NouCome: Volume 1 Chapter 3

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Chapter 2 - Yukihira Furano's Real Heart

Part 1


The girl was hugging the blanket like a hug pillow and sleeping pleasantly.

I knocked several times but there was no reaction so I reluctantly entered the room. Even with me nearby there was no sign of her waking up.


I got up an hour before, washed, and even finished preparing breakfast so why is this freeloader sleeping like a log?

"......How did this happen."

While complaining about this strange creature Chocolat and how she came to live here I remembered last night.


"Yes, that's it."

God? This person suddenly said that. Though it was normally something to laugh off, Chocolat's eyes were intent and there was no sign of a joke.

"Ah, Kanade-san, your eyes say you don't believe."

"No no, but even if you suddenly say God......hmm?"

At that time, to fit the words, an email arrived. I took my cell out of my pocket to look at it and in the addresser's column 『God』 is listed.

God? I don't remember adding that to my contact list. And, this timing......It felt strangely eerie as I tried to open the subject 『Curse Removal Mission』.

<Make Yukihira Furano laugh from the bottom of her heart Time limit May 8 (Wed)>

What's this? Yukihira? Why is her name there? The contents are too incomprehensible to even be a joke, what on earth is this thing?

While doubts chased around in my head, my cell phone's incoming call tune rang out.

"Ah, it is probably God."

I jumped as I heard Chocolat's voice. When I looked down at the display it showed 『God』 just like a little while ago.

Really, the cell phone number of the other person wasn't registered. How is it possible to display the name?

Surely......on the other side of the phone was something that transcended human understanding?


I pushed the receive call button and held it to my ear hesitantly.

<Hey, it's God.>

They replied in an unexpectedly flippant voice.

<Hmm hmm, hello Amakusa Kanade-kun?>

"......You, who is this?"

This is......God? I felt like a fool for even starting to believe it. I felt the tension drain away and answered sloppily.

<Eh, God is God, Kami-sama. If you are saying I'm not then I'd like to see a so-called God.>

What......a flashy guy.

"What business does God have with a guy like me?"

Already I didn't think he was God but in order to figure things out I played along for the time being.

"Eh? You went to the point fast? You are seriously impatient."

Flashy, as a god or a man this fellow is flashy.

"You are really God?"

<Eh? You don't believe? You called me God a moment ago. God is seriously a world class God.>

Yes, I don't understand what that means.

"Please show me evidence."


"God on a cloud or thunder from a cane would do it."

Of course I don't seriously believe its possible but how can I react? The goal was to make sure.

<Wow, that's old. Kanade that's from ancient times! Your imagination's power is poor.>

.......Frustrating. This flashy guy is frustrating. He's incredibly frustrating.

<However, I can do something as uncanny~, this.>

"Therefore, the evidence?"

<Yes yes, how about this~>


The moment the flash guy's words ended a strong sense of incongruity attacked. this?

I felt uncomfortable like I wasn't myself.

But, I didn't know why.

<Fufu, touch your chest.>

My heart guessed what the flashy guy was saying.

"My chest? Why......again?"

What's this? I have never experienced, even once, such a soft feeling in my life so far.

I touched it again......*Fuyon*.

Once again.....................flabby.

Another time...............*boing*.

<Your body, I changed it to a girl's.>

Ha? What's is he saying. Girl? What a foolish thing.

But, the feeling a moment ago is certainly......

My hand, went to my crotch in reflex.

"..............................It's gone."

Thereisnothingthereisnothingthereisnothing! That which should be there isn't there! The symbol of a man isn't there!

My face turned pale as the blood drained from it. I threw away the cell phone and ran to in front of the mirror in the washroom.

It was unmistakeably me reflected there. Eyes, nose, and mouth were the same as they have been for many years. They were all right.

However, the face watching helplessly from the mirror was a girl's. I'm a girl. The girl is me.

The hairstyle is still the same but it is now glossy and semi-long. Ba, its eyes trace fearfully downwards.

The chest. No, the swelling is breasts not a man's chest. Perhaps, I'm not sure, but is this a D cup size?

This phenomenon that happened to me is impossible to neatly understand. Without realising it I start to unbutton my shirt.

*Blush*. The two of them, very clearly hanging from my upper body......are undoubtedly breasts.


