Log Horizon Specific Guidelines

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This page serves to supplement the general format/style guideline page to minimize inconsistencies in formatting, style, naming, etc., among different translators and editors. Please go through that page before this page if you have not done so yet. Any new suggestions or disagreements with the guidelines are welcome, and such discussions should be carried out on Here. When using the talk pages, please sign your posts using the signature button. The project supervisor (if he/she exists) shall have the final say. Before suggesting a change, do bear in mind the impact of the change to already translated content and weigh that against the value and importance of the change.

Warning: This page contains possible spoilers!

Formatting & Style

Names & Terminology

Translators who encounter a recurring term or name not listed here are encouraged to update this list. If in doubt, discuss on the talk page or in the forums for input from other Japanese raw readers.



Main Characters

  • シロエ = Shiroe
    • 城鐘恵(シロガネケイ) = Shirogane Kei
  • 直継(なおつぐ) = Naotsugu
  • アカツキ = Akatsuki

Log Horizon

  • にゃん太(にゃんた) = Nyanta
  • ミノリ = Minori
  • トウヤ = Tohya - See character descriptions after TOC in LN Volume 3
  • 五十鈴(いすず) = Isuzu
  • ルンデルハウス=コード = Rundelhous Code

Crescent Moon Alliance

  • マリエール = Maryele - See character descriptions after TOC in LN Volume 6
  • ヘンリエッタ = Henrietta
  • セララ = Serara
  • 小竜(しょうりゅう) = Shouryuu
  • アイゼル = Aizel
  • 明日架(あすか) = Asuka
  • リリアナ = Liliana
  • 飛燕(ひえん) = Hien
  • アシュリン = Ashlynn
  • 義仲(よしなか) = Yoshinaka
  • ギーロフ = Girov
  • セコンド = Second
  • メイファ = Meifa
  • ココリコ = Cocorico

West Wind Brigade

  • ソウジロウ=セタ = Soujirou Seta
  • ナズナ = Nazuna
  • イサミ = Isami
  • キョウコ = Kyoko
  • カワラ = Kawara
  • フレグラント・オリーブ = Flagrant Olive
  • ドルチェ = Dolce
  • ひさこ = Hisako
  • 砂姫 = Saki


  • クラスティ = Krusty
  • ??? = Rieze
  • ??? = Takayama Misa

Round Table Council/Notable Adventurers

  • ??? = 'Strong Armed' Michitaka; Oceanic Systems
  • ??? = 'Fairy Pharmacist' Rodrick; The Rodrick Firm
  • ??? = 'Young Boss' Charasin; 8th District Shopping Center
  • ??? = 'Cannon Ball' Woodstock; Grandeur
  • ??? = 'Hermit' Akaneya; Radio Market
  • ??? = 'Sage' Ein; Honesty
  • ??? = 'Black Sword' Issac; Black Sword Knights
  • ??? = 'Eyes of Mystery' Williams; Silver Sword

People of the Land

  • セルジアッド=コーウェン = Sergead Corwen
  • レイネシア=エルアルテ=コーウェン = Raynesia Elart Corwen
  • キリヴァ侯 = Duke Kyriva
  • タイハク侯
  • クレンディット男爵
  • エリッサ = Elissa
  • リ=ガン = Re~Gun (Seems to be what we are using for now, anime usage of Regan seems better tho) (I dunno about making it one name. The "equal" symbol is used to separate first and last names. Look at Sergead Corwen, Raynesia, and Enbart) (Given that his predecessors name is ジェレド=ガン which would be Jared/Gered Gun, I'd say they are two words)
  • エンバート=ネルレス = Enbart Nelles
  • 菫星(きんじょう) = Kinjyou


  • ストゥイナウ = Sutu Inaw
    • 春楡の娘 = Daughter of the Spring Elm
  • ルグリウス = Lugrias


General Terms

  • ログ・ホライズン = Log Horizon <- Novel name
  • 記録の地平線 = Log Horizon <- Guild name
  • 三日月同盟 = Crescent Moon Alliance
  • 西風の旅団 = West Wind Brigade
  • 大災害 = Catastrophe (if no one disagree)
  • 冒険者 = Adventurers
  • 大地人 = People of the Land
  • エルダー・テイル = Elder Tales (pronounced singular in English in the anime)
  • 本拠地 = Hometown

Main Classes

  • 戦士系職業 = Warrior Class
    • 守護戦士《ガーディアン》 = Guardian
    • 武士《サムライ》 = Samurai
    • 武闘家《モンク》 = Monk
  • 武器攻撃系職業 = Weapon Attack Class
    • 暗殺者《アサシン》 = Assassin
    • 盗剣士《スワッシュバックラー》 = Swashbuckler
    • 吟遊詩人《バード》 = Bard
  • 回復系職業 = Healing Class
    • 施療神官《クレリック》 = Cleric
    • 森呪遣い《ドルイド》 = Druid
    • 神祇官《カンナギ》 = Kannagi
  • 魔法攻撃系職業 = Magic Attack Class
    • 妖術師《ソーサラー》 = Sorcerer
    • 召喚術師《サモナー》 = Summoner
    • 付与術師《エンチャンター》 = Enchanter

Sub Classes

  • 生産系 = Production type
    • 鍛治屋 = Blacksmith
    • 裁縫師 = Tailor
    • 細工師 = Artisan
    • 調剤師 = Pharmacist
    • 料理人 = Chef
    • 木工職人 = Woodcrafter
    • 筆写師 = Scribe
    • 機工師 = Mechanic
    • 錬金術師 = Alchemist
    • 醸造職人 = Brewer
  • ロール系 = Role-playing type
    • 会計士 = Accountant
    • 交易商人 = Merchant
    • 吸血鬼 = Vampire
    • 追跡者 = Tracker
    • 清掃人 = Cleaner
    • 家政婦 = Housekeeper
    • 狂戦士 = Berserker
    • 辺境巡視 = Border Patrol
    • 見習い徒弟 = Apprentice
    • ちんどん屋 = Advertiser
    • 刻印呪師《シジルマンサー》 = Sigilmancer
    • 占い師 = Fortuneteller
    • 大工 = Carpenter
    • 調教師 = Animal Trainer
    • 刀匠 = Swordsmith
    • 狩人 = Hunter
    • 領主 = Feudal Lord
    • 貴族 = Aristocrat
    • 騎士 = Knight
    • 学者 = Scholar
    • 執事 = Butler
    • 農家 = Farmer
    • 漁師 = Fisherman
    • 酪農家 = Dairy Farmer
    • 医者 = Physician
    • 薬師 = Herbalist
    • 娼姫 = Courtesan
    • 人斬り = Hitman
    • アンデッドハンター = Undead Hunter
    • ダンサー = Dancer
    • 戦司祭《ウォー・プリースト》 = War Priest
    • 配達屋 = Courier
    • 齎薇園の姫君《ローズガ一デン・プリンセス》 = Rose Garden Princess
    • 採取人 = Harvester
    • 助手 = Assistant
  • 称号系・その他 = Title type/Others
    • 剣聖 = Sword Saint
    • 竜殺し《ドラコンスレイヤー》 = Dragon Slayer

Quests / Raids

  • ヘイロース九大監獄

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