Buffet Hitagi

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Normalmente veo a Senjougahara en la escuela, pero rara vez tengo tiempo de encontrarnos los domingos. Pero, sorprendentemente, nos encontramos ese día.

Dicho eso, lo único que pasaba es que su padre le había dado un cupón para un buffet de pasteles, que solo puede ser usado los domingos y ella de repente quería usarlo. Es una cafetería de postres que es demasiada costosa para civiles, para que la tienda mantuviese su estilo, normalmente normalmente no recurre al mismo comportamiento que un buffet, pero parecía que ese día era el aniversario de la tienda.

Hablando de comer pasteles, cuando estoy de frente a un mostrador lleno de donuts, no puedo prometer que Shinobu no saldrá de mi sombra. Por supuesto, nunca había salido en frente se Senjougahara, y nunca le había importado algo mas que las donuts de Mr. Donuts(básicamente no come comida humana), gracias as eso, estaba algo tranquilo.

Si existía alguna preocupación, seria el exterior de la tienda. Los chicos parecían necesitar cierto grado de coraje para poder entrar, lo que me enojo tanto que me puse rígido, pero necesitaba tolerarlo.

La burla de Senjougahara ya no me molesta, y los pasteles son ricos y variados. Además, era lo mejor que había comido en mi vida, así que no me importa nada más.

Hmm, delicioso.

Incluso cosas mas grande son triviales en frente de toda esta comida. El hecho que humanos son animales dominados por la comida -De repente sentí que había experimentado esa profunda verdad.

No, es lo mismo, incluso para los vampiros.

"Senjougahara. ¿Engordaste?" Dije.

Respirando un poco, lo dije inadvertidamente.

Aunque no había visto ningún show de comedia recientemente, aun así podía describir la imagen en el siguiente instante, algo como hacer una fiesta, un elegante pastel voló hacia mi cara.

No se si es por la comodidad de los invitados al comerlo o si solo fue diseñado de esa forma, pero ese pedazo de pastel elegante era mucho mas pequeño de lo que imaginaba, se podría decir que era un mini paste, así que, afortunadamente, mi cara y ropa no estaban sucias, el pastel fue atrapado directamente por mi boca.

Fue un método muy directo de comerlo

"Huh? Dijiste algo que no debías haber dicho? Araragi-kun."

Los ojos de Senjougahara se abrieron bastante.

Su mirada asesina era intimidante.

"Las mujeres no engordan."

"Oh ... ... Es así?"

"Si. Las mujeres sólo crecen."

Senjougahara puso el tenedor en su mano y comenzó a comer, exageradamente, secciones del paste una tras otra.

"Esto no es engordar, es sólo crecer."

"... ..."

Que gran explicación.

"Si sigo comiendo así. pronto me convertiré en dos personas."

"¡Espantoso en muchas formas!."

Esa explicación da miedo, pero tener dos tu da mas miedo.

"Digamos que, antes estabas demasiado delgada, entonces si ganas algo de peso ahora, la carne extra seria muy obvia." "No digas que la carne extra seria muy obvia."

Senjougahara estaba lista, sosteniendo el tenedor.

Enfrente mio, su novio.

... ... Algo que vale la pena mencionar, si ella fuese la Senjougahara de hace tiempo, seguramente, en vez de tirarme el pastel, me hubiese atacado el tenedor sin misericordia. Al darme cuenta de eso, sentí que se había calmado mucho con relación aquel tiempo.

Pero, ciertamente no puedo decir que se haya vuelto mas gentil.

"Continuando la conversación, Araragi-kun, hablando de cosas como el peso en frente de una chica, esas cosas son demasiados sensibles."


En realidad, era cierto.

Pero ver a Senjougahara comer tan feliz, Estaba sorprendido tanto como estaba bebiendo te negro, así que queria eating so happily, I was shocked even as I was drinking black tea, so I wanted to pull her down a notch.

On this steel-skin face, or rather steel-shell face, I wanted to reveal a little flaw in that face.

Basically, I wanted some mischief.

"Although I didn’t want to say it, but recently I have gained a little weight."

"Hmm. So it’s actually true."

I'd thought it was an illusion.

"Specifically about five kilograms."

"By that much, what!?"

Five kilos!

Isn’t that the same as her weight when she was possessed by the crab?!

In this sense, it’s the addition of one person’s worth.

"What is wrong? It’s a popular scenario that’s been coming out lately."

"No, that’s not the case. If it is the flesh that was coming out then it’s really frightening."

