No Game No Life : Tome 2 Prologue

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Prologue - Opening

Part 1

Quand vous tombez sur une porte fermé dans un RPG.

Avez vous déjà pensé ça ?

"Si je je peux utiliser de la magie, alors je peux la faire explosé", ou une idée du même genre

Et pourtant, vous ne pouvez pas. Pourquoi ?

A cause des "règles"

-Les jeux sont différents de la vrai vie

Bien sur il y a ceux qui disent qu'ils ne peuvent pas faire la différence

Mais, mais eux ont du percevoir que de temps en temps *quelque chose est différent*

Ce qui sépare la réalité de ce qui ne l'est pas est certainement ceci.

Il y a depuis toujours eu un débat pour savoir si le sport était un jeu ou une réalité. Hormis ce domaine, la raison qui différencie le jeu de la réalité est quelque chose de bien plus fondamental que ça ! C'est "les règles sont absolues"

Revenons à notre exemple de la porte. Si vous repreniez l'option réaliste et choisissiez d'ignorer les règles. Vous pourriez exploser toute les portes sur votre chemin sans aucune hésitation.

Mais, et si les monde touchait à sa fin et, quelque part, il y a une porte qui a besoin d'une clé pour être ouverte ?

Si c'est acceptable de prendre tous ce qu'il y a derrière cette porte sous prétexte que vous avez la clé, alors il n'y a aucune raison qui vous empêche de faire la même chose sans la clé, bien que vous puissiez être poursuivie pour destruction de bien privée :p

Et quand bien même vous rencontriez une porte si résistante que même une magie capable de réduire en poussière le roi démon n'est pas suffisante. Pourquoi ne pas détruire le mur

Si vous passez outre la 'porte' indestructible de cette façon, vous pourriez d'emblée allez affronter le roi démon.

Théoriquement, si vous pourfendez la pierre avec votre épée légendaire, ça devrai être la pierre qui céderait en première.

Pourtant, c'est jamais le cas. Pourquoi

Tout simplement car *ce serait pas intéressant*.

Oui, bien sur ! Les règles sont créé pour imposée afin qu'une quête amusante puisse être créé avec, comme point culminant, un objectif final

Aux échec, ce serait mettre le roi adverse échec et mat. Au football, ce serai mettre plus de but, et, dans un RPG, ce serai de pourfendre le dernier boss

Avec ces évidence clarifié, si on passe outre les règles qui mènent à 'l'objectif final', alors on perd tout le fun.

En conséquence, les règles des jeux sont "un absolue partagée"

Je suis sur que vous voyez maintenant

La réalité n'a pas de 'condition de victoire'

Il n'y a pas d’évènement achevée en remplissant certain critère, ni de paix créé en battant certain ennemies

Le prince et la princesse ne vécurent pas heureux et n’eurent pas beaucoup d'enfant

Peux importe bénie ou malchanceux, riche ou pauvre, tous rencontre la même 'funèbre impasse' sans exception

Ainsi, les gens ont toujours créé leur 'conditions de victoire', et on créé leurs propres règles adapté à cet objectif

Que soit soit en amassant des fortune, en vivant une vie confortable, en créant leurs scénarios de victoire ou de défaite, ils ont déja perdu

Maintenant, imaginons !

Vous jouez aux échec et, soudainement, votre adversaire ce met, à son bon plaisir, a faire des déplacement ridicule.

Sans jamais mettre votre roi en échec, il agit comme s'il avait déjà gagné.

... Du coups, ne voudriez vous pas devenir violent ? Ne serez t'il pas plaisant de le frapper ?

Et s'il y avait un jeu ou tout le monde jouait comme ça ?

Ho oui ! ça s'appelle 'la réalité'

-Et ce que les jeux et la réalité sont si différents ?

C'est le cas, sans l'ombre d'un doute

Et à ceux qui pense ça [1], je leur répondrais ceci :

Je ne veux rien avoir à faire avec toi, ughh——

Part 2

Eight 23 inch computer screens.

That had been their whole world.

A small world, with an equatorial diameter of 13000 km.

The world covered by a fiber-optic cable network.....Earth.

