Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju:Volume1 The Fifth Question

From Baka-Tsuki
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Fifth Question

In the following sentence, fill in ( ) with the correct answer.

Light is wave, and ( ) as well.

Himeji Mizuki's Answer:


Teacher's Comment:

Good answer.

Kouta Tsuchiya's Answer:

[an object which will bounce away all the things that get close to it.]

Teacher's Comment:

Your answer always surprises me!

Akihisa Yoshii's Answer:

[A hero's weapon]

Teacher's Comment:

I like to play RPG as well.

“Class Leader of Class D Hiraga Genji Died in Battle!”


This information was announced from the speakers throughout the school along with the victorious shout from Class F and cries from Class D.

“Amazing! I can’t imagine we actually won against Class D!”

“Now we can say goodbye to the tatamis and the Japanese style tables!”

“Ah, now those rotten stuffs will belong to Class D!”

“Long live Sakamoto Yuuji!”

“I love Himeji!”

People were praising the Class Leader Yuuji from every direction.

I looked at the direction where Yuuji was standing before, and saw him surrounded by the Class F students and stood among the crestfallen Class D students.

“Ah, it’s nothing! After being praised by you guys like this, what should I say?”

Yuuji scratched his cheek, and turned his face away. Surprisingly he was pretty shy.

“Sakamoto! I want to shake your hand!”

“Me too!”

Everyone was treating him like a hero. By the look of this situation you could understand how much we disliked that classroom. The tatamis in the classroom were really rotten, so it was normal for us to dislike that classroom.

OK, I should blend into the crowd, and found the chance to get close to Yuuji.


“Oh, isn’t it Akihisa?”

Yuuji turned back his head.

I went close to him with a refreshing smile on my face.

“I want to shake hand with Yuuji as well!”

And then held my hand out.


(crushing sound)

“Yuuji...... I just want to shake your hand, why are you holding my wrist like this?”

“Shut up.... Of course I have to restrain your hand like this.... Hmph!”


My hand was turned into the wrong direction.

I shouted out like a pig being stabbed as I couldn’t stand the pain and accidentally dropped the knife I had been holding in the other hand.



“Yuuji, it is good to win this war with everyone.”


“I never know that completing jobs with fellow classmates can give you such a good feeling. I am so touched that even my wrist joint is feeling the pain!”

“What are you planning to do just now?”

“I just want to use this hand, which is so painful like it is going to break anytime, to shake your hand and share the joy of victory!”

“Oi, someone go and get a pincer plier!”

“W.. Wait! I am sorry!”


Finally he let go of me. It was extraordinarily painful!

Come to think of it, what was he going to do with the pincer plier?


It seem Yuuji was mumbling about something. What was he talking?


I would never fight against him anymore.

“I never have imagined that Himeji actually belongs to Class F.... Unbelievable.”

Someone’s voice was coming from my back.

I turned my head to see who was talking, and saw Hiraga who could hardly walk properly, slowly coming toward us.

“Ah, I... I am sorry for what happen just now.”

Himeji also ran towards us from the opposite direction.

“No, you don’t have to apologize. This is just the result we get for not fighting Class F seriously.”

The world of competition was very harsh. They lost because they were being cheated, but there was nothing that Himeji needed to apologize for.

“I will hand over the classroom according to the rules. However it is very late now, can we do it tomorrow?”

This was so sad for the general who lost the battle! In the next three months time, they would have no right to declare a Test Summoning War, so he would have to suffer the hatred from his fellow classmate in that lousy room. The class leader would be the hero if the class won in the war, but if they lost he / she would be the sinner.

“Of course there is no problem to do it tomorrow. Right? Yuuji?”

Looking at his current state, I really couldn’t bear to ask him to hand out the class room now, so I turned and asked for Yuuji’s opinion.

“No, there is no need for that.”

The answer from Yuuji’s mouth was out of my imagination.

“Huh? Why?”

“Because I have never planned to get the Class D classroom.”

Yuuji told us his plan as it was there from the beginning, but I had no idea about that at all.

“Yuuji, what’s wrong? It took us so much effort to get these normal facilities right?”

“Have you forgotten something? Our final goal is to defeat Class A!”

Defeating Class A, this was the final goal for Yuuji and I.

“If that’s the case, why don’t we set our target at Class A? Isn’t this very strange?”

Sooner or later, we were going to fight them head on, then why didn’t we save the energy of doing things here and there, and attacked Class A directly?

“Go to measure your own capability! This is why you get the nickname ‘Brother Idiot’ from the secondary school students nearby.”

“What are you talking about? Stop saying the lies which half of them are facts!”

“Ah, I am sorry. It should be the primary school students nearby right?”

“......That’s not the part which is wrong.”

“What...... Do you really have such strange nickname?”

D...Don’t look at me! Stop looking at me with those looks on your faces!

“Anyway, I don’t plan to get any of your Class D facilities.”

“Of course this is the best outcome for us...... but are you sure?”

“Of course, but I have one condition.”

That’s right. If we let them go so easily, then this war was meaningless.

“Let’s listen to it first!”

“Don’t worry, there is nothing special. When I give you the signal, I want you to break that thing by the window, that’s all.”

Yuuji’s finger was pointing at the external section of the air conditioner outside the window.