I took a deep breath after weakly laughing.


Immediately after screaming I ran to the living room.

"Ah, woman, woman, I'm, a woman!"

Still confused I shouted at Chocolat.

"Please settle down, Kanade-chan."

"Who's Kanade-chan[1]"

I gave her the straightman's[2] reply. I noticed my voice had changed, it changed to something sweet like a character in an anime.

NoucomeVol1 091.jpg

I grabbed the mobile lying on the floor.

"Wh-why is my torso like this!?"

<What's wrong, you seem to be panicking.>

"It's not there, that which should be at my crotch isn't there!"

<What, what isn't there~>

"So, you, my pen[3]--!"

The moment I tried to say the word my face went intensely red and felt hot...what's this?

<What's that, I heard chin.>

"The chin between my legs...where they meet."

It's useless, it's too shameful to continue anymore. Surely... not being able to say it is because my thinking has changed to a girl's?

"Kanade-chan, why are you in agony?"

"Don't call me Kanade-chan!"

<Ahaha, Kanade-chan's cute.>

"Shut up! And return me to a man immediately!"

<Eh? It's good. Such an experience doesn't happen even once a lifetime.>

"That's right. Such an experience takes 100 reincarnations to get."

<Look, that's well said. Do you want to stop being a boy? Or stop being a person?>

"Don't say that! Why is being a man like being on a dangerous drug!?"

My frustration went into my words.

"It's best to return quickly to being a man."

[Choose ① Spend your lifetime as a girl ② Do a three point handstand and call out the name of your favorite person from history]

"John Manjiro!"

"Kanade-chan, what are you doing?"

"I want to hear that!"

As I did the handstand I exclaimed that to Chocolat.

After confirming the disappearance of the choices, I instantly stopped the handstand, and picked up the thrown cellphone again.

"It feels good to return to a man so quickly."

<Eh? Isn't that a waste of tears?>

"Be quiet, reverse it!"

<Buu, it can't be helped.>

After the disatisfied voice replied, the sense of incompatibility disappeared rapidly. Each spot was rapidly groped. There were no breasts and there was that.


My strength drained away and I sank down.

<Well well, are you inclined to believe a little?>

Ku...If these types of things are shown I can't help but admit the person is at least not a human.

Such a playful guy is seriously a god?

The fellow on the phone read my silence as agreement.

<Okay, now that our friendship has deepened, let's get down to business.>

Friendship? If you say that seriously I'll think your brain is rotten.

<Even though it is related to your curse.>


A little while ago Chocolat also said that phrase.

<Well, your case, was it was. In your head appears a floating thing that makes you choose, I think?>

"Ah, it's Absolute Choices."

<Absolutely choices, ~wow, Kanade-kun, that's a painful name. Chuunibyou[4]-ish.>


Because there was little opportunity to say it out loud it I didn't consider that and felt some shame from naming it that.

<Oh dear, but that's one way to call it. So, the method of removing the curse.>

The talk got to the important part. I held my breath as I waited for the flashy god's words.

<Well, speaking frankly it seems to be handling missions that are sent to you.>

"The mission......Was it possibly sent as a strange sentence to my phone a while ago?"

Possibly the incomprehensible message talking about Yukihira laughing.

<Oh, seriously? Truly, that is good timing.>

I felt caught up by the flashy god's manner of speaking.

"Wait a second. I've had this vague feeling for a bit, by chance, do you not understand it all?"

<Yes, rather I mean I hardly understand it.>

Without hesistation the flashy god declared that.

"I almost trusted......aren't you a god?~"

<Yep that's right. I only just became in charge of your world. Because my predecessor retired after not succeeding well its very serious. >

"Predecessor......what does that mean, are there a lot of gods?"

"There's far more than a lot, they sweep and throw them away. Hey, there's a myriad of gods."

Sweep and throw away......when you say such words their importance is decreased.

This flashy god is probably even on the lower side of the range of infinite gods, can it understand? If this was the one and only god it would be unpleasant.

<Because the curse is particular to your world group, the reason is difficult to understand.>

If this story is true then the flashy god has become quite useless for this matter.

"About the curse, is there some way to ask the predecessor somehow?"