The concept of 'distance' had been lost in this world.

When connected to the internet, one can transmit their desires around the globe seven and a half times per second.

You can connect even to the very ends of the world.

—People now say that the world is infinite.

—But what they mean is that the world has infinitely shrunk.

With a single click of the mouse, one has everything one needs in life.

The piles of empty boxes made the once spacious room seem cramped.

The displays emitted an artificial light.

Or rather, the inside of the monitors did.

The hexadecimal world constructed therein had been 'their' world—their everything.

Further crowding the room were countless PCs and game consoles.

The bundles of wires connecting everything, and the plethora of controllers made walking a major hazard.

Illuminated by that light were two emotionless faces.

The two were waging fierce battles against strangers from every corner of the globe.

One was a black haired, black eyed young man.

One was a white haired, red eyed young girl.

Utterly absorbed in their screens, the room was silent.

The headphones of the two provided all the sound of 'their own world'.

All that could be heard was the inorganic whirring of machines, and endless clicking.

—They thought the world had narrowed.

The electronic network brought the world to their feet without them needing to take a single step.

But that led to a tsunami of information exceeding the recognition of individuals.

That vast ocean of information had not led to the infinite, but rather to the contrary.

The result had been an 'information overload', which had caused people to retreat to their own narrow worlds of desired data.

An infinite number of tiny, closed worlds.

Isolated, smaller than ever, sparsely populated realities.

Leading to place not here, but a truly limitless different world.

Reflected in the pupils of the two was a 'different world' existing in the monitors.

Worlds which, with enough concentration, offered the illusion that they had truly entered another world.

They were not social outcasts, chained within a 16 tatami room.

Sometimes they were the heroic saviors of a nation.

Sometimes the leaders of the world's largest guild.

Sometimes magicians, elite special forces, or assassins.

Typically, the world would revolve around them.

A world with 'definite clear conditions'.

The young man heaved a sigh.

Eight 23 inch computer screens.

That had been their whole world, for an endless amount of time.

These siblings, 'undefeated' in every game they had ever played.

Within the small world of those monitors, were almost an urban legend.

Within the 'small world' to which they belonged, they were the same as the heroes which they played in games.

But the moment they looked away, everything was the same as always.

Artificial, cramped, quiet. Fitting for social isolated, small world.

And the young man submitted to the unease which would always well up.

A sense of jamais vu[2], [is this really our room?]

Then, he would think further.

Without evidence, merely vaguely, fleetingly, wondering.

"Is this really...where we belong."

"Indeed, you are correct."

However a voice had responded to those questions in his mind.

Before him stretched their own familiar world.

The only thing out of place was a smiling, innocent, unfamiliar boy.

—No. Was he really that unfamiliar?

As memories began to unravel, the boy continued before he could make a sound.

"This isn't the place where you belong. Which is why......"

And then——

"Which is why, I will [Let you be reborn]."

Past and present, fiction and reality.

All of his recollections were still hazy.

Recognition became blurred, and as he began to lose his grip on the world.

What brought him back all of a sudden, was the same as always.

"............ah, I see. [I'm dreaming]."

And then things would end like all other 'dreams' did.

While unsure of just when it had ended, he felt his consciousness coming awake......

Part 3

Kingdom of Elchea, Capital of Elchea.

After repeated losses in gambling, territory after territory had been ceded and this lone city was now the final bastion of humanity.

Within the corridors of the royal castle of this city, walking along with an unsteady gait, was a single girl.

She was Stephanie Dora.

Granddaughter of the late king, with red hair and blue eyes, she was royalty of a venerable line.

—and yet.

The circles under her eyes and the pallor of fatigue robbed her of her inherent dignity.

With a suspicious smile, heading dizzily towards the 'King's' chambers with playing cards in hand, she resembled nothing less than......a ghost.

"Fu, at last, is the day of judgement!"

The day had just dawned, but it seemed she had been up all night.

Stephanie—also known as Steph, laughed disturbingly.

"Sora, you're awake aren't you! It's already morning!"

Boom boom.

With her free hand, Steph noisily knocked at the doors of the 'King'.


