Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 5 Prologue

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Prologue - Everyone's goal we hope

Part 1

Blowing sand and dust is flying outside the window.

Sand obscured the view, signifying the start of the storm.

The strong winds made the window rattle, yet inside the room there wasn't the slightest amount noise.

Disidiya's imperial palace stands in the heart of the desert. The imperial palace main body uses the special design in order to not be affected by the sandstorm. Without the slightest gap between the external and the internal walls of the city, even the sound is almost completely cut off from the outside.

As a result, a person in the imperial palace cannot hear the roaring in village.

"- Father, Whats this all about!"

Disidiya IV Prince Alphonse is fired up.

Location is the Emperor's Office. Alphonse questions the person sitting on the throne.

Baram Dy Alon Disidiya

But ......


Baram not only remains silent, but he didn't even look at Alphonse.

So Alphonse again with a clear tone expressing dissatisfaction.

"Why ... ... Why do you ignore the resolution, and aim to attack the Wandering forest!”

Akatsuki, Listy and others fight ended, Afterwords Alphonse was dispatched to investigate the nation border, in route he learned about Galevain formally declaring war on Disidiya.

The cause of declaration of war, was Disidiya's unauthorized invasion of the Wandering forest clearly a hostile action.

After receiving the report, Alphonse almost suspected it to be false. Sherfied held a meeting with the four-nations, although not an official conference. At least, the international meeting involved the leaders of the four countries.

The meeting concluded with an agreement between the leaders of the four countries - Its binding nature was on a international level.

Furthermore, Akatsuki demonstrated his strength and received international public opinion support.

In accordance with the conference agreement, Alayzard will re-investigate the attack against surveillance force by Galevain, expanding the investigation in order to uncover the actual facts and make them ​​public. However, Disidiya is ignoring agreement made be the four countries and at this point in time is on track to attack the demons. This undoubtedly will attract criticism from the international public opinion, and bring about domestic people's doubts and worry. Although the majority of people hate or even fear of Demons they hope a devastating war between the two can be avoided.

The biggest problem, however lies in the fact that they are launching an attack on the eve of re-investigation of Galevain events.

Attacking at this sensitive point in time will inevitably lead the people to think Disidiya aims to destroy evidence, and the attack against surveillance force by Galevain was actually Disidiya doing.

However Alphonse does not believe that, he believes that Disidiya is innocent.

The results of investigations along the border, at least proves that Alphonse's opinion.

However...... who issued the investigation order......

Alphonse silently gazed at his father, Baram.

He wants Baram to personally confirm.

"A few people...... believe that surveillance forces attack was in fact our countries military – In order to stimulate the weapons and ammunition trade by directing this farce."

Alphonse tone is full of doubt, and he hopes his father will deny it.

"Father ...... surveillance forces attack wasn't done by your orders, right?"

"...... No."

Baram shook his head, meaning that he had nothing to do with it.

However this is not the answer that Alphonse wanted. Baram's eyes are still staring at the void, avoiding contact with Alphonse eyes. Such a perfunctory reply doesn't satisfy Alphonse, but instead makes him doubt Baram in his heart.

"Why must we invade the Wandering forest!? Sherfied and Aleclasta and our country have a military alliance, so long as our country sends a request both countries will not sit by and do nothing. However, if this aggressive action is initiated by our country alone, our country alone must shoulder the responsibility of the war. Not to mention the agreement made by the four countries, Galevain along with the human world.- In other words, Alayzard peace agreement will be torn up with any military action, and will force our country to face condemnation from around the world. Your father should understand that!"

Compared to very impassioned Alphonse, Baram's response was very cold.

"The world's condemnation ......"

Until now, Baram looked straight ahead, but now took a look at Alphonse.

"- It seems you don't know anything."

"Of course I know very well. Father's decision was a big mistake!"

After a bitter retort, Alphonse turns around at once, and is about to leave the office.

Then Baram's voice came from behind.

"Where are you going?"

