OniAi: Volume 2 Chapter 1.3

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April 8th, 7:45 A.M.

St. Ririana, the school which I’m studying in, is one of the top few royalty schools in Kanto.

It’s one of those type of schools. I guess all schools with a long history will retain many of their old traditions.

For example: the members of the student council are to stand at the gate of the school every day and greet the students who are coming to school; that’s one of the traditions.

‟Good day, Nasuhara-san. What a fine day it’s today.”

‟… Good day.”

‟Good day, Anastasia-sama. You’re beautiful today, as always.”

‟… Good day.”

Today is her turn to do the job that every student council member takes in turns.

Nasuhara Anastasia.

She has golden hair, sapphire eyes, and a faultless figure. However, she’s a beauty that one wouldn’t dare get close to.

She has surprisingly became my colleague, or rather, my superior, as she’s the vice president of the student council.

‟Ara. Good day.”

She didn’t really mean that, as per usual. Nasuhara was just saying it out of what was required of her (but even so, the students were still looking at her quite kindly). She spotted me and started a conversation with me.

‟You’re still putting on that depressed look. It wouldn’t be that bad, but that expression looks surprisingly funny when it’s on your face. What’s above your neck is like Takuya Kimura, but what’s below your neck is like that idiotic Sakata; how’s that analogy of mine? Is it easier for you to understand what I’m trying to say?”

… Sigh. How should I put it?

She’s totally like her normal self.

I think that it’s probably a rule of the Nasuhara family to spew insults as a replacement for greetings.

‟Morning, Nasuhara-san. You’re in tip top condition today, as well.”

‟Just Anna-san will do.”

It was like she was calling me out, who was giving a bitter smile and trying to sneak past her.

‟I should’ve said that before. Just call me that.”

‟… Oh—?”

‟You dislike it? In other words, is that your way of saying that you want to maintain a certain distance from me?”

‟No no no. How can that be?”

‟Then please don’t address me so distantly by using ‘Nasuhara-san’. You should be calling me intimately by ‘Anna-san’. That would make me much happier.”

‟Urm, is that so. I understand. Well then… Morning, Anna-san. You’re in peak condition today, as well.”

‟Fu. You’re a really impressive man to call a girl by the term ‘hole’.”[1]

‟… Oh well, that’s right. I knew you’re going to say that. That’s the reason why I didn’t want to call you by that name, you know?”

I sighed.

Her hard-to-get-along-with personality is also as per normal. She’s deliberately saying those things, and no matter how you look at it, that made things even worse.

No, I can’t quite say I hate it. It’s more like I have no idea how to get along with her. It’s hard for me to see what she’s thinking about as well since she doesn’t change her expression much.

And so.

I decided to quickly retreat, since that was the best course of action.

‟Well then, see you later, Nasuhara-san.”

‟Hold on.”


That was her cold but clear voice which lacked any change of emotion. It pinned me onto the ground just when I was about to make a right turn and leave.

‟Where are you going?”

‟Where else but the student council room? There’s a meeting today, right?”

‟If that’s the case, it would be fine if we go there together, right?”

‟But, you’re currently working, aren’t you?”

‟That can be solved by having you to wait until my work is done, then going there together.”

‟Ehhhh? In other words, you want me to work together with you?”

‟It certainly looks like that.”

‟No, I’m sorry. I wish to reach the student council room first, to brush up on my studies and such. My grades aren’t that good, so in order to catch up to the standards of this school—”

‟It’s really irritating to listen to you jabbering on and on. Be careful. I’ll force you to guess the color of my lingerie if you don’t act as I please”

Ah— Enough!

She is using that old gag again!

‟Incidentally, today’s color is pure white.”

‟No no no, there’s no need to tell me that… Hey look, we talked about it before haven’t; it’s better if you don’t keep talking about things like that, isn’t it? No matter what, you’re still the vice president of the student council of this school.”

‟What you said does make sense. However, I’ll have to apologize. That’s my favorite gag. Once I like it, I’ll use it until it rots. It’s just like when one continuously chews on a well chewed piece of gum because they believe they haven’t extracted all the flavor from it yet.”

‟So you like it that much…”

Well, that analogy was quite poor and tacky.

