Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 9 Prologue

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Status: Incomplete

40% completed (estimated)


Prologue - No turning back now

Part 1

There is a country known as Japan. It is an island nation in Asia that was once had the second largest economy in the world. However--since 30 years ago teenagers from around the world began being summoned to alternate worlds seriously threatening its economic power. Those teenagers summoned to alternate worlds obtained technology and magical abilities that mankind's cutting-edge science and technology cannot hope to compete with.

Countries around the world were forced to implement policy reform.

However, to this new wave of change it was evident that Japan was half a step too slow compared to the international community.

There was no consistent policy reform and always played the fence to the international community. This carelessness of Japan forced them to pay a price.

However, under strong domestic public opinion pressure the Japanese Government have no choice but to amend its Constitution. Promote ting the status of the self-defense forces to a national army, then through COCOON planed the self governed region and constructed Babel, and so on. After barely being able keep up with the other advanced countries Japan was somehow able to get back on par.


"Even though we have come this far, why....."

The 108th Prime Minister of Japan - Sasagawa Shinya cautiously groans.

It's the middle of the night in the Prime Minister's official residence. Its more accurate to say, it's the top floor Prime Minister's Office.

Japan is currently facing a critical situation related to the survival of the nation.

The secret research on cultivated high-dimensional being cells were at the present time stolen by an unknown party.

At present, all technology and abilities concerning alternate worlds without exception fall under the jurisdiction of the COCOON.

Once the research on the cells of a high-dimensional beings is exposed, undoubtedly COCOON will regard this as a betrayal by Japanese Government -- that is the betrayal of the world.

"When that moment comes Cocoon and new United Nations will draft a resolution to remove Japan as a permanent member state......If that happens it might be impossible that the Japanese name on a country could disappear off the world map."

Sasagawa's speculation is not alarmist talk.

There was once a country that betrayed COCOON. Today not just the name was removed off the map, the country disappeared completely from the Earth.

Having said that, as a reward for setting up the self governed region as well as setting up Babel, COCOON allows new permanent members of the United Nations to conduct a minor amount of research on alternate world technology and abilities. The various countries are limited to the level of research that is not enough to threaten COCOON's position. COCOON typically turns a blind eye to these studies.

Unfortunately Japan is the world's leading technology and research power.

And by chance obtained a high-dimensional being's cells.

The Japanese Government saw this chance not as a misfortune but rather it is as God-given luck, and begun to research the taboo--(P cells> or <Phoenix cells>.

Now the (P cells> have been lost to JPN Babel school of COCOON -- Hikami Kyoya's hands.

"The former Government unexpectedly left such a terrible mess, I really don't know if they had head screwed on."

Sasagawa spits out his bitter feelings.

In fact, <Phoenix cell> research was not one of Sasagawa's directives.

There were several research projects that the prior Prime Minister approved that Sasagawa was not informed of. And until a few days after the laboratory being broken into and the (P cells> went missing Sasagawa did not even know of the existence research project.

But no matter how reluctant, Sasagawa still will take responsibility.

After all, he is Japan's Prime Minister thereupon inherited the country's past politics.

"-Prime Minister."

There is a light knock at the door and his secretary quietly enters Sasagawa's office.

"The relevant ministries and agencies are awaiting in the conference room. The conference room is also set up with a secure video channel in which the armies chief of staff is already on standby."

"Ah ...... I understand."

After receiving the report from his secretary, Sasagawa slowly got up from his chair.

"Umm, Prime Minister..."

His secretary calls out with an anxious look.

"......Do we really want to do this?"

"There is no other choice.... Japan's only chance is to make Hikami Kyoya the scapegoat and shoulder all the responsibility."

As Sasagawa said, Japan has little choice.

Ideally I want to apprehend Kyoya and completely suppresses JPN Babel, then surrender him to COCOON's headquarters. If we do this it may be possible for COCOON to have mercy on us. If you think about it someday, under these circumstance this was the best option.

But if it is not possible, all the original evidence that Japanese government was researching the <Phoenix cells> should at least be destroyed. In a certain sense, it may be a blessing that JPN Babel is currently in lock-down.

....If I had to guess–

I'm afraid that Hikami Kyoya probably also betrayed COCOON. The <Phoenix cells> theft incident happened five days ago, and the Japanese Government has not yet been denounced by COCOON, which is the best evidence of that being the case.