"Sherfied. I can order the Disidiya military to cease fire, but this may not prevent Galevain and Aria-sama. Queen Listy can stop Akatsuki-sama because of their personal friendship. There is no other person who can avert this war."

"So ...... seems to be no choice."

Baram's voice trailed off, the office door was abruptly pushed open.

Several soldiers filed in from the door.

Royal Knights - Baram's personal guards.

Alphonse found himself immediately surrounded.

"...... Father, what does this mean?"

"This is the meaning. Just as you thought."

Baram said:

"This is the point of no return, your actions will only prevent our country and our people from justice. From now on, you are no longer the state affair of Disidiya. I must detain you until I remove the order."

"Nonsense ...... Isn't the fall of countries because of unrighteousness men, right Father?"

Alphonse tried to approach Baram, but unfortunately he could not do so.

A Royal knight stands in the middle of the two, the rest of the knights have stepped forward to subdue Alphonse. Baram quietly gazes at this scene, coldly orders:


"This is wrong ...... Father, please reconsider!"

Several Knight's were dragging Alphonse out of the Office, Alphonse still did not give up and turn around –

He shouted towards the office door that was slowly closing to Baram:

"Turn back now, Its not too late ...... I beg you, Father!"

However, the cries of grief from Alphonse did not reach Baram's ears.

After a loud noise, the thick door closed completely.

Part 2

"It is not too late ......?"

After the office calmed down, Baram muttered.

At the same time, in his heart thinking over Alphonse's advice.

However, Baram still believes his decision is correct.

"Now is too late ... ... so there is no turning back."

After a short pause -

"Whether is ourselves...... or is the whole Alayzard."

Part 3

A strong shock wave swept across the battlefield.

Total annihilation, an unrivaled shock-wave came from Akatsuki's Demon Sword.

Focusing on a full critical attack, the shock-wave radiating out in every directions leveling the Disidiya vanguard army, above the "Wandering forest" surrounding plains.

However, didn't result in Disidiya army thinking about withdrawal.

"Do not fear! Swordsman squadron 2, attack! Tank unit, launch -!'

At the forefront of the division a young commander gave the orders, suddenly on the battlefield bursts of gunshots.

Disidiya's pride tank unit, looking like armored beasts, one after another issued a terrifying ROAR.

But -

"This kind of thing is child's play against me!"

Facing the High-speed artillery shells, Akatsuki screamed.

Akatsuki can sidestep or can use his demon sword to cut the shells in half, this much isn't even a problem to him.

However, Ousawa Akatsuki has actually abandoned those options.

His Ki passed through his feet, building up "Renkan Keikikou" he spun his sword at a high-speed circular orbit striking the shells, redirecting them into the sky. The raining shells landed right in front of swordsman squadron that intended to join the assault. The bursting shells caused the earth to shake, and send the sand flying up to the sky obscuring the battlefield.

But the Disidiya soldiers continued to break through the smoke and dust, and bravely launched an assault.

But -

"No, he disappeared? How is it possible!"

"He didn't escape, right?"

Disidiya soldiers falls into confusion.

Akatsuki sat and waited, overlooking the soldiers.

"Do I look like a run away coward?"

"There, There above us!"

One soldier noticed Akatsuki, but unfortunately he was a step too late.

Jumping in the air Akatsuki easily cross over the front line, approaching the commander.

Seeing this, the long bow squadron immediately lifted their bows, the swordsman squadron were predicting Akatsuki descent orbit, ready to attack Akatsuki the moment after landing.

However, Akatsuki is still calm, then stretched out his left hand aiming at the feet of soldiers. The suddenly Akatsuki's left hand let out a huge ball of light - This utilize "Renkan Keikikou" to refine the "Ki" within the body with the atmosphere outside of this body creating a "energy bomb". A loud bang, it was aimed below Akatsuki directly impacting dozens of soldiers of the Disidiya army, were suddenly blown away from the power.

Allowing Akatsuki to cleanly descend to the now unoccupied ground.

However, Ousawa Akatsuki didn't land, but rose slightly.

"Woo oh oh oh oh!"

