OniAi: Volume 2 Chapter 3.2

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April 10th, 4:00 P.M.

It’s dubbed as the most expensive residential area of Yamanote, occupying the most expensive land.

‟Those, who’s total assets are less than, or equal to, 10 figures, shouldn’t come here.”

And there’s a board with that quote erected here… or not. But for a commoner to step into this place; he must either have a huge amount of courage or be incredibly oblivious; that’s the sort of place this is. The land that Nasuhara Anastasia’s house is built on.

‟… What can I say? This is really impressive.”

I subconsciously said that as I stared at the towering building before me.

It wasn’t overly glamorous.

Nor did it look too bulky.

It just exuded a sense of class; that’s the sort of feeling that the modern, wooden, two story building, gives off.

The design isn’t overly trendy to the point where it sticks out like a sore thumb, but it still manages to keep up with the current trends, it has a feeling like that.

Uh— mmm, it’s really beautiful.

They must have hired a pretty capable architect to design this house.

To be honest, I’m slightly intimidated.

Even though I used to live with the rich, I’m still just your poor, average, Joe, deep down. I’d be hesitant to even step inside such a place under normal circumstances. Not to mention intruding on their hospitality; I’d furiously reject the idea.

This is bad.

I should have brought better snacks. It seems like I didn’t think this through thoroughly enough; I just brought the same cake as I’d given Ginbe yesterday.

But then again, my wallet’s pretty thin, so it’s not like I can afford anything that much better—

‟How long are you going to just stand there?”

Just then.

I heard a familiar voice. It came from the speakers next to the door.

‟Come on in. You look like a suspicious person if you’re just standing there with your mouth wide open.”

‟Ah— good day, Nasuhara-san. Ahh, it’s a really spectacular house.”

‟The guards of that spectacular house are about to rush towards you rather fiercely. Please step into the door right now if you don’t wish to be surrounded by burly guards who’ll interrogate you using inhumane means.”

‟Ahhh, mmm. I know that. It’s just… how do I put it; there seems to be no indication of the door opening.”

‟Ara, I’m really sorry. You’re right. You can’t get in if the door isn’t open.”

‟Mhmm. Sorry, but I’ll have to trouble you.”

‟Ara. Speaking of which, how do I operate this? I don’t really know since it’s something that I don’t really use that often.”

‟Oi oi. This is your house right? Please remember those sorts of things.”

‟Ara, how rude of you. It’s as if you’re implying that I don’t know a single thing about my house despite living in here; it sounds to me like you think I’m someone without any life skills who couldn’t survive out in society.”

‟No no no, that’s not it. I totally didn’t mean it that way. Please don’t have some sort of weird misunderstanding.”

‟Well then, can you express your true feelings using the relevant words, and actions?”

‟What do you mean by relevant words, and actions?”

‟I demand that you apologize and compensate me.”

‟I understand. I’m sorry, and I apologize. I had no intention of slandering you. That’s the truth, so it would be great if you could forgive me. I don’t have enough money to compensate you, so please let me off the hook with that.”

‟Is that so. I’ve understood your intentions. Since you’ve lowered yourself that much, I can’t possibly do anything to you, despite my threats. However, do be careful of your words in the future. What you just said to me may actually get you in a lawsuit if you were someplace else.”

‟Though I think it’s unlikely for what I’d said to lead that… Forget it, let’s put that aside. Can you please hurry up and open the door for me?”

‟What an impatient man. Impatient guys aren’t popular among girls, you know.”

‟I don’t know what you’re talking about, but in any case, please open the door quickly.”

‟Didn’t you hear what I just said? I did say I have no idea on how to open it, did I not?”

‟That’s why I said you should remember that sort— ah— no, forget it. Open the door, really. Right now.”

‟I understand. How about this: I’ll get the guidebook, which is about as thick as a textbook, and read through it from the beginning. Yes, I’ll do just that. Please don’t worry; as long as I can understand it, things like opening the door are a piece of cake for me.”

‟No, you don’t have to spend your time on that sort of time wasting endeavor. You just have to ask someone who knows how to operate it, to open the door, right? Like one of the maids at your house or something.”

