Kenshin no Keishousha:Volume 2 Chapter2

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The Maidens' Day Off

On that day, Hinako was sitting on a bench within the school’s courtyard while leisurely reading a book.

It was three days after the battle royal had ended. The normalcy of nothing in particularly happening was still in effect.

Currently it was three in the afternoon. Class had just concluded and it was quite rowdy in the direction of the school building. Kurou and Sefi should be back soon.

Although Hinako would routinely follow Kurou to class, she was allowed to roam freely after Kurou was enrolled into the school. She normally sits in when class is in session, but occasionally reading outside like this while taking in the breeze was fine.

As she was about to flip the page, Hinako suddenly stopped in her tracks. It seemed she was ill at ease every time she flipped a page.

Hinako’s attire was not her typical cosplay wear, instead it was the Sword Academy’s uniform. There was some basis for wearing the uniform despite not being a student. However, the cosplay attire felt heavier compared to the school uniform and that was likely due to the uniform being more mobile for combat.

So I prefer wearing lighter clothes? It was not until just now that Hinako learned of her own preferences.

For Hinako, she had been living in imprisonment within the sun cult’s facilities since her childhood. Back then she would only wear what was assigned to her.

The room she stayed in until she was fifteen was comfortable, but she completely lacked freedom. Of course, going outside was prohibited.

The Maiden of the Sun————

Hinako appeared to be referred to as that within the sun cult. Despite that, she had never even set foot under the sun.

Hinako’s imprisonment was ordered by her parents who were the cult leaders. Furthermore, she was surrounded by many companions who were tasked with her surveillance.

Perhaps those well-acquainted companions of hers also cared for her dearly. They must have heard her request to be brought to the outside world. Through their assistance, Hinako was finally successful in escaping from the room where she stayed for ages.

However, Hinako and her helpers were caught soon after and she was prepped to return to the facility once again. Right when that happened, the sun cultists and the police were caught in a chaotic scene. She then fell under Kurou’s protection as he was pursuing the sun cultists.

Hinako believed that not one of her helpers remained alive.

The sun cult have their normal practices that they do on the streets and they were not a covert organization either. However, a portion of the cult was armed and rebelled against the Swordies. Betraying the government and using banned weaponry, these guys could not be left alone unattended.

Hinako still remembers the gratitude she held towards those who helped her. She also believed that she did something unforgivable to them.

Nevertheless, there were no regrets from her regarding the decision to come to the outside world.

The splendor of the outside, everything she had desired was out here.

Hinako pondered these thoughts while taking in the breeze, calmly passing the time.

“Ara, Hina, why are you here?”

The one who struck a conversation was Sefi, who was carrying a backpack with her. It would appear that she had just returned from her classes.

On behalf of being the one who “monitors the two humans”, Sefi was now able to casually converse with Kurou and Sefi. However, she would never show her good relations with them in public. With Kurou’s coarse attitude, it was not like he cared about what they were perceived as in front of other people.

“The weather has been quite good today.”

Summer was fast approaching; right now it was not too cold or hot, the perfect season for being outdoors.

“That said, this is my first time experiencing summer.”

“Huh? The first time……”

“Because I was always locked within a room, even though there was air conditioning and it felt comfortable, in the end I was completely detached from summers and winters.”

“I-I see……”

Sefi was slightly taken aback. Although, Hinako had no intention to shock her.

“Well, besides that…...why are you wearing that uniform?”

“Ah, you mean this?”

Hinako gently grabbed her own skirt hem.

“An academy faculty member gave me this. I can’t be enrolled into the school, but at least I won’t stand out while wearing this uniform.”

“I see, well, I suppose this would be the least attention grabbing.”

There were many human faculty members within the academy. However, they were only allowed in due to being part of the workforce. For a human student like Kurou, or Hinako, who was not enrolled or working on the premises, the students would find their existence to be quite an eyesore.

To avoid drawing attention, putting on the uniform should be ok.

“However, why are you still wearing the katyusha? Isn’t that something you wore with your maid outfit?”

“I am here to serve Kurou. Hence, this is so I don’t forget my original task.”

“I’m pretty sure that original task or whatever was long forgotten……”

Sefi made an exasperated expression.

In fact, despite Hinako forgetting a long time ago, wanting to do something in return for the person who risked his life for her————that sort of intention does exist. Except, she has not really acted on it.

“Hina, may I sit next to you?”

“Go ahead.”

Sefi sat down next to Hinako.

“Say, you didn’t stay with Kurou?”

