Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica:Volume 5 Chapter 3

From Baka-Tsuki
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Chapter 3 - Opening the Door to the Truth[edit]

Part 1[edit]

At that time -- it was all a blur.

The tragedy had already occurred. It was hopeless a situation, and there was nothing that could change it. And when he took action he picked the worst option.

His wishes weren't transmitted, his feelings wouldn't reach, all his words turned into meaningless cries. Before he had noticed he already clasped the sword lying on the ground, and started running.

There was no feeling. Even through it penetrated his armor --- even though it went through his heart.

Its just that...... in that moment, certainly his hands were trembling.

-- After that.

He fell to the ground together with him.

By the time he opened his eyes, he discovered him already dead.

Although he was still stunned he gradually understood.

Just now, he killed a person for the first time. And it was someone he called his best friend.

Instinctively he knew that he himself --- Ousawa Akatsuki had committed a "sin."

And --

"...... I wonder if I should thank you."

There was another party at the scene of the crime.

Akatsuki sat expressionless on the ground as the man spoke in a quiet voice:

"Let's hear your name, boy......"

However, Akatsuki returned only silence.

And remained silent, soon after the man gave up on getting an answer. The man turned around and slowly began to walk.

As the man was about to leave.

"......Why not kill me?"

Akatsuki asked the question with his head slumped down, however the man did not look back.

"The reason is because you are not my enemy for now at least. Neither emotional, situational, or ability wise......"


The mans words caused Akatsuki to bite his lower lip.

It should be noted that at this stage of the game he was just a weak outsider in this war.

Therefore he firmly closed his fists, even thought they were still trembling. Still unwilling to give up Akatsuki asked,

"...... You really don't intend to stop this war?"

"No. Both sides have shed too much blood already. No one can stop this war anymore."

The Man asserts,

"Sherfied has fallen... ... Next will be Disdiya and Aleclasta."

"Is that so......"

Even when such a tragedy occurred, even though we all hoped for same thing, genuine peace, everyone will still say the same thing as him. Still, if you say there was no choice but to fight then by all means......

"It's Akatsuki."


"Ousawa Akatsuki...... it's my name."

Akatsuki announced. And keep in mind,

"It will do well to remember that name. In the near future, without fail I will stand before you."

He paused for a moment.

"When the time comes I will defeat you...... Demon King Galious!"

--- Akatsuki was left alone slumped over as Demon King Galious went away.

The sky began to rain, as if mourning the tragedy.

Even so Ousawa Akatsuki did not get up, and quietly let the raindrops pour down on him.

After that an unknown amount of time passed.

Until he heard the sound of footsteps trampling through puddles coming his way.

From the sound, it was only one person. Akatsuki understood who it probably was without even looking up.

He could say with confidence who it was since it was in his expectation.


Someone called his name. But still Akatsuki never raised his head.

He did not need to look because it was definitely -- Listy. And then the footsteps suddenly stopped. Listy probably saw it.

The tragic ending.

Therefore, Akatsuki and Listy stayed glued to their spots unable to say a word for a while.

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The two were separated by some distance and between them......

The dead body of Leon Esuperio lying quietly.

Part 2[edit]

On the pretext of a prisoner of war Loutier Trum was brought to Forestnium. However, the real reason she was brought to the village was to treat the injured Riruru. After she learned of Akatsuki's intention she immediately agreed to help.

Loutier not only excelled at the high priest's system of healing magic, but was also adept in recovery magic. Not long after the medical treatment Riruru regained consciousness.

"......Thank God.", Kuzuha.

Loutier's vision was focused on the girl known as Kuzuha embracing Riruru with tears in her eyes. She couldn't help thinking: that this girl and Riruru were particularly close. And perhaps she felt some sort of responsibility for Riruru's injury.

So...... Akatsuki went out of the way especially for this girl......

Loutier was convinced that was the reason why Kuzuha was charged with bringing herself here. As a result, he arranged it so Kuzuha would be responsible for the southern route, and then ordered her to attack Sherfied's camp. All of it was to allow Kuzuba use her own power to help Riruru. Then,

"Umm, thank you."

A girl bowed to Loutier. It was the daughter of the Demon King Galious -- Miu.

"There isn't anyone in Forestnium who can manipulate recovery magic... ... I really appreciate your help."

"No, there isn't anything to be grateful for...... because I wanted to help."

After a few words of humility, Loutier looked at Miu.

"You...... didn't take part in the battle."

Loutier did not mean to fault Miu, she just wanted to check the facts.

"Yes...... that person wouldn't let me fight. As for the real reason...... I'm not sure."

"Is that so?"

While returning a nod, Loutier secretly guessed as to the motive.

Most likely Akatsuki only allowed people from the other world to participate, shielding Miu and Galivein. No doubt, he was still holding out hope for a true peace.

...... In that case, then presently what can I do for him?

As Loutier asked herself that question --

The door to the medical room was flung open.

Invariably everyone focused their attention on the door.

"Emergency! We need the that High Elf-neechan brought over here now!"