"You're really annoying. Be careful of me making your internal organs fly out."

The visceral fats coming out.

I hate this kind of 3D effect.


I can’t actually tell that she got fat... ... but, ah, she gained a lot.

"So would it really be better if you returned to the track and field team? That way you can also stay in shape."


Senjougahara really hates things about the past, especially things from middle school, but this time she didn’t refute, as if she were thinking deeply about something.

"Let me explain something."

Senjougahara said, while eating cake.

"Being able to eat what you love like this, and also being able to eat until you’re full... until a while ago this was unimaginable. That’s why I’m really happy.”


"Think about it. Back then, because of the crab, I – didn’t have any weight. So, just like limiting the weight of my clothing, I also had to limit food intake."

Eat too much – you’ll get heavy.

Senjougahara said.

"Ah ... ..."

I nodded.

I see.

Because being overly thin - because of this kind of reason.

Ultimately, Senjougahara is considered tall among girls (she's even taller than me). Even though she gained five kilograms, it actually probably is still far from reaching the standard weight.

"Being able to eat what you love until you’re full, is great. Having a real sense of that love."

Senjougahara repeated that continuously.

"When I love something, I will get a small feeling of being saved. Although, of course, I may be a person who has committed a lot of mistakes - but at least when I see something good is still something good, I still have this kind of emotion, so I am able to forgive myself a little. "

"Forgive -"

Being saved.

No - I can understand this point.

Saying I understood... it is better to say I have personally experienced it.

Perhaps, the opposite.

Only after you love something, can you feel like you’re being saved, or being forgiven. Only people like me and Senjougahara would have this kind of feeling –

"I like the me who is liking something, or you can say, in love with a girl in love. So, of course, this short phase has a denied meaning—but is there anything wrong?"

This is something from someone who has never hated herself - she said.

"That may be true ... ... but that can’t be a reason for overeating cake. Everything must have a limit."

"That’s right."

Senjougahra nodded, but her hands didn’t stop.

In the end, Senjougahara’s family’s economic condition has not recovered, so maybe there’s very little opportunity for her to eat this much.

But even if you say I’m crazy, I actually feel, slightly, that girls with a bit of meat are cuter; you can even say that I even want her to gain two more kilograms.

"So are you going to start jogging with Kanbaru?"

"Forget it. That weight loss method can’t be followed by ordinary people."

"However, while talking, I found that Araragi-kun can really eat. I’m telling you in advance, Araragi-kun, if your BMI goes over 20, I will ruthlessly break up with you."

"That benchmark is too strict."

20. That is even stricter than the metabolic syndrome.

"Ah, but that should be no problem."

"You seem very confident. Why?"

"No, I only recently discovered it, but this can be regarded as one of the few physical advantages of vampires. A vampire's speciality is the body being able to maintain a sound condition. If it goes over a certain value, it will naturally return to the optimum body weight. that is to say, I won’t get fat."


Senjougahara’s fork fell to the ground.

She bore a stunned expression - by the way, this kind of expression, I have never seen it before.

The expressionless attribute collapsed.

"No, but, this is just a side effect. Not as tight as like Kanbaru. So I can still get a bit fat. So, I’m still very jealous of that person - hmm, Senjougahara-san?"

"How enviable ... ..."

I was harshly glared at.

"This kind of rule-breaking tactic, I will never accept it... ... you have this kind of body, and also use this condescending view to judge my weight gain ... ..."

"No, no, I'm not judging you."

"Okay, you will see. Araragi-kun who relies on Kaiis, I'll let you see the possibility of human beings. The parts that I grew, I’ll lose it in an instant – I declare it here, the Senjougahra weight loss plan activate. "

"Weight, weight loss plan ... ..."

So it’s not losing fat? A gross exaggeration.

"Ah. I’ll start the fight immediately after I finish this meal!"

Senjougahara said, and used her hands to grab the cake, eating it mouthful by mouthful (because the fork just fell on the ground). Then, at an alarming rate she started eating the cake on my plate.

In short, initially, I even worried that she was going to finish up all the cake in that place, but seeing the expressionless her enjoying the mood of liking something, I did not want to pull her down anymore.

As long as Senjougahara is happy, even if I don’t eat cake, I will also feel happy.

Today was the best day.

... ... A follow-up story, by the way, after that, Senjougahara really began training with Kanbaru together, and just like a joke, in a short amount of time she successfully lost weight.

Sure enough, you can not underestimate her perseverance.

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