‟Why are you that impatient? Impatient guys aren’t popular among girls, you know.”

‟Look, you should know, since you’re looking at the CCTV, right? The burly guards which you mentioned are coming towards me with a rather hostile look on their face. That’s the reason why I’m impatient.”

‟Oh that’s right. I did order them to deal with the suspicious person who appeared at front of the door a minute ago.”

‟So you’re actually the root of all evil!?”

… After that, I’d finally managed to enter into the premises of the Nasuhara house safely.

Oh boy. It took me that much effort just to step inside the house. I wonder what will actually happen after this.


I was brought to Nasuhara’s room, which was surprisingly girly.[1]

No. The word ‘surprisingly’ was too conservative.

I shouldn’t be using any other words to describe it at a time like this. I should change my statement to: it’s so girly it can’t possibly be any more girly than it already is…

It used a light brown color as the backdrop, coupled with a flowery wallpaper and wooden flooring.

Tall ceilings with windows that provided good lighting.

The room was meticulously decorated with lots of stuffed animals and other characters.

The furniture, take the bed or the curtains for example, was filled with lace and embroidery. Everything was in pale pink as well.

Of course, the room didn’t have poor taste. Instead, Nasuhara’s sense of style has allowed her to blend class and cuteness together quite nicely.

The impression one gets from the room is totally different from the usual emotionless expression that she always wears on her face; it has that sort impact.

‟Are you surprised?”

Just then, Nasuhara asked me that question while I was still staring around the room and still overwhelmed by how girly it was.

‟‘She’s already in her second year of high school, and yet she still decorates her room with dolls and such. She must be a pervert who’s too deeply engrossed with girly things, or she must be someone that needs psychiatric help, it has to be one of these two.’ That’s what you’re thinking right now, yes?”

‟No no no. Nothing of the sort.”

‟Really? I seem to be hearing the words that have been on the tip of your tongue ever since you came in: ‘I’ll be infected by her as well if I continue staying in the room of a girl who has something so wrong with her head. I’d better leave as quickly as I can!’ Those words are ringing in my ears repeatedly.”

‟Urm. That’s just your imagination.”

‟How very suspicious. It’s obvious that you look at me as if I were really pitiful. It’s pointless trying to hide it, because I know very well what you’re thinking.”

Forget it.

This isn’t the first time where she kept harping on things.

I laughed heartily,

‟Indeed, I was really surprised when I first stepped into a room which looks like it belongs to the theme park instead. However, I won’t look at you any differently. I’m fine with the dolls and the girly state of your room. I don’t hate it, you know?”

‟Who knows? Can you still remain that calm after knowing I’ve named each and every doll of mine, and that I talk to them every night before I sleep?”

‟Ah—… Hmmm. Indeed, that’s just slightly too… no, it’s fine. Isn’t that great, that girly sort of feeling? Even if you’ve already grown into an adult, I don’t think it’s necessary for you to discard the purity you had when you were a child.”

‟When I’m mentally stressed, I’ll stab a knife into the stomach of a doll and chant curses as I pull out the cotton inside bit by bit. You’re still fine even after knowing this?”

‟Ugh… That’s rather bad… No wait, have you really done that before?”

‟Or if the young and robust me presses my boiling hot body against a doll and use it to pleasure myself every night; how about that?”

‟Wait! That feels really dangerous! Stop talking about that!”

‟Putting it in everyday terms, it means that I love to use my dolls to m*st*rb*t* every night.”

‟No, there’s no need for that sort of explanation! And also, I said before that I’m against girls saying those kinds of things, right!?”

‟It should be me who’s said it countless times already. I just want to harass you regardless of when and where we are, and whatever we’re doing doesn’t matter to me. I said it so many times that I’m tired of it; and yet that bird brain of yours can’t even remember simple things such as that? You know, that’s just unacceptable, even if your intelligence is like that of an insect?”

‟Whoa, I was the one who was inexplicably attacked by you, so why the sudden rage due to your embarrassment!?”