The youth that barged in face was pale -- over his shoulder was Akatsuki covered blood. Already unconscious, it was apparent that his condition was critical.

At the sight Loutier gasped, and at the same time Miu's knees gave way as she sunk to the floor. A ghastly pale complexion took over her face. Unable to believe what was before her eyes, her voice trembled,

"Him...... how could that person become...... like this."

Haruka and Chikage entered the treatment room right behind Kaidou, and mournfully began to answer her question,

"......It was the work of the armor knight of Disdiya."

"The same one that murdered Urumu-san...... even our puppets were defeated with one blow."

"The story can wait til after...... is there any way we can treat him!?"

"Leave it to me -- quickly, lie him down on a bed!"

Kaidou's tone was urgent, while Loutier nodded and began to give instructions.

The wound was to his left chest. A sharp cut went straight through his chest out the back. There was most likely damage to his heart and major arteries. It wouldn't have been strange for a person to instantly die from this wound. Yet Akatsuki was still alive, probably thanks to Renkan Keikikou. Akatsuki had once explained that Ki circulates much the same way as blood flows in the body, perhaps the flow of Ki in his body acted on behalf of his severed vascular system and damaged heart to transport the needed oxygen and nutrients. But even if that were the case it can't continue for too long.

...... Damage of this level is very troublesome...... still somehow......

Loutier focused her consciousness, and began to chant the highest incantation of recovery magic that she was able to use. Admittedly solely relying on her magic may not be enough, however by adding in power of Renkan Keikikou self-healing there may be some hope.

...... Please, this has to succeed......!

The magic formation unfolded, a dazzling light rapidly spread out in the room.

Once the recovery magic was invoked it wrapped around Akatsuki when --

The white healing glow suddenly faded away.

Ousawa Miu had watched on in blank amazement.

After the light had subsided, her eyes were drawn to the wound on Akatsuki's chest that didn't heal.


"Wh-What just happened? The magic seemed to be repelled......? "

Haruka looked to the confound Loutier for an explanation. However Loutier furrowed her brows and bitterly,

"The recovery magic...... for some reason was nullified."

It was probably --

"I believe that during the duel at the peace negotiations he was able to stop our final magical attack. I think that this is the same principle, similar to a how a Higher life form possess an absolute barrier. It could be that when Akatsuki was near death his instinct for self-preservation took over regardless of his will."

"Is there...... no other way to heal him?"

While holding Riruru, Kuzuha sorrowfully asked. However,

"The only way to break an absolute barrier of a Higher life form is to borrowed the power of a high ranking Spirit or God."

Loutier said while looking very pale.

"What was used earlier was the highest level of recovery magic that I can use. If that was useless...... then I am at wit's end."

"If so, then is there a way to indirectly apply recovery magic to the wound?"

Chikage mentioned an idea that she learned in the battle against Zahhak.

"Since the barrier repelled the direct magic, wouldn't indirectly applying it do the same thing?"

"It would be difficult...... but perhaps it is feasible to apply it. Anyway, it wouldn't make sense to indirectly apply recovery magic, since it won't have any significant effect. Regardless in the end, it would be considered an direct action effecting his body."

"Arrrrgh...... I can't take it. My head hurts."

After listening to the story, Kaidou scratched his head as he let out a sigh of frustration. After he looked around the crowd,

"Does that mean -- we can only look on helplessly as Akki dies?"

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, unable to say a word.

It is because no one was able to come up with an idea.

Akatsuki was right now alone fighting against death, using Renkan Keikikou to self-heal the mortal wound to his left chest. At the moment he resembled a candle in the wind, struggling between life and death.

Miu eyes were glued to Akatsuki laying in the bed. Akatsuki has always told her to 'Believe in me' and now her trust in him still hasn't changed. Akatsuki will surely be saved and firmly believes it to be so.

Most likely the others feel that way too.

After all, how many times has she been protected because of Akatsuki's strength.


Miu strongly told herself.

Once again she has to believe in him, while silently praying that that person -- survives. However,

...... I also want to do something for him......!

Miu doesn't want to be just be protected by that person, hiding under Akatsuki's protective umbrella.

Therefore Miu desperately racked her brains. Akatsuki was trying to use his power to heal himself. If there was no way to help him directly, then at the very least she could support him from the sidelines. There must be something that we can do. I absolutely will never give it up. Then,


Ousawa Miu had a revelation. A possibility, well more of a gamble. Therefore, Miu stood up,

"Loutier-san...... after I signal, please recite the spell for recovery magic one more time."

"Although it isn't a problem -- Did you have an idea?"

"Yeah. I think it's worth a try."

Miu nodded, and walked over to Akatsuki's bedside.

"-- However, the target for the magic is me."

As soon as she said so, Miu strongly bite down on her lip. A small cut formed on her lip and began to bleed a little.

Ousawa Miu reviewed her hypothesis in her head. Akatsuki was unconsciously using Renkan Keikikou to heal his wounds. In addition to Ki circulating inside his body he probably was taking in the surrounding Ki drifting in the air. Then by using the recovery magic on herself it can be converted with the Ki inside her body. She thought then it might be able to be passed to Akatsuki.