Could it be that the girl over there isn’t actually the daughter of a certain rich family?

‟I like this gag a lot, and I’ll not allow anyone to be mouthy about it. I’ll never forgive anyone who’s complains about it, even that person was God.”

‟So you saying that you aren’t even afraid of God now.”

If I remember correctly.

St. Ririana Academy should be famous for being a rather devout Christian school.

‟Even if that person was to get completely naked, has his back stuck with a piece of paper that read, ‘Crying in your mother’s arms’, and was made to crawl about in public. Even if he cried and licked my shoes while declaring to everyone that ‘I’m absolute in heaven and on earth’, I’d still refuse to forgive him.”

‟No look, it’s better to forgive him if it boils down to that…”

‟And thus from today onward, I’ll be using this gag in any situation whenever there’s a chance. I hope you’ll understand.”

‟No well… Since you love that gag that much, it wouldn’t good if I forced you to abandon it. I understand, so feel free to use it.”

‟Incidentally, the reason that I like this gag so much is because your expression changes to that of disgust whenever I’m using it.”

‟Ah— Damn, I knew it would be something like this! You seized the opportunity to openly declare me as an idiot!”

‟It’s really irritating to listen to you jabbering on and on. Be careful. If you don’t act as I please, I’ll change your lunch today to a lingerie feast.”

‟And you’ve immediately used your favorite gag again! You’re so easy to predict when it comes to this!”

Also, what was she saying? What’s with the lingerie feast?

Has she really reached the point where nothing else matters as long as she can use the gag?

Though I’m saying all these things, I’m also someone who’s game enough to join others in the things they do. In point of fact, I’m still at the school gates talking to Nasuhara.

The harder someone is to get along with, the more one wishes to get along with them… This is an irony that humankind will have to face forever.

Well, I’ll reiterate what I’d just said: I don’t hate her. She is a little strange, but she’s also an interesting girl, at the same time. As such, I won’t deny her of my company, and will continue talking about silly things with her.

Even though I say that, in the current situation—

Oh boy. It looks like things have gotten troublesome.

I suddenly noticed something.

All the students who were entering the school were looking in this direction.

It looked like they were enjoying the show. But at the same time, they were directing looks of curiosity, envy and jealousy.


That wasn’t a good sign.

I’m someone who just transferred to this school, which means I’m a stranger.

As someone who’s new here, I fervently wished I wouldn’t do anything attention grabbing.

You see, there’s a saying that goes: ‘The gun will fire at the bird that shows its head’.

The student council consists of talented people; and for me who’d somehow gotten into it by mistake, I’m obviously the ‘bird showing its head’.

Adding on to that, the whole school already knows the sensational speech that was made by this golden hair beauty.

… Oh well.

‟Please allow me to be your girlfriend.”

How did she say that sort of thing in front of everyone.

And even though Nasuhara had only said that to me yesterday, now she’s talking to me with an expression as though she was just teasing me.

Whatever. She’s someone who’ll say some rather shocking things all of the sudden. Perhaps it would be better if I don’t take what she said yesterday seriously…

‟Back to talking about you.”

‟Eh? What?”

‟You’re a member of this school’s student council. So straighten your back.”

‟Huh? Ah, mmm.”

‟No matter how hard you try to hide it, you’re still a ‘bird showing its head’. It’s something that can no longer be changed. Don’t you think it’s better to have some sort of self awareness if you wish to continue on with your school life at this academy?”

‟Oh, yeah. Right.”


That’s troublesome.

It seems like Nasuhara has totally seen through me despite me being someone who doesn’t wear his feelings and thoughts openly. Perhaps I should take note of that.

‟Even though I said that, I do think it’s slightly too demanding for you to be straightening your posture for now, considering that you just transferred in not too long ago. It’s definitely true that St. Ririana Academy has a slightly different atmosphere as compared to the outside world.”

‟Yeah, that’s it. It really is like that. This is an elite school with a rather strong studying culture. As someone who has only average grades, it really is rather difficult for me to get used to being here.”

‟I can understand that. I was troubled by the same thing a year ago when I first enrolled in this school.”

‟Oh—? Is that so?”

