AntiMagic Academy "The 35th Test Platoon":Project Specific Guidelines Names and Terminology

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Series specific style guidelines[edit]


Narration for this novel series is to be done in third person, unless there is a specific reason for it to be in first person - which will be signified by translator in forums, or wiki page. Exceptions are the character thoughts that are to be done in first person, and signified in italics, and lines spoken by characters.

Terminology translation, furigana usage[edit]

All terms that can be translated into english, will be translated. Exceptions are specific terms that have separate names written in furigana, in that case the one to be used is the name written in furigana ex. Magic-Sweeping Sword『Soumatou』, reason for that is - original light novel writter intended for them to be spoken that way, he/she specifically placed furigana in addition to the bottom part which sigifies it's meaning. In future there might be other exceptions, but there has been none up until now.

In this project all furigana are to be reversed with the original text. The reason being is the fact that in Japanese, when there is furigana present, the main text is used mainly for the meaning and furigana is the actual name. That means if LN character says デユラハン『魔女狩り』 in english it would be reversed to Witch Hunter『Dullahan』, because Dullahan is the unit name that's actually spoken, or meant. English speakers always read the bottom part first unlike Japanese who would skip the bottom and read out only the furigana. As such the furigana is reversed as presented.

Specific Japanese terms used that have no translation, or translation is very awkward, are to be discussed and decided individually depending on situation.

English language style[edit]

All translations and edits are to be done in british english.


Specific usage of dots in the series is:

  • ... - Generally three dots during speech, example "Umm...I know...". With exceptions being larger number of dots signifying prolonged silence.
  • ...... - Signifies prolonged silence, unability to speak properly, or stuttering by character - used together with text.
  • ............ - Awkward silence, used only when there is no text at all added to the sentence.
  • ?! - Usage of exclamation mark together with question mark is to be used like this ?!, never use it in the reversed order.

There might be some irregularily used dots, use common sense to distinguish mistakes from things done on purpose.

Brackets, quotation marks, italics usage[edit]

  • "text" - Generally used format for the lines spoken by characters.
  • text - Description text is bare.
  • text - Bare text with italics is used for the character's thoughts.
  • 『Text』 - Used for specific terms, names, ex. 『Trackless Psalms』
  • 『"Text"』 - Used for quoted text, reminescences.
  • 《"Text"》 - Used for various types of communication - phones, telepathy, intercom etc.
  • 【"text"】 - Used for incantations.
  • *text* - Used for sound effects, ex. *Bang*

Other symbols used in the novel translation[edit]

  • ―― - Type of dash to be used in novel translation.
  • 〜〜 - Type of wave dash to be used in novel translation.


All illustrations are to be frameless and aligned to right.

Colour illustrations that refer to specific part of the novel, are to be placed in that specific place.

Characters names, character specific guidelines[edit]

35th Test Platoon[edit]

  • Kusanagi Takeru (草薙タケル ,草薙哮) - The way he speaks is quite rude, rough,without much ceremonies, often very shy. He abuses words like (お前 Omae) which is a very rude "you" or used as a "you bastard", depending on situation, sometimes he uses キサマ - which is a similar term, also in english mainly translated to "you bastard". He refers to himself with (俺 - ore) which is a signifies very masculine type of speech, speaks to everyone without honorifics.
    • Kusanagi Lapis, Lapis Lazuli, Mistletoe (草薙ラピス, らぴすらずり, 宿り木), The Malleus Maleficarum Type-Twilight "Mistilteinn" - A human shaped Relic Eater girl who is very cryptic, however both her speech is simple, and modern. She refers to herself with (私 - watashi), she usually uses honorifics to adress the main character, and does not use them when adressing the chairman. She is prone to get angry resulting in changes in her speech, ex. being sarcastic. She also has many other traits that have not been yet revealed, like trying to act funny or being very formal. Her intrinsic magic is called 『Twilight Enchantment』, further information can be found in section below.
  • Ootori Ouka (鳳桜花) - Similarily to Kusanagi Takeru, she speaks rudely, without ceremonies and does not use honorifics, she also abuses rude words and terms. She refers to herself with simple (私 - watashi).
    • Vlad (ヴラド), The Malleus MaleficarumIV "Vlad III" - A relic eater in form of two huge handguns, does not have a human form but does have ability to speak. It's unknown how does he really refer to himself, however, if anything, it's suspected that he will use (我々 - wareware), he speaks a very old-type speech, in english translation it is to be styled into Shakespearean english, it's highly advised to make a check on his lines in all the volumes to maximize that trait. He is a very blunt, coercive and kind of obscene. His intrinsic magic is called 『Prince Impaler's Entertainment"Tepes Rain"』.
  • Suginami Ikaruga (杉波斑鳩) - A girl speaking with a teasing tone often very blunt, she is very hard to read and does not use honorifics, and refers to herself with simple (私 - watashi). Sometimes she can loses her cool, or drops facade causing her to show more emotions.
  • Saionji Usagi (西園寺うさぎ) - A very emotional girl? She uses a very polite, high-class "Ojou-sama" speech. She refers to herself with (私わ - Watakushi/Watakushiha) variant, she also uses (です) and (ですわ) in her speech. If you need reference on how does it sound, find Cecillia Alcott from Infinite Stratos anime, or Nate Mitotsudaira from Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon, there are also numerous other examples for that kind of speech all over the animeverse.