‟If the same thing happens again, next time I’ll make you buy lingerie for me in the womens clothing section. And you’ll have to puff your chest proudly and say, ‘This is neither for my elder or younger sister, it’s actually for my own personal use’.”

‟And you brought out your favorite gag again without even batting an eye!”

This won’t do.

I was led around at her pace without me knowing.

Nasuhara set the pace of our conversation perfectly, so much so that I’d allowed her to gain control, without me knowing. Then again, was it because I played along too easily, or because I allowed myself to be led too effortlessly? I’ll have to think about it carefully.


Nasuhara said that, while maintaining that same expression of hers.

‟Everything I said earlier on was a joke. It’s all lies.”

‟Eh? Really?”

‟Yes, that’s right. That was just a simple exchange of pleasantries, so please don’t mind it.”

‟Ah, is that so… ah, that’s fine then.”

‟I may not look like it, but I’m someone with status after all. I wouldn’t talk about my night life so openly and truthfully in front of others.”

‟Ahh, mmm. If it’s all a joke, it’s fine… But then again, your jokes are rather hard to comprehend.”

‟Incidentally, this room itself is part of the joke.”

‟That’s really difficult to understand!”

It’s impossible for me to figure that out.

‟What do you mean!? What do you mean by this room being part of the joke!?”

‟I prepared this room in a hurry after it was decided that you’d be coming today,. My actual room is located elsewhere.”

What should I say… this is beyond my comprehension; that’s just too random.

That takes too much effort. To think she’d actually prepared the room especially to fool me.



‟Could it be that you’re an idiot beyond my imagination?”

‟How rude. I’ve said it countless times before; I want to harass you no matter when or how difficult it is.”

‟No, even so—”

‟Just like how the Bible is to Christians or the Quran is to Muslims; to me, this is the first commandment. Harassing you regardless of the situation is my one and only objective in life. It’s the reason my existence was brought into this world.”

‟It feels like the level of exaggeration was just raised by another level…”

‟Going back on topic, I was thinking, don’t you think that ‘fairy tale’ and ‘mental illness’ sound really similar? Both the way of writing, and the meaning.”[2]

‟Alright, it’s about time we quit talking about that. Stop.”

Well, she was getting really excited for some unknown reason.

This silly conversation shall end here. The contents of our conversation was already getting rather crazy.

‟Hey, shouldn’t it be about time that we sit down? We’ve been standing ever since we came in.”

‟You’re right. Lets move to the living room then.”

‟No, isn’t this room fine?”

What’s the point of us moving to another room after it has came down to this? As such, I sat next to the table.

‟Hmm? What’s wrong, Nasuhara-san? Take a seat too.”

‟… Sure.”

With that, Nasuhara sat down opposite of me.

I don’t know if it was just my imagination, but she seemed slightly unhappy. Why? Is it because I took a seat without her consent?

Oh well, whatever.

‟Are your parents at home? If it’s okay, I wish to greet them.”

‟My parents are neither unemployed nor NEETs, so they’re probably working somewhere in this world. Also, they seldom come back to this house.”

‟Do you’ve siblings then?”

‟I’m an only child.”

‟Mmm, is that so. That can’t be helped then.”

‟Incidentally, we’re the only ones in this house right now. I’d sent the maids out to buy a few things. The guards were given the instructions not to enter as well.”

‟Heh, is that so.”

‟Fu. I didn’t miss the brief instant when a beastly flash of light shone through your eyes. You’ve revealed your true self upon knowing that we’re alone in this huge empty house.”

‟Urm. That’s just your imagination.”

‟‘Kukuku, there will be no one coming even if you scream at the top of your voice. Just give up and listen to me.’ I seem to be hearing those words on the tip of your tongue; they’ve been ringing around in my ears for a while now.”

‟Urm. That’s just an auditory hallucination.”

There has to be a limit to your slandering.

Forget it. It’s not like she only came to bad mouthing people recently. I’ll just set that aside.

‟But that’s how it is, huh. How disappointing. I don’t have much opportunity to come here, so I wished to greet them if I could.”

‟There’s no need for that.”

‟No no no. That’s basic etiquette, something to be expected.”

‟No. That isn’t necessary.”

… Huh?

