Oda Nobuna no Yabou:SS

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Short story : Sagara's Kindergarten Army[edit]

"So, the Sagara clan's tea party is starting now! Handling the important matters of the clan will be me, the eldest sister of the Sagara clan, Nene!"

"Nene, what's with the eldest sister? Aren't you my younger sister?"

"Hohoho, please compliment me more, Nii-sama. During the period when Nii-sama isn't around, Nene had searched Owari and Omi and as per our previous promise, I had put together an elite team of Sagara clan's retainers!"

"What? It's true that though I'm the master of a province, I'm still alone and without any members in my clan, we are short on manpower! That's why I had asked you to help gather talents for me... To look for bishoujos or strong man to put together a team. Then Nene you...."

"Nene gathered elites that can defeat thousands on their own. Because Nii-sama always want the support of the clan, everyone had become Nii-sama's younger sisters! It's name will be "Sagara's kindergarten army" as per future's saying! Everyone, please come in!"

"Wait, kindergarten... You?!"

"Be overjoyed, Nii-sama! You have gained 4 younger sisters all of a sudden! The first is the chibi who is extremely skilled with the abacus and brewing tea, Ishida Sakichi!"

"Hehe. It's our first meeting, Aniue. I'm the girl being rated as the smartest in Omi, Ishida Sakichi. Leave it to me if you want tea, no matter if it's hot or warm tea, I will brew it."

"In future's saying, Sakichi can be called a tea master. Anyway, as long as it's for Aniue, I will follow any order, just don't mention the topic on breasts. That is a definite no!"

(Such a small girl, Ishida Sakichi is the.... future Ishida Mitsunari? This fellow is really a bi...bi...bishoujo... and that eyes of hers which is like she's alluring me, this is bad.)

"Other than the topic on breasts, as the loyal sister of Aniue, I'm willing to do anything. If Aniue wants a child, I had already prepare myself at all times. Hehe~"

"No, I'm thankful for that! If Nobuna hear that, both our heads will roll immediately, don't joke about such things!"

"Ara, Aniue, I'm not joking at all."

"Next is Ishida Sakichi's extremely close friend! The meek and shy masked girl! Whether if it's trap holes or self destructing, she is skilled in all traps and tactics! Otani Norinosuke!"

"....I...I...I'm Norinosuke. Pl... Please take care of me, Sa....Sagara-nii-chan.... Uhhh. Why is Norinosuke being brought to Nagahama castle and becomes the lord's younger sister? Uhhh, so scary, it's too scary."

"Uwahh, her eyes are big! The white mask which blocks all of her nose, the girl who hides her face behind it, Otani Norinosuke... is the future Otani Yoshitsugu?"

"Hold yourself together, Norinosuke. From today on, we are all Yoshiharu-nii-san's younger sister. Didn't we decide to be Sagara clan's loyal dogs till death? Hehehe~"

"A...A....A dog? Nii-sama shouldn't have such an interest, right....?"

Though everyone had been saying, Sagara Yoshiharu is a inhuman monkey who puts on the skin of a human and not let any girl off no matter if they are lolis or oppais. To...Towards his own sister, he won't do such weird things, right....?

.... *Teary eyes* If... If things like that happened, I...I...I will commit suicide. If...If that's the case, retribution will befall within 3 years."

"How can you complete great tasks if you're that meek, Norinosuke. For the ambition of Tenka Fubu, isn't it the responsibility of us as younger sisters to console Aniue's dissatisfaction? This is all for our pitiful Aniue who can only meet secretly with his beloved Nobuna-sama!"

"Ehhh? Co...Co...Console is, Sakichi-chan? Umm, giving a lap pillow to Nii-sama and then "Good boy, good boy", will that do?"

"Haha. You are a child no matter how long has passed. Such a thing can't do, Norinosuke. In this world, there is an even more mature way of consoling?"

"Ehh? Sakichi-chan, theeeeeen, whhhhhhhat is it?"

"For such a moment, Sakichi had bought many picture books and did a complete research. Ah, but just breasts are a nono, Aniue. Just that!"

"Even if it's Aniue you, if you touch the breasts of I Sakichi and then say things like , "Is that a breast?" or "Is that your back?", Sakichi will become angry too! I will poison your tea!"

