Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 7 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

75% completed (estimated)


Prologue - The future cannot be avoided

Part 1

It was an eerily cold silence.

At night the JPN Babel Student Council room was like a silent world.

In the darkness a silhouette of a person is cast because of a single light source.

The superfluous light fills the room from a square liquid crystal display.

It was JPN Babel's student council president also Japans Cocoon representative--Hikami Kyoya personal computer. Real-time updates were constantly appearing on the screen.

It was a current status of the self-governed region established in Japan for the people who had returned from the different worlds.

Top of JPN Babel is Kyoya, who is responsible for co-ordinating all matters in self-governed region.

Therefore Kyoya must compile the various information related to the self-governed region.

Kyoya was watching the monitor and quietly deepened his smile.

Also muttered:

"Moving again, and I believe he......"

Part 2

Hikami Kyoya is examining the gathered intelligence.

He he is primarily looking at a series of events that took place the in evening the day before yesterday to early morning yesterday.

Those are the records of self-governed region -- a huge artificial island that is floating in Tokyo Bay.

That night, Kyoya request some kind of "substance" to be transported to the self-governed region.

The substance has manifestation in this world, a lower dimension - a substance from high-dimensional life form - the Japanese Government under the utmost secrecy, researched and cultured part of its cells.

Kyoya had already obtained them, the so called - <P Cells> or <Phoenix Cells>.

He even has to steal to get them.

However, the Japanese government can not condemn Kyoya's act.

After all, COCOON is responsible for co-ordination and management of all technology and abilities learned from alternate words.

He was named a permanent member of the new United Nations - the G7 - although COCOON assisted in establishing self-governed region and Babel in Japan. The Japanese Government isn't allowed to research or develop different world technology.

Therefore the Japan Government's experiment undoubtedly violated the rules set forth by COCOON.

Basically the <Phoenix Cells> shouldn't exist.

Even if they were stolen, it cannot be made public.

"Can't let the cat out of bag, they still have to continue keeping it a secret ... ..."

In order to transport the <Phoenix Cells> at any cost, beforehand Kyoya arranged several decoys to be attacked by the enemy.

However many decoys were destroyed – furthermore to maintain the utmost secrecy, only a few people knew that they were decoys to begin with.

The Japanese government does not want the existence of <Phoenix Cells> to be announced to the world. Recapturing the <Phoenix Cells> through any means is also to be expected. Kyoya has never denied that the Japanese government involvement was one of the possibilities.

However Japanese government's intelligence capability is quite extraordinary to already have locked onto a decoy.

Even the nearly impossible to exposure decoys have been attacked one after another.

In addition, even attacked anyone potentiality linked to the decoys.

Only individuals or groups on an equal footing with COCOON, would have the ability to do that.

However COCOON doesn't need act in such a roundabout manner to express their dissatisfaction for Kyoya's unauthorized actions.

They can directly enforce punitive damages on Kyoya.

More importantly in this matter Kyoya did not yet violate any laws in COCOON eyes.

After all, Kyoya's "scheme" is predicated on concealing the truth from COCOON.

This type of feat took considerable skill.

Therefore there may be only one possible answer.

Kyoya firmly believes that -- Crimson Twilight will act.

They should already be aware that the robbery arbitrary came from Kyoya.

However Hikami Kyoya's smile is still as bright as before.

"I'm verry sorry, the <Phoenix Cells> had already fallen into my hands."

Kyoya calmly reflecting over the current situation.

Re-examining all chess pieces on the Board - including his own.

In the first place, other than COCOON it is impossible to be find out about the current situation.

The secret research regarding High-dimensional beings undoubtedly betrayed COCOON's overall plan on alternate world rules. It is impossible for Japanese government to spontaneous confess their crimes.

Moreover from Crimson Twilight's standpoint it should be better if Kyoya has the <Phoenix Cells> rather than COCOON.

After all, compared to a heavily fortified COCOON headquarters stealing the <Phoenix Cells> from the JPN Babel school is much less difficult.

Kyoya is naturally fully prepared and ready at any time for a counterattack.

However, this is an indisputable fact that has already been perceived by the enemy.

It seems that is necessary to speed up the pace for whole scheme.

