OniAi: Volume 2 Chapter 3.1

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April 10th, 7:00 A.M.

Ringgggggg… ringgggggg…

—The second day.

There was a phone call early in the morning.

It’s not from my cellphone, but from the hostel’s phone…

‟Onii-chan~! Sorry, can you pick up the phone~?!”

From the kitchen came the sound of my sister.

She probably had her hands full preparing our breakfast. Then again, I should be the one to pick up the phone.

‟Sorry Akiko. Can you pick it up?”

‟Eh? But I am currently making the egg rolls~”

‟I’ll take responsibility if the dish goes bad. Please.”

‟Ah, alright. Since Onii-chan put it that way.”

‟Also, you’re to tell the caller that I’m not at home right now. While you’re at it, tell them that you have no idea where I am. That’s all.”


My apron-mode sister blanked out for a moment before she rushed to the phone.

I held my breath as I watched.

… Why am I doing this?

Do I even need to say it? It’s because I know who the caller is.

‟Yes, hello. This is the Himenokouji residence. …Ah, mmm, no no no, that’s nothing… Ah, mmm, I’m sorry, but he isn’t at home right now…”

I’d requested those at my work to keep the details a secret from my sister. So nothing should be leaked out even if it was my sister who’s taking the phone call.

‟Right… right. I understand. Alright, I’ll convey that to him. …No, it’s nothing. Well then, goodbye.”

*Kacha*, came the sound of her hanging up the phone.

It looks like the phone call is over.

‟Thank you Akiko. Ah, you really helped me out back there.”


‟Ah. You present yourself so well even when you’re on the phone. You’ve really grown up to be a dependable sister. As your elder brother, I’m really proud.”

‟You are wasting your efforts if you are trying to divert the topic, you know?”

… Uh oh.

So it’s an uphill task to switch the topic casually?

‟We will have our breakfast later. Onii-chan, please take a seat over there.”

‟Alright, fine.”

As instructed, I sat down at the short legged table.

My sister sat directly opposite of me,

‟It was a woman.”

‟Akiko, you’ve misunderstood. That person isn’t—”

‟She was a young woman with a sweet lovely voice.”

‟You’re right, but she’s just someone whom I know from work. My relationship with her isn’t anything like what you’re imagining now.”

‟And she was close to crying.”

‟Ah—… mmm. There are many reasons for that.”

‟And she said ‘Akito-kun is so mean~’.”

Uh oh.

She’d accurately pointed out the misleading words…

‟Do you have anything to say in your defense?”

‟No. I don’t need to defend myself—”

‟Onii-chan! Please be honest!”

‟No, you see, there isn’t anything for me to be truthful about. There really isn’t anything between us.”

‟It is still not too late?!”

‟Not too late for what?”

‟Onii-chan, you are saying that it is fine for my hands to be stained with blood?”

‟Oi. You can’t just say that sort of thing casually, even if you meant it as a joke.”

I shook my head. Oh boy.

‟I understand. I’ll introduce the caller to you when the time is right. That should be able to prove my innocence. That’s fine, right?”

‟Uhhhhh… You are not lying, right?”

‟No. I promise.”


‟Have I ever broken any of my promises to you?”

‟Uhhhhhh… Indeed, you have not, but…”

Well, I had no choice.

I wanted to avoid bringing work related matters back home, if possible, but that would be much better than being misunderstood for nothing. Since person in question is my sister, there’s a possibility that she won’t let it go due to her misunderstanding.

‟I understand. I believe in Onii-chan.”

‟Mhmm. Let’s end it at that.”

‟Upon thinking deeper, it is impossible for Onii-chan to ignore me, his wife, and get another lover outside. Ehehe… Akiko is really silly.”

‟Hey look, I think I said the same thing back then. There are times when there are some strange terms to be found in your sentences.”

Forget it.

It looked like she had regained her mood, so I won’t harp on it.

Compared to that, I should say this while she’s feeling happy.

‟Ah— I say, Akiko.”

‟Ah, I am sorry, Onii-chan. The egg roll has failed, so can I replace it with a fried egg?”

‟No, not that. About the agreement for today.”

‟Ah, if you’re talking about the body wash, that is no longer a problem. I bought a slightly more expensive one that is not harsh on the skin. This one is really good for your skin, you know~”

‟No, it’s not about that either. I’ll be going somewhere after school today. I’m sorry, but can you go home by yourself today as well?”




‟Oi~. Akiko~. Are you there?”

‟… Eh? Ah, yes. Of course. I’m listening?”

