Kaze no Stigma:Volume2 Chapter 5

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Fall part two – The price of Soul-



There is a guy leaning against the wall reading a horse racing paper, his eyes stop at a female who passes the corner of his view.

That is a girl who looks a little over twenty, wearing a tidy blue silk kimono. The guy takes up his paper to cover his face, acting as though nothing is wrong, but yet staring at the girl attentively at the same time.

The girl seems completely unaware of his gaze, and continues to walk at a set pace. The guy folds his paper and places it under his armpit, and takes out a hand phone from belt holster at his waist.

“I see the target. Will begin tailing her.”

At the same moment------

A middle aged guy hangs a silver chain over an opened map. There is a platinum ring at the chain that forms a loop, wavering at a height that almost touches the map.


Suddenly, the chain begins to shift in a certain direction. The ring, as if being pulled by some invisible force, its movements seem clearly unnatural.

The guy moves in the direction the chain is being pulled in, and when he realized he had walked too far, he moves back again, and after repeating these adjustments over and over again, he finally stops at the point where the invisible force has led him.

“------ This is the place?”

The ring kept spinning at a point on the map. The guy reads out the name of the place that is indicated there, and then reaches out to pick up the phone on the table.

A young female is attentively staring at a crystal ball. That is a beauty who is dressed up as a fortune telling that can be seen anywhere on the streets, giving off a mysterious aura. Even though it is awful to describe her this way.

The crystal ball of radius twenty centimeters is carved and polished flawlessly, yet for some reason there is a white mist at the centre of it.

In order to see through the mist, the female uses a scary expression to stare at the crystal ball, a nerve revealing itself at her temple.


Maybe due to her hard work, the white mist gradually disperses, and an image begins to surface------ Something like a building.

The entire structure seems thin and long, a black cross is portrayed at the upper half of the white wall.

The entrance was zoomed into. The female reads out the words carved on the door, and joints them down carefully.

“Speaking of which, how daring. This is indeed a blind spot.”

The female gives a praising smile towards the enemy she has never seen before, and walks out of the room to make her report.

An hour later------

The ten Jutsushis led by Ogami Masayuki all gathered near a certain Church at Ikebukuro. The purpose, needless to say, is to hunt down Misao, whom they have finally found.

This operation is a little rushed, there was no time to hesitate. They failed to find any trace of where she was hiding before this, yet they managed to find her through a few channels suddenly.

It is really just too suspicious------ Or should it be said, that this is a luring that cannot be any more obvious, as if Misao is waving her hand right before their eyes.

It is just like saying I have hidden myself during a game of hide-and-seek, and then purposely stick her head out, as if purposely waiting for Kazuma to catch her.

But, Misao’s power should still not be sufficient to defeat Kazuma. Precisely because of this, Masayuki is acting hurriedly. In order to put an end to this himself, before Misao is defeated by someone else------

“Listen up people, among you, there may even be a few of you that are on good terms with Misao, but don’t misunderstand. She is an unforgivable evil being that has degenerated into a demon, so do not go easy on her. In order to uphold the name and honor of the Kannagi, we must eradicate her such that not a single cell of her remains!”

Standing before the subordinates he gathered, Masayuki is giving a speech loudly. The hidden meaning of “The survival of the Ogami family depends on this battle!” is conveyed to everyone clearly.

Or it can also be said that, nothing was mentioned other than this. Like his love for his daughter, pity, the pains of having to end his own daughter by his very hands etc.

Because it is his daughter, that is why he is so hardhearted, this kind of positive explanation is not entirely absent, but to believe this saying from the bottom of the heart would probably require a lot of imagination!

Masayuki’s attitude is just like that.

Ayano leaves the group, and as she looks at Masayuki’s back as he is giving the speech, she thinks in her heart.

(Maybe it is because of her father being this way, that Misao is unable to endure the pains of losing her brothers……)

Even so, the unpleasant feelings in her heart still lingers.

Maybe this is a child’s wishful thinking. But Ayano feels that, this is not what is meant by a family.

Ren at one side seems to have the same thoughts, his expression seems very uneasy.

“So then------“

After the speech ended, Masayuki turns towards their direction, a flattering smile on his face.

“If Kazuma comes over, please deal with him.”

