OniAi: Volume 2 Chapter 1.5

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April 8th, 8:15 A.M.

And so.

The student council meeting had finally started after many difficulties.

I was slightly nervous, to be honest.

After all, St. Ririana Academy is one of the few top royalty schools in Japan. They’re even well known in Kyoto.

Not only is it a place for the elite of the elites to gather, it also practices extraterritoriality as well. And the group that holds on to those powers is the student council.

As the first meeting of the semester, chaired by Nikaido Arashi, I wonder what the topics be like; as someone who just transferred into the school, and the holder of the lowest position in the student council, it’s something really interesting.

In any case, do allow me to observe the meeting.

It was obvious for Kaichou and Nasuhara, but even that incompetent sister of mine, all of them should be the top students of this school. While Ginbe is new here just like me, I’ve long known about her fantastic performance since a long while back.

Ahh, what sort of conversation will these people have?

Then again.

Where should I sit?

Kaichou, Fuku-Kaichou, secretary, and treasurer.

Those were the name plates found on the respective tables. I didn’t have it say it for the three original members, but even Ginbe had managed to find her seat without trouble.

I don’t know if it was to be expected, but I couldn’t find the seat for the awkward position named as ‘Deputy Assistant Secretary’. As such,

‟Oi—. You’re to sit here.”


Nikaido-Kaichou made a signal to the lost me,

‟Sorry, sorry. I didn’t prepare your seat, since your position was something I fabricated on the spot. I’d forgotten about it due to my carelessness.”

‟You know, you’re the president, so please don’t use terms like ‘fabricated’.”

Should she say that in normal circumstances, those who voted for her would surely question the trust they’d placed in her.

‟Forget it, let’s not care about that for the moment… Well, where should I sit?”

‟Well, just sit by my side for now. Since you won’t be doing anything important for today, you can experience for yourself the atmosphere here.”

… Whatever. I guess that’s a fairly appropriate arrangement.

Come to think of it, this rather lengthily named position of mine was something that Kaichou had decided on her own. I’m probably Kaichou’s private secretary or something.

And since it’s already came down to this, I do want to see Kaichou’s unfathomable abilities.

‟Understood. Then I’ll sit myself at Kaichou’s back—”

‟Please hold on for a moment.”

Nasuhara interrupted all of the sudden.

‟For the student council of this school, the role of the secretary should be under the jurisdiction of the vice president, right? His role is the Deputy Assistant Secretary. Since I’m the vice president, naturally, I should be the responsible of the management of him. Should that not be so?”


I wasn’t aware of this rule since I was extremely new here. If that’s what Nasuhara says, then it shouldn’t be wrong. Yup.

‟And so, the most suitable position of his seat is right next to mine. Any objections?”

‟Oh. If we’re to put it that way, then can I say something as well?”

Just when I was thinking that, Ginbe had spoken up about her own opinion as well.

‟I’m not too sure about the rules of this student council, but just like Akito-san, I’ve just transferred to this school. As fellow newcomers to the student council, we should pick up the jobs from our senpai together, right?”


Her words do make sense.

It’s obvious to me, but Ginbe just joined the student council two days ago as well. I don’t really think there’s much of a chance for her to be involved in things.

Or rather, we will hinder the meeting if we randomly interrupt them, without knowing anything. In such a situation, it would be better for Ginbe and I to sit together, to the side, and observe the meeting.

‟Everyone, wait a second.”

Even my sister was raising her hand this time.

‟If that’s the case, then I have something to say as well. If we’re talking about Onii-chan’s position, then just as the name suggests, he should be here to assist me, the secretary—”


‟Oi Kaichou!?”

My sisters opened her eyes wide when her speech was interrupted with a rather straightforward answer.

‟But I’m not done yet?”

‟Mmm. Well, yeah. I thought it would be better if I do something like this for the final gag.”

‟Those feelings akin to that of a comedic alien are unnecessary!”

‟Well, I guess it would be fine for you to continue if you were to bathe with me every day.”

‟Why do I have to agree to that sort of request!? Isn’t my position here a little too weak!? Please listen to me like you did with others!”

‟Slightly off topic, but speaking of bathrooms, some public baths have recently turned into a place for prostitution as well.”

‟I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be saying those ‘fun facts’ at a time like this!”

‟Well, that’s how it is.”

Nikaido-Kaichou ended the subject just like that.