<Ah, that's impossible. I told you it had retired.>

"Retirement? What on earth reason would a person who is a god have to move down from the topline?"

<Maternity leave.> "Huh~"

<Maternity leave for the baby to be born.>

"A baby? God's?"

<Kanade-kun, you seem to be misunderstanding something, even gods eat, sleep if tired, and we look favorably on sex too.>

The a bit more than needed to be said.

"But, even if you said retirement it is maternity leave? Without a serious injury isn't there a way to contact them for a report?"

<Ah, no no. She was apparently seriously shocked and has set up a barrier and locked herself inside.>

"Shocked? Even though it is auspicious to be pregnant?"

<Somehow, the pregnancy was at the end of an extramaritial affair and the wife yelled 『This thieving cat!』 and slapped her.>

"That's like a common daytime drama?"

What are you doing God?

<So she is obstructing anyone opposed to her giving birth to the child and making her a target. However to put it another way, she will come out if it is born safely.>

"By the long is a god's pregancy?"

<Yeah, it is around 10,000 years in your world's terms.>

"I'll be dead a hundred times!"

I didn't think the common sense of a human worked but that's far away from the normal nine months.

<However, I'm in her office now and it is a huge mess of scattered documents. The only part about the curse I could scrape up is seriously troublesome, and this room stinks.>

Gods......are they even fit for it?

<A question Kanade-kun, are there parts of the situation I don't understand? It's written here 『With respect to Amakusa Kanade of the 49th world, our grasp of the irregularity doesn't seem right and it's expected there will be considerable difficulties in releasing it. Therefore I dispatched the most qualified person.』 It's at your side? You can ask the child for details.>

Supporting role? Judging from the situation it is probably, maybe Chocolat......would waiting to hear be a mistake?

I thought I heard him say most excellent?

<With all this, I don't have free time, so if I learn more I'll call back. Byebye~>

"Oh, Oi......"

Though it was the flashy god who tried to end the talk he soon stopped.

<Oh, wait a moment. I found an important part, if you fail a mission even once, the curse will last for your entire life.>

"Ha? It said that......"

<See you.>

"No, wait a moment."


The call was ended, cut off onesidedly.

From the call history I found God's number and redialed it but got the artificial voice that's often heard.

<The number you have dialed is in a world were radio waves do not reach and since there is no power supply the call can not be connected.>

What is that!

I unintentionally dropped it to the floor.

"Oh, is the call over?"

Chocolat who was watching the television from the sofa called over with a carefree voice.

That's it. You are in such a relaxing mood. In my parent's house?

"Chocolat-kun, just a moment."

"Yes, what will it be?"

Chocolat swiftly swallowed the cookies and happily came over.

"I want to check a few things, first of all, did your memories return?"

"Ah, yes. I almost can recall things."

I gave a sigh of relief at her ear to ear grin. Even if she is a fool she is the only source of information left to me. I'm still anxious for the most part......

"Why can't I remember my own name."

Name? It's good that it is indeed a trivial thing she can't recall. Whether it is Chocolat, Parfait, or even Konjac, that has nothing to do with my absolute choice.

"Then, please teach me all you know."

"Unfortunately, that's impossible."


"There's no information for me to teach Kanade-san."

"No, even if you don't remember your name......"

"Yes, I've remembered I don't know anything."


"Umm, well, even though there was originally the memory loss the things, I recalled it then forgot again."

In a word, double memory loss, it has returned to a memory loss and......what is that.

"Fufufu. Thus, even I am surprised I don't understand anything."

"Yes......I'm also surprised at your self-satisfied face."

That's the end of that......already I'm in a pinch.

No, is it too early to give up? Chocolate is a resident(?) of that world and if I ask her questions what might come out.

"Because I need to know, please explain step-by-step. First of all how did you come to my place?"

"Oh, yes. Without memories I found myself addicted to daily sweets and found a connoisseur. Amakusa Kanade-san, I'm to help you remove your curse."


"That's it."


"You see, I have to stay by the target, a human being, that is affected by a curse, without doing anything."

What?......Something about this feels fatally wrong.

"No, I know nothing."

"I don't know it either."

Above Chocolat and my head a mark was appearing.

"Kanade-san, can I ask a question?"