Granted it doesn't hurt to figure out what the problems are. At least the leadership role rests in his own hands.

Basically, there doesn't appear to be any hitches in Kyoya's plan.

Reluctantly saying so, probably only individual is an uncertain element--unable to predict the latent nature of that enemies action.

Kyoya in a pleasant tone, says the name of the uncertain element.

"I've got a head start Ousawa-kun ... ... What will you do next?"

Kyoya is smiling from ear to ear gazing at the gauge on the computer screen.

The gauge shows degree of progress made on current projects.

After obtaining the <Phoenix Cells>, officially the scheme enters into its second phase.

The second phase is now on verge of coming to an end.

According to the original plan tomorrow the curtain drops on the third phase.

At that time no one can stop Kyoya.

Not even COCOON's strongest--Michael Arcruid.

Naturally using that the same logic, at the present stage it is possible to stop Kyoya.

If COCOON finds out about the current situation everything will go up in smoke.

Kyoya would lose all his power and status in COCOON, or even loss his precious life.

Even if he luckily got away with the robbery, from now on he can no long do whatever he pleases.

Naturally Kyoya had his reasons for selecting such a risky plan.

That's because of Ousawa Miu.

Kyoya discovered a major "secret" concerning Miu.

The Nolen screening named her as the "True Hero" Ousawa Akatsuki's little sister.

However that fabricated identity was merely for her to exist in this world.

Hikami Kyoya is very clear.

Her true identity is that she grew up in a alternate world of Alayzard as the Demon King's daughter · Myuu.

A dozen or more teenage girls have been sent to alternate worlds for more than 30 years now.

However, the case of inhabitants of alternate worlds coming this world has never been official recorded.

A very rare cases of tenancy.

Miu is undoubtedly a very rare object to study.

However, that was fundamental regard as nothing, after Kyoya become aware of a gargantuan secret.

Let alone Akatsuki, even Miu doesn't realize her secret.

That is - Ousawa Miu is a ultra high-dimensional being in fact.

Ultra high-dimensional beings have the ability to manipulate all phenomenon. Once you obtain this kind of ability, undoubtedly you can dominate the entire world--This is what the "Y Plan" entails.

Kyoya has got the chance to achieve COCOON's ultimate goal.

A once in a blue moon chance.

Hikami Kyoya will absolute not miss this opportunity.

To obtaining the Ultra high-dimensional Miu and grasp the absolute power inside her.

When that moment comes he transcend everything, and be an existence on an equal footing with God.

Part 3


Kyoya muttering to himself while turning off the computer.

When the monitor of his personal computer shuts down, the room became wrapped with complete darkness.

The next moment, the sound of the student council room door opening could be heard.

At the same time, the ceiling lights turn on lighting up the room.

One of the student council members walked into the room.

It is Uesaki Ryohei the secretary of the student council.

"Oh, Kyoya your still here?"

Ryohei noticed Kyoya's presence.

"Its already so late. What are you doing here? At least turn on a light."

"I'm was just thinking about a few things."

Kyoya replied with usual smile on his face.

It is like the previously intoxicated with power expression was a lie judging from his ability to immediately look clam.


"Hmm I see. The student council president indeed really works hard. There's always a lot of things to worry about."

Ryohei shrugged and walked towards his seat, seeming accepting what Kyoya said.

Ryohei's response as well as his reaction itself gave Kyoya a sense of satisfaction.

It also appears that Kyoya didn't look anxious or complacent, remaining as cold as ice giving the sense of normalcy.

Even if he is about to realize his ambitions that he had for many years now. There is still no change to normal calmness.

Then Ryohei suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, that's right. Before the start of the new semester concerning the system update, you're going to ......"

"Naturally it will be conducted as planned."

Kyoya seemingly answered matter of factly-

"- It will officially launch tomorrow evening."

Part 4

If you eat plain rice as soon as its cooked its in its most delicious form.

Regardless eating as is, enjoying it with a raw egg covered with natto is also very delicious.

Basically there is no substitute for piping hot rice.

However, there are very few cases where such common sense is overturned.

Sushi is one of them.

However, to properly make home-made sushi is not an easy task.