Using the momentum from falling out of the sky the <Demon sword> was stabbed into the earth.

The black <Demon sword> blade was already filled with Akatsuki's "ki".

The sword thrust into earth, immediately triggered an astonishing explosion.

Waiting for the impact to fade away, the smoke gradually dispersed revealing–

Inside the blast radius, located in the heart of the explosion was only a single figure.

Rest assured, that was Ousawa Akatsuki.

"H...how is this possible ......"

After witnessing Akatsuki's astonishing power, the dazed young Commander almost cannot believe his own eyes.

When the explosion occurred, he immediately created an earth magic shield, barely escaped.

Although escaping physical injury, mentally he still suffered a heavy blow. He commanded more than 10,000 soldiers, all were defeated as if a mountain collapsed, even Lien Chan's Tank Squadron was unable to defeat Akatsuki. A commander being terrified to his core is certainly understandable.

"How...... How can it to possible for one human being to have this much devastating power......"

"- Why?"

The commander muttered to himself. Akatsuki disdainfully looking out of the corner of his eye, Akatsuki clench his teeth and shouted loudly:

"You - don't even realize at this point!"

Akatsuki feet move, he dashes.

Surround by an innumerable amount of soldiers Lien Chan was panicking and struggling to fight back.

Ousawa Akatsuki couldn't help but recall when he was in pursuit of a higher level, and when he was asked the same question about strength before.

It was about five years ago, when he was first summoned to Alayzard.

While under Sherfied's protected, and living in Erdia castle as a guest.

After receiving swordsmanship training in the palace courtyard, Akatsuki was asked a similar question from Sherfied -- No, Alayzard's proud "hero".

Leon · Aceperio.

Part 4

"--The reason for strength?"

Aceperio Rushao Leon asked, Akatsuki just nods as to say "ah, yes."

Compared to the out the breath Akatsuki, Leon's composed appearance even more highlighted the power gap between the two.

"You seem to be stronger now then before, right?"

"Uhm, so yeah ... ... But I really didn't think about it."

Leon smiled awkwardly, but Akatsuki is unlikely to give up so easily.

"Then think about it now - what is the reason for your strength."

Since a month ago, Akatsuki has been receiving Leon and Zechs sword training.

After one month of rigorous training and finally was able to grasp the basics of swordsmanship, but it is clear to Akatsuki that even if he continues to train it is impossible to be able to stand on an equal footing with Zechs and Leon sword skills. General sword training will only increase your general strength, unable to proceed towards the strongest realm.

In fact, Ousawa Akatsuki idea was not to become the strongest swordsman, he only wanted obtain enough power to stop his father and brother. The fact is Akatsuki's father and brother are two of the world's most powerful people.

So ...... I must surpass the realm of the strongest ......

Akatsuki expression is serious, Leon suddenly somewhat understood.

"Maybe it is .... anger and despair....right?"

Muttered Leon, looking down on the ground, his easy-going face is covered with a layer of haze.

"My father and sister died at the hands of Demon ... ... You might of known that, right? "

"Um, this also is the reason that you, a commoner, aspire to be a knight."

Leon performed very well on the battlefield and has gotten countless achievements, thus obtained the title of a "knight". Leon's strength is unquestionable, in Sherfied and throughout Alayzard he is accepted by all the people as a hero, everybody thinks that he is the only candidate to overthrow the Demon King Garius.

"Is that all... ...? This is the reason for your strength?"

Leon's answer was apparently unable to convince the Akatsuki.

The pain of the losing a loved one, really might be converted into a power motive to improve oneself, but this does not mean that you will be able to ascend to the most powerful throne. This is Akatsuki's personal experience, he experienced even more pain.

To lose a loved one isn't only Leon, Akatsuki lost his little sister. In Alayzard there is no lack residents for lost their friends and family, who all felt the same pain and grief.

That being the case, what is the difference between Leon and the other people?

"...... The weight must be different...right?"

Leon's unusual calm tone, Aria can't help but look up.

