OniAi: Volume 3 Chapter 4

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April 13th, 8:30 A.M.[edit]

Student Hostel – Hallway[edit]

I’ll give a rough introduction to the hostel, which has become the stage of our daily lives.

It’s a wooden two story, seventy year old, building. It’s said that it was designed by an architect who was affiliated with St. Ririana Academy.

It doesn’t seem like the architect was someone famous, but his impressive skills are nothing if not the truth. Despite being used for many years, and even though it has been decided that the hostel will be demolished, the building is still in a very sturdy state.

There are twenty one rooms.

One of the rooms is allocated for the caretaker’s use, which is currently occupied by Akiko and I. The other rooms are for the residents to use. Those rooms are eight tatami large, and have no toilet, bathroom or kitchen.

There’s a toilet on both first, and second, floor, but the only bath is on the first floor. The kitchen and a dining room that can hold over ten people eating together, are located on the first floor as well.

And so.

In general, I quite like this hostel, but there are a few things that I’m particularly fond of. One of them is the flooring in the hallways.

The floor, which I think is made of oak, gives off a beautiful luster after having been walked on by its residents over the course of so many years. The parallel floorboards have a smoothness as if they were made of obsidian. The sight of the floor reflecting the sunlight that comes through the windows somehow makes one feel calm, and at ease.

And today, the floors that I was fond of were giving off a much more splendid sheen than usual.

“Yo, Himenokouji Akito-san. You came at just the right time.”

If you want to know the reason why, it’s because Seito-Kaichou Nikaido Arashi is already done with polishing the floors.

“How’s this? I just finished with it.”

“… Wow, incredible. It’s much shinier than before.”

OniAiVol3 012 Ch 04 1.png

The two meter wide and thirty meter long corridor didn’t just look like obsidian. It was giving off a shine comparable to a precious stone.

“Impressive work… Could it be, that Kaichou’s family have been experts on polishing floors for generations?”

“Being an expert on that would be so damn awkward. My clan lives off swordplay and martial arts. Didn’t I tell you that already?”

“So you did. But this just feels like a really impressive job.”

“Well, it’s indeed true that I’m used to doing this, you know?”

While smiling, Kaichou wiped away the faint traces of sweat.

“As you know, my family is a samurai family with a deep history, so we do have a dojo in our house. Cleaning up those places is a part of our training. That’s why I’m quite adept at polishing the floors and such.”

That’s an acceptable reason.

Even then, it was still a shocking result, considering that she’d completed it by herself within such a short time.

“Ah, how about the cleaning near the main door?”

“Finished it way earlier.”

I took a look there, and indeed, the originally dusty area near the door, which gave an impression of being blackened by smoke, is now giving off a splendid luster as well.

“That’s a job well done… I wasn’t expecting Kaichou to have these special techniques.”

“Well, my skills are still far off from being special techniques.

“Could it be, that Kaichou isn’t just good at cleaning, but at all sorts of other housework as well?”

“I won’t say I’m great at them, but basically, I know the whole variety of skills, like cooking, washing and sewing. If I want to, I can become Yamato Nadeshiko[1] with a snap of my fingers.”

Uh— mmm.

Indeed, it was shocking when she first showed me her ‘ladylike side’. So it isn’t just for looks; she hadn’t neglected the inside either? Nikaido Arashi is really not someone to be underestimated.

“My my, but it just feels a little wasted.”

“What’s wasted?”

“Because if Kaichou was to be more decent and serious, you’d be a typical good woman, no?”

“Oh? Could it be you’re trying to hook up with me?”


“The door to my room is always open. It’s fine even if you want to assault me at night, you know?”

“That’s why I say, you’re wrong… Urm, in any case, Kaichou is pretty, smart, and knows how to do housework well. You can be considered as a perfect beauty, yeah? Despite that, why do you have to dress up like that, and say those things you always do?”

“Didn’t I say so earlier as well? That’s to create a gap moe, so that I can conquer my love interests. In actual fact, you fell for that just a few days back, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I was indeed fooled by you.”

“Thus, due to you being smitten by the contrast in me, we spent a passionate night in my room. Boy, the you back then was really intense. I was careless, but you actually were in control instead of me.”

“Please don’t come up with a history that never happened. Kaichou and I didn’t even touch each other once on that day, right?”

“Oh, is that so? Ahhhh, must be due to me getting old. My memory is getting worse.”