"Bee~~p. The person you are after is pretending to be out."


The voice coming out from the room wasn't the voice of the 'King'.

It was a strange 'take it easy' voice, delivered flatly in the tone of a synthetic woman.

"Please step away from the door as soon as possible, and do not enter without permission."

"—Sora, are you messing with me?"

"No, I'm seriously serious."

"Enough already! I'm going to enter without permission!"

He was probably just playing games in there anyway—no, there was no way he could be doing anything else.

She fought back her drowsiness.

And broke down the doors with a kick—or rather.

She forcefully kicked the doors open, and entering into the bedroom of the king, what she saw was...

"Sorry I'm sorry I wasn't doing it on purpose I really was in a bit of a tight spot just now and I didn't mean anything bad by it I really mean that sorry so sorry I'm so sorry!"

—Prostrated flat on the bed, the profusely apologizing 'King'.

Wretched, with tears in his eyes, shivering.

Steph however, already familiar with this sight, looked around for the guide.

The room was already flooded with countless games, such that it was impossible to take a step anywhere.

Seeing something which should be present missing, Steph muttered.

"......Ara? Sora, you're alone?"

"Yes I'm alone I'm lonely I have no reason to live surely my being born was a mistake I'm sorry I'll hang myself quietly after you leave so for now please—"

"......Nii......? You're...noisy......"

Interrupting the nonstop machine gun chatter of the 'King'—'Sora, was a tired voice.

Recognizing that voice, Stephanie let out another sigh.

"Come on, Shiro's right here isn't she. What are you doing?"


At that point, Sora looked over startled at 'Shiro'.

It appeared she had fallen out of the bed while sleeping.

Arching up from the bedside was a girl white as snow.

He immediately recognized the figure of that girl whose white hair trailed all the way to the ground.

The sight of Sora suddenly clinging on to that figure was—beyond words.

"Aa~~~~~~hhh, thank goodness! Sheesh, what a troublesome sister! Because of your sleeping habits your brother almost hanged himself you know, what would you have done then!"

Clinging to his sister—to 'Shiro', he let loose a stream of tears.

Not being good with mornings......being the only reason that could be thought of for her actions, his sister replied coldly with her eyes still half shut.

"......Nii......this is, overkill......"

"Wha!? Do you not understand how your brother feels!?"

Standing up suddenly Sora began to speak with wild gestures.

"Then tonight! After Shiro's gone to sleep, I'll go hide in the closet! When you wake up, I won't——"


Before he could even finish, however, Shiro began to cry.

"You see!? You understand how your brother feels, right!"

"......I'm, sleeping habits......are bad, I'm...sorry......"

Seeing his sister apologizing so sincerely while sobbing, he stroked her head.

"No, I'm sorry. I went too far. Thinking such bad thoughts, I'm a terrible brother."

"......hic......o, kay......"

With that, the man who had just earlier been shaking and apologizing like a newborn gazelle.

Now haughtily and forcefully turned around to Steph, and began throwing out orders.

"So, the one at fault is ultimately this bed! Steph, dispose of this at once and spread out some futons!"

"Wh, whaaaat!?"

Steph could never get used to the crazy antics of these siblings.

Having such an outrageous demand placed on her, she responded in a strange voice.

"I-it, it's the royal bed! Do you know just how long it's history go—"

"Nope. But for the purposes of sleeping it separated Shiro from me, so it's unsuitable. It's tilted, isn't it?"

"......Nod nod."

Shiro unhesitatingly showed her consent.

—-This was just ridiculous.

"Th, that one bed is enough to buy a whole house you know!?"

"Then sell it and let's buy a house. A happy family will be born, isn't that wonderful?"

"Y-y-y-y-you, youuu—"

Faced with a tyrant, Steph was trembling at a loss for words, when suddenly Sora spoke.

"Ah, that's right. The things in this room belonged to the previous king——in other words your grandfather's, Steph."

As if testing what her reaction would be.

Sora then tapped his fist into his palm, like he just had a great idea.

"Then let's do this. From today onwards, this will be your room."

"Wha—, this is the 'King's bedroom' you know!?"