Of course, Miu was unable to manipulate Renkan Keikikou. It was impossible for her to refine the Ki inside her body. However, the physical body of a living creature wasn't made of magic. The fact was recovery magic doesn't directly heal an injury, rather the magic is poured into the body and then converted into recovery energy. Then by -- using Miu as a medium it may be possible to pass that recovery energy to Akatsuki's body. That then could substantially promote Akatsuki's self-healing ability.

So Miu punctured her lip to focus the effects of magic there. And if the wound of Miu's and the wound of Akatsuki's overlapped, the recovery energy gathering in the her lip could then flow into his body through his left chest.

"I understand."

After hearing of Miu's plan. Loutier once again recited the recovery magic.

Miu also moved closer to Akatsuki.

Then she slowly brought her lips towards the left side of Akatsuki's chest.

She closed her eyes as she lightly kissed the wound -- When she did Ousawa Miu strongly wished.

...... Please...... let us lend you a helping hand.

As Miu sensed the taste of the blood, Miu and Akatsuki were enveloped in a white light.

A healing light.


After a while -- Miu released her lips from his chest. The room was absolutely silent, when somebody let out a murmur.

"The wound...... disappeared."

It was the miracle that they were hoping for.

Loutier was the first to break the silence. Her hand gently touched his left chest, soon after she released her breath. Then turned around to looked at everyone on the verge of tears and a small smile,

"It's all right...... the wound was healed. Now we can only believe Akatsuki's vitality."

As soon as she said so happy cheers swept across the room.

They were celebrating the moment from the bottom of their heart.

Part 3[edit]

Akatsuki's condition gradually stabilized.

Although everyone obtained some relief, no one was willing to leave the treatment room. Riruru's care was entrusted to the woman in charge of the village's orphanage. Miu suddenly spoke up,

"Umm, Kaidou-san..."

With a tone full of doubts,

"For that person to be so seriously hurt...... how strong was the armor Knight, really?"

Her question caused everyone to move their gazes to Kaidou.

-- She heard from Kuzuha that the puppet strategy worked perfectly against Disdiya's army.

From the start of battle in Gorudono Grand Canyon it looked like the allied armies would suffer a crushing defeat. So Miu wanted to know the truth behind what happened from the person who was watching it directly in the field, Kaidou.

"Hmm...... the armor Knight is certainly strong, but the situation is somewhat complicated."

Kaidou answered,

"I have no way to know him by his looks, but it seems that guy in the golden armor -- is known as Leon."

"-- Impossible!"

After she heard his reply, Loutier immediately stood up knocking over the chair she was sitting on.

Out of all the people present she knew the whole situation better than anyone, and what Kaidou alleged was impossible,

"Leon died five years ago...... how can he be alive?"

Everyone fell silent. They were all more or less informed of what happened back then. The story of the Hero Leon was well known in Alayzard. It was tale about the Hero who laid down his life in order to protect Akatsuki. However,

"I'm sorry but it was your General and Queen called him Leon, not me."

Kaidou continued,

"If that really is case then it was those two who mistook him. However the three of them were having a looooong chat in front of me. Ah well, before I had to interrupt them."

"Then -- it might be a safe bet that it's the same Leon-san who died five years ago."

Haruka asserted, but for that possibility,

"But still it really is hard to believe that he came back after five years, and more turned into an enemy. And now wants to face off against Ousawa Akatsuki?"

A dead Hero becoming the enemy -- this statement was undoubtedly contradictory.

However --

"What if the person who brought Leon back is controlling his mind?"


After Loutier heard that possibility she fell silent and dropped her head, unable to reject the theory.

"It seems like...... you have some sort of clue."

In a monotone voice, Kuzuha softly uttered.

Loutier eventually began to speak,

"Not too long ago...... Leon's tomb inside Sherfied castle's cemetery was destroyed by an unknown person. Although there was no direct evidence the most likely culprit was Phil Barnett. It seemed that the youth came from the same world as you. In a bid to be recognized as the the new Hero of Alayzard he return to your world...... Still, I heard that you guys together with Akatsuki defeated him, even though he contracted with Zahhaku."

"Well...... Akatsuki virtually did everything alone."

Chikage said with a wry smile. After that her face immediately sank,

"That is to say -- there is a possibility that when Phil destroyed Leon-san's tomb he also took his remains, something like that?"

"Perhaps, but that is all just pure speculation. Also Disdiya is the Empire of the desert which happens excell in art of body preservation using the magic including mummification. It is said that some of their Royal families know of a forbidden spell that can recall the soul of the dead and bring a person back to life. Although that is just unconfirmed rumors, but that spell really does exist --"

"That means that they revived Leon-san to manipulate him."

Haruka couldn't hide her disgust.

"That's way too despicable!"

"I'm not too sure about all that."

While Haruka was trembling with anger, a voice came from the side. It was Kaidou the only one who was there and seen what happened.