“Why must I return with him after class?”

Supposedly this was the so-called girl-talk. Hinako was also picking up some common trends of life.

“Never mind that, what are you looking at?”

“This is a shoujo manga. There is a handsome boy on the school stage that all girls are swooned by.”

“What a crude description…...Well, I suppose that pretty much sums up all shoujo mangas.”

“Do other girls my age live lives like this?”

“Who knows, it’s just a manga.”

Hinako understood what fiction was.

However, as depicted in the manga, it was of course normal for girls around Hinako’s age to be going to school every day, playing with friends, and liking boys.

Hinako had finally realized the extent of her abnormal living conditions.

Although it was not normal to be surrounded by Swordies in her current situation, at least her lifestyle was fine. She was able to happily read a book outside and choose her own clothes.

“Hey, Hina.”


“For you, due to the complications regarding the Sun Cult, it would be tough to say for certain right now…...but after things calm down, you should probably plan on going to school normally.”

“Ah, this sort of thing……?”

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“I don’t think it would be difficult since Hina hasn’t done anything bad. If I issue a request to my mother and sister, it should definitely be possible.”

It was said that Sefi’s mother was one of the four generals. For something of this caliber, it should be quite simple.

However, for the daughter of one of the four generals to be going out of her way for a human…...

“Sefi is a good person.”

“What, what are you suddenly blabbing about……!”

Sefi’s face was flushed red as she turned her head aside.

By sudden chance, Hinako thought to herself that a government official position would probably not suit Sefi despite her being the daughter of the four generals. She was too kind for that. Even Hinako clearly knew that you cannot just rely on kind words to be a politician.

“By the way, I’m a good person too.”


“......What are you doing Kuro?”

At some point Kurou had made his way towards the back of the bench where the two were sitting.

“Good person? You’re clearly a harassment demon.”

“That’s just instinct. It has nothing to do with my kindness.”

“That’s nothing to be boastful about!”

“It’s sad that you fail to understand me. Well, meeting you guys here was perfect timing. There’s something I need to say to you two.”

As Kurou spoke, he purposefully squeezed between Sefi and Hinako as he sat down.

Sefi’s expression appeared to be saying “what is it”, however, there was nothing she could do besides make way for him in silence.

“Due to some circumstances, I was called forth by Sylphy.”

“By Onee-sama?”

“Yup, remember how I won the battle royal from before?”

“After you won, it did seem like you were still quite troubled by something.”

“......Is that so?”

Kurou played dumb towards Hinako’s statement.

After his bout with the third-year student council president, Kurou spent the entire night locking himself up in his room and was breathing heavily. He could not even swallow his food. It must have been quite the damage dealt to him.

“Setting that aside, I was told that there would be a prize for the winner and I was able to collect it from Sylphy-sama.”

“I see, the student council president did talk to Onee-sama in regards to this……”

“Compared to what the school gives out, Sylphy-sama can provide a much grander prize. The student council president must have been very keen on this as well.”

“So what’s this prize then? What does it have to do with us?”

Kurou smiled as he nodded.

He patted Hinako on the shoulders.

“Be happy Hinako, you get to go outside.”


“Yup, Sylphy-sama found a way to issue this order. This Sunday you can go shopping along the streets.”

“Shopping…..along the streets……”

Hinako blankly muttered.

Hinako had always been placed in confinement, even now, she was kept within the Sword Academy.

Just as she was able to move freely within campus, this time she was able to step out onto the streets.

The world was slowly expanding for her.

For Hinako, there must have been a bit of apprehension————

“I want to go Kuro, I want to go.”

A rarely seen shine in Hinako’s eyes lit up as she nodded non-stop towards Kurou.

Currently it was Sunday. Kurou had brought Hinako out to the streets as promised.

With an assured manner, Sefi came along as well. When it came to shopping, having a female companion was probably better. That was what Sefi brought up when coming along.

After departing from the Sword Academy, the car ride took about twenty minutes. These streets were teeming with the youths of Swordia.

Tokyo Swordia was noticeably divided into two portions, the Specialized Central Region and the Outer Human Region.

The government and economic capabilities were gathered in the Specialized Central Region. It was the Swordie’s sphere of influence.

On the other hand, the Outer Human Region was predominantly occupied by humans.

There were no police checkpoints, walls, or anything of the sort between the boundaries. Basically, humans and Swordies were able to travel between the two regions at will.

However, even though there were no issues from a legal standpoint, there truly exists an invisible barrier at the borders. As a result, no one would particularly want to cross the borders.