"I am the king. Wherever I sleep will be the 'King's bedroom'."

The 'King' briskly began to list things off.

"Just empty a room used by the maids. Well, leave the bedding and mattress of course."

As Sora continued saying that a futon, if available, would be more preferable, Steph's reasoning was unable to keep up for a moment.

Her reaction was several seconds late.

"T-the maid's rooms, are 'cabins' outside the castle you know!? They're made of wood you know!?"

"Hm? I can't let that pass you know, don't underestimate wood!"

Sora cleared his throat with a cough.

"Breathable, hygroscopic, temperature-regulated, shockproof, wind-resistant, surpassing all other materials, a fortress for hikikomoris! As long as you're careful with fire, there is nothing better to construct a Japanese house from—"

At that point, it seemed he thought of something.

Sora proceeded to retrieve the PC connected to a solar charger by the window.

"Ah, as I thought. There're textbooks on Japanese architecture in here."


"Right, let's make a 'house' on the castle grounds!"


While Steph was left far behind, Sora continued heatedly.

"What do you think Shiro, our dream home! Wouldn't that be a great idea!?"


"Fufu, I already know everything you have in mind, my little sister!!"

Although it seemed the brother had only just started considering that point too.

With a flourish, he pointed to the castle courtyard outside the window.

"Right there is closer to the castle than the maids' place, and it won't cause a problem for the workers. It's close to the castle kitchens too, so we can continue being hikikomoris as usual! The greenery means the air is fresh, and it's not crowded! And thanks to the castle walls, the morning sun won't disturb us! Is there any more divinely situated place than this!!"

After Sora's proud speech, Shiro slowly raised a hand.


"Alright! And so, Steph."

"Eh, ah, y-yes?"

Steph could only flap her mouth in bewilderment.

"Find some craftsmen of wooden buildings. Hm, I don't know what the building code for this world would be, so select say, a staff of twenty of the best? Just tell them to make it out of wood and leave the rest to them."

—Now for the late introductions.

This is the King and Queen of the final kingdom of 'Imanity', Elchea—Sora and Shiro, a pair of siblings.

They don't set a foot outside the room all day. All they do is play games, read, and make unreasonable demands.

—Very much like 'tyrants'.

"~~~~~~~~~~~~~Soraaa! We're having a game!"

Dealing with these despots, Steph finally lost all patience.

Gripping the playing cards in her hand, she glared at Sora.

For those tyrants—yes, today was the 'day of judgment'.



Hearing that word 'game', Sora's eyes sharpened.

At that instantaneous change, which Steph had already seen countless times, she shuddered.

The crying, shaking man from earlier had become a bumbling brother.

With a single switch.

As if seeing straight through one's heart, one's intentions, and holding all in the palm of his hand.

Enough to give off such an illusion, a machine-like calmness.

Yet his face was that of a game master, befitting the king of war.

—But before that.

Staring into his eyes, Steph instantly felt her heart leap and her face heat up.

She had challenged him to a game in this very same matter once before.

And the 'price' reminding her that she had been utterly beaten, was even now firmly engraved on her mind.

In the face of that, her momentum lost its steam.

Seeing Steph avert her gaze, reddened from ear to ear, Sora confirmed.

"You wish to challenge me to an 'Acciente' game, is that what you mean?"

"Y, yes, t-that's exactly right!"

"......the [Ten Oaths]......number, five......the has the decide...the contents of the game....."

Shiro recited the rule from memory.

—They were the absolute rules that God had decreed for this world.

Unbreakable in any situation, absolute and immovable.

"Heh~~on top of that, me? You challenge me to a game?"

—the game had already begun.

As Sora seized the psychological advantage, Steph was unable to get out the words she had previously prepared.

"A, a~ra, surely humanity's strongest gamer-sama would not be afraid to compete with me at m-my, strengths?"

Thinking desperately, Steph blurted out the countermeasure she had been practicing over and over.

But she couldn't keep a quaver out of her voice.

With a wry smile, Sora let out a bold laugh.

"I see, so you came at least a bit prepared this time—so, what is it you 'wish to wager'?"