Kaidou turned towards Loutier to look her in the eyes.

"That guy Leon said...... it was Akki that killed him."

"No way......?"

"That sort of answer......"

After hearing what Kaidou said, practically everyone had an expression that said it was unbelievable. That was only natural. It was well know fact that Leon died in order to protect Akatsuki. Only after that Akatsuki obtained his present strength. Supposing what Kaidou said was true, everything will topple from its foundation.

But compared to shock when Loutier learned that Leon was still alive, she seemed particularly calm now.

"It appears as though you know something...... could we slowly hear it?"

The truth will get out -- Kaidou explained:

"Sooner or later we will find out if Leon is dead or alive. If it is true then it would be best to hear it directly from Akki, but the situation may change before he regains consciousness...... So, please explain it."

"...... I understand."

After a sigh, Loutier lightly nodded,

"Since things have progressed to this point, Listy probably already learned the truth from Zechs. As Akatsuki friends, perhaps you also have the right to know what happened five years ago -- The truth of the tragedy of Sherfied."

"So then...... it's all true after all?"

To Kaidou's question Loutier nodded "Yes."

"That day it wasn't Galious who killed Leon -- It was Akatsuki."

Part 4[edit]

Sherfied's army had completely withdrew from the battlefield on the grounds that their top commanding officer Loutier was taken prisoner of war.

After returning to the royal castle Listy immediately summoned Zechs to her office.

"What was that all about...... Akatsuki was the one who killed Leon!"

Listy pressed upon one of her most trusted comrades seeking the truth.

At the battle in Gorudono Grand Canyon Listy witnessed an unbelievable spectacle. Akatsuki was mortally wounded in an instant -- and Disdiya's armor Knight turned out to be Leon. Since the scene unfolded in the northern route the Sherfied soldiers stationed to the south didn't witness the events. Which could be said was a great fortune amidst all the misfortune. If it was seen by anyone else, Sherfied would have been thrown into chaos.

Listy bit her lower lip, she could only think of one thing.

......Please Akatsuki...... you have to be okay......

Akatsuki's wound was very serious, but there was still his Renkan Keikikou and Loutier was taken there. Anyway right now, all she can do was believe that Akatsuki was safe. Therefore, Listy began to think about another problem.

The person who stabbed Akatsuki through his chest turned out to be the long since dead Leon.

And was what Leon unbelievable declared really -- the truth?

So Listy need to ask Zechs. At that time Zechs stopped her from calling out to Leon, it looked like he clearly knew something. She needed to make sure,

"Is it true......? The one who killed Leon, really wasn't Galious?"

"Ah well, it's true...... five years ago Akatsuki told me himself."

"What was that......"

Zechs bitter expression said it all, however Listy still wasn't able to accept this fact.

That story was just too absurd, how could Akatsuki kill Leon? But thinking it over, why the need to tell such a blatant lie. Also it was undeniable that the way Zechs and Leon spoke to each other was hostile.

"Tell me this first, Zechs...... who besides you and Akatsuki knew about it?"

Listy said, while concealing her inner horror,

"-- Does even Lulu know......?"

"Uh...... she also knows."

Listy was stunned at Zechs's admission.

And gradually -- that surprise turned into an indescribable sense of anger.

"For all these years, you all have been hiding it from me......!"

Akatsuki, Zechs, Loutier, and Listy traveled all around the world together. Their relationship couldn't be expressed as easy as mere companions. Comrade-in-arms -- no, it was closer to that of a family. Yet, now Listy found out she was only person not to know the secret, as if she was never a true companion to the other three.

Then, did all these feeling over five years mean nothing? The one who failed know anything was her, don't tell me Akatsuki and the others pretend to have a relationship with me just to fool me?

...... That was all too much......!

Listy didn't care that Zechs and Loutier failed to report the one who most likely destroyed Leon's tomb was Phil Barnett. There was no clear physical evidence, and at the time she herself lacked the cool headedness to make the right decisions. And although on the surface Zechs and Loutier's relationship to her were as subjects of the Queen, in all actually they were close friends on an equal footing. She had explicitly conveyed to them, as long as it was the best course of action for the country, they could make the most appropriate judgment on their own without needing to report everything to her. And if her judgment was ever wrong, she even wanted them to stop her.

But this time it was a completely different story.

Listy bit her lower lip, trying to hold back the sorrow of being completely kept in the dark for so many years from crushing her. So Listy reflected on the facts at hand anew.

-- First, Leon had passed away five years ago. That was an indisputable fact, Listy personally confirmed it.

After all, after the tragedy the very first on the scene was none other than herself.

Now Leon appeared again on behalf of the person who resurrected him.

It's probably...... the work of Disdiya......

It was said that Disdiya since ancient times has handed down forbidden spells, and among them include a way to recall the souls of the dead. The reason Phil destroyed Leon's tomb could have been to take his remains all along. It was such an unbelievable evil atrocity that runs completely contrary to the moral ethics of mankind, and if it was true it won't be possible to simply forgive.

-- But before that, there are other things to deal with.