How surprising.

Nasuhara gives me the impression that she’s someone who wouldn’t lose their blank expression even if the world was turned upside down. But there was a period of time where she wasn’t used to the school as well huh.

‟If you felt that way as well, then how should I put it… I feel slightly better now. It sort of feels like I’ll be forgiven slightly even if I don’t get used to this place right away.”

‟That’s right. But it’s better if you get used to it as soon as possible.”

‟Mmm. Of course.”

‟The reason for you not being used to this place is due to the fact that you haven’t given others a good impression of yourself.”

‟Yeah. That’s true.”

‟I’ve got a good solution for that. A brilliant idea that will erase all the bad impressions that you’d been suffering from.”

‟Eh? Really?”

‟Yes, really.”

‟So what sort of idea is it? Please do tell me about it.”

‟Can I say it?”

‟Mhmm. Go ahead, shoot.”

‟Is that so. Understood.”

While saying that, Nasuhara nodded her head, and took a step towards me.

She gingerly picked up my hand.

And then, she placed my hand onto her chest.

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Eh? Huh?

I was temporarily stunned for a while as the sequence of events was executed way too smoothly. However,


This is obviously a very bad situation.

I removed my hand in panic and jumped a step back,

‟Oi, what are you doing?!”

‟Just like what you saw. You were touching my breasts.”

‟No hold on a second! Please don’t make it sound as though I was the one who took the initiative, alright?!”

‟Rather than saying you touched them, it’s more like you were groping them. Does it sound more accurate if I put it that way?”

‟No I didn’t grope! I’d just touched it! And that was something that could not be helped!”

‟Is that so. Well then, what are your thoughts after touching it?”

‟My thoughts… well obviously…”

It was really soft, yet at the same time, springy. The size of her breasts were perfect as well— no wait, such things don’t matter right now.

‟Well, then what the heck were you doing! What was the meaning of that?! Why did things turn out that way?!”

‟What do you mean by things turning out this way and that? It was just a countermeasure for your poor image.”

‟How does that even work?!”

‟Because that will give others an even worse impression of you that’s on a completely different level than before. They’ll cleanly forget those minor details they knew about you earlier on.”

‟How the hell did you even came up with that?!”

I hugged my head while staring into the sky. I was really an idiot to trust her. Rather than saying that her line of thought is too unpredictable, I should say that it’s something that’s completely out of the ordinary.

‟This is what you would call reverse psychology. Fighting poison with poison; that’s how it is.”

‟No way, nothing was solved!”

‟It’s fine if you praise me on my brilliance even more.”

‟And you’re actually putting on a proud expression!”

‟You’re a guy who keeps jabbering and complaining too much. If you complain any further, I’ll change your handkerchief into my panties and stuff it into the pocket of your uniform.”

‟Just that point, where you grab onto the tiniest opportunity to use your favorite gag. Your alertness is indeed incomparable!”

Enough, you animal.

I never expect a trap like this would be waiting for me so early in the morning. What sort of looks will the onlookers give? Nasuhara could be considered as someone who quite famous in the school. After touching her breasts like that, what’ll happen to my standing at school in the future—

‟Everything’s fine. Not to worry.”

However, in contrast to me being at a loss of what to do, Nasuhara said this rather calmly,

‟It’s within my expectations for you to react like that. I made sure no one around us was looking.”

‟Eh? What do you mean?”

‟Which means, there’s no one who saw the scene of you violating my breasts. You don’t have to worry.”

‟Ahh… is that so. That means that I’m safe. And also, what do you mean by me violating your breasts?”

‟Therefore, what happened just now is just something like a demo. It’s up to you whether you want to continue doing things like that.”

‟I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline.”

‟Things like that won’t be effective if you don’t continue doing it.”

‟I’ll be caught by the police before any of the effects will ever take place.”

‟Is that so. How regrettable.”

Nasuhara said that without any sense of regret, while putting on an expression as if nothing had happened.

Really… no one can predict the things that this girl will do. But even so, she’s still the vice president of a famous elite school, so she should possess a certain amount of ability and popularity.

‟Anyway, I didn’t received your answer.”

‟Eh? For what?”