After a silent moment Chocolat raised her hand vigorously.

"Although I checked, but Amakusa Kanade isn't hiding from loans and is really 『A・magusa・Ganadouru』 right?"

"Who is that?"

"This world repeats (External time) and (Internal time) every day. When it is in internal time, (Magical beasts) who are malicious towards humanity, start attacking all at once, that's how it is right?"[5]

"What's with that 2nd year of junior high setting!"

"Kanade-san, listen to the fall, the consciousness of the ancient warrior that dwells in the body is awake, when I think the strongest robot of today 『Eldoraon』 is summoned."

"No, that's enough......that's already enough."

"Really? Ah, by the way Kanade-san, isn't it time to go to bed soon?"

"Ah? What are you talking about. It is still too early."

"Eh? Because in this world, the causal body transformation of Kanade-san, the internal time sleeps right?"

"Is that the case! Tomorrow just come!"

"This......what does two bodies mean?"

The telephone call with the flashy god a little while ago, Chocolat's discrepancy of recognition, after considering the various situations, did God send to the wrong world?

Supposing a parallel world exists, where A・magusa (usually called Amakusa Kanade) exists instead of me, and was to receive a most troublesome curse, Chocolat was supposed to go.

This hypothesis, I said to Chocolat with a clap of my hands.

"To me, who was dispatched with the general knowledge and language of the world automatically installed in my head, it all felt too different."

......In simple, a dead end. The strange creature in front of me in order to remove the Absolute Choice, in conclusion isn't of any use.

I, while smiling ear-to-ear put my hand on Chocolat's shoulder.

"Please return."

"What do you mean?"


"Until the subject of the curse that the assistant is assigned to is released from their curse the assistant can't return."


"I don't know why."

"You don't know why?"

"I don't understand it."

"So, when will you understand it?"

"Kanade-san these cookies you made are delicious."

"You aren't joking?"

"Now, Kanade-san lets settle down and eat the delicious dinner."

Certainly I'm hungry, but this issue isn't settled, as usual I can't understand this person."

"Salmon meuniere is it? In the refrigerator is a prepared salad with vegetable relish and meat."

I don't like entrusting the kitchen to a stranger but with my confused mental state I couldn't bring myself to cook.

"Understood, then I'll order that."


Chocolat tilted her head in puzzlement.

"I don't know how to do that?"

"Ah? Not even salad of salmon meuniere?"

"? I'd like to eat that."

"I am making that!"

Decide, decide! This person can return to its world, the how doesn't matter. There is not the slightest reason for keeping such an unhelpful person.

"Hey, Chocolat, leave this house."

[Choose ① I already give up and let Chocolat freeload, ② I give up and I leave.]


......There was a scene that was hard to describe afterwards. Now it is the morning and I barely slept due to various ideas running through my brain.



This sleeping face, it is too peaceful, it is at the level you hesitate to interupt it, but breakfast has to begin soon or there won't be enough margin to attend school on time.

"Hey, wake up."

I tried a light shake, with absolutely no sign that it was working. The moment I added a bit of strength.


Chocolat, with a start trembled, and randomly called out in an erotic voice.

"Kanade-san.......Kanade-san, harder there......"

Hmm? What on earth?

"Ah, Kanade-san's hole then the hole is where the tentacle?"[6]

......Hole? Tentacle? Never.....

"Kanade-san's back virtue......ohh!"

This corrupt.

"Oh......Kanade-san, that's a very agonized face, oh dear so good."

......It was not necessary to stay away from this person. I realised the solution was to close the nose and mouth and then breathing wasn't possible.


After giving out a strange sound, Chocolate finally awoke. She glanced around half asleep, and the moment her eyes saw me she said "Ah, Kanade-san, good morning!"

She instantly flashed a big smile that lit up her face.

"A-Ah, morning."

Seeing the carefree smile I turned away by reflex. Even without makeup her features were well formed.

Additionally, the borrowed pajama's were dishevelled and a splendid amount of bare skin was exposed. Furthermore she didn't seem to mind that she was in a completely defenseless state.

"Kanade-san, what is it?"

"I-It's nothing."

Even though I understood Chocolat wasn't a human with my head, having a girl of approximately my age around still affected my emotions. While I was confused by myself I unconsciously looked down.