Is it my imagination? Although her expression had remained the same, it felt like she’d became slightly more angry. Did I say something that made her unhappy?



‟Pardon me for being nosy, but… Are you not on good terms with your parents?”

‟Yes, that’s how it is.”

She nodded her head rather straightforwardly.

‟However, allow me to say this, so as not to tarnish their reputation, It isn’t like they’ve treated me badly; that’s not the case. I can’t call them model parents though, even if I’m going to be courteous about it.”

‟Well then, why are you on bad terms with them?”

‟Because I’m in my rebellious phase.”

… Ah—.

I see.

‟You must be surprised. About how I’m in my rebellious phase right now.”

‟Not at all? I can actually accept that.”

‟… It’s not like it’s what I want.”

Surprisingly, she made a rare expression (if it could even be considered one), Nasuhara pouted to show her unhappiness.

That was slightly… wait, no. It was actually pretty cute.

‟May I know which part of you is unwilling?”

Just with the term ‘rebellious phase’ alone, it’s like I’ve come to understand everything. Like how Aristotle screamed “Eureka!”. Isn’t that answer just as clear cut and wonderful as E=mc²?

‟Pouncing on the mistakes made by others while they’re speaking, then harassing them about it; I think Nasuhara’s actions are rather typical symptoms for someone in their rebellious phase.”

‟I don’t act like this to everyone.”


‟That’s how it is.”

‟Then do you only act like that towards me?”

‟Yes, that’s right.”

‟Oi oi, that’s rather terrible. Why do you only act like that towards me?”

‟… You don’t have any idea why?”

‟Why would I? I just met you not too long ago. What did I do to you?”


A small sigh.

Nasuhara gave a light sigh, a really light one.

‟You’re a virgin, are you not?”

‟W-Why are you talking about that now?”

‟You haven’t gone out with any girls up until now, if I’m not wrong?”

‟You’re not wrong… but why are you bringing that up?”

‟It’s nothing.”

With a ‟fu”, Nasuhara gave another sigh.

It’s really rare of her, but there have been a lot of changes to Nasuhara’s expression today.

‟… I actually confessed a few days ago, and it was something that I did with great determination. I’ve done all that, and yet I didn’t managed to convey my feelings to this guy; is that how it is? Even so, I can’t bring myself to say the same thing twice… This blockhead is way beyond my imagination…”

‟Eh, what? I didn’t quite catch that.”

‟I’m just mumbling to myself. Please don’t put it to heart.”

‟Oh, mmm. Since you’ve said that, I’ll just let it be.”

‟That would be great.”

‟Also, I’ve been quite curious about this for a while but—”


I looked at Nasuhara’s knees.

A stuffed teddy bear has been sitting on her knees since a while back; more specifically, back when we were talking about her rebellious phase.

Nasuhara has been playing with its ears, its hands, and then its legs. And she’s done so repeatedly.

‟… Ah.”

Nasuhara followed the direction of my gaze and looked downwards. She gasped when she saw her hands.

She froze temporarily.

A few seconds later, she placed the teddy bear by her side in a fluster,

‟That was just a bad example.”

That was what she said.

What bad example, but I haven’t given a tsukkomi to that yet.

‟Hey, Nasuhara-san.”


‟Could it be that you actually like dolls?”

‟Not at all.”

‟Your habit of playing with dolls subconsciously, didn’t that prove just it?”

‟How can that be? How is that possible?”


‟Yes, really.”

‟Ah— come to think of it, you said earlier this room was specially decorated in a girly fashion when you knew I’d be here for a visit, right? And that your room is somewhere else.”

‟Yes, that’s how it is.”

‟Well, since this is a rare occasion, could you let me take a look at your room?”

‟You’re a pervert for saying that you want to take a look at a girl’s boudoir.”

… Hmm.

That answer, it doesn’t feel quite sharp enough.



‟Just as I thought, this is actually your roo—”

‟What are you talking about?”

I was denied.

It felt like she has anticipated my words. I was interrupted before I could finish my sentence.

Hmm. Looks like I was spot on?

‟Really~, how surprising~. To think that Nasuhara-san is so girly and loves dolls—”

‟That’s not it.”