The three of them were of course within the Specialized Central Region.

It was a clear sunny morning. It was halfway into May and although the temperature was a bit high, there was a nice breeze that made it a comfortable day.

After getting out of the car that Sylphy had assigned to them, they instantly followed Sefi’s instructions as they set out shopping. Following that, their first target was the department store which Sefi frequents. Compared to the fashion boutiques that teens generally go to, Sefi seemed to prefer the plain stores. Although to Kurou, he did not have the slightest clue as to the difference between the types of stores.

“Hey hey, Kuro, take a look at this.”

Hinako, who always maintained that stoic expression, had sparkles in her eyes as they entered the department store.

“What are you doing standing by the entrance?”

“Look at the stairs…...they’re moving!”


Kurou followed Hinako’s line of sight, which led to an upward moving escalator.

“......Can I go back?”

“Hold it right there. You said you would bring her here right?”

“Perhaps that might have been the case……”

Sefi stared intently at Kurou who was feigning stupidity.

Common sense was clearly out of the scope of this ojou-sama. Kurou and Sefi understood this point very clearly.

However, who knew her inexperience could reach these levels.

“First let me clarify, I was just kidding. Automatic escalators and such, even I know about that.”



Kurou looked thoroughly frustrated while Sefi put on a superficial smile.

“W-Well I guess we should be going. Let’s start with clothing. How about we go to the store that I regularly go to?”

“......About that Sefi, I have a question.”

Hinako had her eyes fixed on the floor layout sign near the entrance.

“It says there are food stands underground? Perhaps it's just the psychological effect, but there is a sweet smell.”

“Suddenly wanting to eat already? Alright, please keep up with us.”

After she finished speaking, Sefi grabbed Hinako’s hand and marched off.

Although Hinako gazed downwards with a reluctant expression, she did not resist Sefi as she followed her.

Kurou wryly smiled while staying behind the two of them.

As they entered the women’s clothing store level, Sefi led the way, treading through the place in a well-versed manner.

“Oh yeah, Hinako, what kind of clothing style do you like?”

Sefi scanned around in excitement. Even though today was a rest day, she was still wearing her school uniform.

On the other hand, the only proper clothing Hinako had for going outside was her school uniform. Sefi specifically came with them to go buy clothes for that reason.

Of course, Kurou was also wearing his uniform. To him, he preferred wearing his uniform. Although the laws did not prevent humans from roaming within the Swordie region, issues would arise if others noticed he was a human. It would probably be difficult to suspect that he was human while wearing the Sword Academy’s uniform.

On another note, Kurou kept the katana he always used by his waist. Sefi also had a sword on her. Since the sword she normally uses, the Starbreaker, was too conspicuous, she kept a spare double-edged sword. That said, Kurou planned on acting alone to counter any threats that might arise. There were no plans for having Sefi battle at all.

“Oh yeah, we should probably buy some spring wear for you as well. Even though it's already summer, there will be times when the weather turns cold.”

“Ah, I see. Then I’ll leave it up to you Sefi.”

“......You should put some thought into it as well.”

Hinako was quite intrigued by the urban environment, but not so much when it came to fashion.

“Jeez, if it isn’t a maid, it’s a nurse. Always with the cosplay. That’s why I have a peculiar impression of Hina. Even I have a tough time choosing for you……”

Sefi grumbled as she entered a nearby women’s clothing store and proceeded to browse the clothing selection. Despite her complaints, she seemed to be giving it her all.

“.....By the way Kuro.”

“What is it?”

“It is most fortunate that you were able to get permission for me to come outside, but isn’t this just being placed under house arrest by the Sabers?”

“It’s unpleasant to hear you calling it house arrest. It's supposed to be protection. Well, it seems not only the sun cult, but even the Blazes are after you. It would be quite dangerous to go outside.”

In truth, the Sabers did not even consider guarding Hinako as a top priority. Despite HInako being the daughter of the cult leaders that lead a terrorist group, she was not considered a criminal herself. However, tossing her aside was out of the question so she was captured just for the sake of protection by the Sabers.

In order for Hinako to head out elsewhere, Kurou went to Sylphy for permission. However, it would be more accurate to say that she requested it from the Sabers and then gave permission to him.

Surprisingly, the Sabers knew going into this that having Hinako head out may attract the Sun Cult or Blazes. If that were to happen and Kurou was able to capture the enemy, it would be a nice bonus.