Kaichou laughed loudly with a *ka ka ka*

“Oh right, I remembered. Due to you being smitten by the contrast in me, you forcefully pushed me down. Despite me screaming my lungs off, you still had no intention of going easy on me—”

“Please don’t add on things to that fake history. Didn’t I say it already, that I hadn’t even touched you once?”

“Alright alright, stop being that agitated. The only thing that should be agitated is the thing in between your legs. Gyahahaha!”


The scene of Kaichou laughing loudly had made me deeply regret my decision to praise her.

Speaking of which, who were the bastards that had voted for this group of people? The student council of St. Ririana Academy isn’t helm by an elite group of students, but rather, a bunch of mentally ill patients? That incompetent sister of mine, as well as Nasuhara; they’re all hopeless.



That can’t be right.

I’d almost forgotten, but St. Ririana Academy is a famous school, and it’s a fact that the student council wields a powerful influence. And it’s due to Nikaido Arashi’s mediation, that this hostel is gradually changing for the better.

Kaichou’s looks are probably a cover to hide her true form. I’ll be in for some trouble, should I be confused by her exterior, and not be able to see through her real self.

“Don’t be so stiff.”

Kaichou shrugged whimsically; had she seen through my thoughts?

“It’s not like I’ll eat you or anything. You’re my cute underling in the student council, as well as my cute house mate in this hostel. I do wish to have a good relationship with you as much as possible. Those are my true intentions, yeah?”

“That’s exactly what I wish for as well.”

“Well, I do want to eat you up, in terms of sex.”

“That line is unnecessary.”

“Ah, I did tell you not to be that stiff, but it will be a headache for me if you can’t stiffen the thing between your legs, yeah? Ka ka ka.”


None of my complains had entered into Kaichou’s head.

Well, putting her popularity and capabilities aside, Nikaido Arashi is famous for being self centered as well. That sort of ‘going my way’ attitude is to be expected.

“Really, if only you could improve that area as well, you’d be a really dependable person…”

“Oh, really? I’ll get embarrassed as well, if you praise me like that.”

“That wasn’t praising you, that was me feeling a sense of pity.”

“Forget it, what’s wrong with that? Didn’t you say so yourself before? Compared to my prim and proper self, you prefer the current me.”

“Yeah. I did indeed say it before.”

“My reason for moving into this hostel isn’t just because I’m targeting at your sister’s brother complex. I’ve thought about moving out of that solemn samurai family time and time again. I do have my own positions as well, but I have to act like a fine woman there.”

“Oh. Is that so.”

“Yeah. Thus, I’m finally able to relax myself after moving in here. Don’t you think it defeats the purpose, if I’m required to act prim and proper here?”

“Well, I can understand that.”

I understood.

But still, it felt like the topic had gone in a different direction.

Recently, there has been a case of, ‘Nikaido Arashi; she probably is on our side, but I still must be careful of her.’

That initial impression of her has become stronger and stronger.

She’s as difficult to read as Nasuhara. Her carefree attitude and her ability to not show her cards, makes her harder to deal with than anyone else.

Even if she has her own difficulties, it won’t do if I’m to probe too deeply into it; that’s what I thought.

“Ah— that’s right. I have something to discuss with you.”


“In regards to the cleaning of this hostel, can you let me be in charge of it?”

“Cleaning? Kaichou?”


Kaichou nodded her head strongly,

“According to my research, while this hostel was still in use, the caretaker gave instructions to all the various charges. And so, everyone will be in charge of their own tasks.”


After the decision to continue operation this hostel had been approved, we’d decided to reference the past residents who lived here. Even if we didn’t take all of that into account, it’s natural for us to divide the tasks equally.

The task of cooking has already been handed to Ginbe, and it would be a great deal of help if Kaichou was to take care of everything in regards to the cleaning of the hostel.

“But will that be fine? You’re the president of the student council, and you’ve single handedly managed the entire operation of the student council, right? You should be quite busy already, will you have the time to be in charge of the cleaning?”

“Have you forgotten already? One of the reasons for me moving here, was because the two hour trip to school was just way too long. I currently have some time to spare, so there’s no problem.”

“Well, perhaps it really is so.”

“Most importantly, it isn’t like I’ll be cleaning the hostel by myself. Since I’ve requested to be the in charge, I’ll properly assign the tasks to everyone else too.”

“I see. That sounds quite practical.”

“In addition, I stand to gain from this as well. I did mention that this can be considered to be part of my training. Things like polishing the floors and such, they can be a good training for me, depending on how I go about doing them. Yeah, it’s killing two birds with one stone.”


Since she put it like that, I have no reason to reject her. There’s a need to settle things related to cleaning, and it’s for the best if Kaichou volunteers herself. Not to mention, this person is surprisingly good at it.