‟You alright? Your smile is slightly stiff.”

‟Mmm, it is fine. …Onii-chan—! I am sorry~, but can you pick up the phone~?!”

No no no.

She rewound way too far back.

‟There’s another place where I want to go to today. That’s why I’ve no choice but to let Akiko be by herself after school.”

‟… Ahaha—. Onii-chan, you are really~ funny. That is the funniest joke that I have ever heard from you. It would have been better to keep this gag for the future. This is not the finals for M-1, you know?”[1]

‟No no no. That isn’t a joke. And I’m not a comedian either.”

‟Eh? But if that is the case, would not it be like that? Is it not like Armageddon, where I can’t go home with Onii-chan for two days straight?”

‟Let’s put aside the talk about whether the world will end due to me not going home with you, but it’s true that I won’t go home with you for two consecutive days. Well, that’s how it is, so don’t go to any weird places and go home straight after school. Remember to be a good girl—”

‟God is already dead————!”

My sister started Armageddon.

‟It’s criminal! It’s a foul! Onii-chan’s actions have clearly breached the Laws of Himenokouji!”

‟I don’t remember such a law has ever existing.”

‟I could still forgive you if you were only unfaithful once, but twice?! And consecutively?! There is a saying that the Buddha can endure thrice, but your sister can only do it once!”

‟Oi, stop slamming on the table. It will break.”

‟There is no god! It is pitch black! As a husband, Onii-chan has been unfaithful to me repeatedly, and that has hurt me, your wife, deeply!”

… So she’d slipped in one of those suspicious terms yet again.

Oh well.

I’d expected this sort of reaction from her. And I’d come up with a plan to deal with it.

‟No, I can not forgive you! I can never agree to it! This day, this very day, I will be going home together with Onii-chan!”

‟Look, Akiko.”

‟I will not listen! I will never yield no matter what Onii-chan says! I will persevere with all my might until Onii-chan gives in!”

‟So you won’t go on a date with me?”

‟Onii-chan, your etiquette towards your sister is rather lacking! The morning kiss when we wake up; the farewell kiss when we leave the house; the welcoming kiss upon returning home; and the goodnight kiss before going to sleep! At the very least, you have to do all these things in order to be an awesome— Huh?! What did you just say?!”

‟I said, so won’t you go on a date with me?”

‟D-D-Date, is it that?! Is it a D. A. T. E.?!”

‟Mhmm. You’re right.”

‟Could it be that?! A trick where you go, ‘Even though I said it is a date, I am referring to that on the calendar. Ahaha, you have fallen for it’?!”

‟I won’t do that sort of thing.”

‟T-Then is it true?! Will you really go on a date with me?!”

‟Mhmm. Well, since we don’t really have much money, the date will be something like taking a stroll around the park. That’s the best I can do.”

‟A stroll! With Onii-chan?!”

‟You don’t like it?”

‟No, that is great! When will we be going?! Right now?!”

‟For now, we should be having our breakfast and be on our way to school. It will be when I return back home. After I’d settled my stuff after school.”

‟Uhhh… Which means to say…”

‟Mhmm. If you listen to me and be a good girl, I’ll go on a date with you as a reward. You can do it, right?”

‟Uhhhhhh… B-But if that is the case, then I will not be able to go home with Onii-chan for today as well… If I lack Onii-chan’s nutrients for that long, I think I will probably die…”

‟Well, I believe in Akiko. Just like how you believed in me.”


My sister stared at me in resentment; her expressions were saying, “Onii-chan, you’re mean’.

Before long, she gave what seemed to be a sigh of resignation.

‟… Understood. I will endure for today as well, even after going through the painful ordeal yesterday. I have no choice but to agree if Onii-chan puts it that way.”

‟Mhmm. That’s my younger sister.”


That’s how it roughly was.

I finally managed to convince my sister for today as well.

No, now isn’t the time to be talking about going on a date and such. It’s about time for me to clear my tasks, since she looked like she was about to cry… No, that can’t be helped.

To me, Akiko is my dear little sister.

And right now, my top priority is to deal with my sister’s brother-complex.

In order to reduce the time spent with my sister to avoid the misunderstandings and unnecessary troubles from others, going on a date once or twice should be considered a necessary expenditure. Mmm, it can’t be helped.




That feels slightly off. Forget it, it’s probably just my imagination.

I can already predict more troubles waiting for at the place that I’m about to visit, as compared to yesterday. Let’s not worry about the unnecessary things; regain my composure, and focus. Yup.

Translator notes and references

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