Most importantly, this was in the name of the prize for winning the battle royal. Since there were no issues with the law and budget, Sylphy giving permission for such a thing was to be expected.

After Kurou elaborated to this extent, Hinako responded with an “I see” while nodding her head.

“However, it’s quite unexpected that they trust Kuro so much.”

“There’s nothing to it. Even if I fail and die, Hinako will just be taken away unharmed.”

“What a dull society we live in.”

Hinako was not particularly mindful of Kurou dying.

“Well, more importantly, the annoying part of being given this permission is……”

As Kurou was speaking, he cast a quick glance towards Sefi. Sefi seemed to be chatting with a store employee that she knew.

“Sefi will also be targeted by the Blazes.”

“Don’t say it was as you had predicted. Although Sefi doesn’t want to be enclosed within the school either. Furthermore, who knows when the Blazes will be wiped out.”

Sylphy would also disapprove, but she likely knows her sister’s tendencies. Being netted within the school, always being protected by others, that would certainly be against Sefi’s nature.

“Anyways, I am here for the time being.”

Kurou patted the katana by his waist.

No matter who attacked, Kurou planned on buying enough time for Sefi and Hinako to escape. Sefi’s abilities have risen. Even if the opponent was a Blaze, she could probably also accomplish something to this extent.

“Over here Hina! Come over!”

“Yes, I’m coming.”

Hinako briskly walked towards Sefi.

Kurou watched as the two of them were beginning to try on clothes within the store. There was nothing to fret about, as long as they were able to have fun that would be great.

It would be quite a mundane life if one were to be apprehensive all the time.

“However, to be shopping with the girls and such, Kurou must really be fearless.”


All of a sudden, there was a pat on his shoulders that stupefied Kurou. His mouth opened in shock.

Over there was————

“Lars? Why are you……?”

“Doesn’t your cellphone have a GPS installed in it? All I did was requested the Sabers’ electronics division to pinpoint your position……”

“N-no no, I wasn’t referring to that. I meant you should stop suddenly appearing out of nowhere.”

The person who appeared was Kurou’s fellow disciple and partner from the Sabers——Lars. Currently he is enrolled in the Sword Academy for his studies with Kurou. Even though he was not accompanying Kurou, he was still dressed in his uniform. The Beastslayer was hanging by his waist.

“Well, it looks like you just got yourself another guard. The deputy sure likes to indiscriminately order people around considering I just got discharged from the hospital.”


Despite being a bit startled, Kurou had no intention to complain. Lars had the successor’s mark for the Sword Saint too and his abilities were basically on par with Kurou’s. With him here, they could probably even buy enough time against an opponent like Manaka. Furthermore————

“Hey, Sefi, Hinako, look who is here to foot the bill!”

“Cut it out Kurou!”

“You are the son of the four generals. For things like money you guys should have stacks of it right?”

“That’s not the case since I’m already independent. I have nothing to do with my parents’ wealth.”

“Perhaps you could even buy the whole department store. We don’t even have to pay attention to the prices.”

“Kurou…...are you even listening to me?”

Sefi and Hinako leisurely walked over after they were done selecting clothes.

“So Lars, you were discharged from the hospital too?”

“Looks like you’re still alive Lars.”

“What a warm welcome.”

Lars grinned in response to Sefi and Hinako’s comments.

“They all look great. Although, right now I am a tad short on cash. After taking a quick glance, no matter which piece it was, I began to want them all.”

“Hmm? Sefi, isn’t your family loaded with cash?”

“It’s because my family comes from a long line of upright politicians. Just based on the salary of the four generals, it isn’t anything extravagant. Although, I can’t say we would ever experience poverty and such. However, after the war, Lars’ family went into the real estate business and made a fortune. Their business is very successful.”

“In other words, using one’s status to make money. What an upstart.”

“......No, I certainly did not strike it big.”

Lars looked a bit befuddled as he tried to explain.

His family was similar to Sefi’s family as they were all part of the four generals. Being an only child, he would one day rise to the pinnacle of the country assuming nothing drastic happened.

However, who knows if Lars was thinking about his succession situation. At the very least, Kurou knew that Lars was not someone who would care about his family’s power or wealth.

“Now is not the time for this. Hina, let’s continue.”


Sefi seemed to have lost interest in Lars as the two of them went back to the clothing store.

The remaining two boys looked each other in the face.

Afterwards, the two of them did a fist pound and laughed.

Humans and Swordies, despite being different races, a greeting like this was all that was needed for two disciples that have grown up with each other.