‟There’s nothing wrong with liking dolls. Why are you denying it?”

‟It would tarnish my pride if I liked dolls at my current age… Of course, this doesn’t have anything to do with me, since I like neither dolls nor girly things.”

‟So, there aren’t any dolls that you particularly like?”

‟There aren’t any dolls that I particularly like.”

‟That teddy bear is really cute. Could you give him to me?”

‟He isn’t a close friend of mine, but I have no intention of letting him go either. Please pick another one.”

‟Really? Hmm, so that’s how it is.”

I couldn’t help but grin.

So that’s how it is.

I’m surprised that Nasuhara has such a side to her.

Her mysterious aura and her overwhelming beauty, plus the fact that she’s revered in school; but that’s precisely the reason why it felt like I’d stumbled upon something to my favor.

Incidentally, since it’s always the case that she teases me, I felt a slight sense of superiority when our roles were reversed.

‟Hey, Nasuhara-san. If you didn’t wish for others to see your room filled with dolls, you should brought me to another instead, for example the living room.”

‟I stress that this isn’t my room.”

‟Well, this is just that, you know? You dug your own grave by saying too much. You had no intention of letting me know that this was your room, right? I guess this is what you would call, being betrayed by your own plan?”

‟I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

‟See, that’s a rather weak reply from you. It would have been a much sharper answer if it had been given under the usual circumstances, right? You would have exercised all means available to you to say terrible things to me, right?”

‟Nothing of the sort. I’m just not in good condition today, that’s all.”

‟See? It’s quite obvious from that answer of yours. If you’d found even the smallest chance to hit back, you would’ve struck back with all your might. That’s the typical Nasuhara-san.”

‟I, didn’t…”

‟Ahh, don’t worry. I won’t say anything to any of the other student council members. This will be a secret that’s just between you and me. Ah— Even so, I’m really surprised. To think Nasuhara-san had such an interest. You’re so hard to get along with, if only you’d shown that sort of easy-to-get-along feeling more often, it would’ve been great.”


Nasuhara was becoming more and more silent.

Urm, this is bad.

I was getting carried away. Did I tease her too much?

‟How humiliating.”

Finally, she laughed and muttered to herself expressionlessly,

‟It’s the first time since I was born that I’ve tasted such humiliation. I swear I’ll take revenge for the humiliation I’ve received today.”

‟No no no, there’s no humiliation or anything. You’re exaggerating. Also, this isn’t something that needs your revenge, right?”

‟It’s too late for you to be regretting it now.”

‟Look, isn’t it your fault in the first place? To reveal your interests to me.”

‟It’s the first time since I was born that I’ve tasted such humiliation. I swear I’ll take revenge for the humiliation I’ve received today; that’s how it is. I’m saying this twice because it’s that important.”

Urm— mmm.

Did she have to put it like that?

Then again, even though she was saying it expressionlessly in a monotone; somehow, I felt an overwhelming pressure coming from her.

‟Since I’m someone who acts swiftly; I thus declare, I’ll have my revenge right now.”

With that said, Nasuhara stood up slowly.

… Urm.

Things are developing in a rather strange direction?

I was still sitting down, trying hard not to show my nervousness. But I raised my danger awareness by several levels.

I may not look like it, but I’ve received lessons on how to be a young master, and thus I do have some sort of knowledge on self defense and such. Even if Nasuhara was to use force on me, I wouldn’t be in a position where I couldn’t defend myself at all, but… my self defense techniques were ultimately still at the level where I just had ‘some sort of knowledge’ of it.

The initiative had already been taken away.

Nasuhara didn’t give out anything similar to a murderous aura when she made that declaration. But for her to stand up like that; what was she intending to do?

I’m someone who belongs to the retaliatory personality type, so I’ll wait to see what sort of actions she takes, but—

‟Fu. It’s rather hot today.”

For some unknown reason, Nasuhara said that line in a deliberate manner while still putting on an expressionless face.

‟I’m about to expire from the heat.”

‟… Is that so? We’re only in the month of April, you know? Even global warming shouldn’t affect the temperature that much.”