"Oh, you mean."

Chocolat seeing my appearance replied with a slightly guilty tone of voice.

"I'm half asleep, and my covering the carpet in drool is exposed?"

"What kind of sleeping posture is that!"

I felt stupid for feeling like she was of the opposite sex.

"Oohh, it is amazing."

Chocolat cried out exaggeratedly when she saw the breakfast displayed on the table.

I could hardly bring myself to cook yesterday and just ate cup noodles. When you eat those ready made things the nutrition is only partial and it adds up to nothing good.

A result of the practice of cooking for myself is the way it made Chocolat's eyes sparkle.




Each movement of the chopsticks is followed by an exaggerated reaction. Even though the menu isn't very varied, if she eats it with such relish and bouncy movements, I, as the person who made it can't feel bad about it.

However, the problem of Chocolat staying here is seperate.

"However......if you are a freeloader don't eat it all."


Oh? Why is she pleased? Taking sarcasm as praise, what kind on earth type of brain does she have? Looking down with my eyes that drip scorn, Chocolat seems to sense something as I raised one finger and swung it like a metronome.

"Kanade-san, Kanade-san, I don't want to calmly be in your debt, I am not one of those audacious people."

Oh, that's good. That's the feeling I wanted. I don't want to say give me money.

What I wanted was the feeling of being sorry and being grateful.

"Please leave the guarding of the house to me."

"What is your mind full of?"

She's useless......Still, there's not many choices. It's not like I can drive her out.

"Hahaha. Today I am not ashamed Kanade-san!"

Why does Chocolat seem to be full of confidence as she put her hand to her chest? She took something from that uselessly rich cleavage.


10,000 yen bills. [7]

It's a bundle of 10,000 yen bills. Perhaps a hundred of them. [8]

"It was given for necessary expenses. If that isn't enough I can get sent addional amounts. I'll entrust it to Kanade-san for the time being."

Seriously?......I didn't think cold cash was a serious posibility. Now that she's given it to me, even if I have issues with this situation it can't be helped.

This amount is a lot no matter how you consider it, I'll only take as much as needed and return the rest later.

The source of all this, Chocolat, still seems somewhat suspicious but she might not be a fake afterall.

"Though I don't understand things like that, is that the end of the discussion?"

"This is dangerous money!"

Reflexively I threw it to the floor.

"......For the time being you hold it."

"Is that so? Please let me know if you need it at any time."

Dirty 10,000's that Chocolat stored in her cleavage. I'll consider it all later.

"In the meantime I'm going to school."

I stood up while letting out a light sigh.

"Okay, have a safe trip."

Looking at her usual ear to ear smile I suddenly had a question.

"Hey, Chocolat, why are you so happy?"

"What do you mean?"

"No, if it it was me and I was suddenly sent to another world alone, to help someone I didn't know, there is no way I could act so carefree."

Her character, even she's ordered to be like that, if I think normally about it, it is hard to say that attitude is natural.

"Well, we are servants of god and this is the work given to us. Therefore, we are built to feel joy from it. Dealing with cursed humans and breaking the curses cause problems in the mission but my feelings are adjusted."

Although it was a bit worrysome hearing her talk as though she was a thing, I don't know what is common sense in that world.

"Hmm, it's like that?"

"Yes, so therefore I love Kanade-san."


It was too straightforward a statement of goodwill.

"What is it?"

No, I understand it. This person's goodwill if I compare it to something is like a dog has to it's owner. I'm fully aware there's zero love in it. It's impossible to hear 『Love』 from a creature as cute as this girl. But if she throws it out so much the reasoning of any man disappears.

"N-no, it is nothing."

It was extremely hard to say that while hiding my reddening face. I just learned that lesson a little while ago in the bedroom, but I don't seem to be teachable.

"Really? Then while you are gone leave everything to me."

Her words pulled my thoughts back to reality.

Yeah, I said I was going to school a little while ago, I have to leave things to her. It was a mistaken to send an excellent person is too much for me.

"It's really you understand washing and things like that?"

"Yes, it will be alright if I experience it and practice it until it's perfect."

"No, have some experience from the start......what's with that studylike way of speaking?"