After all, sushi held a relatively high technical threshold, not every housewife has a sushi chef's skill.

Although the bulk of scattered sushi materials can be directly purchased from the supermarket, eggs and peas silk processing is still holds a certain degree of difficulty.

The market does sell sushi platters, but they are less appetizing.

Having said that, a relaxing way to enjoy sushi at home still exists.

The answer is ......

"Ah ha ha ~ hand-rolled sushi ~ "

Cheers coming from the living room reached Onizuka Kenya's ears.

Onizuka was standing in the kitchen.

He braved the snowy vapor from the stainless steel stock pot smoke on top the gas stove.

"Damn... ... Why should I tire myself like a dog ... ... "

Gazing at the slowly rising steam, Onizuka can't help muttering.

Onizuka is cooking miso soup they way he likes it which is clam taste.

Since he lives alone, there is no reason to make miso soup at home when he could always just have instant soup cups.

Not to mention the hand-rolled sushi, Onizuka never even had the idea to eat hand-rolled sushi before.

However, Onizuka is making hand-rolled sushi and miso soup for tonight's dinner.

This is definitely not what a typical Onizuka's menu looks like.

There was a certain reason why it had come to this.

"Ken-chan, Ken-chan, I do not want to shake the fan."

An overly familiar voice calls Onitsuka with a little bit spoiled tone.

The girl was a freeloader that is temporary living together with Onizuka.

She is Teiana · Randohauze.[1]

"If you insist on eating hand-rolled sushi by all means then just obediently fan it."

That's right!

The reason for whole thing all started with Teiana, obviously a foreigner, on a whim saying "I want to eat good sushi", but then she didn't seem like a foreigner as she started to say "I absolutely must eat sushi with clams and miso soup". This kind of Japanese cuisine is more then what most Japanese adhere to. Onizuka already experienced one of Teiana's outburst and with her stubborn personality with no margin for error. No matter how reluctant his heart is, sadly he can only concede.

In the past, it was unthinkable for Onizuka to let a girl lead him around by the nose.

Although he was gradually accepting the fact of being lead around by the nose, Onizuka couldn't help think it was exasperating.

....Ahhhhhhhh....What the hell am I doing ....

Be that as it may, Onizuka is still somewhat moved.

Even though he hates the hassle more than anything else.

Now he is even willing to cook for someone other than himself.

"I probably had taken the wrong medicine."

Onizuka bitter remark, he once more concentrates on the stainless steel pot on a gas stove.

However the time and effort only required a minimum amount of trouble despite being home cooking.

Do-it-yourself sushi entails, first pour the right amount of sweetened vinegar with the boiling rice. Mix unitl its well-distributed, then add the supermarket bought ready-made sushi, and finally roll it in a layer of nori. As for Onizuka's process for cooking miso soup, as long you add the split sand clams to the boiled water, then mixed with miso soup stock. And at last it is completed.

"Oh, by the way Ken-chan, don't forget to turn off the heat before you add the miso."

"Who do you think you are? Mind your own business, I do not need your meddling."

"Well ... ... This is a little strange to say, but why doesn't this home have a hair dryer?"

Teiana expressed her inner doubts.

Taking advantage of a hair dryer blower feature would reduced the temperature of the rice more efficiently than their fanning.

However, since the day before yesterday, the Onizuka's home is without a hairdryer.

The reason is simple ......

"Did you forget? A certain idiot throw it and broke it."

"That is also because some pervert spying on someone's body."

To Onizuka displeased voice, Teiana not to be outdone returns with sarcasm immediately.

Do-it-yourself sushi entails, first pour the right amount of sweetened vinegar with the boiling rice. Mix unitl its well-distributed, then add the supermarket bought ready-made sushi, and finally roll it in a layer of nori. As for Onizuka's process for cooking miso soup, as long you add the split sand clams to the boiled water, then mixed with miso soup stock. And at last it is completed.

"Oh, by the way Ken-chan, don't forget to turn off the heat before you add the miso."

"Who do you think you are? Mind your own business, I do not need your meddling."

"Well ... ... This is a little strange to say, but why doesn't this home have a hair dryer?"

Teiana expressed her inner doubts.