‟Your thoughts after touching my breasts.”

‟… No, I didn’t have any thoughts or whatever. All my attention was directed towards my shock, so I didn’t notice nothing else.”

‟Were you excited?”


Or I should say, I couldn’t get excited.

I’d be envious of the person who could get excited in that sort of situation, since his tenacity must be something else altogether.

‟Is that so. I see.”

Nasuhara looked straight at me as she said that.

Upon taking a close look, she’s a really beautiful girl.

Her eyes had a calmness similar to that of aquamarine, and were giving off a light of clear brilliance.

Her snow white skin was like that of the heather’s that grow on snowy mountains.

The precise arc of her cheeks emphasized her beautiful face.

Let’s not talk about whether I was excited or not for now; she’s an impeccable beauty that one wouldn’t get tired of looking at.

‟Urm—… W-What’s wrong? If you’re staring at me without blinking, I’ll feel quite uncomfortable… Or rather…”

‟Was that not the best course of action?”

Nasuhara was muttering to herself. It seemed like she didn’t hear word that I’d said.

‟I thought he’d become really flustered if I made him touch these breasts of mine, which can nearly be considered a world heritage. It looks like I may have to tweak my strategies a little.”

‟Huh, what? What did you just say?”

‟Nothing. I’m just talking to a child.”

‟Eh? Isn’t that a rather problematic line…?”


Ignoring my question, Nasuhara looked behind me,

‟Did she not come here with you today?”

‟Eh? Who’s the girl you’re referring to?”

‟Arisugawa— no, she’s Himenokouji-san now.”

‟Ah Akiko. She’ll be here slightly later as she still has some housework to do.”

‟Hmph, is that so. Looks like she escaped to live another day.”

‟Eh? What do you mean by that?”

‟That’s because, while I’m doing this student council work early in the morning, if you’d arrived at school in front of me while behaving intimately with your sister, I’d have been so cruel with my words that she’d probably feel like dying.”


That’s really dangerous.

Nasuhara is someone who’s fluent with her speech, while at the same time, expressionless like that of an ice statue. If she was serious about picking on someone, that person would probably suffer a lot.

‟… You seem rather happy.”

An illusion of hers, probably.

Nasuhara, who rarely had any sort of change in her expression, looked at me with a rather dangerous stare,

‟Your sister was actually on the verge of being treated cruelly, so why are you smiling like that?”

‟Eh? No no no, I didn’t?”

‟Even if you didn’t show it on your face, I’ll still know, if it’s you.”

‟Is that so? … Forget it. But you and Akiko are in that sort of relationship where the both of you quarrel about the most mundane things, isn’t that so? For me, I think it’s alright as long as the quarrels don’t get out of hand. There’s a saying that the more you quarrel, the better the relationship becomes.”

‟But the person who’s always won is me, you know?”

‟Indeed, it feels like that. But whatever, that doesn’t really matter. It’s the responsibility of me, her elder brother, chase away that person and console her while she’s crying. Plus, I think that sort of Akiko is rather cute as well.”


After I’d said that, Nasuhara closed her mouth tightly and stared at me for a while.

‟Sigh,” she heaved the rare sigh of hers as well.

‟Even though I hadn’t noticed it yet… but you really are a sis-con. And one that exceeds my imagination.”

‟… Eh? Why has it become like this? No no no, that’s normal as her elder brother, right? To clear up the things that my sister has done, and to find my sister cute.”

‟Forget it. So this is what it means by something being much more worthy of conquest if there are more obstacles in it’s way.”

It was as though she accepted everything as she said that.

Not only that, she waved her hands as though she was trying to chase me away,

‟I’ll let you go, just this time. Just hurry up and go. Be it self studying or whatever, just do as you like.”

‟Ah. Urm… may I?”

‟However. Don’t think that I’ll just give up like that.”

‟Ah, urm. Right.”

I didn’t really understand what was happening, but it looked like she was willing to let me go.

But somehow, it felt like I was being misunderstood. Whatever.

We will have to get along with each other for quite a while anyway. There will be plenty of opportunities for me to clear up the misunderstanding.

Translator notes and references

  1. ‘Ana’ is ‘hole’ in Japanese.
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