“Understood. Sorry then, I’ll leave the matters on cleaning to Kaichou.”

“Alright. I shall accept.”

“Wow, that’s a great help, for Kaichou to volunteer to be in charge of that. Despite what I’ve always said, Kaichou is still a really dependable person.”

“Ka ka ka. Well, this isn’t anything, since it’s for my cute underling.”

“There you are being modest yet again. Your method on cleaning up the hallway and the main door in a flash was really something; I’m thoroughly impressed. I can somehow slightly understand, why the person named Nikaido Arashi is able to be the president of the student council.”

“You sure know how to talk. In any case, I, Nikaido Arashi, will ensure the completion of my tasks once I’ve accepted them. Just treat it as a safe journey on a big sturdy boat… Alright, since I’m way earlier than scheduled, do you need help anywhere? Ahh, that’s right. Your sister’s cleaning the bathroom, but it seems like she’s still quite some distance to go?”

“You’re right. Due to various circumstances.”

“If so, I shall impart some secret techniques to Himenokouji Akiko-san.”

While saying so, the happy Kaichou was planning to walk to the bathroom.

“Please wait.”

“Hmm? Yessir?”

“Currently, my sister should be cleaning the bathroom by herself.”

“Yeah. That should be the case.”

“Meaning to say, it will be a situation where Kaichou and my sister will be in a cramped enclosed area by yourselves.”

“Yeah. Well, typically, that would be the case.”

“I don’t think that it’s the case, but, could it be that you’re up to no good?”

“Ka ka ka. You worry too much.”

Kaichou gave a nonchalant laugh,

“No problems. What you’re thinking about won’t happen.”

“Is that so. That’s great then.”

“Yeah. Well, I’ll only be using the tip[2], so no worries.”

“Oi, hold on a second.”

I regained my senses.

“It seems like you just said something that I can’t just ignore. Could you repeat that once more?”

“Hmm? Because I’m using only the tip, so you don’t have to worry. That’s what I’d said.”

“No, there’s no way I can be assured by that. On the contrary, my warning sirens are at full alert.”

“No no no. It’s just the tip. Really.”

“No no no, what’s with the tip, really?”

“Nothing of importance. Just the tip means, that I won’t damage the hymen?”

“Hymen my ass, I’m talking about the things before that.”

“You’re a real stubborn guy. Alright, how about this. I won’t use my finger techniques this time. As a replacement, I’ll use my tongue—”


“Well, will tools be OK?”

“How can that be okay?”

“Alright, I understand. I’m an expert who has pleased many of my lovers before, so I won’t say childish things. Even if I’m unable to use my fingers, my tongue, or any tools, just mere breathes of mine should be enough to invoke sexual excitement—”

“Well, I can’t help but to force you to stop breathing then.”

“Oi oi, even that won’t do? So that’s what it means by being forced to desperation… Whatever, there’s still be a way around it.”

She still has a way to go around things despite being restricted like that. Kaichou’s sexual desires seem to be bottomless.

The amount of drive she possess is something that’s beyond the point of shock or admiration; but it doesn’t matter, since there’s only one thing that I should be doing. Stopping the barbarous acts of the nymphomaniac Kaichou, and protecting my sister’s chastity; the best that I could do was—

“Hold on. Don’t interfere.”

It seemed like Kaichou had seen through my thoughts, and was wagging her finger with a *tsk tsk tsk*,


“Also, not too long ago, I was tasked by you to be in charge for the cleaning of this hostel. Since I’m tasked with that, then I shall have the final say in anything related to cleaning. Even if you’re the hostel head, it wouldn’t be suitable for you to meddle in my affairs.”


I was gradually checkmated.

Could it be, that Kaichou had already anticipated all these since the very beginning…?

“Alright, seems like both of us have understood my reasoning. Leave your sister to me, and focus on your work. Ka ka ka.”

With that, Lady Kaichou walked leisurely towards the bathroom.

Though this is something that I came to know of later, but I shall briefly mention it here.

In the roster that Kaichou came up with later, Akiko and I have been assigned to totally different areas for our tasks. That seemed to be yet another reason as to why Kaichou had volunteered to be the in charge. She really is a predator, she’s never careless, and she shows no weakness.

Translator notes and references[edit]

  1. Yamato Nadeshiko (大和撫子) is a Japanese term meaning “personification of an idealized Japanese woman”.
  2. The “tip” here refers to 先っぽ… which can also refer to the head of a penis.
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