Mondaiji-tachi ga isekai kara kuru soudesu yo:Volume 6 Prologue

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The grass of the Rye field moved like waves as it was hit from the wind coming from the high plane.

The young new plants that made a green carpet changed its colors along with the seasons, and now they covered the field in a impressive color of yellow gold. While other lands were experiencing a alarming lack of harvest, this field, as if blessed, were abundant with wheat and grape crops.

“Iyaa, this year is abundant, thanks to you, ******* sama.”

A elderly farmer slave said, laughing to HER while she looked at the field. SHE responded to the comment with a healthy smile. Born into the local royalty, the only thing SHE could pride herself in was this land. Even though she was of royalty, there was no culture asking girls to be well educated, and her existence was only another asset to the family. Her future choices were to take a husband, or find a husband. A pawn for bonding with another family to make her family more richer. To them, that was her her purpose of existence. HER families lands stood on the borders of the country. There were no schools or nunneries around, and people around HER only saw HER as “The girl made to carry out the new generation”.

Living her life on the land as if she were a pet off the leash, she had no royal playmate, and the friends she had were all the children of the serfs. With the mixture of dignity and tomboyishness, SHE learned to play outside, play in the dirt, and learned the ways of raising cereal crops. Since her grandfather was a bibliophile, SHE taught her self how to read and write, and read through all the books he left. Among the books that her grandfather collected before his death, there was an unopened book on a new method of farming which she tested without her father knowing. If her father ignored the trend of time and had HER study, the fate of her family may have differed greatly.

The result of her studies was this field of yellow gold that spread out in front of their eyes. An abundant harvest that has been rare of late made the farmers heart dance, and they crowded around HER, regardless of age, saying words of praise.

“ ******* Sama really is incredible! Even though there was a lack of crops recently.” “The sun lights losing its strength in recent years. I thought with the sick soil there wouldn’t be many crops and almost gave up.” “According to rumors, the farmers that couldn’t pass the winter are dying off in a horrifying plague. Really, if ****** Sama wasn’t here, God knows what would have happened…..” Kids closed to her age, bent back grannies, everyone repeatedly gave thanks for the blessing SHE gave. It showed how much the recent harvest dropped. In recent years the winters grew more severe, and farmers with no food were dying off one after another in a plague. The drop of immunity was most likely caused by the intense labor and lack of supplies. But this year, there was no need to worry about such a thing. SHE watched the crowd bursting with smiles, and feeling her pride and joy swell.

———Keho. She coughed weakly. “…………….?” She put her hand on her forehead. It seemed she had a cold, saying so herself.

With the new crops done, was the stress she held suddenly released?

Now that she thought about it, she lately hasn’t rested properly. This one year was filed with the study of farming and helping the farmers to hoe the earth for land reform.

Let’s have long rest to heal my body. And when I’m healed, I’ll enriched this land with them again. One year later, five years later, and ten years later. She promises to her heart that she will forever live on this land. ———But at the time, SHE did not know. That promise would turn into a curse in just a few days. She who has loved this land more then anyone, would curse it deeper than anyone.

———Let my family be cursed.

———Let my lands fall to disaster.

Die, die, everyone die.

Caught with sadness deeper then anyone else.

Sinking into a dark, bottomless loneliness.

With the dying words of a thousand hatreds, HER life ends by being killed by the ones she loved.

This will later be a maou—— representing eighty million cursed spirits.

The life of the one later known as “Black Percher”.

“No Name” Water tree’s water holder.

From the wild forest’s new leafs, a shining droplet rolled off.

Maybe it was because of the five days of repetitive rain. When the floor master of the east changed, the heavy rain became quite normal. But, because the master changed from a sun god to a sage dragon of thousand mountains and seas, this type of change was considered to be normal among the eastern residents. Recently, the “No Name”s were spending more time in the headquarters, and the children group had less exercise. With this morning being rare, cloudless day, the senior group, the maid group, and the Community leader Jin Russel were replanting the young grass of Asian rice they had bought for their paddy field.

Trading the usual maid outfit with a rice farming outfit, Percher ended her load of work and let out a large sigh.

“This is tedious. Replanting a plant that already budded. Wheat is definitely better than this.”

“Th, That isn’t true, Percher-chan”.

Lili, who had already ended her share of work, denied Pecher’s statement while swinging her two tails.

Divided between European food preference and Japanese food preference, the two would butt heads simply over the direction of planting. When Percher is in charge of meals she almost always makes bread, while Lili would complement her food with rice. But the power balance would be tipped with the completion of the paddy field. For this reason, while replanting the rice Percher was not in a good mood.

“Well fine. The new field will definitely be made with cereal grains as the main crop.”

“B, but our community has always used a paddy”

“No buts. I already researched the fact that European food preference and Japanese food preference ratio is 5:5. If you insist, I’ll just take half the elder group and do a strike.”

Au, the fox ears on Lili becoming limp.

Compared to the ones in the senior group who’s main jobs were housework/ field work, the maid groups job was to support the main groups power. Put bluntly, the maid group had far more power in the community hierarchy. Lili was talking to Percher as an equal because she was the leader of the senior group, but all the other kids would simply be afraid of her attitude.

Jin, who was overseeing the whole field, broke into the conversation after taking a sigh.

“Percher, Lili. As the two that are entrusted to making the food, stop acting like this. Please just listen to each others opinions and”

“Oh, really. Which do you prefer, Jin?”

…….Eh? Jin suddenly stops his words.

Percher uses this chance to go behind Jins back and forcefully grab both of his shoulders.

“Lili. Let’s let Jin, the leader, decide this fair and square. The community’s land is limited. If he’s the one deciding how it will be divided, won’t we be able to decide things without grudges?”