Games played according to the [Ten Oaths] demanded absolute compliance.

What one gambled could said to be part of the tactics.

"Fufufu......if I win—"

As if waiting for that question, Steph spoke without hesitation.

"Sora will [become a respectable person]!"


......Steph declared as she pointed.

But the only response was silence.

"H, huh......?"

A deathly silence reigned over the king's bedroom.

"I see it's come down to this", or "Don't hit me where it hurts!"

Steph had been expecting such replies.

But instead, Sora's eyes were shining brightly.

"I, I see—since the [Ten Oaths] are absolute, you can do that kind of thing as well!?"


At this better-than-expected response from Sora, Steph could only look away red-faced.

"B-b-but, didn't you order me to 'fall in love'......if so—"

Indeed that time when Steph had faced Sora in a game, through a series of trickery she had been requested to 'fall in love'.

As you can see, regardless of her own will she had been forced to 'be in love'.

"I, I see,"

It was as if the scales had fallen from his eyes.

Moved to look up at the sky, Sora gave a cry.

"Th, then, don't make me a citizen—make me a 'riajuu[3]'!"

"Ria, juu? What the heck's that."

"It's technically the same as a citizen. Now let's play! I'll lose!!"

"Eh, well, um......"

Biting her lip, Steph seemed to be at a loss as to how to respond.

Succor came from an unexpected source.

"......Nii....if you, someone apart from......Shiro......"

"Wha—! S-sister, do you intend to stand in the way of your brother's path towards becoming a riajuu!?"

"......Kuuhaku『   』"


Yes, Sora and Shiro—the combo of Kuuhaku『   』 can never accept any losses.

It was a promise the two had made back in the previous world.

In a world without rules, it was an absolute, unshakable rule the two had made for themselves alone.

As if he had fallen from heaven to hell, Sora's face displayed unmitigated despair.

"No way......come on! I mean, there's no way I could lose to Steph in anything unless it's on purpose!!"


Ignoring Steph who had begun twitching uncontrollably, the siblings continued their argument.

"......Even, can't......"

"This, this can't be, my rosy riajuu life was right before my eyes! H-hey, Shiro, you challenge me then. If it's you there'd be no problem, I can go all out and lose, let's say, in chess or something!"

"......But......I refuse......"

"Arrrghhhh, goddammit! Steph!!"

"Y, yes!?"

Clasping his hands together as if in prayer, Sora turned to Steph and cried out from his soul.

"I realize that there is one in a million—no, it'd be more approaching an imaginary number, but there's gotta be a game you might just possibly somehow be able to beat me at! I'm begging you! Answer this infinitesimally small hope of mine!!"

"Fu, fufu......fufufu......fufufufufufufu, you yourself said it!"

Receiving that abuse laden rant, Steph's mouth twitched before she began laughing maniacally.

"The game will be—'Black Jack!"



As the siblings both sighed for different reasons, Steph, not understanding either, looked dismayed.

"Eh, huh? What is it!? It's a game with a chance of success!!"

Sora merely returned another sigh.

Turning to Shiro who seemed to have lost all interest, Steph shouted.

"The dealer will be me! Sora will be the player! This way Sora can't cheat, and even if he does I'll know and it'd be my win! In a game of pure chance, ability doesn't matter!"

Sora looked out the window. A single twinkling glimmer slowly rolled down his cheek.

"Writing together the characters for 'human' and 'dreams' results in 'vanity', huh. Well Steph, don't be discouraged. There's always a next time."

Hearing Sora's line normally reserved for after winning a match, Steph exploded.

"Ma, making fun of me......j-just you watch! 'Acciente'!"

That was the word used when invoking the [Ten Oaths], signifying a vow of absolute compliance had been made.

"Yeah yeah......'Acciente'......I guess."

"Oh, right, I forgot to add what I'll be gambling—"

"Sure......well, whatever's fine......sighhh......"

"Y, you——!!"

In the face of Sora who took his victory as a foregone conclusion, Steph inwardly told herself to calm down.

—Yes, calm down. There is a 'chance of victory'.

In her mind, Steph was grinning horribly.