‟There’s no other option. I’ll open the windows.”

Ignoring my words, Nasuhara walked towards the windows.

The windows of this room are facing south, while she was sitting at the north side of the room. Meaning to say, Nasuhara will have to pass by me if she wants wants to open the windows.

Her acting was rather poor.

But even if it’s fake, it has to be now if she’s aiming for me.

‟Oops. I slipped.”

Just as I though that.

Nasuhara fell towards my direction while pretending that her foot was caught on something,.

Of course, I was prepared for it as I’d already guessed her intentions. I should be able to handle whatever attacks she uses.

… Urm.

It really looks like she’s falling towards my direction? Though it’s deliberate, the fall looks strangely real; if she falls like this, she’ll definitely be hurt—

I instantly changed my plan of engaging with her.

Upon deciding that the fall wasn’t a deliberate one, I changed my posture immediately to catch her.

‟Uhhh… Ha.”

Everything happened in an instant.

It was impossible for me to maintain my balance nicely, and there was no cool way I could have supported her. The only thing I could do was to become her cushion, though in a rather unsightly manner.

Which means to say, that I’m now lying down on my back, while Nasuhara was down on all fours, but… Whatever, since I couldn’t find a cool way to do it.

‟You’ve got good reflexes.”

Nasuhara praised me with her usual emotionless expression while I was maintaining her position.

‟You were actually thinking about your next move, but after clearing your doubts, your actions were swift and without hesitation. There’s no need for doubt, I declare that you’ve passed.”

‟Really? Thanks.”

Though I’d no idea on what I’d passed.

‟Look, that fall of yours may be planned, but you did it without holding back. You may get injured if you actually did fall onto the ground like you were going to. Do be more careful.”

‟I see. I’ll be careful.”

‟Mhmm. Please do.”

‟I understand.”

‟Mhmm. Thank you.”





‟… Hey, Nasuhara-san?”


‟I’m thinking— it’s about time you get off me.”

‟I’m unable to do that.”


I gave a disturbed smile while looking at Nasuhara, who was staring at me while riding me like a horse,

‟Well, if you don’t get off, I’ll be unable to get up.”

‟Yes. Theoretically, that’s how it is.”

‟Urm, then… may I know how long you’re planning to be in this position?”

‟Until my revenge is done.”


This was bad.

Did I really… piss her off? I couldn’t tell from her emotionless expression.

But it feels really terrible to be staring at each other in such a position. I’d never experienced this situation, and we’re actually a place like this, Even if those conditions were removed, things are still bad for me. Nasuhara is indeed an extremely charming girl, if we ignore her usual actions and words, so I was slightly at a loss on what to do. Rather than being disturbed, I was embarrassed to death.


In any case, I should try negotiating with her since things have come down to this.

What should I do to sooth her anger? I need to get that answer from her.

‟Look, Nasuhara-san.”

‟What’s the matter?”

‟You said you’ll be maintaining this position regardless of what happens until your revenge is done.”

‟Yes, I did say that.”

‟Technically speaking, what are the conditions for your revenge to be complete; can you tell me the answer to that? What exactly are you planning to do by riding me like a horse?”

‟… Well, in regards to that.”

I stared straight into Nasuhara, who was at a loss of words.

I tried to be as sincere and honest as I could.

The basics of the art of negotiation is to successfully convey your sincerity to the other person. If I look away or laugh accidentally, it will result in me stirring Nasuhara’s anger even more. In the unfavorable situation of me being ridden by someone, I’ll have to be careful.

She was staring straight into me.

And I stared back at her even more intensely.


A tiny moan leaked out from Nasuhara.

Was she frightened by my stare? I had absolutely no intention of making her retreat via intimidation, but it was a sign that things were going better for me. I’d gained the upper hand psychologically.

I should grab onto this chance and strike.

‟I hope you can tell me. What are your intentions? What should I do?”


‟You’re a girl who’s riding on a guy’s body. I understand very well that it isn’t something that can be settled hastily. I also understand perfectly how your emotions are currently running high.”