“….. Hmm.”

As she is under no obligation to put Masayuki at ease, so Ayano emotionlessly nods in response. Not sure how Masayuki takes her reply, he frowns to verify once more.

“Is it really okay?”

“What do you mean?”

”…… Are you confident in winning against Kazuma?”

“How can I be confident about that.”

Ayano says bluntly. This is not to scare him, but the true words in her heart.

However, Masayuki’s expression changes greatly hearing what she said.

“How…… How can that be!? Then why did you promise to take care of Kazuma!?”

“Need you ask? Because I am the only who can do it.”

Ayano looks coldly at the shocked Masayuki, and says bluntly:

“No matter what your thoughts may be, Misao must be eliminated. Not by the hands of others, but by us, the Kannagi clan, so I will not let Kazuma make trouble regarding this.

If it is left up to you people, you would all be killed within three seconds. But, I can buy you people up to three minutes, so figure something out during this period of time!”

The whole area became quiet instantly. What Ayano just said is not an alarmist talk, the number she gave, three minutes, is already a very optimistic estimate.

To think that they naively believe that up against Kazuma, having Ayano on their side allows them to relax. Perhaps the image of “the weak Kannagi Kazuma” is still buried deep in their hearts!

“So, what is the battle plan?”

Ignoring the tense atmosphere, Ayano voices out to ask Masayuki. If they have intended to fight a prolonged battle, they must change their plans immediately.

“Y…… Yes. We intend to lure Misao out from the church, and then chase her to the park just opposite. This entire area has been blocked off, so there is no worry that other people may get involved in this. After that we just need to set up a kekkai in the park, Misao is like a fish in the net. It is absolutely foolproof, there will not be any accidents.”


Ayano thinks that this is not a bad method. In terms of fighting abilities, Misao is not much of a threat, so by sealing off all possible escape routes, with the power of ten, they should not lose at all?

“But, who is the one blocking the area off? And, the kekkai is……”

As she is querying, Ayano shuts up suddenly. Because she recognizes a female figure that is walking towards this area.

A tall and thin outfit with trousers. As she is wearing sunglasses, so her face is not clearly visible, but Ayano somehow just feels that she has seen this female somewhere before.

“The kekkai is ready, we can start anytime.”

After a routine report, the female takes off her sunglasses. Ayano widens her eyes instantly.

“A…… Ahhhhhh------!!”

She stretches her finger out and calls out without realizing it. That is undoubtedly the woman from before, holding hands with Kazuma at the love hotel street, called Kirika.

“Hi, Ayano.”

Kirika smiles faintly, and looks at Ayano leisurely.

“…… You know each other?”

“We met once before.”

Kirika replies, acting as though she is unaware at all. Masayuki puts on a serious expression and stares at her.

“I hope you mind your tone. Ayano-sama is of the bloodline of the main family, she is originally not allowed to be spoken to directly like this------“

“Oh, sorry for having been so rude.”

Kirika apologizes respectfully, and cutting into a long nag by an old man at the same time. She uses an extremely natural attitude to neglect the Masayuki who seems to still want to say something, and gives a formal salute towards Ayano.

“I am superintendent (Note: A title of one of the ranks of the Japan Police, of the middle ranked officers.) Tachibana Kirika sent by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (Note: Japan’s east Tokyo central main base of the police force). It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Police……? The surname Tachibana, could it be------“

I am from a branch family.”

Kirika smiles as she shrugs her shoulders.

Ayano gets more and more confused. Speaking of the Tachibana family, that is a famous Onmyoji clan. Even from the branch family, how can it be possible that a member of that clan become a police.

(Prepare kekkai------?)

Ayano stares at Masayuki with strict eyes instantly.

“You sought the help of police?”

The duty of the Kannagi clan is to eradicate youma through direct combat, and the quality of their work requires cooperation from government related agencies such as the police.

As their relationships with the police are rather close, and their astounding results from protecting the society for the past thousand years, some unreasonable requests are still accepted.

But, in this current case, there should not be unrelated personals like the police involved since the start.

The criminal they are hunting down is from their own family. And to degenerate from a Jutsushi into a youma, and to kill over a hundred people has already left a great stain for the clan. Such a fact should not be revealed to outsiders.