Taking advantage of a hair dryer blower feature would reduced the temperature of the rice more efficiently than their fanning.

However, since the day before yesterday the Onizuka's home is without a hairdryer.

The reason is simple ......

"Did you forget? A certain idiot throw it and broke it."

"That is also because some pervert spying on someone's body."

To Onizuka displeased voice, Teiana not to be outdone returns with sarcasm immediately.

The now broken hairdryer was cheap anyway, bought when Onizuka first began living in the apartment.

Figuring it was also used for few years now it was nearly at the end of its lifespan.

Then the poor hair dryer was conveniently picked up by Teiana and thrown at Onizuka's forehead hitting her mark landing hard on the floor breaking it.

Afterwards no matter how many times it is pressed it wont turn on.

"If you cut corners now, the distinctive flavor of the sushi will be greatly affected ... ... Hey! you have just accept it."

Teiana sighed and continue to fan.

"But having to fan is boring... ... we are space aliens!"

"Stop with these childish antics! Even if you must play, you shouldn't talk into the spinning electric fan so close!"

"This is the lair of the bored devious lion star people!"

"....Okay, okay, I know you're a visitor. I would love to play along with you. Oh, by the way...keep fanning."

A little joking around, This is the first time in his life cooking miso soup.

After some time ......

"Almost right."

After the appropriate amount of time, Onizuka turned off the fire.

Then put the miso seasoning into the pot, stirring it back and forth with chopsticks.

This should be the right recipe. Just to be sure, Onizuka scooped a small amount inot the ladle to taste.

The clam distinctive sweet flavor suddenly spread throughout his mouth.

It flavor isn't bad. For a beginner it could be considered quite good.

Onizuka stuck his head out from the kitchen, looking towards the living room.

"The miso soup is finished, you over there-"

Only half of the words had to be said.

"Aha, Perfect timing, I just got here a moment ago."

Teiana responds with an innocent smile.

Onizuka veins suddenly burst out on his temple.

"...... Hey."

"Is there something wrong, Ken-chan? Your inferentially ferocious appearance, looks more ferocious then normal."

"....Where has the vinegar rice gone? "

On the table was an empty platter.

The rice was missing.

Teiana still looked at ease.

"Eh?" Really! did you ask me? I just got here."

"Don't give me that nonsense! One person ate all the vinegar rice! "

"This one... ...the temperature was suitable for the vinegar rice, you must personally eat it to know. "

Teiana sticks her tongue out.

Of course when Teiana offered to help, Onizuka already considered the risk of her eating the vinegar rice.

Therefore Onizuka's solution was to wait until the last moment to bring out the sushi ingredients.

Never imagine that Teiana couldn't wait for all ingredients to be on the table, and in one breath wiped out all of the vinegar rice.

"I'm sorry. I was careless."

"Give me a break! One person eating that amount which is the equivalent to six bowls of steamed rice, still dare to say that was careless?"

The Onizuka household rice cooker could only cook a maximum of three cups of rice.

However, For Teiana gluttonous stomach three cups of rice is clearly inadequate.

So Onizuka boiled three cups of rice and made Teiana responsible for fanning it, then again quickly prepared three more cups of rice.

Carefully considering all the time needed in which it should all of been ready to eat.

Fortunately the sushi material is safe and sound.

Making more vinegar rice shouldn't take too much more time.

"...... Well, you lost."

"Don't be so angry. I know I'm in the wrong, so I left the best part for Ken-chan. "

"The best part? Where is it? I don't see it?"

The platter on the table was completely empty.

There wasn't a trace of the vinegar rice.

Onizuka looked puzzled.

"Really slow, its here - this · la ~"

Teiana wink her right eye.

At this moment Onizuka finally understood Teiana meaning.

If you look closely, Teiana right cheek had a grain of rice.

In his mind murderous intent burst forth.


Onizuka silently reached out–

"What the? Its really strange that your actually not mad. Yeah. Well, that's good. There's no need to be modest, Don't hesitate to eat it--Huh?"

....He grabbed Teiana's collar and started dragging her.

The opened window was just repaired yesterday, Teiana was thrown out onto the veranda.