Other characters affilated with Inquisition[edit]

  • Nikaidou Mari (二階堂) - She uses normal, simple and polite speech, using honorifics with everyone except for those whom she doesn't like, ex. Haunted. She refers to herself with (私 - watashi? Gonna look it up when during v2 translation to make sure.)
  • Ootori Sougetsu (鳳颯月) - Usually he uses normal, relaxed speech, referring to others with "-kun", exception being his stepdaughter Ouka. He often uses teasing tone and drops semi-formal tone. He refers to himself with (僕 - boku), and his way of speaking is somewhat gender neutral.
  • Kurogane Hayato (鐡隼人) - He uses simple speech, refers to himself with (俺 - ore), he doesn't use honorifics. He is kind of a dark character in the series.

Other characters affilated with Valhalla[edit]

  • Haunted (ホンってど) - He refers to himself randomly, the way he speaks changes all the time, he speaks like a crazy person, varying from formal and warm tone to psychopatic murderer-like speech.
    • Nacht (ナハト) - A relic eater in form of a sword, not possessing a human form. She speaks without using much honorifics, with normal modern speech, however she abuses Haunted verbally clearly disliking him.
  • King Arthur, Arthur Pendragon (アーサー王, アーサーペンドラゴン) - Revived hero from volume 1.
    • Excalibur (エクスカリバー) - Magical Heritage used by King Arthur.

Unaffilated Characters[edit]

  • Kusanagi Kiseki (草薙キセキ) - Takeru's little sister.

Specific terms used in the novel[edit]

Terms referring to specific groups of people[edit]

  • Types of beings
    • Witch (魔女) - Refers to people who possess and generate magical power in their bodies.
    • Sorcerers (魔法使い) - The term appears in the novel, but there has been no further explanation for them.
    • Witch Hunter (魔女狩り化) - This term refers to Witch Hunter as a separate type of being, that is not a human nor a witch, an artificial being made by contracting a Relic Eater. The last kanji of the name means "changing into" or a "form" suggesting it's a Witch Hunter form. I am considering using The Witch Hunter instead, however that will be discussed later.
    • HeroEienherjar, Hero ((エインへリヤル英雄, 英雄) - A legendary hero revived by the use of magic, he is referred to in both ways, either as an eienherjar which comes from norse mythology, or just as a hero. "Hero" used in Japanese is (英雄 - Eiyuu), which unlike (Yuusha - 勇者), means that it refers to a famous hero from the legends.
    • Demons (鬼) - Mentioned briefly, creatures that were living in ancient japan and were wiped out by Kusanagi clan.
    • Original Human (元人間) - A term used once, referring to Takeru's swordsmanship teacher. It can also mean "Ex-Human" or someone who no longer is human, it can be either discussed, or we can wait for more translations to clarify what exactly does that mean.
  • Inquisition specialized groups.
    • Witch HunterDullahan (デユラハン魔女狩り) - Refers either to organization itself, or people who are part of it. Name is a reference to legendary headless rider.
    • KnightSpprigan (スプリガン騎士団) - Refers either to organization itself, or people who are part of it. The name refers to a faerie from english folklkore.
    • BlacksmithRegin (レギン鍛冶師) - Refers either to organization itself, or people who are part of it. The name is a reference to the Song about Regin, a man who forged the sword Gram.
    • CovertBanshee (バンシ―隠密) - Refers either to organization itself, or people who are part of it. The name is a reference to female type of faerie who is also an omen of death. Changed spy to covert. Sounds better considering original is "Omnitsu".
    • HealerSeelie (シーリー薬師) - Refers either to organization itself, or people who are part of it. The term was changed from Seeley to Seelie, apparently it refers to good faeries from Seelie Court.
  • EXE - A name referring to a special sub-unit of Witch HunterDullahan to which all Relic Eater holding Witch HuntersDullahans are appointed to.


  • Magical Heritage (魔導遺産) - Refers to objects holding magical power in them, causing them to either have some kind of magical effect, or generate magic of their own.
    • Relic Eater (レリックイーター) - Refers to magical heritages made by Inquisition to combat witches, and other highly dangerous magical threats.
    • Intrinsic Magic (固有魔法) - Refers to a special/unique ability embedded in a high level magical heritage, there can be one Intrinsic Magic per a Magical Heritage. It can also be translated as Unique Magic, or specific magic. However coupled with explanation given in volume one, it has been decided Intrinsic Magic will be the term used for it. Explanation stated that it was a magic embedded into magical heritage itself, a part of it, as such it's not stricte an ability, but more like one of functions. Intrinsic magic is not the only magic possessed by Magical Heritage.