“N…… No…… This is because……”

Seeing that Ayano is questioning him, Masayuki became afraid, he bends down slightly and retreats backwards, yet Kirika does not change her relaxed attitude.

“Please calm down, we are helping in response to Jugo-san’s request.”


Ayano asks in doubt. Masayuki who is hiding behind Kirika hurriedly nods in agreement.

“That is right, Ogami Misao’s hiding location is also found by us!”

Even so, Ayano still cannot understand, why would her cautious father do something that even she knows is dumb.

Against Ayano’s hostile eyes, Kirika walks towards her, defenseless. Then, she places her face by the ear of Ayano who is in her battle stance, and says softly at a volume that only Ayano can hear:

”You are mindful of what we know?”

Ayano’s body shook lightly. Kirika continues saying, looking as though she feels like laughing:

“Those things that you “do not want others to know”, we already know very well. For example, what Ogami Misao did------ But, we are still unsure of the actual number of victims.”

(Should I kill her------?)

Ayano ponders about this seriously. Even though she is very unwilling to do so, but she really cannot just ignore what she said.

“You indeed to threaten the Kannagi?”

She verifies one last time. If the other party nods, then she must set her mind to it.

But Kirika shakes her head with ease.

“How can that be. I am not so ignorant, after all, such a minor issue of this standard is not enough to use as a handle.”

“------ What do you mean?”

“The “value” of the Kannagi, will not be shaken by this minor scandal. Maybe if those higher ups know of this, they may use it as a chip at making deals, but this information will be kept with me.”

Ayano raises an eyebrow.

“Didn’t you say you will not threaten us?”

“Don’t you get it? This is to represent my sincerity.”


“Kill me, and no one will ever find out------ That is what it means.”


“Why do you……”

“So that the soushu of the Kannagi will remember me, this tiny price means nothing. Besides, we will also get a record of having helped the Kannagi.”


Ayano has a strange feeling. The “we” that has appeared several times in Kirika’s speech, does not seem to mean the entire police organization.

There is only one explanation that she can think of. That would be that in between the two unrelated powers of police and jutsushis, there is a line linking the two.

“Could you be that? That…… called Information consolidation department or something……”

“To be more accurate, it would be the special information consolidation department. I am the chief of that place.”

Kirika nods proudly.

The special information consolidation department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

This is a department that is established only in the recent years, as if to hide from others, the nameplate of this department only lingers quietly at one corner of the basement of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Everyone knows of the existence of this department, but the number of people that knows what they do is very few. To the extent where what the words “Special Information” means, the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department------ Including the employees working there, there is no one that knows at all.

To put it simply, there is no such thing existing. Such an obscure department name, it is just a hoax to hide the contents of its operations.

For over a century after the Bureau of Onmyo was disbanded, Japan has passed on most of the spiritual protecting jobs to its people. In order to make a breakthrough from this current situation, this special information department is established------ The only government-run exorcising organization.

As they are unable to label themselves as an exorcising department in broad daylight, so they used a name that seems to “do odd jobs”. It is even rumored that, the “information” is taken from the same pronunciations “dead spirits”.

Leaving this government agency style of naming aside, its establishment really made an impact in the field------

“Oh, so there really is such a department. I have not heard of any activities at all, so I had thought that it is just an urban legend kind of rumor.”

From Ayano’s current understanding, it is something like that.


Hearing this harsh comment, Kirika shows a hurt expression.

“O…… Of course we have been active! Restoring distorted kekkais, suppressing land-bound spirits etc…… Because we have to obtain Jutsushis with fighting capabilities, so we are unable to undergo large scale exorcisms……”

“Ah ah, so you are a bunch of people that are working silently. That sure seems like a government functionary.”

Ayano smiles with a “Hmph hmph”. That expression is really arrogant and incomparable, “so cute” that it makes one want to give her a tight slap.

But Kirika is an adult after all. She does not show her anger, and uses a kind smile to say to Ayano:

“But, the higher ups are always unable to understand our unnoticeable activities. Ayano, do you want to come over and work in the Special Information Department? Even if it is just as a part time job.”

“I refuse.”

Ayano’s reply is very firm. Yet, as if she just thought of something, she uses querying eyes to look at Kirika.