He shut and lock the windows, and drew back the curtains.

Locking Teiana out of the house.

Part 5

"Come on! Ken-chan there's really nothing to be ashamed of ... ..."

Isolated on the veranda, Teiana Randohauze sighed helplessly.

Actually ignoring a grain of rice on a girls cheek is simply outrageous.

In a way isn't this disrespectful to farmer?

He should apologize to farmer.

Frustration aside, Teiana reluctantly took the rice grain off herself, and ate it.

"Fine, now what to do......"

Of course, one way is to brake the window, but the window just got fixed and she would also feel somewhat guilty at heart.

-Well, It can be difficult for adolescent boys to act in front of girls.

As a mature woman, I should be lenient and forgive him.

Boiled , stir into vinegar after the meal, he probably would have cut it.

Anyway, after he boils some more rice he should cool down a bit. It shouldn't take longer then 30 minutes, I can be patient.

"How should I spend the time waiting?" Teiana looks around the corner.

"Huh? The futon that were hung out during the day were forgotten."

The veranda railing were draped with futon.

It was the futon that Teiana just bought.

Onizuka usually doesn't have any visitors, therefore his home doesn't the for visitors needs.

Since Teiana intends to stay there for awhile, she had to purchased a few necessities to be able to live there.

This futon was just used and bought at the store yesterday, and since it was such a beautiful sunny day today, Teiana especially hung the futon on the porch.


"Ah, the fluffy baked feeling from the Sun is gone."

Touching the futon draped over the railing, Teiana is unable to hide her disappointment.

However, this can not be helped.

After all, it was all started by Teiana who suddenly said "I want to eat the sushi", while she was forcible pulling Onizuka out shopping.

After returning home from shopping, Teiana was in good mood and anxiously awaiting for sushi to be made she had simply forgot all about the futon hanging on the railing.

"...... Hmm, Come to think of it, I also have forgot a very important thing ......"

The puzzled Teiana was about to remember something, she tilted her head–

Suddenly a strong wind blew through the balcony.

This is a commonly seen phenomenon for a spring night.

Teiana was lost in her thoughts, the high winds blew around her side ponytail.

"Ah ......"

The wind gust caused the futon to slowly start to slide off the railing.

The whiteness of futon in front of her eyes was helplessly falling towards the ground as if it is being swallowed up by the darkness of the night.



Teiana cry out and quickly stretched out her right hand trying to grab it.

The futon stopped falling.

It was floating in midair for a brief time before it was close enough for Teiana's hands to reach.

Instead of using magic to create a strong wind to blow it up, there seemed to be a thread hooked to it that pulled it up.

The futon is attracted to Teiana's hands, as if by telekinesis.

"That was da-dangerous, because Ken-chan especially bought this futon for me."

Teiana said so while gripping the edge of the futon-

-It wasn't simple magic that Teiana just now used.

Rather those for returned from alternate worlds twice, get a specific ability from the alternate dimension that only they are able to have.

This special abilities include all the the four elements, fire, water, earth, and wind, coupled with elements of light and dark to develop "element magic", now as well as the ability to control space and gravity "physical magic", these returnees have radically different abilities as different black and white.

This is the concept when a human being gets closer to a higher dimension being.

This differs from the understanding of the common principles of magic. Only individuals with these abilities are the strongest in COCOON and Crimson Twilight simply because of this.

They have an overwhelming advantage.

Just when Teiana pulled back the futon-

An electronic sound suddenly rang out from her pocket.

She took out the cell phone while saying, "Yeah, yeah", Teiana pushes the call button.

"Yes, Randohauze."

"Hello there, Teiana you sound energetic."

"Oh, not you leader, what happened?"

"That... ... What do you think?"

A mischievous smile could be felt from the other end of the phone after that little banter.

The other is the leader of world's most powerful terrorist group Crimson Twilight - Cecil Endheart.

From her tone it seems she is waiting for Teiana to answer.

Therefore Teiana bowed her head, I wonder what,

"Ah ......!"

Shoock upon realizing what had happened.

"I'm glad, it seems you finally remembered."

The superior tone of Cecil increased her smile.

"No, no, no, I didn't forget. If I remember correctly, it should be called ... ... Yes, <T cells>!"