As I thought, leaving it to this person makes me anxious. I should simulate my leaving.

"Chocolat, let's have a test of me leaving things to you."

"Okay, coming and going."

First a simple leaving.

"If it suddenly rains?"

"I won't want to go outside."

"I don't want to hear your thoughts! Take the laundry in!"

Right from the start it is exceedingly bad.

"When newspaper solicitors come?"

"Take it if it comes with detergent."

"Hide before that!"

Next, next.

"If you have a "it's me" type phone swindler call?"

"I'll send the bills, that God forged for me, by bank transfer."

"A scandal will erupt!"


"If Nakajima comes for an invitation?"

"Cook a meal."

"No resistance! In the first place that person only invites Isono!"

"Now, Kanade-san I think you are joking."

"You are are right."

I unintentionally let myself get carried away.

"You should understand it all."

Shit, I'm showing my irritation on my face. I intended to retort but time is running out.

  • Damn* "Well I'll be back."

"Have a safe trip!"

While holding a helpless feeling of insecurity, I received an energetic sendoff and left the house.

Part 2


It is second year, class 1's lunchtime and a voice is doing 『Pig in the middle of being lynched』sounds.


My anguished voice sounds like a 『Pig in the middle of being lynched』.


My face is indecribable as all kinds of negative feelings fill it. If you dared to add the title 『Pig in the middle of being lynched』 I wonder where it would go.


I finished the 10th cry of 『Pig in the middle of being lynched』 as required. With a blank expression I jumped down off the teacher's desk.

[Choose: ① Lie on your back on the teacher's desk and mimic the sound of a 『Pig in the middle of being lynched』 ten times ② Daigo-san nude, and tied in straw rope, will appear and do it instead.]

The moment this choice appeared, I felt like jumping off the roof in comparison. Trying to think of a pig who can't live no matter how it struggles I somehow managed to do 『mimicing a pig's denying death cry』.

"Why......why did I see this......"

So, all of it is to blame on the Absolute Choice. If this can be eliminated I can regain my peaceful life.

The conditions have been specified. It seems I have to do the missions specified by God.

However, what is with the it being 『make Yukihira Furano laugh from the bottom of her heart』.

It's so crazy my mind can't wrestle with where to start.


Feeling something behind me I glanced back over my shoulder. It was Yukihira herself. She was expressionless, as always, as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Amakusa-kun, now I understand a little of your yearning feelings."

"Yearning? What on earth are you talking about?"

"No, even though is a lot to accept, it isn't very nice."

"You......What are you trying to say? I don't get it at all."

"Unfortunately, a while ago you suffered through the pig joke."

"That expression in your eyes!"

That? Yesterday she said talked about people being a pig or an insect.

"Btw, because you are fair-skinned it's not a blackpiggish joke, it's classified as a whitepiggish joke. In other words a white pig."

"I don't want to be told that by you!"

"By the way, when I express it with two names it becomes 『White Pig's Stylish Laugh Time>."』[9]

"You say such shameful things with a straight face!"

"Though you deny it to me, if it's not a piggish joke, and not rainy season eccentricities, I wonder what on earth it is?"


I found myself at a loss for words. How do I explain it......I mean, to begin with there is no reason, and there's no way I can give an explanation.

......Wait, conversely is this the chance? With no reason for the 『Pig in the middle of being lynched』 mimicing, rather, the piggish joke challenge might let me off with a light wound.

"To be honest, because your joke yesterday was interesting I tried to imitate it a bit."

After denying it instantly, is this lame? I did a searching glance at Yukihira but somehow got back an expression of contempt.

"Afterall it was true."


"I thought and asked leading questions......every night I thought and worked to reach the piggish joke."

This person......what on earth is she saying?

"This already is at a level where there's nothing to do but launch a lawsuit."

"No no, this is a tapir, not the same as a pig."

"I appeal!"

Yukihira shouted out in the style of a certain comedy group.

"No, therefore it is nothing like a ripoff."

"I appeal!"

This person......just wants to say that phrase.

"I understand, I was bad, stop it already."

"I appeal!"

I got it!

"Presiding judge, please call the presiding judge to me."

"No, they aren't here. Why are you 『Calling a Chef』[10]?"

"Noo, we already ate."