That was right. Listy El Da Sherfied must learn the truth. So,

"Tell me, Zechs -- I want to know what really happened five years ago."

Zechs stared straight ahead, before letting out a deep breath. He then lowered his head and quietly,

"...... I don't even know where to start."

"From the start to finish without leaving one word out."

"Yeah, Let it be...... right from the beginning."

Zechs down in thought, seemed to be in doubt as to where to begin to explain the whole thing.

"Five years ago -- the true purpose of Galious's attack on Erdia was not to invade."

Zechs slowly began to untie the knots to the truth.

"It was in retaliation for Leon's actions -- All of the attacks were for sole purpose of killing Leon."

Part 5[edit]

At that time, the Hero Leon Esuperio kept a dark secret.

The first to accidentally stumble upon the secret -- was none other than Akatsuki.

Within his heart and soul Akatsuki just wanted to become stronger, so he secretly shadowed Leon. It resulted in Akatsuki discovering the startling "truth" before anyone else.

Usually when Akatsuki and Leon trained together they didn't do anything special. However, he believed the reason why Leon was so much stronger must be some kind of ritual he does alone. But Leon was the Hero, which greatly limited his opportunities to do so. At most, he had a set day in which he returned to help his mother Selina with the restaurant.

That was Leon's private time, so no one chose to disturb him. Still, Akatsuki decided to secretly track him back to the "Wildcat Pavilion."

-- But contrary to Akatsuki's expectations, Leon really had quietly returned to the restaurant to help his mother.

Secretly hiding out behind the restaurant Akatsuki had a view of kitchen. He watched as Leon helped his mother with the cooking. Then after they closed the restaurant the two of them sat down to a meal. It was the very picture of a mother and son having a happy dinner.

So Akatsuki also once concluded that spending time with his mother Selina, and that wanting to protect his family was the secret to Leon's strength.

The sun had set and the darkness had already set in, Akatsuki was ready to head back to the castle when --

The back door suddenly opened and Leon came out of the restaurant.

From the shadows Akatsuki could clearly see a sword in Leon's hand. He was sure Leon was off to go train alone. Leon had stopped before his father and sister's grave for a moment before heading off into the forest.

The thought of becoming as strong as Leon -- or at least catch up a little to his level welled up.

Again, Akatsuki followed after Leon. However, tracking him through the woods at night proved difficult. Not long after he lost sight of Leon.

But -- if he turned back here, he might never learn of Leon's secret. Akatsuki refused to give up. As before this late at night the forest was empty, still he desperately kept looking for Leon's whereabouts. And by chance he caught a glimpse of Leon stepping into a magic circle on the ground, and then disappearing in an instant. Akatsuki knew of the existence of the <Shift Gate>, and guessed that the magic had the same kind of effect. If he followed suit he might be able to catch up to Leon. But, if he messed it up somehow, most likely he would never return. Akatsuki had to chose whether to remain there or to chase after.

-- If he turned back that might of been his last chance.

However, Ousawa Akatsuki made his decision. After all, waiting there would get him nothing.

And If he really wanted to get stronger he needed to follow after Leon to see what his special training really was.

So Akatsuki slowly stepped into the magic circle.

And in the next moment he stood in an unfamiliar place.

Even in the pitch black, Akatsuki understood that this forest was different from the one in Sherfied.

After confirming the existence of a magic circle to return, Akatsuki let out a sigh of relief before setting out in search of Leon.

Soon after he heard the sound of fighting far off in the distance.

Akatsuki started running towards where the noise originated from.

And -- what he saw was the brutal "Truth."

Part 6[edit]

Suddenly Loutier Trum stopped her story there without a word

She was hesitating as to whether she should continue.

But, they knew nothing of the truth. Loutier couldn't afford to stop.

"Can you please continue -- What in the world did Ousawa Akatsuki see?"

Haruka asked on behalf of everyone, Loutier dropped her head and stared at the floor.

After a moment of silence she started to talk again.

Ever so slowly -- she told them the true starting point.

"He saw Leon...... massacring defenseless Demons."

Part 7[edit]

The scene was impossible to believe.

There were Demons running in every which direction trying to flee, blood-curdling screams could be heard as Leon hunted them down one by one, none escaped, although Demons physical and magic abilities were superior to humans there were some who can't fight, like the very young and elderly. However Leon showed no mercy, regardless of whether they resisted or not. He just ruthlessly, and impartially single mindedly continued to kill.

Akatsuki reflexively began to run out to try and stop Leon's atrocities. But when he grabbed Leon's shoulder, Leon cried out "Stand back its dangerous." Immediately after, Akatsuki received a blow to a vital point and fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

And -- When Akatsuki opened his eyes next.

Leon was there on one knee making sure Akatsuki was okay.

Akatsuki couldn't help but gasp, Leon floated an expression of relief.

Leon's face was dyed red with blood. On the ground behind him laid countless mutilated Demon corpses.

Leon laughed, with his usual smile.

It's safe now Akatsuki.