Therefore, all we can do now is take a hard line approach.

"If there cannot be peaceful take over, I'm afraid that Hikami Kyoya and JPN Babel must also be leveled."

"However, they are still COCOON and besides the self governed region....has many innocent people staying there. In the unlikely event of having to sacrifice them, I'm afraid that it will give rise to intense criticism from home and abroad."

"I understand, and when that moment comes I will assume all responsibility. Even if I leave behind the stigma of being the worlds most genocidal manic, and even brought before the guillotine, I will not turn back."

"The Prime Minister's determination is admirable, but ... ... I ask to forgive your subordinates presumptuous."

His secretary pauses for a moment.

"--This decision is not influence by the Prime Minister's own personal grudge?"


The confronted with secretary's question, Sasagawa fell silent.

He understood what the secretary's connotation.

Sasagawa indeed profoundly hates alternate worlds.

On account of him harboring a grudge about losing his family....

Sasagawa Shinya's family went through hellish pain when his family was summoned to alternate worlds.

The Sasagawa family was forced to endure the mercilessly sudden separation in silence. Sasagawa has three children, and all of them were summoned to alternate worlds.

His eldest son did not come back from the alternate world.

His second son did come back, but suffered a great scar on his heart over there.

After his second son gained special abilities he was viewed as a monster and was forced into the self governed region. Ultimately unable to stand the torment of the great scar on his heart, he chose to commit suicide.

Sasagawa and his wife's resentment eventually lead to their mutual divorce.


"I really do profoundly hate alternate worlds and I wish I could destroy the self governed region. I don't know how many families are broken because of that region. But...I can assure you that this decision is definitely not my own personal grudge."

The reason is very simple ......

Sasagawa still has a son.

Since his youngest son returned to this world it is almost impossible to make contact with him. His youngest son reviles Sasagawa, who favored politics over his second son and as well as for his death.

If this battle plan is implemented, Sasagawa will have to sacrifice his only remaining son. However, as the leader of a country, his strategic decisions cannot be effected by his personal feelings.

On the account of him having to protect his family and further his country.

Even if he considers his family, there still is no other choice.

Thus, the Prime Minister of Japan Sasagawa Shinya firmly says:

"Absolutely never give up. Even If I have to pay any price for the possibility of this country surviving, so be it."

Part 2

There is a luxurious hotel in the commercial district.

The very top is the extravagant presidential suite with everything from a sitting area, living room and very spacious bedroom. The superb view overlooking the self governed region at night is a must and incredibly popular with guests.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call this space a paradise.

However, there is another advantage in the presidential suite that no other high level hotel can match.

That is the vast bathroom.

The luxurious bathroom is outfitted with marble and gold that exudes the grace of the enormous space. Undoubtedly this is room fit for nobility.

Now in the luxurious bathroom is a woman thoroughly enjoying the relaxing bathtub.

She is a beautiful woman.

No matter how you look at her, the shape of her face, the curves of her body, and even the atmosphere around her all emit a beautiful aura. Perhaps if it was possible for the naked eye to see her bones or internal organs--they would have a rare structure like crystalline found in the world. All in all, this women has a presence that one cannot ignore.

"The room gets a passing mark, but only the bathroom......isn't too not bad"

Looking at rose petals floating on the water in the bathtub, Cecil End-heart smiled.

The petals have drifted to her rich white breasts, a comfortable ticklish feeling.

The Hotel's housekeeper prepared the rosa multiflora to go with the Dom Perignon. The fragrance of flowers and the champagne fit very well in the bath. She was able to enjoy drinking half first, then by pouring the remaining half into the bathtub was able to enjoy it twice.

Reclining in a bath Cecil feeling like royalty, she moved her right hand and reached for marble round table near bathtub. Rather than a new bottle of the wine, she had her cell phone in her hand.

At the same time, her cell phone starts to ring...

Cecil press the call button, and answers is a very pleasant tone.

"-Do you have the report, Memeko."

Even without looking at the caller ID, Cecil still knew who the caller was.

The world's greatest terrorist group "Crimson Twilight".

Cecil is the leader and sent one of her members on a mission--Mikagami Memeko.

"JPN Babel is in full quarantine, and I cannot get a good look. However-"

On the other end of the phone Memeko begin to explain the situation in a quiet voice.