My poor sister could not keep up with the pace at which Nikaido-Kaichou had changed the topics, which resulted with her losing the chance to express her own views.

Mmm. Such was the difference in capabilities.

‟I understand everyone’s position now.”

Kaichou stood up from her seat,

‟It has been decided. The discussion topic for the very first meeting of the new semester shall be this.”

She wrote on the whiteboard in beautiful handwriting.

‟Round one, tada! Who will sit beside Himenokouji Akito-san?”

… Urm, well, what can I say?

Am I holding some overly weird fantasies for the student council of this school?

It looks like that’s totally the case here.

‟Urm— pardon me, Kaichou.”


‟Despite being the main subject of the matter, my opinion hasn’t been sought. May I say something?”

‟… Alright. Shoot.”

‟I wish to sit next to Akiko.”

Just as I said that, the whole atmosphere in the room changed.

Nikaido-Kaichou, Nasuhara and Ginbe changed to rather dark expressions, and it looked like they were exasperated.

Only Akiko showed a beaming look as though she was welcoming the gardens of summer.

OniAiVol2 013 Ch 1 5.jpg

‟Onii-chan… Akiko has always firmly believed that Onii-chan and I were always in love since the beginning of time.”

‟No, no, it’s not like that. Look, isn’t this rather natural? You’re my younger sister and my superior as well. The things Nikaido-Kaichou, Nasuhara-san and Ginbe-san have said in regards to the position of my seat make sense as well, but I’ll ultimately go down this path if I’m forced to choose , isn’t that so?”

‟Fufu, you don’t have to be shy about it, Onii-chan. I’m very~ clear about it; about Onii-chan’s true feelings.”

‟No. That expression of yours shows very clearly that you don’t understand.”

‟We might as well announce our engagement and such right here, okay?”

‟Indeed, you don’t understand at all.”

I sighed.

Oh well, I knew things would turn out like this.

Even so, I’ve decided that it would be better if I state my position clearly instead of wasting time on such mundane things. The result was exactly what I’d expected, right down to how I’d increased my sister’s delusions…

‟Kukuku. Since it has been decided, then let’s not waste our time. Here, Onii-chan, take a seat here. Lets both stick together closely and attend the meeting—”


While my elated sister was waving her hands at me, Kaichou interrupted.

‟I’m sorry, but can I ask you to do something urgent?”

‟Something urgent? Right now?”

‟Mmm. Sorry— please help me to buy a red bean bun.”

‟R-Red bean bun?”

‟Yeah. I’ve no idea why I’ve a sudden craving for it. Ah, don’t forget about the milk as well.”

‟… I apologize, but I’ll not do it even if this is an order from Kaichou. To think you’re ordering your subordinate to attend to your private matters while at an important meeting. Please conduct yourself in a more respectful manner.”

‟If you’re to get them within five minutes, I’ll bestow upon you the right to get your brother to say to you, ‘Akiko is cute to the max today’.”

‟Within five minutes!? Understood!”

With that said, Akiko immediately flew out of the student council room like a dog.

Is that really okay, my younger sister… Honestly speaking, your brother is rather worried about your future…

It won’t do. I’ll have to lecture my sister when she returns.

‟Right. With that, the thing in the way is gone, but…”

Kaichou slowly placed her legs on the table and shot a glance at me.

‟Himenokouji Akito-san. What are your thoughts after seeing your sister acting that way?”

‟How else can I feel other than to be really worried.”

It will be really tough for her in the future if she’s controlled by others that easily.

Well, I can prevent things from becoming overly troublesome if I’m by her side, but… I can’t be with her all the time.

‟That’s right. I’m worried about it as well. Not just me, but the Fuku-Kaichou and the treasurer there are both putting on rather pissed off expressions; they share the same thoughts as I do as well.”

With that said, she took a glance at the silent Nasuhara and Ginbe. Next,

‟But. What we’re worried about isn’t quite the same as what you’re worrying about.”


‟You’re a huge sis-con, right?”


Wait, what.

Nasuhara and Ginbe do think like that, but why does Kaichou have that sort of misunderstanding as well.

‟No, it’s not like I’ve a sister-complex, you know? Well of course, I do treasure my younger sister and love her very much. But, isn’t that something rather natural as her elder brother? I don’t think there’s anything inconceivable about it.”