-- The hatred over the death of Leon's family become his resolve to be a knight, and at the same time let him continue killing Demons. And as the result it made him a Hero. Whenever he killed a Demon, Leon gained the admiration and applause of the world. Before long -- it was impossible for him to stop.

His raison d'etre as a Hero became wiping out all of the Demons. Leon's eyes just saw red, so much so even the elderly, women and children were not spared.

When the family oriented kind-hearted upstanding youth -- lost his heart he plunged into an abyss. Akatsuki naturally tried to dissuade Leon. He tried let Leon know this kind of slaughter was no different than murder, and that his father and sister's soul would not be happy with such acts. However, Akatsuki's words fell on deaf ears. Leon just said it was a matter of Alayzard -- and that Akatsuki was merely an outsider who doesn't have a say.

In the end he clear-cut told Akatsuki to head to the deepest part of Sherfied's northern forest where the <Gate of another World> was, and as quickly as possible return to his own world.

-- Akatsuki decided to return to the Sherfied. He felt he didn't have the power to stop Leon by himself. So he turned to another close friend for help, Zechs.

Asking -- to stop Leon.

Part 8[edit]

"-- Hearing such a story so suddenly did you believe him, Zechs?"

Listy raised a legitimate question, to that Zechs nodded "Yes" without hesitation.

Reminded of the past, Zechs revealed his reason,

"In fact I also...... saw it with my own eyes."

-- Even after he was discovered by Akatsuki, Leon continued to massacre Demons.

At first Zechs thought Akatsuki was playing some sort of joke.

But the look in Akatsuki's eyes told him this wasn't a lie.

In the end Zechs decided to keep this from Leon for now, and rather go to the location Akatsuki described.

To see it for himself, Zechs brought along a magic tool to detect the magical energy of Demons, and a magic tool for teleportation. Using them he was able to find the place in Galevian where Leon was massacring the Demons.

"...... Do you remember? The rumors about Leon's past how he slaughtered Demons."

Listy responded to Zechs with a nod "Yeah".

"But that was just......"

"Yeah, that's right. In wars it is a common psychological tactic to spread rumors to disparage the enemy's Hero...... I thought just like everyone it was a totally unsubstantiated rumor the Demons spread."

However -- those rumors bared the horrible truth.

After that Zechs also tried to persuade Leon many times to stop. But Leon did not have the ears to hear it. He insisted that his mission as a Hero was to defeat the Demon King, and the annihilation of the Demon race. Therefore Akatsuki and Zechs were forced to request help from Loutier to figure out a method to prevent Leon from acting. In the end they turned to Listy's father -- the former King of Sherfied, and petitioned him to order the arrest of Leon.

But --

"-- His Majesty the King did not agree."

"Father......? Eh...... Why?

"Leon's prestige as a Hero was already too well known throughout Alayzard, and arresting him would take irrefutable evidence."

With no less than that, the truth would never be made public. If his crimes were brought to light, all of Sherfied would be condemned.

As a result, they found themselves in a situation where they could do nothing but wait.

However, the situation only got worse. Leon's madness intensified to the point that even Zechs couldn't of imagined.

-- The late King maintained a passive approach towards the war with the Demons.

In that context, Leon becoming a Hero was to be more of a deterrent. If needed he was to suppress conflicts with any Demons and Galious. The former King assumed Leon would to be in some form a symbol of peace for Alayzard. And for a long period of time didn't have Sherfied participate in any military actions against Demons.

Such a compassionate King was revered not only from this own people, but from Royalty and nobles from other countries. However -- for Leon hell bent on annihilating Demons the King's presence was nothing more than a major obstacle.

"So Leon...... secretly began plot the conspiracy."

"Conspiracy ...?"

Listy couldn't help but ask, Zechs nodded "Yes."

After a slight silence, he began to speak of Leon Esuperio's real objective.

"-- The assassination of Sherfied's royal family."

Part 9[edit]

"The massacring of Demon tribes...... was the first step in the plot to assassinate Sherfied's royal family."

Loutier had her eyes cast-down, slowly revealing the past truth.

"On the one hand Leon was able to release some of his inner hatred -- on the other he was able to provoke Garlious."

It went all according to plan. Furious over the slayings, Galious personally invaded the Imperial City of Erudia to kill Leon. However, he could of never imagined that his vengeance was lending a hand to Leon's conspiracy.

And -- that day five years ago the royal family, with the exception of Listy, were all killed.

In all appearance it was raid by the Demons, but actuality it was very different.

Leon orchestrated so that the assassin guild would kill the royal family.

-- How would things advance from that?

If the people of Sherfied lost all of their royalty overnight. Who would they turn to rely on first?

The answer was obvious, the Hero.

After the King was lost, Listy's fiancee Leon would be able to become the Hero of tragedy. In his hands would be a justifiable reason to eradicate all of the Demons.

Still even the assassination guild flinched when it received a request to annihilate the royal family. However their leader was willing to bet big that Leon would be the next King. Afterwards they would be granted free rein from Leon. So -- the assassination guild stained their hands with the blood of the royal family.