“Hold that conversation!!”

The one who intruded there conversation this time, was “No Name”’s maid number three. Shirayuki-hime, who was a snake god, leapt with such force that made the mud in the water field fly, landed while making her voluminous chest jiggle and made an opposing argument.

“I heard the news Lili!. Your fox ears do not have to listen to her words! In front of us, the Japanese preference alliance, the Western preference’s meager soldiers are no different from dust! Hold your chest high and retaliate her words proudly!”

Bishi! Shirayuki-hime pointed a finger at Percher.

Protruding veins and clicking her tongue, Pecher glares back at her.

Having listened to the Japanese Preference alliance for the first time, Lili is panicking.

Between the two who’s heating up, Jin is getting a very bad feeling.

“W, wait, please calm down “

“Yup. Calm down a little Breast Snake. Our leader wants Western food. If you still want to argue…….You should come back when your at least able to julienne a cabbage properly.”

“Shut up! I can do a julienne with two hours! And who are you calling Breast Snake !!!”

“Shi, Shirayuki-sama please calm down! Yesterday you couldn’t manage to do it with five hours!”

Lili stops the agitated Shirayuki-hime from behind. ——Incidentally, because of a clumsy Shirayuki-hime’s wreckage of twenty four cabbages, yesterdays dinner had only consisted of a pile of cabbages.

“So, what is our leader’s opinion? Western food? Japanese food?”

“Hey! You usually don’t ask in this kind of timing right?”

“No need to consider, child! Japanese ways are the ways of the Community, and thats what you should being telling that Chopping Board Girl!”

As Shirayuki-hime shouts, Percher dug her nails to the point where bones creaked.

“…….. Be quiet, Breast Snake. My body is based on a twelve year old, so having breasts would be a lot more scarier.”

“Ha, and I was thinking what you were going to say! If you eat Lili’s delicious meals every day, you would naturally be more well endowed! But since your still a Chopping Board, you should eat more rice and beans!”

“…………..Don’t be stupid. If its Lili’s meals, I’m always having seconds…..!!”

Mishimishimishi! Jins bones made grinding noises.

Assaulted by so much pain that no words came out, Jin repeatedly tapped her hand, but Percher’s concentration was else where. With hostile intent still in her eyes, Pecher stiffly moved the corner of her mouth to smile.

“Fine. If your really not budging…… Lets decide things in Hakoniwa’s ways.”

“……. Ho you? I see, thats a brilliant idea. I was thinking that I’ll need to teach you how speak to those above you.”

Glaring at each other, both heighten their killer intents. At this point Jin really started to panic. Around Percher, black wind spun and leapt. Around Shirayukihime, water flowed violently as it danced around. If the two clashed full force, the damage could not be taken lightly. Aside from the newly made water field, even the elder group that were busily farming would be caught in the mess. Giving off a one-touch-instant-strike feeling, the two fiercely glare at each other. At this point, Jin, taking the resolve to stopping them by using his power as the master, the two immediately —

“You two. What are you doing.”

stopped their feet, gulping. But this was inevitable.

Right at the moment they were about to clash, a blade of shadows that could cut steel sliced between them. The two awkwardly looked in the direction of the shadow. In the path that lead to the forest, the leader of the maid group, Head Maid Leticia, stared at the two with crimson eyes.

“Well well. I came her hearing the ruckus………And heard something very interesting. I didn’t know you two were so friendly with each other that you would skip work and play games.”

“But I ended my work and”

“Shut it.” Erasing the smiling on her face in a instant, she sharply glared at the two. The order that left no room for questions made Percher become silent.

The pair of crimson eyes held a violent glint. She was obviously mad. Her showing this much obvious rage was rare for Leticia. But this was to be expected; she had just become the Head Maid only a week ago. But if they suddenly acted as if streaking mud on her face, even with her warm hearted nature, she would be mad. In this situation, she didn’t look hesitant to spill some blood. The previous Percher would not hesitate, but the current Percher would not be a good match to her. Besides, Leticia now had the repaired gift of the dragon’s shadow. Fighting her head on was a bad idea.

Pest retracted her hand back swiftly, and Shirayuki-hime hurriedly followed that action.

“I, Its not like that Leticia-Dono! We weren’t going to compete with strength! We were trying to settle a difference using peaceful and maid-like method, which”

“Hou, a maid-like game. ………..I see. Thats good. It might be a good reference to the eight commandments of the maid group I was making.” Smile. Fluttering her golden hair and smiling, Leticia said;

“Than, lets return to Headquarters and start the game. The winner is the one who can act most like a maid. The loser will have twice the amount of her usual labor for a whole month.”


“Lets see. We’ll start by competing who is better at making and serving tea. I am going to be strict, so be ready.”

She easily caught the two that were about to make a run for it. Grabbing the two at the nape of their neck, Leticia flew toward headquarters. Being left out, Jin and Lili stared at the maid group with blurred expressions. After the two kept that expression for some time, Lili perked up her fox ears and made a statement.

“…..Um, Jin-kun. I have favor, but is it ok?”

“Yes. As long it has nothing to do with favoring a single preference.” Jin nodded with a tired expression. Lili perked up her fox ears as if she had an ingenious idea.

“For a while……I think the meals should be concentrated on Chinese food.” “………Un. That might be a good idea.”

Laughing strengthlessly, Jin approved Lili’s idea.

After checking to see that the other elder group members have ended planting, the two met up with them as if nothing happened.

——Under the sunny sky without a cloud in sight. Ending the replanting in the refreshing air of precipitation, they start having lunch together. Today’s “No Name” was as peaceful as usual.