Talk:Tomoyo After

From Baka-Tsuki
Revision as of 22:34, 18 February 2009 by Nightjumper (talk | contribs)
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What version of the game are you guys planning to work with? There was an old project started by velocity 7 (it doesn't seem as if they are keeping up with it, though), where they were trying to port the PS2 to PC. (You can find the thread for it here:

I personally think the PS2 would be more interesting to play, since it is longer and perhaps the ending is more satisfactory. The PC version would still be great though. Thank you very much for your effort guys.

PS2 Version is better overall, but the ending feels "tagged-on" without the usual Key quality. It feels like Tonokawa (the person who wrote the PS2 add-ons, while Maeda Jun wrote the original) just "tagged it on" to appease fans who want a happy ending. I personally like the PC ending a lot better. It feels a lot more "Key-like" and a lot deeper.
I'm willing to translate as soon as there's more translators. Though I am obsessed with the game, I won't translate it all myself
email: [email protected]

To the guys, translating this: seriously, stop - there are a lot of mistranslations and overall translation quality is pretty low. I'd fixed them for you but it would be easier to start translation from the scratch.

To the guy above this: I realize that my past work on this project is not what I'd call adequate. I'd love to go back and retranslate everything I've done, and continue with translating the rest of the project, but a general lack of time and motivation is keeping me from doing that. Not to mention that this project seems a bit stalled at the moment. I'd love to hear something from the supposed project admin... --Nightjumper 20:34, 18 February 2009 (UTC)

I think it would be better to do the PC version. The ending honestly feels a bit cheap in the PS2 version. They made a dramatic, sad scene but then the extra ending was added and it felt like they pulled a "lol jk" and invalidated it all. That's just my take. Also, although it is true that the PC version does have less in terms of content, it also happens to be more accessible to everyone. Not everyone has a PS2, but certainly everyone interested in this has a computer.