Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 7 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

40% completed (estimated)


Prologue - The future cannot be avoided

Part 1

It was an eerily cold silence.

At night the JPN Babel Student Council room was like a silent world.

In the darkness a silhouette of a person is cast because of a single light source.

The superfluous light fills the room from a square liquid crystal display.

It was JPN Babel's student council president also Japans Cocoon representative--Hikami Kyoya personal computer. Real-time updates were constantly appearing on the screen.

It was a current status of the self-governed region established in Japan for the people who had returned from the different worlds.

Top of JPN Babel is Kyoya, who is responsible for co-ordinating all matters in self-governed region.

Therefore Kyoya must compile the various information related to the self-governed region.

Kyoya was watching the monitor and quietly deepened his smile.

Also muttered:

"Moving again, and I believe he......"

Part 2

Hikami Kyoya is examining the gathered intelligence.

He he is primarily looking at a series of events that took place the in evening the day before yesterday to early morning yesterday.

Those are the records of self-governed region -- a huge artificial island that is floating in Tokyo Bay.

That night, Kyoya request some kind of "substance" to be transported to the self-governed region.

The substance has manifestation in this world, a lower dimension - a substance from high-dimensional life form - the Japanese Government under the utmost secrecy, researched and cultured part of its cells.

Kyoya had already obtained them, the so called - <P Cells> or <Phoenix Cells>.

He even has to steal to get them.

However, the Japanese government can not condemn Kyoya's act.

After all, COCOON is responsible for co-ordination and management of all technology and abilities learned from alternate words.

He was named a permanent member of the new United Nations - the G7 - although COCOON assisted in establishing self-governed region and Babel in Japan. The Japanese Government isn't allowed to research or develop different world technology.

Therefore the Japan Government's experiment undoubtedly violated the rules set forth by COCOON.

Basically the <Phoenix Cells> shouldn't exist.

Even if they were stolen, it cannot be made public.

"Can't let the cat out of bag, they still have to continue keeping it a secret ... ..."

In order to transport the <Phoenix Cells> at any cost, beforehand Kyoya arranged several decoys to be attacked by the enemy.

However many decoys were destroyed – furthermore to maintain the utmost secrecy, only a few people knew that they were decoys to begin with.

The Japanese government does not want the existence of <Phoenix Cells> to be announced to the world. Recapturing the <Phoenix Cells> through any means is also to be expected. Kyoya has never denied that the Japanese government involvement was one of the possibilities.

However Japanese government's intelligence capability is quite extraordinary to already have locked onto a decoy.

Even the nearly impossible to exposure decoys have been attacked one after another.

In addition, even attacked anyone potentiality linked to the decoys.

Only individuals or groups on an equal footing with COCOON, would have the ability to do that.

However COCOON doesn't need act in such a roundabout manner to express their dissatisfaction for Kyoya's unauthorized actions.

They can directly enforce punitive damages on Kyoya.

More importantly in this matter Kyoya did not yet violate any laws in COCOON eyes.

After all, Kyoya's "scheme" is predicated on concealing the truth from COCOON.

This type of feat took considerable skill.

Therefore there may be only one possible answer.

Kyoya firmly believes that -- Crimson Twilight will act.

They should already be aware that the robbery arbitrary came from Kyoya.

However Hikami Kyoya's smile is still as bright as before.

"I'm verry sorry, the <Phoenix Cells> had already fallen into my hands."

Kyoya calmly reflecting over the current situation.

Re-examining all chess pieces on the Board - including his own.

In the first place, other than COCOON it is impossible to be find out about the current situation.

The secret research regarding High-dimensional beings undoubtedly betrayed COCOON's overall plan on alternate world rules. It is impossible for Japanese government to spontaneous confess their crimes.

Moreover from Crimson Twilight's standpoint it should be better if Kyoya has the <Phoenix Cells> rather than COCOON.

After all, compared to a heavily fortified COCOON headquarters stealing the <Phoenix Cells> from the JPN Babel school is much less difficult.

Kyoya is naturally fully prepared and ready at any time for a counterattack.

However, this is an indisputable fact that has already been perceived by the enemy.

It seems that is necessary to speed up the pace for whole scheme.

Granted it doesn't hurt to figure out what the problems are. At least the leadership role rests in his own hands.

Basically, there doesn't appear to be any hitches in Kyoya's plan.

Reluctantly saying so, probably only individual is an uncertain element--unable to predict the latent nature of that enemies action.

Kyoya in a pleasant tone, says the name of the uncertain element.

"I've got a head start Ousawa-kun ... ... What will you do next?"