"Akatsuki having learnt the truth .... slipped out of Erudia Castle amidst the confusion caused by the attack by the Demon King's army to find Leon. Akatsuki just so happened to arrive when Leon was holding hostage a Demon child facing off against Galious, ordering him to throw down his weapons."

"......Ah, my God."

Loutier heard Kuzuha gasp.

But Loutier thought the real tragedy was about to start.

So she slowly revealed the truth of the past,

"However, things didn't go as Leon planed. He didn't calculate that Akatsuki would pursue him outside of the city's walls. Not only that, but that Listy would chase after Akatsuki."

For that reason only, Listy was able to escape from the evil hands of the assassination guild.

However, Leon received a report through communication magic that Listy's assassination had failed. He once again ordered the assassination guild to chase after her and finish the job. And until he got the report from the assassination of Listy, Leon was going to hold the Demon child hostage forcing Galious not to move.

"I see...... that way he could shift the blame for deaths of the royal family to the Demon King."

Loutier nodded "Yes" to confirm Kaidou's speculation.

"Just as the assassination guild caught up to Listy, and was waiting on Leon's instructions when......"

Loutier took a breath.

"-- Akatsuki picked a sword off the ground, and rushed towards Leon."

The result of Akatsuki stopping Leon's rampage was also him killing his best friend. After learning of Leon's death the assassination guild immediately fled. While Galious took the Demon child and left. After some time, Listy had come running to the scene of the tragedy.

Then afterwards, Listy and the others were forced to abandon the capital, fleeing to Aleclasta. Galious then showed himself at the ruins of Erudia Castle to announce to the world that the royal family had been killed, and the sole survivor Listy was exiled to another country. And from then on Erudia -- was officially part of Demon territory.

"Wait...... how did that come about!?"

Chikage couldn't help but insert her question,

"What he said didn't make it clear that Sherfied's Royal family wasn't killed by the Demon King's hands...... Why did Miu's father take the blame for Leon?"

"As to Galious real motive...... we have no idea."

Loutier shook her head,

"Maybe it was to show off his power to the other countries, or maybe......"

As she said so, Loutier stared at one of girls.

"You know the reason -- Myuu-dono."

Part 10[edit]

"...... Ah."

All eyes were drawn to Miu, however being called out so bluntly she wasn't able answer right away.

That Leon was slaughtering Demons, Miu knew a little.

But she did not know the cause or the background of the whole thing.

In truth, the facts she didn't know hit her like rogue wave. Miu's brain was thrown into disorder, her thoughts couldn't catch up right away.

So after much thought, she slowly began speak to everyone,

"......I'm sorry...... I only know a few details already in the story just now."

She lowered her head after saying so.

"And all I heard from my Father after he returned from Sherfied was he defeated Leon-san."

"I see...... This was my wrongdoing. Even under normal circumstances, this must be painful to be reminded of the past."

Loutier said apologetically, Miu shook her head as to say 'its okay.'

Miu doesn't know why her Father, Galious protected Leon and made himself the scapegoat. She never heard either.

After her father lost the duel and entrusted her to Akatsuki was the same.

Things ended at that time without a chance to talk things through, her father had already stopped breathing.

"-- That is all I know about what really happened five years ago."

Loutier summed up,

"The only people that knew are Akatsuki, Zechs and myself...... and one more."

"Another person? Doesn't Queen Listy not know?"

Haruka couldn't help but frown, Loutier nodded "Yes."

"It's just as you said, Listy doesn't know. The truth of this matter is enough to shake the country. For that person's safety, their identity cannot be revealed."


Loutier's words involuntarily made Miu stare blankly.

Because there was one person who crossed her mind. It was just a guess, but it was more like conviction.

......She must be the one...... I'm certain.

In Ousawa Miu mind echoed that gentle voice.

"...... This war has taken my husband and my children."

Even so, that friendly shop owner was able to accept her.

Leon's mother -- Selina Esuperio.

That's right. At that time she had even said to Miu,

'-- And you should also know about my son, right?'

Miu never asked what exactly those words meant, she assumed they were pointing to Leon being a hero.

But rather she alluding to fact that Miu was a demon, and should of been aware of what Leon had done.

...... So that was the reason......

Ousawa Miu finally understood why.

Why Selina hated war so much. Why she was able to be so friendly with Miu. It was all because she understood better than anyone how many lives were lost and how many of their families were destroyed. The true nature of war -- grief.

War always gives rise to hatred which can lead to madness. This type of uncontrollable hatred will eventually trigger a negative chain reaction. That was why Selina supported Akatsuki and Miu's plan to stop human aggression towards the Demons. In an effort to prevent it from boiling over into another war breaking out.

-- But now, Akatsuki was seriously wounded because of the past tragedy.

However, Miu still hadn't forgotten what Selina expected of her.

'Stop this war with Akatsuki, and then come back here to eat some of my homemade cooking.'

Break this chain of hatred -- and settle the tragedy of the past.

...... Right.