General terms[edit]

  • AntiMagic Academy (対魔導学園) - Will be referred to only as AntiMagic Academy, that's the way author uses it in original raw and is the main reason to retain it in this form, example. Also by adding a hyphen as some people suggested, we would lose fluency that original japanese name has, Anti-Magic would suggest a different pronounciation, thus losing original fluency.
  • Inquisition (異端審問官) - Referring to Inquisition as a whole.
    • Inquisition Board (異端審問会) - Probably refers to higher-ups of Inquisition, some kind of council maybe?
  • Magical Power (魔力) - Refers to power used generated by Witches and Magical Heritage, and used to cast magic.
  • Operative Procedure (術式 - Jutsushiki) - It can be loosely translated to techniques, however taking into account the techno-magic aspect of the novel and explanations in it. It has been decided that we are going to use this term. It is a specific procedure required to cast magic, which can be either performed outside of the body, within a magical heritage, or inside a witch's mind. Incantations also strengthten the effect of magic and are part of the procedure.
  • Illusory CultValhalla (ヴァルハラ幻想教団 - It can be translated to either Illusory cult, or a Fantasy cult. Both translations are acceptable, thus the first one was chosen, it can be discussed which one is the preferred version.
  • Witch Hunt War (魔女狩り戦争) - Refers to the war that caused huge destruction in the world and rendered majority of earth unhabitable.
  • Contraindicated area - Isolated area in which witches reside, living in the outer area are harmless innocent witches, while in the inner prison the dangerous witches are being held. Innocent witches are being held in good conditions, and the witches which commited crimes are held in harsh conditions corresponding to their crimes.
  • Gleipnir - A magical collar that restricts witches magic, innocent witches that possess these collars are allowed to go out of contraindicated area and live a normal life.

Intrinsic magic, techniques, spells[edit]

  • Intrinsic Magic:
    • Twilight Enchantment (トワイライトエンチャント)- Intrinsic magic of The Malleus Maleficarum Type-Twilight "Mistilteinn" Lapis Lazuli contracted to Kusanagi Takeru. It causes the sword to absorb all magic it comes in contact with, and allows it to use absorbed magic to unleash a powerful attack corresponding to amount absorbed.
    • Prince Impaler's Entertainment"Tepes Rain" ――― (テペシュレイン"串刺し公の余興") - Intrinsic magic of The Malleus MaleficarumIV "Vlad III" held by Ouka Ootori, it causes a huge amount of stakes fall from the sky and erupt from the ground.
    • Knights of the Round - Intrinsic magic of restored gunblade Excalibur and the original excalibur, held by revived Hero, King Arthur Pendragon. It summons 11 Knights made from magic in form of light, who powerfuly explode upon striking their foes.
  • Summoning Magic:
    • Hero Summoning (英雄召喚) - Summons a hero from ages past to fight for the summoner.
    • Legend Summoning (伝説召喚) - Unspecified, only mentioned once.
    • Myth Summoning (神話召喚) - It can also mean Deity summoning, this term is up for discussion.
  • Attack Magic - To be expanded after volume 2 translation finishes.
  • Kusanagi Swordsmanship
  • Kusanagi True Light style (草薙真明流) - Swordsmanship style created to fight with humans, referred also as a style for assassination.
    • Single Rotation (片車輪) - A sword drawing technique which cuts enemies all around at full strength with a single rotation.
    • Battle rush (戦走り) - A sword technique allowing to cut user's enemies while running at full speed.
    • Mantis Slope (蟷螂坂) - Sword Technique amplifying the strength of the slash by jumping from high place and adding centrifugal force from rotating
    • Yamata no Orochi (八岐の大蛇) - A sword technique similar to Mantis slope, however there is 8 rotations, resulting a huge buildup of centrifugal force.
  • Kusanagi Double Edged style (草薙諸刃流) - A swordsmanship style created for sole purpose of fighting off threats that are not human.
    • Magic-Sweeping Sword『Soumatou』 ――― (そうまとう掃魔刀) - The only technique in Kusanagi Double Edged style, it allows the brain to go over the limit and increase the user's reaction rate many times, as a result the user sees the world in slow motion seemingly even the fired bullets are barely moving, and allows the body to go over the limit, which damages the body.

Modern Armaments and Alchemy terms[edit]

  • Dragoon (ドラグーン) - An heavy armored exoskeleton made to counter magic.
  • Mithril (ミスリル) - A special metal possessing antimagic properties allowing it to pierce through weak barriers created by alchemists.
  • Orichalcum (オリハルコン) - A special, super heavy and durable metal used by alchemists.
  • Anti-magical materials - Generally all anti-magical weapons and materials are to be referred to with a hyphen between anti and magical. The case with it is different from the academy's name.

Usage of honorifics in the novel[edit]

  • -san - this honorific is to be put in, depending on situation when the translation is supposed to be very formal, Mr. is used instead.
  • -chan - this honorific is to be put in the novel translation unchanged.
  • -sama - this honorific is to be put in the novel translation unchanged.
  • -kun - this honorific is to be put in the novel translation unchanged.

Terms and Guidelines notes[edit]

Section to be expanded as translation and editing of already translated novel progresses, new terms will be added into the guidelines after the source volume has been translated.

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