At the home ground of the other party, in an enclosed space with no one else, and in an extremely unfavorable physical position. Since the opposite party has full control of my killing rights, I’ll have to use my ultimate technique as well. Despite me lying on my back, I increased the warmth of my voice and acted naturally while taking actions.

‟I do know how you’re feeling, and if possible, I want to reciprocate to those feelings as sincerely as I can. So please tell me your feelings, using your words. Try your best to convey it all to me.”


‟Nasuhara-san. What do you want to do? What do you wish to do to me?”





Nasuhara was still looking downwards at me with her emotionless expression. However, the silence of hers was a little too long for someone as eloquent as her.


I couldn’t help but be worried.

She is someone who’s as beautiful as a human doll. But could it be that this girl is not actually human, but just a human figurine; I was hit with that illusion.

It was a very realistic illusion for me at that point of time

What if she, whose beauty isn’t anything short of a miracle, is actually artificial and man made; I became really frightened when the thought crossed my mind.


I raised up my hand half consciously.

I touch her cheeks, which was just like that of a plastic model’s.

To confirm her consciousness via my sense of touch; to see if there was any warmth; that was all I was intending to do.

‟—— Uh!?”


Nasuhara’s face was instantly dyed red in sync with that onomatopoeia.

OniAiVol2 015 Ch 3 2.jpg

‟—— Uh! —— Uh!?”

An inaudible cry. She immediately disengaged the position of her on her fours and stood up,

‟~~~~~~~~~~ Uuuhhhhhhh!”

She rushed to her bed in a panic and dived onto it, before pulling her blanket over and wrapping herself into a ball.

… Ah.

What’s happening?

In any case. This girl is indeed human.

‟Oi~. Nasuhara-san~. Oi~.”


‟Ah, I’m sorry. I’d no idea you’d be that shocked by my actions. That was unintentional. Really.”

‟… How humiliating.”


From the ball of blanket, I could hear her muttering something.

‟The girl was doing things like that, so how did that guy maintain his composure? They’re at the girl’s house. Alone. And she was riding on him. Could it be that he has totally no interest in girls other than his younger sister? I’d better come up with a countermeasure to that.”


I couldn’t hear her too clearly since her voice was muffled by her blanket. However, I was pretty certain that she was saying words of hatred.

‟I want to have my revenge.”

Nasuhara said that after a moment of silence. While peeking out from her blanket with one of her eyes.

Despite her scary sentence, the look of her was slightly, no, it was pretty cute.

‟I’ve decided to make you pay for the countless humiliations you’ve given me today. I swear to heavens that I’ll remind myself constantly of this humiliation. I swear with my life on the line that I’ll make you regret for what you’ve done today.”

‟No no no, hold on a second. With the way things are going, I can’t quite understand the need for you put it that way. Of course, it was indeed wrong of me to touch your face without informing you…”

‟I’ll definitely fulfill whatever I’ve said. Please be mentally prepared.”

Her tone was monotonous, but it sounded very stubborn.

Nasuhara declared as she continued to stare at me from within her blankets (upon closer look, one of her eyes was slightly teary, how cute).

‟I’ve no choice… Ah, I’m really sorry. I apologize, so please forgive me.”

‟There’s no use in apologizing.”

‟Will you forgive me if I go on my knees and prostrate myself?”

‟I won’t forgive you.”

‟Even if I die in apology?”

‟If you think you can erase the humiliation you’ve done to me just with your life, then you couldn’t have been more wrong.”

‟Ahaha… Uh, forget it then. I’ll be thankful to god if you could go easy on me.”

… With that.

My visit to Nasuhara’s home ended up with me causing Nasuhara to be fuming with anger.

Strangely, it didn’t feel like I was hated by her despite making her angry. Also, there will be plenty of chances for me to resolve this.

Perhaps I should buy her her favorite doll or something, and give it to her as a present of apology, I left Nasuhara’s house thinking that.

Translator notes and references

  1. The original text is “fantastic”, or something like that. In English, girly is the closest fit, in this context. So, I’ll be using the term girly for the rest of this chapter.
  2. メルヘン vs メンヘル, which is Märchen(folk tale) and mental respectively.
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