"Tiana seems to have made contact with Hikami Kyoya and I believed she rushed into battle."

"Ah ...... she chose to fight it out?"

Cecil was sought with regret and narrowed her eyes. A question came from the other end of the line.

"Leader, Do you want to stop her?"

"It won't be necessary. I have already hand over all the intelligence to Tiana, and told her to quit while she is ahead, and not continue fight. As long as Tiana resolved herself to fight, we should respect it."

Tiana is not fool and should know the other has home-court advantage. Now that she has chosen to fight, it seems she might have a way to defeat Kyoya, or had no other choice but to fight.

.....It is probably the latter.

The day the (P cells> arrived into the self governed region, Cecil briefly lost contact with Tiana. She should have had a very important encounter.

Just like the herself who had a chance meeting that night.

Therefore Cecil asks:

"What became of the fight between Kaidou and Ousawa Akatsuki?"

"A third unexpectedly barge in, leaving no clear winner."

"Oh, that is really disappointing."

Originally I thought I could use this to measure Akatsuki's real strength.

Cecil was starting to fell a bitter....

"-While there was not a clear winner, Ousawa Akatsuki was evenly matched with Kaidou-san who used <freedom chains>[1].

"Oh, really?"

"Should be true."

After hearing Memeko answer, Cecil's smile deepened.

The reason why she arranged Kaidou impede Akatsuki, was mainly to avoid Tiana clashing with Akatsuki.

Tiana's goal is not just the <Phoenix cells>. Circumstances permitting, Cecil hopes that Tiana can beat Kyoya.

There was a possibility of an untimely encounter between Akatsuki and Tiana.

In order to avoid that from happening, Kaidou must have tried to tie up Akatsuki until Tiana successful acquired the <Phoenix cells>.

Admittedly delaying Akatsuki was Kaidou's primary task, however Cecil hoped to use this opportunity measure Akatsuki's strength.

In fact, Cecil thought that Akatsuki's strength inferior to Kaidou. At least that night when Cecil met Akatsuki by chance, she didn't think he could rival Kaidou.


.....unexpectedly Kaidou used <freedom chains> and it ended in a draw.

This is more than Cecil imagination. Kaidou has a frivolous attitude, but his power is genuine.

Akatsuki took Kaidou head on and was evenly matched.

It seems Cecil's favorable impression of the youth the first time they met was deserving.

"Fufu.....Really tempting....."

Cecil has a seductive smile.

".....Leader, you seem to be very happy."

Memeko was somewhat amazed.

"Oh, it's a great feeling. The man whom I anticipated is the real thing, and more than the I expected."

Cecil smiled.

"And now? What are those two people doing?

"Kaidou-san and Ousawa Akatsuki seem to split up. There was contact with Kaidou-san, and he expressed a course of action to act alone."

"I see ...... you've worked hard."

"Leader, Do you have a plan for whats next?

"I am also a little unsure myself. It's best to play it by ear until the time comes."

"I understand. So forgive me for hanging up."

Without time for Cecil to respond, Memeko hung up the phone.

After placing the phone back on the marble table, Cecil crossed her legs in the tub.

"Ousawa Akatsuki....."

Cecil is trying to persuade him to join "Crimson Twilight" by any means, even now that feeling hasn't changed.

.....But as it stands now, it seems that not making him mime, also seems to be pretty good.

An intense pain ran through her heart. I'm afraid there isn't any other woman in this world--who can conquer Akatsuki first.

Cecil is unable to resist her desire for Akatsuki.


If Akatsuki choices to surrender to me himself, that also seems to be a good alternative. At that time, Akatsuki will become the first man in her life.

".....make it through the night."

JPN Babel has been in quarantine for a considerable amount of time already.

COCOON undoubtedly will start moving soon. Without doubt it is impossible for Japanese Government stay out of it.

"However..... I can't believe a third party got between them."

Memeko and I were both unable to foresee this situation, the uncertainty caused by the third party is definitely the most important key.

Perhaps--that's the person who prompted Kyoya to betray COCOON and root cause of his ambition.

"Zero and negative one.....however, now it is negative one and negative two. If possible I wanted to avoid this situation, but ......"