Ouji clearly aimed to appear with that timing.

It seems lunch finished in the school cafeteria, and she entered the classroom while contentedly rubbing her belly.

"Oh, the presiding judge is back to just the right spot."

"No, that is plainly Ouji."

"Hmm~ for some reason I sense something interesting."

Crap, I have a premonition things are going to be more troublesome somehow.

"Presiding judge, this person is the outrageous one who tried to steal another person's intellectual property. Give an impartial judgement."

Your intellectual property......the pig joke is intellectual property.

"I don't understand but, the death sentence."

"The summary trial level is done!"

"It's decided. It's good to barbecue quickly."

"I am not a pig!"

Yukihira's tsukkomi was disregarded and unconcernedly continued speaking.

"Presiding judge, there is two issues. Needless to say the first is is the defendent 『Are they guilty or innocent?』. And the second thing is the defendent 『A man or a pig?』."

"I don't get the nuance!"

"When you bring it together it becomes, is the defendent 『Guilty or a pig?』."

"I don't get that even more!"

"Amakusa-kun, being a man and guilty in a sense can be said to be equal. Man is a living thing that's work consists of sacrificing all other lives......So to say, it's existance itself is a crime."

"Why does that sound a bit cool?"

"Presiding judge, it's the time of decision."

"No, it's too early. Because nothing has been discussed yet."

To begin with, being guilty or a pig, hasn't been discussed.

"Hmm, a pig then."

"A pig, no way!"

"Hmm, then guilty."

"Guilty, no way also!"

"The judgement was reversed, the presiding judge's sympathy was given but you still give this attitude......can't you accept it and stop joking?"

"No, that's you! The one joking is you no matter how you think about it!"

"But, Kanade-cchi's pig cry mimicry echoed out of the classroom and that's a typical crime."


There's nothing I can say in reply. I feel like it's at a misdemeanor level.

"That's so. Amakusa-kun is vaguely like a pig and is indirectly guilty."

"Like......isn't that completely subjective?"

"Amakusa-kun. If you think a single individual can completely objectively judge someone, that's egoism."

"So why are you saying those cool sounding words!"

"Now choose Amakusa Kanade. Living in a pigsty as a pig, or thrown in jail like a man?"

"Both are refused!"

No, you two, I want you to have already pardoned it.


At that moment the door was flung open and Utage-sensei invaded the classroom.


The teacher came towards me in a rush and caught me by the nape of the neck with no discussion.

"You Amakusa......are a pig brought to the classroom to be intently played with?"

"No no, that's impossible. Sensei, I'm one of your students?"

"You're a pig."

"What fatlike impression are you saying you are getting!"

"That's just a joke. I heard an unpleasant voice like a pig from the class, the snitches brought it to the staff room."

"That......was me."

"You? Amakusa-kun, though it's the usual, your problem causing and acquittal is not a good example to the other students."

No, I understand the principle and it's not good in appearance. Pretending to be bullied as I am taken to the student guidance room, but the rapid movement and strong pressure!

"Oh......this feeling of digging into my flesh, I didn't miss it."

As I was dragged horizontally I whispered a dangerous thing.

"Oops......we've reached it. This is a bit quiet but I'm still unsatisfied."

That's strange, that's strange. This person is weird!

"Amakusa, so, this thing."

NoucomeVol1 125.jpg

"No, what kind of thing? Gaahhh!"

Before I know it, my conciousness has faded.


"So? That's not it! I wonder if others will talk!"

The student guidance room. When my homeroom teacher talked as if nothing had happened, I, who came with her, exploded with dissatisfaction.

"It's safe. A person doesn't die from just that."

"That's not the problem!"

"I'm a professional at strangling so I'm very knowledgeable about where to safely draw the line. I used to be called 『Strangle to Death-Utage』."

"That's like the title of a heroic movie, not!"[11]

No matter what happened, those two names shouldn't be attached to a japanese language teacher......what two worlds did this person live in.

"However, if it wasn't for that, that place wouldn't be settled?"

"No it was settled! Rather, the bigger problem is you!"

Because she got excited selfishly remembering the old days, and then strangling me, I nearly suffered a trauma.

When Utage-sensei was telling it she showed a unique expression.