"Its the

. In addition, you can also go to the meeting place earlier designated now, I was unfortunately slow to anticipate this." She explained, it was the day before yesterday that Cecil gave her the

assignment. Even if we wanted to remedy it, a degree of damage is already done. "Umm... ... Leader are you angry?" "Nope, I'm not angry." "...... Really?" "Well ... because like I told you the other day, I gave priority to the "other matter"." Cecil pause for a moment, then continued to talk: "You are somewhat more impulse then some, but your not selfishness person. At most its just your instincts telling you how to proceed to the next step. Since the "other matter" is more important, you gave priority to something different than what I asked. It means that you thought that this was right thing to do. If you gave priority to that request, ignoring what is right in front your eyes, and even if you did end up successful, I wouldn't have been particularly happy. The reason is simple, because this is not what I particularly enjoy about your style." That being said, Cecil took a breath and slightly lowered her volume. "-But then again, your methods still need to be addressed, and cannot be brushed aside." "That's mean ... ..." "Hmm. The incident seems to be masterwork of Hikami Kyoya. Not only outwitting the Japanese government, he even made a fool of COCOON. Its not unexpected that the

should already be in his hands." "The enemy's in fighting may not necessarily be a good thing for the us, but Hikami Kyoya betrayal seems a little too bold." "Perhaps Hikami Kyoya believes the

have that kind of value. In any event, we can't miss this great opportunity to ... ... Wait, are you interested?" "Of course. as long the

are in Hikami Kyoya's hands, it would be nice if they were taken, right?" Confronted with Teiana's inquiry, Cecil of the other end of the line returns with an "oh" and nod. "Kaidou is inside JPN Babel. I can ask him to send the schools layout as well as a plan of approach to you." Motoharu Kaidou is also one of the members of "Crimson Twilight". When the familiar name hits her ear, Teiana suddenly very much wanted to meet up. "Oh yeah, Kaido-chan[2] is currently a student JPN Babel." "That's right, but I don't know whether its fortunate or unfortunate that his identity has already been exposed. Also he has caught Nanase Haruka the Vice President of the Student Council and public morals chairman eye, at most, he can act as a diversion for the enemy." Cecil concluded. "Teiana, I entrusted the capturing of the

to you. I'm merely asking for results, and not pay no attention to your methods, do whatever you want." "--How should we handle Hikami Kyoya?" Suddenly in a low quiet voice Teiana threw out a question. Then an even colder voice answers the question. "For that guy to even betray COCOON - who knows whats going to happen. In order to avoid complications, ask him to leave as soon as possible." ".....and never come back?" "However, he does have some home-court advantage over there. Its not necessary to force him by yourself. After all, the Japanese government researched and cultured the

, more then likely there will be some technical problems, plus Hikami Kyoya will unlikely keep them at hand. After obtaining the

, if in passing some noise reached COCOON. They will naturally offer to deal with Hikami Kyoya." "...... Makes sense." "What's more, if Kaido is at your side and even if something really goes wrong, as long as its against Hikami Kyoya, he can be easily beaten if its two-to-one. Thats if it comes down to it -" At this point, Cecil's tone slightly changes. "If you feel abduction of the

is too difficult, withdrawal won't do any harm. If things get out of control with Hikami Kyoya, any commotion can sink him. He put himself into this situation, so he should know that pretty well. It'll be ready for preventive measures. To sum up, If the need to retreat arises immediately retreat, you must by all means not miss that opportunity." "I understand. But on the other hand, if circumstances permit-" Teiana pauses slightly. "Then I can kill him, right?" "Its only natural. Those who obstruct our freedom and and the will of the people, should be eradicated." Even if the other is COCOON, who is position at the peak and supervises the world. We haven't any reasons to make concessions. There is no reason to retreat, not a tiny bit. Only those with absolute faith can give the truth. Any person who obstructs our freedom and the will of the people, will not be forgiven. Because we are "Crimson Twilight". If my eyes can't see the truth. Who will tell me–from now on, what am I supposed to believe?

Translator's Notes and References

  1. temp name
  2. temp a nickname like ken-chan is here, oh-chan maybe
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