‟Urm, yeah. You’re right. Ahh, this is a total mess. You aren’t wrong… but.”

Even though she’d said that, it looked like Kaichou was implying something else.

‟Nasuhara-san, Ginbe-san, come over here for a second.”

She got her two subordinates to her side, and began to whisper among each other.

‟Well… I guess you both have had a rough idea on what I’m about to say?”

‟Mmm, yes. Things are in a really terrible state.”

‟The problem of the Himenokouji siblings is slightly beyond my expectations. Though it’s not like we underestimated them…”

For some unknown reason, I was the only one who was excluded from them.

Even though I’m saying that, it’s not like I’ll do things like interrupting the girls in order to know what they were whispering about… I’ll just wait for them to be done with their discussion.

‟In any case, there’s nothing much we can do if both siblings are like that. Should this continue on, even I will have no choice but to surrender.”

‟Those two will live in a world by themselves without them realizing it if we were to leave them alone. Really, please spare me from that.”

‟Well, luckily for us, they’re blood related siblings. For the competition to end on a note where the siblings end up together… such an ending is impossible; well, that’s the case typically.”

‟But after looking at them, I’ve no idea when, where or how that sort of thing will happen.”

‟We would become a huge joke if things do turn out that way. To prevent the worst case scenario from happening, we will have to take countermeasures.”

‟For now, let’s call it a truce and form a temporary alliance. But the question is, what should we do next?”

‟I’ve a plan in regards to that. Care to listen?”

… Oh.

It looks like they’re done with their discussion.

‟We’ve made you wait for quite a while, Himenokouji Akito-san.”

Kaichou said when the members of the secret chat have all returned back to their seats.

‟There’s something that I wish to discuss with you. Can you spare me your attention?”

‟Yeah. About what?”

‟How do you view your sister’s brother-complex?”

‟Well… I’m happy that she admires me that much. That’s even more so considering the fact that we haven’t seen each other for six years. However, even without me the need to saying it, my sister is just a sister to me. There’s nothing else other than that.”

‟Well, how about the fact that your sister wears her brother-complex openly, or the fact that she doesn’t care about what the people around her think?”

‟Ah— that.”

That’s my worry.

For six years she was separated from me, Akiko was adopted as a daughter of a famous family, the Arisugawa. In order not to embarrass herself wherever she goes, she’d undergone the respective training.

And thanks to that, her grades at St. Ririana Academy are excellent. She’s popular, and it looks like she’s one of the few top students as well. In point of fact, she’s also the secretary of the powerful student council.

Though she has forgotten it cleanly due to those… actions of hers in our daily lives, but Akiko has already obtained plenty of reputation at the age of just sixteen.

But if her reputation was tarnished because of living together with me once more, or due to me transferring to this school; it would be really terrible, even if her reputation just suffered from the slightest of scratches.

Not to mention, we just forcefully moved out of the Arisugawa and Takanomiya households in order to live by ourselves. It’s this period of time where we will want to avoid any bad impressions or incidents.

‟Well, I can roughly understand your feelings from those expressions of yours.”

Kaichou nodded her head, slowly.

‟You too think that your sister’s brother-complex isn’t something that’s good, am I right?”

‟Mmm, I guess.”

‟Actually, it isn’t just you. The rest of the student council feels the same way as well.”

‟What do you mean?”

‟Do I even have to say it? The blunder of a student council member will equate to the blunder of all of us. Your sister’s brother-complex is something quite troublesome. Even if I were to be polite about it, I can’t say that it’s something that will bring a positive influence to us. You understand?”

That’s precisely how it is.

Actually, I did notice it a little ever since the beginning.

Back then, no one really cared that my sister was saying things like “I love Onii-chan the most” for the whole day. That’s because that no one understood how bad her brother-complex was.

But ever since I transferred to this school, things had turned for the worse. It seemed like the news of how my sister acts around me have already made its way throughout the whole school. Frankly, I don’t even know if it’s possible to maintain my sister’s current reputation.

‟We’re all affected by it together, regardless of whether the situation is beneficial or harmful. Things will become troublesome if we were to ignore it. As such, we’ve no choice but to take some action.”

‟Well… you’re right. And so? Does Kaichou have something in mind?”

‟Well, I do have something. But in order to execute that plan, Himenokouji Akito, your cooperation is a must. You’ll help out, right?”

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