A game of pure chance? No way in hell.

Steph had been busy practicing all night, of course she intended to cheat to win.

It was the dealer who shuffled.

If she counted out the cards while shuffling yet in an 'acceptable looking way', she could win.

Unlike substituting cards or the like, it was impossible to prove.

Number eight of the [Ten Oaths], 'If cheating is detected during a game, it will be regarded as a defeat'—in other words.

If it's not detected, you can do it!

(Fufufufu......prepare to receive your just desserts for underestimating meeeeeeeee!)

—However, Steph didn't know.

More so since she had come this far.

Winning against Sora with something of that degree- was utterly impossible......

Part 4

—Beyond the horizon.

Towering even over the mountains, large beyond human perception was a giant chess piece.

Perched on top of the king, his feet dangling over the edge, was a lone boy.

Whistling as if enjoying himself, in his hands were a 'blank book' and a quill pen.

"Nn......what to write~"

It seemed as if he was thinking about the continuation of his story.

Over time, as he thought of something, his pen would move.

"Once upon a time, there was a world where an absolute rule was set prohibiting all force and calling for every dispute to be solved by games!......there. Hm. Well, something like that?"

Nodding from his seat higher than the heavens, the boy looked out into the distance and muttered.

"......I wonder if they'll move soon......the 'latest piece'."

The boy's name was Tet.

The creator of this world where everything is decided by games, 'Disboard."

The one who had emerged from the former War of the Gods seated as the sole god remaining, the 'God of Games'.

That lone god, his eyes sparkling as if reminiscing about a lover, looked out into the distance.

"—A question, art thou preventing the destruction of Imanity?"

From thin air, an arrogant voice resounded.

"—At last, hast thou been moved to act?"

Tet certainly took a little offense at that voice, yet he remained all smiles.

"Eavesdropping now? That's not a terribly commendable hobby."

Spying on the lone god Tet, the imperfect presence spoke.

It was undoubtedly one of the previous ranking Old Gods—and one still possessing a limited amount of power at that.

Tet, who was now the sole god, could easily find out who it was, and yet he had no interest whatsoever.

"—A question, before the decision on whom to crown as Imanity's new king, an event modification was observed. Art thou taking sides?"

Tet answered, however, in a bored tone.

"......Really, you guys are dull as ever."

Then he reversed, and his eyes filled with sparkling anticipation once again.

With a yearning smile, Tet spoke.

"I am on nobody's side. If you won't understand that, you'll continue playing a stale game forever."

Then he laughed.

A laugh, which amidst the vast disappointment, contained great hope.

"'They' will come. All the way up to me—and none of you can stop them."

His eyes were far away, looking over the last city of Imanity—over Elchea.

For the one god, endless years were as the blink of an eye.

His eyes were like—

A child on the day he was going to the amusement park, impatiently awaiting for his parents to get ready.

With a whisper, Tet confirmed that the presence of the voice from the void had faded.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, Kuuhaku『   』-san."

He knocked his heels against the piece he sat atop of.

"I'll run out of patience soon~, if you keep me much longer—I might just have to come out and play?"

Curling his lip fearlessly, God spoke.

"Ah, that's right. The continuation—"

As if thinking of the continuation of his story, Tet lifted his quill pen.

"One day two gamers from another world were invited to the country of Imanity, the lowest of the Exceed. The two came to defend Imanity, who had been backed into a corner to their final land—Elchea, by the other races, then becoming the king and queen—everything began from here......kay ♪"

—the story continued to spin out.

Eventually it would be a grand epic, told to the people by bards everywhere.

What God wove was the story of future gods.

Writing out the prologue to the next legend——


  1. En anglais, la phrase est affirmative, mais le sens n'est pas forcement cohérent. A confirmer sur le texte original. Mais je ne fait que de l'anglais, dsl
  2. Jamais vu (French- "never seen"), is often described as the opposite of déjà vu (French- already seen). Jamais vu involves a sense of eeriness and the observer's impression of seeing the situation for the first time, despite rationally knowing that he or she has been in the situation before. Link
  3. Someone with a fulfilling 3D life.

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