Only to see Leon with a wry smile, as if he seen through Akatsuki inner doubts.

"If my strength really surpass others, which means my inner pain and grief is greater than others ... ... the difference then is home."

Leon's answer leaves Akatsuki speechless and also surprised. In this world there isn't any rebuttal expressions whatsoever, hiding behind a wry smile makes this painfully clear.

Ousawa Akatsuki couldn't help thinking: If that is the case, what you say to yourself must also enhance strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, in fact Akatsuki determination is inferior to his father or brother, will lead to the Akatsuki's strength being much less than the two of them. However, on the other hand, Akatsuki doesn't think that desperation alone is insufficient.

... Not only do you have ability, you have the faith to not be backed down.

-Am I right?

Enough desperation to make it hard to breathe and to overwhelm a person's heart - Akatsuki has a similar experiences.

However, the demon's beloved wife died from human hands, and anger him enough to abandon the human race and become a Demon King, perhaps his heart also was the same dominated by despair and sadness.

"I say ... ... Leon, Eh!"

Akatsuki stared directly at the hero, who slowly started to talk.

"... Peace between human and demons, is it really that far fetched of a dream?"

In order to stop unreasonable opponents by force, you must have more strength to compel the other.

Thus the present Akatsuki is unable to stop his father and brother.

But Leon is different, his strength is not less than the Demon King.

The war between human and Demon was virtually the same, except for minor differences with the racial conflict.

Leon is the hope of mankind, Garius is the King of the Demons, these two are the same in that they each lost a loved one. If these leaders are able to compromise, perhaps they can succeed in stopping this senseless war.

However, Leon slowly shook his head.

"Unlikely, after all the two sides have shed too much blood. And if ...... I let off the murderer who killed his father and sister, I certainly can not forgive myself."

The reason is very simple.

"I've already been to both of their graves, as well as in front of mother, and pledged that I must overthrow the Demons."

"But they are also desperate and just trying to survive. If as you say desire gives birth to strength, then this battle does it not become two sides of a desperate race? Really is there no other solution?"

Leon shows a faint smile, his expression is very calm.

"Akatsuki, you really are kind, it's no wonder Her Majesty has a crush on you."

Akatsuki hearing these words, can't help but awkwardly scratch the back of his head.

"Her Majesty is good for me, but it's because I come from a different world, and that is relatively rare that's all."

"No such thing, you have a particular charm about you that wins the favor of others. Zechs and Loutier became good friends with you so soon, and even became popular with the maids in the city."

"It happened right? It seems that I am actually hated by Listy...... "

"How can you think that way? Your thinking too much of it."

"Otherwise, why didn't anyone believe in me, I still got into trouble?"

Akatsuki looked helpless.

"I obviously apologized for that so many times."

"Haha ... her first impression of you really was the worst."

Leon laughed.

"Who told you that she was in the bath when I suddenly dropped from the sky?"

"The summoning time and place is not up to me, yet I got blamed."

Akatsuki answers roughly.

"One second right before lying down on the bed, the next second suddenly appeared in a different world in a huge luxurious bathroom with my whole body pressing down on top of the Princess's body ... ... You absolutely are incapable of understanding how I was feeling."

The most disastrous was that booth of us were without a stitch of clothing further increase our embarrassment. Akatsuki completely didn't know how to explain the awkward situation, as a result he was considered a suspicious person so Listy loudly screamed, and absorbed several magic attacks in a panic to escape. Then the maids hearing the commotion came running and Valkyria abruptly hit him in head knocking him out on the spot. Once again he opened his eyes and surprised to find himself actually imprisoned in a dark Dungeon for not just one day but two days. Finally, it was found out that this was a big misunderstanding, clearing Akatsuki of his grievances.

"Listy by nature is conservative and usually change clothes alone with no maids present in order to not show off her bare body... ... Her fright at that time, of course, is predictable."

Leon smiled and continued.

"She's never shown her naked body in front of a man before, and probably that was the first time she saw a man's naked body too."

"Therefore I apologize to her."