Kyoya is smiling from ear to ear gazing at the gauge on the computer screen.

The gauge shows degree of progress made on current projects.

After obtaining the <Phoenix Cells>, officially the scheme enters into its second phase.

The second phase is now on verge of coming to an end.

According to the original plan tomorrow the curtain drops on the third phase.

At that time no one can stop Kyoya.

Not even COCOON's strongest--Michael Arcruid.

Naturally using that the same logic, at the present stage it is possible to stop Kyoya.

If COCOON finds out about the current situation everything will go up in smoke.

Kyoya would lose all his power and status in COCOON, or even loss his precious life.

Even if he luckily got away with the robbery, from now on he can no long do whatever he pleases.

Naturally Kyoya had his reasons for selecting such a risky plan.

That's because of Ousawa Miu.

Kyoya discovered a major "secret" concerning Miu.

The Nolen screening named her as the "True Hero" Ousawa Akatsuki's little sister.

However that fabricated identity was merely for her to exist in this world.

Hikami Kyoya is very clear.

Her true identity is that she grew up in a alternate world of Alayzard as the Demon King's daughter · Myuu.

A dozen or more teenage girls have been sent to alternate worlds for more than 30 years now.

However, the case of inhabitants of alternate worlds coming this world has never been official recorded.

A very rare cases of tenancy.

Miu is undoubtedly a very rare object to study.

However, that was fundamental regard as nothing, after Kyoya become aware of a gargantuan secret.

Let alone Akatsuki, even Miu doesn't realize her secret.

That is - Ousawa Miu is a ultra high-dimensional being in fact.

Ultra high-dimensional beings have the ability to manipulate all phenomenon. Once you obtain this kind of ability, undoubtedly you can dominate the entire world--This is what the "Y Plan" entails.

Kyoya has got the chance to achieve COCOON's ultimate goal.

A once in a blue moon chance.

Hikami Kyoya will absolute not miss this opportunity.

To obtaining the Ultra high-dimensional Miu and grasp the absolute power inside her.

When that moment comes he transcend everything, and be an existence on an equal footing with God.

Part 3


Kyoya muttering to himself while turning off the computer.

When the monitor of his personal computer shuts down, the room became wrapped with complete darkness.

The next moment, the sound of the student council room door opening could be heard.

At the same time, the ceiling lights turn on lighting up the room.

One of the student council members walked into the room.

It is Uesaki Ryohei the secretary of the student council.

"Oh, Kyoya your still here?"

Ryohei noticed Kyoya's presence.

"Its already so late. What are you doing here? At least turn on a light."

"I'm was just thinking about a few things."

Kyoya replied with usual smile on his face.

It is like the previously intoxicated with power expression was a lie judging from his ability to immediately look clam.


"Hmm I see. The student council president indeed really works hard. There's always a lot of things to worry about."

Ryohei shrugged and walked towards his seat, seeming accepting what Kyoya said.

Ryohei's response as well as his reaction itself gave Kyoya a sense of satisfaction.

It also appears that Kyoya didn't look anxious or complacent, remaining as cold as ice giving the sense of normalcy.

Even if he is about to realize his ambitions that he had for many years now. There is still no change to normal calmness.

Then Ryohei suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, that's right. Before the start of the new semester concerning the system update, you're going to ......"

"Naturally it will be conducted as planned."

Kyoya seemingly answered matter of factly-

"- It will officially launch tomorrow evening."

Part 4

If you eat plain rice as soon as its cooked its in its most delicious form.

Regardless eating as is, enjoying it with a raw egg covered with natto is also very delicious.

Basically there is no substitute for piping hot rice.

However, there are very few cases where such common sense is overturned.

Sushi is one of them.

However, to properly make home-made sushi is not an easy task.

After all, sushi held a relatively high technical threshold, not every housewife has a sushi chef's skill.

Although the bulk of scattered sushi materials can be directly purchased from the supermarket, eggs and peas silk processing is still holds a certain degree of difficulty.

The market does sell sushi platters, but they are less appetizing.

Having said that, a relaxing way to enjoy sushi at home still exists.

The answer is ......

"Ah ha ha ~ hand-rolled sushi ~ "

Cheers coming from the living room reached Onizuka Kenya's ears.

Onizuka was standing in the kitchen.

He braved the snowy vapor from the stainless steel stock pot smoke on top the gas stove.

"Damn... ... Why should I tire myself like a dog ... ... "

Gazing at the slowly rising steam, Onizuka can't help muttering.

Part 5

Translator's Notes and References

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