“Ah…… Could it be that, that time you were trying to persuade Kazuma to join?”

“Huh? Ah ah, you meant the last time we met?”

Kirika shows a relaxed smile.

Their positions are switched instantly. Ayano who is now at a disadvantage refuses to give in and stares back at Kirika, but her eyes reveals clearly that those are just looks, and empty within.

“In your heart, you really hope that I met with Kazuma only because of work right?”

“N……No I don’t……”

Despite how she is negating it at her mouth, Ayano can’t help but ask again:

“------So, what is it?”

Seeing Ayano who is lowering down her head while staring at her, Kirika replies:

“I won’t tell you.”


“Be it for private or work, I am under no obligations to tell you anything. Isn’t that right?”

(This…… This woman……!)

Ayano’s eyes glow with murderous intent. Against such strong stare, Kirika still maintains her relaxed smile.

As the two continues staring at each other, a hand tugs Ayano’s sleeve, shrinking up. Ayano looks at that direction, and turns back to stare at Kirika after that.

“Don’t interrupt me, Ren. I must settle things with this woman------“

“But, everyone is waiting for us.”


Ayano follows the direction Ren is looking in, there are ten Jutsushis using very unfriendly eyes to observe their duel.

Among which, Masayuki seems especially impatient. He is trying his best to control himself so that he does not show an anxious expression, but he is unable to hide that nerve at his temple.

This feeling is just like using all the restraining powers one can master to hold back the impulse to scream out “Hurry up, you two brats!”.

In replacement of that roar, Masayuki asks in a fake manner:

“It is about time to head for the church…… Are the both of you ready?”

But, these two are of course not “brats” who would be afraid of someone like Masayuki. They look at the guy with a fake smile on his face, and coldly says:

“Then go?”

“Feel free to.”

Masayuki’s smile froze. He looks dumbly at the two with an expression that is neither laughing nor crying.

“I should have said ealier that “we can start anytime”. Or should I say, is there some reason that we must go together with you?”


“You better hurry and move along. If she escapes, are you going to take responsibility?”


After being blasted by the two’s words continuously, Masayuki’s face flushes red, unable to say anything anymore.

Facing this old man who is staring at her with cursing eyes, Ayano waves at him with ease------ As if chasing a dog away.

“Mmm…… Everyone, let’s go!”

After shouting out as if venting his anger, Masayuki walks off with loud and clear footsteps. He reprimands the Jutsushis who look at each other in an angry voice.

“Won’t you hurry up!”

“G……Got it!”

Seeing Masayuki and gang walk off hurriedly, Ayano breathes out lightly.

“Finally gone.”

Seeing such a frank reaction, Kirika asks smilingly:

“You seem to hate that old man a lot?”

“Need you ask! Someone who intends to stiffen his heart and kill his daughter for the survival of his clan------ There is no need to put up with him!”

“As for me, it doesn’t matter as long as the Soushu is happy. Besides, what kind of future can that guy have?”

Ayano shrugs her shoulders with a bitter smile.

“I can only say, oto-san has no intentions of destroying the Ogami family.”

Even so, he cannot not take up any responsibility at all! And this responsibility must be taken up by Masayuki who is the head of the family.

“The one who is to take responsibility exists precisely to take up the responsibility. I really like this sentence. By the way------ You really intend to fight with Kazuma?”

Kirika nods as if it evoked her thoughts, and then changed topics suddenly. Even though she is slightly at a loss, Ayano still replies honestly:

“Yeah, there is no one else after all. Even though I may not be able to win, but I can try to buy time.”

“……You don’t have to push yourself so hard. Even if you lose against that man, it is not considered shameful.”

“I know. I don’t intend to put my life at it. Besides, I have this kid with me.”

She pats on Ren’s head, who is standing beside her. Ren raises his head in surprise to look at Ayano.

“Huh……? Me too……?”

Ayano keeps quiet, and changes the hand on Ren’s head into the shape of a claw. A sharp pain strikes at Ren in an instant.

“O……Ouch! That hurts Onee-sama!”

“Let’s work hard together, Ren [Heart symbol]”


Ren gave in to fear and pain, nodding in reply with tears in his eyes.