"If Sakichi wants to, I can kill Aniue no matter when, please don't forget it!"

(How...How should I explain this to Nobuna.....)

"Nii-sama, looks like you are speechless over being too happy! The next is a beautiful black hair girl from Owari, Fukushima Ichimatsu! Though her looks are fair, but she's a spear master who will not lose to Maeda Inuchiyo-sama! She's an elite who swings the over 3metres spear "Nippongo"!"

"I'm Ichimatsu. Nii-chan, please take care of me! This Nippongo is taken from Oda Nobuna-sama's house when I stay at Azuchi!"

"That weight and length is the best! It's really tough!!! Really big!!! Really long!!! It's a dream spear that Ichimatsu will even dream of in her dreams!"

"Wait! Don't swing that big thingy around here, the tea room will be destroyed by you!"

"Haha, Nii-chan? With such a big spear swinging around, it's bound to make people excited, right!? Hahaha, my body... body is getting hot~"

After hearing that she had stolen it from Yamato Gose, Hanbei starts shivering from fright.

(This child is Fukushima Ichimatsu, the future Fukushima Masanori... Her character is the same as I thought, from just her looks, she looks more like a boy.)

(Who could have thought that she fits her attire too much, this is just an innocent kimono wearing bishoujo... With that attire and that hairstyle, it's just like a Ichimatsu figurine.)

"Enough Ichimatsu, we are having a tea party now, take care of your manners."

"Got it~ Tora-nee."

"Don't call me Nee!"

"This child, she's wearing boy clothes but is actually a girl? Though her eyes and nose are suave like a boy, her skin is very good. Her bodyline is much smoother than that of a boy's, or is that because her breasts are huge!?)

"The last is the girl who had spread her name far wild as a martial artist in Owari, the same as Ichimatsu, Kato Toranosuke! To train her skills, she is wearing men's attire like this, but her inner self is a cute girl fitting of her age!"

"Ahh - I'm Toranosuke. Please take care of me, An...Aniue. Pl...Please don't stare at me like that."

"Sorry. It's because this breast of yours had already far surpassed the idea of a younger sister, without knowing I..."

(Kato Toranosuke... seems to be the future, Kato Kiyomasa)

"You won't stand out at all with that men's attire. You have the most feminine figure out of the 4 of you, because your breasts are the biggest!"

"Yoshiharu-aniue, don't use such an irritating way of talking! I Toranosuke is devoid of other distractions other than martial arts, before I become the strongest warrior in Japan, I will not remove this attire!"

"Just like this, Nii-sama's side will now have 5 younger sisters beside you! With this, we have become a big clan, the Sagara clan will definitely prosper! How fortunate! And also, I had planned in the end to increase it to a total amount of 7!"

"Nene, I did say before to not just gather lolis, right? Find more Nee-chans and men. Though these few children aren't as small as you, but they are all young girls, right?"

"Uhhh...Uhh, aren't you happy, Nii-sama....? Nene.... Nene... just wants Nii-sama to be happy.... Uhh.... *Sob*"

"Ahh~ Ahh~! It's my fault! You did a great job, Nene!"

"Don't console Nene just because of that!"

Nono, though they are girls, but these four will become famous generals in the Sengoku SLG "Oda Nobunaga no Yabou" game.

"I can't believe you can gather such an amount of talent, Nene. It's almost like you mastered the skill "Acquire Talent"?"


"Yeah, well, though you had made all the princess knights of that age to be my younger sisters, Nobuna will definitely start getting paranoid and become fuming mad... That fellow's possessive tendencies are very strong."

"I Nene will persuade Hime's side! This four is what I chose just in terms of their strength and not in their gender or age!"

Nene is really a genius.

"Hehe, please take care of me from now on, Aniue."

"Nii-sama, if you do weird things, your descendants will receive retribution. *Teary eyes*"

"Nii-chan! Ichimatsu wants to hurry and join in the battle!"

"Th....That's that then. Pl....Please take care of me, Nii-sama. And, don't stare at my breasts like that."

And so, "Sagara kindergarten army" is born just like this.

~Translator's Notice:

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Translator's Notes and References[edit]

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