"Well certainly it could have been a bit of an overkill......Alright, then I'll do you a favor and teach a good move."

"Good move?"

"Ah, it's 『The Vital Point That Destroys The Last Five Minutes』."

That smells fishy!

"It's still around five minutes. Do you want to try and forget the last little while?"

"No, I decline......By the way the vital point is where?"

"Oh, its at the back of the head. It's a small spot you fling against a wall or a floor."

"That's not a vital point at all!"

Seriously, what kind of person is this person......However, this person who's arrogance is depicted was also cursed for a time.

I can't imagine Utage-sensei being toyed with by the Absolute Choices.

"Sensei, were you really cursed?"

Though I asked the question casually, Utage-sensei's body seemed to tremble briefly.

"Well......To tell the truth my character is a bit rough because of the curse. When I was you? It came into my head all the time and twisted me. I was originally more docile, pure hearted and sweet......Yeah, in a phrase 'a graceful japanese woman'."

"Sounds like a lie!"

I said that out of reflex.

"Hey! It's true."

No......Showing such a threatening attitude, it's impossible to believe her. I'm usually scared of her.

"Good grief......Well, that aside what became of the matter of the person falling from the sky yesterday?" Sensei asked that while leaning back with her legs outstretched from the chair. Ah, did she worry about it?

I reported all the minute details of the flashy assistant Chocolat settling down in the house.

"In the end did the damn mission come too?......"

After sensei heard the explanation her expression clouded up.

"So often the mission make you go what on earth? Because the contents are like that it's hard to know how to do them."

To make Yukihira laugh, Absolute Choices doesn't seem related to that.

"That girl is always serious."


Utage-sensei's mood changed.

"The god and I seem to fit, the contents of the mission are a joke and the curse can't be removed if you make even one mistake......That's serious."

To the hard tone, I held my breath instictively.

"Why? It's meaningless to think about it. You can only manage to do it. Listen Amakusa, fight with the will to die![12]"

That it was not a threat or a joke was clear from sensei's expression.

"So, you've been following along until now, now it depends on your working hard."

Where on earth have I been following, is what my heart retorts, but if I say that it will become complicated again so I'm cautious.

"Well, the important part of the mission is what? Look at the cell phone."

Sensei checked the contents, and then eyes full of pity glanced at me.

"......That's pathetic."

"Eh, wait, what's with that, it seriously ends with that feeling."

"From the reaction of Utagi-sensei, the feeling of an impending crisis rapidly built."

However, I have to make Yukihira laugh by the end of tomorrow......that's very unreasonable.

"Well, it is what it is."

In the afternoon class, my eyes looked around the middle of the classroom to where Yukihira's seat.

Yukihira was sitting with her chin lightly cupped with one hand and listening to the teacher talk. Her face was expressionless as usual, the features still were fairly beautiful.

No no, it wasn't the time to leisurely think about things like that, if I don't have her laugh heartily at me by tomorrow it will be terrible.

Just because there's the example of Utage-sensei cancelling the curse on my side, simply because there's hope to remove the curse some day, this year, I absolutely have to endure the unreasonable demands of Absolute Choice.

Part 3

Part 4

Translator's Notes and References

  1. -chan is normally used for women or small children of either sex.
  2. Tsukkomi - The straightman in a comedy duo who reacts to the sillyness of the 'boke' partner.
  3. He cuts himself off part way through saying penis, only getting out 'Chin' which means the same as the english word.
  4. 8th grade syndrome, where 2nd year middle school kids think they have developed a superpower or are part of a secret society etc
  5. Translate by Kouen no Ten for me. It might be a reference to a manga but the next line seems to mock it.
  6. I might be missing a pun here where he mistake's a similar word, not sure.
  7. I suggest people always convert 100 yen to $1 when reading stories for fast comprehension even if it varies a up to 20-30%
  8. ~$10,000 US
  9. There's alternative furigana joke that might mean "Pigs showtime" 『ピツグス.シヨータイム』(Pitsugusu.shiyoutoimu)
  10. Deliberate mishearing.
  11. Her name 'Utage' means party/feast/banquet so the title would be something like 'Strangle to Death Party'
  12. 死ぬ気でやれ=Shinuki de yare, A samurai phrase commonly used in sports like boxing.
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