"Actually I don't blame you, after all a different world person summoning is the desire of the world, you can't control it."

Leon has just finished, the clock tower bells rang out.

"- Oh, Akatsuki, I have to go."

"Ah ...... now you have to go help your mother open up shop?"

Leon's mother Selina manages the "Wildcat tavern" restaurant in town. Even though he is a "hero" now, Leon is still set on going to the restaurant to lend a hand.

"Can't do anything about it, because its only me...and mom left."

Everyone in city knows Leon values his time with his mother Selina above all else. Therefore no one bothers Leon enjoying his mother and son time.

Naturally Akatsuki is the same, he quietly watched Leon leave.

Then Leon abruptly stopped, looking at Akatsuki.

Seems to suddenly remembered something.

"Don't worry Akatsuki, even without the gift of magic like Zechs, you can become an excellent swordsman, and you will get stronger than you are now."

"How can you be so sure?"

Akatsuki frowned skeptical of Leon's argument, Leon understood and smiled.

"Certainly, because you are actually somewhat similar to me."

Part 5

--Ousawa Akatsuki's consciousness returned to the present.

The battlefield is riddled with smoke, not a trace of the enemy troops remained.

Akatsuki alone repelled Disidiya's tens of thousands of troops.

As long he chases after them immediately he can completely destroy the enemy, however Akatsuki doesn't intended to do so.

He decided to let the surviving soldiers take their wounded comrades, so that no one remains.

"Well... ... Its about time to return."

Akatsuki put <demon sword> on his shoulder, Miu and the others in Forestnium are waiting for Akatsuki to return. Although they come to trust Akatsuki strength, however with Akatsuki's delay they inevitably can get a little worried.

Thus Ousawa Akatsuki turned back, to take measure of battlefield and the path he is taking.


The impact of battle turned the wilderness into mess, debris littered the ground with broken swords, armors, big iron tanks, and blood smeared on Disidiya's flag.

The present scene is a relating of what previously occurred here, an earthshaking war.

This war was provoked by none other then himself, however Ousawa Akatsuki has no regrets. The moment the four-party talks ended, and everyone returned to Forestnium, no other options existed. No matter what Miu, Chikage, Kuzuha even Haruka and Kaidou supported Akatsuki's decision. Therefore Akatsuki became the newly-appointed Demon King, and officially declared war against Disidiya.

"True peace ......"

Akatsuki muttered.

In the past, I don't know how many people attempted to bring true peace for Alayzard, fought blood-soaked battles for this land, but no one has succeeded in achieving their dreams. Among these people, also includes the hero Leon and the Demon King Garius.

"Rogue Hero" Akatsuki and Listy fought bravely, but in the end, it ended in failure.

However Ousawa Akatsuki decided he will never abandon his oath, and pledges to overcome this cruel fate.

Therefore, I cannot be defeated at any cost, because if history has proven anything.

- Even if the Demon King is overthrown afterwards is still the same, peace may not arrive in this world.

Since ancient times stories have been hand down, foretelling of the Demon King's death being the symbol that marks the end of suffering and the arrival happiness.

People around the world rejoice at the coming peace, everyone's face is a smile.

However the big happy ending is actually camera selectivity, actuality is built on the premise above.

With the ending of the Marquee rotation, the leading male and female are smiling and holding up their hands together, gazing at the sky -

However the leading actor and actress at present, that fact is when the flames of war cease, afterwards a thousands things are left to be done in this extremely broken world.

The satire is everyone deliberately ignored the facts before their eyes, and became intoxicated with overthrowing the Demon King meaning victory.

The joyful tears blurred the field of vision, brushing aside this frame from the movie to never be seen.

Consequently Akatsuki gaze at the scene before him.

Staring at video games are not able to do justice to the real scene.

Ousawa Akatsuki present picture will be firmly engraved in his heart.

After the overthrowing of the Demon King, mankind will only get a false HAPPY END.

HYnA vol 05 018.jpg

Absolutely must not give up easily.

I still have many unfulfilled wishes.

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