Miu raised her head, her innermost thoughts have changed into a oath. Ousawa Miu stared straight ahead,

"Thank you Loutier-san for telling me the truth."

In order to stop the war, Akatsuki told Miu not to take part in the battle.

But that was also useless. Even not part of front line there were ways to help.

Miu was certain her power was needed to stop this war.

...... It's not too late......

Ousawa Miu clenched her fists. Akatsuki already used his power -- now it was her turn to do something for everyone.

Part 11[edit]

The heavy atmosphere wasn't caused by superficial words, but the weight of the truth.

Zechs put everything out in the open about the truth of the tragedy five years ago. Listy heard all his words, however she still was able to completely accept the hard truths right away. There were still things she needed to hear by all means. Therefore, a little doubtful it took a few moments for her to get the first question out.

"...... How come you never told me?"

"Well, that was because of Akatsuki...... you should be able to understand, right?"

Like a sigh, Zechs said his name,

"That guy didn't seem to want to tell you...... and asked us not to."

To prevent the cruel truth from ever hurting Listy.

"For my sake? He said that, right?"

Listy stared into Zechs's eyes. She was frankly grateful to Akatsuki and Zechs for their consideration. But still in these five years -- there was probably an opportunity to tell her truth before now.

At first Akatsuki went to seek help from Zechs, then the both of them went to find Loutier, and then the three consulted with Listy's father. A natural progression seeing as he was the former King of Sherfied. At least Listy thought so. Unfortunately the possibility of her learning the truth before now was virtually zero.

For the country, but also for Listy's sake her father probably choose to conceal the truth. Maybe even imposed a gag on Zechs and Loutier.

But five years ago -- father the King, and the rest of the royal family were murdered. Even if there wasn't a formal coronation ceremony, Listy had become the next leader of Sherfied.

"As the Queen of this country, I should of been informed about this national tragedy...... as well as the right to know about father's death."

"Yes...... You're right."

Zechs nodded,

"However -- Akatsuki also has his rights."

"Akatsuki's rights?"

Listy couldn't help but ask. Zechs nodded "Uh huh", and answered.

"Yes, Akatsuki also had the right to do it for your sake!"

And at last Listy El Da Sherfied heard the final truth.

"In fact...... Lulu and I wanted to report the truth about Leon to you."

Zechs sighed,

"We at that time were a knight and a officer of this country, and there was an obligated to report this critical information which could influence the country to you, the princess...... And we absolutely thought it wasn't fair for Akatsuki to suffer through all those public incrimination for causing the Hero's death."

"In that case...... then why?"

"Because Akatsuki begged us with all he had not to say a word to you."

That day five years ago, Listy was forced to abandon the capital city of Erudia, exiled to a foreign country to live on as the last member of the royal family of Sherfied. It could be said her life was thrust to the depths of despair, however she was not lost in self-pity, because in Listy was the responsibility of a Princess.

What was still left in her spirit was the need to move towards retaking the capital city of Erudia.

"At that point in time, there was no guarantee that telling you the truth wouldn't have cause your mental state to collapsed entirely."

And it was also the same for the people of Sherfied. Almost all of their royal family was killed overnight, their castle and their capital falling to the demons were already a big enough blow to them. Moreover, if they knew it was all an act of the Hero that they all believed in. The country of Sherfied would of fell to ruin.

So Akatsuki said to Zechs. When all was said and done I am one person, an outsider compared to Listy and the other surviving people of Sherfied. Who should be given priority was obvious.

Thus Akatsuki chose to conceal the truth deep inside himself, and repeated the same words over and over.

Leon died -- to protect him.

As a result, it was decided that Leon died to save Akatsuki from Demon King Galious. With the honor of Hero Leon intact, and the hope of regaining the capital in her heart -- Listy was barely able to keep her sanity.

However, in exchange for hiding the truth Akatsuki sacrificed his reputation.

"At that time Lulu and I's reaction was just like yours now, and not entirely convinced. I even told that guy to his face...... he was in the wrong."

Zechs paused.

"Then that guy said "Still...... I do not want to see anymore of her tears," and smiled with his face in tatters. He bared with the infamy and its hardship without saying one word of complaint. Listy, how could we have told you?"


The red-headed general's voice trembled, Listy didn't have any words either. She finally understood that Zechs and the others chose to remain silent after a very serious struggle. More than anything else was -- the tragic determination of Akatsuki's deeply moved her. And,

"In order to stop a woman's tears, even at the expense of hell -- That guy's aesthetics were born at that time."

What Zechs really spoke of was the beginning of the hagure aesthetics of Ousawa Akatsuki. Even if the world casts him aside as long as it can reduce the sorrow of the woman a little he wouldn't mind a bit. If it was essential to hide the cruel truth, then what harm was there in telling a lie. So,

"The first time Akatsuki fought for Sherfied...... was not when he freed the capital."

In the same manner Zechs reported the truth about Leon.

Which was to slowly reveal the -- unknown truth about Ousawa Akatsuki.

"That day five years ago, that guy alone protected you and this country."

Translator's Notes and References[edit]

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