After the talking about balance of the future, Cecil'a skims the petals on the surface of water into her hands and lightly blows. Watching the flower petals fluttering in the air, it seems to be like reading the tea leaves in a cup.

Cecil End-heart sweetly smiles.

"In the past, only COCOON and Crimson Twilight were the two big powers in the world. However, you are certainly there now. Did you sense what it means to stand in a place where you control the fate of this world--Akatsuki?"

Part 3

And now......

It can be said that the stage is set for JPN Babel's fate, in front appears a youthful figure.

He is a tall young man.

He has unkempt hair extending to his shoulders, a strong determination exudes from his eyes, and both are jet black.

A tough body covered with thick muscles and combat clothes of a Demon King of an alternate world.

This youth--Ousawa Akatsuki looked up at Babel in front of his eyes with a fearless smile.

"Well, It's about time to get going."

The awe-inspiring Babel skyscraper towers far into sky -

It is Kyoya Hikami of the cocoon that is the strongest corner in the world that awaits.

A person part of world's most powerful group COCOON and person in charge of JPN Babel school, Hikami Kyoya is waiting at the top to challenge Akatsuki.

Akatsuki's eyes don't have a trace of fear, he couldn't be more at ease.

It seemed like he was about to capture a great general from the impenetrable Alcazar.


"In the end you still choose a frontal attack?"

The girl standing next to him said.

The girl is none other then what the people of the alternate world of Alayzard hailed as the "Jewel/treasure of Sherfied"--Sherfied Listy. In Listy's voice there wasn't a hint of uneasiness, rather then a question it was more like an affirmation. This isn't the fist time Listy met Akatsuki, the two have already had many years of friendship, naturally she understands what kind of personality he has.


"Without a doubt. Petty tricks are over with, and it's time to face each other."

Akatsuki smiled after saying so.

"It is standing in front of Hikami, and in front of him."

Ousawa Akatsuki will not compromise or back down.

In order to achieve his goal, Akatsuki will never give.

Kyoya made Miu, Haruka, Chikage and Kuzuha all shed tears.

This fact, urges Akatsuki proceed unceasingly forward.

Ousawa Akatsuki has an aesthetic.

In order to stop a women's tears, he is willing to pay any price.

Therefore Akatsuki decided to cut the root cause of their tears. This reason to fight in itself is sufficient. In spite of any difficulties, whatever the cost.

Kyoya must be defeated, and the captured Miu is to be rescued.

There is absolutely no room for negotiations.

".....EH? Listy are you afraid to breakthrough?"

Perhaps Akatsuki was trying to give her determination, Listy is suddenly dumbfounded. This small change was hidden from Akatsuki's eyes.

"No, there is no such thing."

Listy shakes her head and deny it, but her eyes betray her obvious unease.

Akatsuki couldn't help thinking their current situation is really far from perfect.

Earlier on he had a desperate fight with Kaidou Motoharu, and further was surprised that Miu was being manipulated. Also the fierce fight was with a member of "Crimson Twilight" the world's most powerful terrorist organization that is on an equal footing with COCOON. Plus an ultra high-dimensional being released a powerful spirit wave--

The damage received by both was still left on Akatsuki's body.

Further Listy does not know that earlier in the evening Akatsuki experienced a life or death duel baptism. In a training program set up by Kubota, Akatsuki had an intense battle with a young version of his father -- Ousawa Gouki. Thanks to that simulated fight, Akatsuki has mastered a new art of entering a "domain". But as a result it consumed a lot of physical and mental strength, amd also had an small impact on his present physical condition.

However, Ousawa Akatsuki doesn't care.

......Oh, such a thing is nothing.

There was damage from fighting against other enemies and his physical condition was not perfect, just unlucky.

If he made such an excuse he would have bucket loads.

However, if these excuses were enough for Akatsuki back down, he wouldn't be here right now.

After continuous fights with many enemies his physical strength was almost exhausted, even the goddess of luck has turned its back on him. Still even in such a bad condition in order to achieve his goals and not compromise, Akatsuki chose to forge ahead.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to lose."

"Ah.....Me Too."

Still, Listy looks uneasy.

Then, after a moment of hesitation, she let out the anxiety that she was holding.

"But Akatsuki......don't forget that Miu is being manipulated - and the conversation between you and her."

Part 4

Part 5

Translator's Notes and References

  1. 自由縛鎖 -IDK

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