks her confused thoughts into the depths of her consciousness. After that she gave an order to her brain, to focus her consciousness on sleeping. Within a few seconds, Ayano forgot all her unhappiness and gave off peaceful breathing sounds.

After confirming that Ayano is asleep already, Kazuma purifies the air in the room. The originally corrupted air became clean in a short moment.

After telling the spirits to consistently purify, Kazuma focuses his mind on the security of the surroundings, he let his senses become synchronized with the wind spirits.

His consciousness fuses with the wind, his body, which became an empty shell, shows a tired smile that would be looked down upon by Ayano.

(Gee, this girl can really sleep.)

Having thought of the possibility of being attacked while on the move, Kazuma finds it hard to rest in peace. Even though his search radius is ten kilometers wide, but while moving at three hundred kilometers per hour, one can never let his guard down, since that monster can easily attack from more than twenty kilometers away if it wishes to.

Even though this is only to make himself feel more secure, Kazuma continues to keep his guard up. Even if he is able to sense an attack, it would be good to just be able to block the first hit. The enemy has no reason to focus on Kazuma, as simply destroying the whole cabin would allow him to meet his objective.

(After the first hit, escape quickly before the second hit…… And on top of that, to bring along a burden, can that be done?)

Looking at the “burden” that is sound asleep, Kazuma mumbled to himself.

(I have got no choice, but to just do it……)

No matter how bad the situation seems, the only way out of the situation is to take action proactively, to only just wait for a chance, everything would be finished.

In the end, the precautions were too late. The Fuga clan disappeared without a trace, and is yet to be found, probably on their way to the sacred lands, or they might even have arrived!

He does not intend to let Fuga clan’s ambitions to be fulfilled, even though one of the reasons is to save his cute brother, but Kazuma has decided long ago that “anyone that uses a human as a tribute must die”.

.------ Maybe not all the Fuga clan participated with the revolt, so some way to take care of these people would be required then-----

Remembering the words of the clan chief, Kazuma shows an evil smile.

(Let me help you save some energy!)

Jugo should not require to ponder about what to do with the Fuga clan I guess? This is because Kazuma has already decided on the death penalty for anyone in the clan.

The journey after getting off the train requires a car. After exiting the train station, the two headed to the car park as instructed.

Considering the possibility of having to go all around the whole mountain, thus the vehicle prepared is a four wheel drive RANGE ROVER. Kazuma places the key he obtained from Jugo into the key slot, and switched on the GPS before starting the engine.

Ayano came in from the door at the other end and sat down, perhaps she is wary of Kazuma’s driving capabilities, she took up the safety belt immediately.

“Don’t put on the safety belt.”

Kazuma said as he was looking at the GPS.


”Ryuya is much scarier than a car accident. Be prepared to jump off the vehicle at any time.”


“Then lets go!”

Kazuma presses on the accelerator pedal with ease.

RANGE ROVER does not meet much interference, and went swiftly down the road. After leaving the town zone, they took a scenic route, and went around to the back of the mountain.

“Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something.”


“You mentioned earlier, Ryuya’s wind is in berserk mode right? Won’t the spirits you control go on berserk as well?”

”Yes, if it is just attacking, it should be fine. But I dare not guarantee it will stay that way in the long run.”

”Are you sure it is going to be okay?”

Ayano asked in doubt.

“Believe me! In that case, why don’t I test it out------ Incoming!”

Kazuma’s wind retaliated the black wind that came from above, a furious gale was created by the power of the two waves, even the heavy weight RANGE ROVER began to shook vigorously.

“Jump out of the car!”

As if pushed out by Kazuma’s voice, Ayano kicked the car door down and jumped out, but after the jump, she remembers that Kazuma ordered her earlier, and so became angry for that.

“Don’t order me------“

She stared at the driver seat as she was making a fuss, but there is no one there anymore.

Not sure when that happened, but Kazuma has quietly jumped out of the car. From the closed car door, there is no way to imagine how he jumped out, as logically speaking, he should have gotten into action after Ayano.


Once again speaking ahead before Ayano, Kazuma raised his finger pointing slightly upwards, Ayano’s eyes reflexively followed this action.

“Oh no------!”

Kazuma was in control, and she was being played by his hand, she was unable to move by her own will.

Even though she is so angry she would want to kill him, but apparently there is no time for that, as at the tip of where Kazuma pointed, A shadow came from the skies into the centre of Ayano’s vision.

A corrupted youki even darker and duller than the black suit, thin lips, a straight nose, a proper face that can even be said to be handsome, but that face was paler than a mask.

“Ryuya……? I never noticed at all……”

If not for Kazuma, she would have been killed without even seeing Ryuya. A chill went down Ayano’s spine.

“Don’t take him to be same as the Fuga clan. A first rate Fu-Jutsushi upon hiding himself, an En-Jutsushi will never be able to find him. Once you get into a melee battle, don’t leave the enemy, no matter what happens.”

Seeing Ayano who froze from the tense situation, Kazuma gives a fearless smile.

“So------Are you ready?”

”Don’t order me. Just do your job and cover me!”

After throwing down that sentence, Ayano dashed out. As she is running, she pulled out Enraiha, and shot a fireball to show her might.

“I told you, that thing won’t work!”

Kazuma grumbled in shock.

Ryuya quietly stood before the approaching fireball. The scorching flames attacked Ryuya, who did not take any defensive actions at all, staying motionless.


”That is not enough! Continue and strike!!”

Observing Ryuya who is surrounded by flames, Kazuma shouted.

“I know! I told you not to order me!!”

Ayano waved her Enraiha as she replied. She doesn’t expect a fire of that level can deal any damage against their opponent, it would have been good to successfully divert his attention.

(However------ There is nothing that Enraiha cannot destroy!)



A swing with her utmost confidence, was repelled by a clear sound.


Ryuya cleared away the flames, and closed in at Ayano who gave a shocking sound. She can clearly see those pitch black claws, about thirty centimeters long, coming out of that pair of bending curves.

Did the opponent use this to block Enraiha------ Ayano did not even have time to think about this.

She uses the red blade to block off the claws that sliced in from the left and right, nd as she was just about to retaliate, the opponent has already vanished from her sight.


Instinctively, she swung her blade, and coincidentally caught Ryuya. The pitch black claws blocked Enraiha, and was making squeaking sounds.

Their weapons hit, but in terms of size and arm power, Ayano was at a disadvantage. Ayano pushed out her blade forcefully, and jumped back with the rebounding force to the back, pulling a distance between them.

“What the hell have you been covering, Kazuma!!”

Ayano did not shift her vision from Ryuya, just scolding her partner who did nothing in fury. But she did not get a reply no matter how long she waited.

“…… Hey, Kazuma?”

Under a very unpleasant premonition, she called for Kazuma with insecurity. This time she finally got a reply------ in the form of a far away voice transmitted by Fu-Jutsu.

“I shall be making a move first, I shall leave the rest to you------ Good luck!”

Hearing the playful words from the wind made Ayano dumbfounded where she stood for ten seconds.


Ayano, who stood there with her head bowed down originally, golden flames suddenly burst out of her body. Maybe because she is holding the sword handle tightly, the tip of Enraiha is shivering slightly.

Ayano raises her head, and used sharp eyes to look straight ahead. Her eyes went through Ryuya, who stood before her, as though she can see that despicable fellow who had slipped away to further back long ago.

Ayano shouted in a trembling and furious voice..

”You…… You big traitor!! Watch it! After I get this guy, the next one is you------!!”

Her shout echoed in the empty mountains.