However, that machine wasn’t belonged to Class D. Class D facilities were just the normal things you could see in a slightly poorer high school, which didn’t have anything like an air conditioner. It was there because there was no space for the owner class, so they placed it outside Class D’s classroom.

“Class B’s external section for their air conditioner?”

“Of course, breaking it might cause you being scolded by the teacher. But this trade should sound good enough for you, right?”

If they ‘accidentally’ broke it, at most they would just get serious warnings from teacher. However doing so could help them to avoid staying in the broken room for three months, there was no better deal than this.

“This definitely sounds good to us. But why do you want to do that? ”

Hiraga’s question was very reasonable. Our aim was Class A, why were we targeting Class B, and broke their air conditioner that had no direct connection.

“That’s related to our tactics against Class B.”

“Is it? Then I shall gratefully take your suggestion.”

“About the exact time, I will talk to you again the day after tomorrow, you can go back now.”

“OK, thanks. Hope you can defeat Class A as you plan to.”

“Haha, stop saying something you don’t mean it. Actually you think that we will definitely lose right?”

“That’s right. Class F can never win against Class A, that’s just wishful thinking.”

Class D class leader Hiraga raised his hand and then leaved the scene.

“Everyone! Thanks for the hard work today! Tomorrow we will be recovering the scores we had used, everyone should head back and have a good rest! That’s all for today! ”

After Yuuji gave out the commands, everyone chatted with each other and walked back to the classroom to pack their stuff before leaving.

“Yuuji, should we go as well?”


The feeling of winning was really great, but to tell the truth, I was really tired. Tomorrow we would continue the war, so I should just head back and rest!

“Ah, w...wait, Sakamoto.”


When Yuuji was preparing to leave as everyone else, someone stopped him. That person was Himeji.

“Oh, Himeji, it’s you!”

“Actually I have something to ask Sakamoto.”

She used her hand and pressed her chest, look like she was a little bit excited. It must be something important; maybe I should avoid them and leave for now?

“Oh, I know.”

After saying that, Yuuji walked toward Himeji and chatted in front of me. I hardly heard what they were talking about, and somehow, I felt a bit lonely.

Himeji just stared at Yuuji, looks like she was really concentrating, and totally forgetting my existence; it had to be something important.

Huh? Could it be...... Himeji actually didn’t realise my existence? Could it be, she never looked at me at all? Damn! If that’s the case, I would just pull her skirt up until I was satisfied!

“This is a good chance, Akihisa. Let’s just pull the skirt! Isn’t about time to see, the underwear of such a pretty girl?” [1]

What! Are you the devil in my heart? Damn! You are here to tempt me into the path of bad guys? Don’t look down on me! My heart of justice will not lose!

Eh? Where is the angel? Where is the angel in my heart? Wait, come out now! Isn’t this showing I only have the heart of evil?

“Anyway, I am a little bit interested in the beginning, and because that guy comes and talks to me about it, I am more interested of it after that.”

While I was fighting with my own mind, two of them were walking toward me.

“Eh, why would Yoshii say something like that?”

Both of them didn’t know about the fight I had in my heart, and they continued to chat.

“Come to think about it, he did mention about what happened during the class division test, maybe it is related to that, which means, even idiots have what they won’t give up.”

Yuuji was talking with a very friendly way and some jokes in between the chat. Looking at him, what was he talking about? Could it be love confessing? Himeji liked Yuuji?

“Class division test—that’s right.”

“I can only say until here—but Himeji, I think what you are guessing is right.”

I see, no wonder Yuuji looked so proud. Being loved by such a cute girl, there was no reason why he wouldn’t feel happy.

By the way, why hasn’t the angel in my heart come out?

“Oi, Akihisa. We should go back now.”

“Ah, OK. Have you finished chatting with Himeji?”

“Yep, now her resolve is stronger. Right, Himeji?”

Being asked by Yuuji, Himeji’s face immediately turned red, I could even feel that there was a “Bomb” sound effect above her head, this skill was really stunning.

“O, is it? But I am not sure what is going on. Then let’s go, bye, Himeji.”

”Ah, yes! See you tomorrow!”

Himeji’s face is still red. She kept waving her hand and saw Yuuji and I left the classroom.

“Nothing’s wrong with pulling the skirt up right?”

The angel in my heart, you were too slow! And even you agreed with pulling the skirt up?



“Is it really necessary to fight Class D? There are many other ways to break the air conditioner right?”

“Ah, you are talking about that?”

On the way home---Because my house and Yuuji’s house were in the same direction, so we usually went home together.

“There are many other reasons. Like making everyone get used to the Test Summoning War, to give pressure to other classes, to improve self confidence, to increase our morale and so on.”

“I see. Then why don’t we get the facilities from Class D?”

“That’s because our final target is Class A, if we get the facilities from Class D, maybe some of the students will be satisfied and start to go against Test Summoning War. To avoid something like that from happening, and to maintain the energy everyone has from the dissatisfaction, I purposely make that decision.”

Surprisingly, this guy thought a lot. After listening to Yuuji, I couldn’t think of him as a person with bad results. Or I should say... I saw the ‘Genius’ again.

“Can we win against Class A?”

“Of course, leave it to me.”

“Thanks, for the trouble I caused because of me being stubborn.”

“Not really. The reason why I come to this school is to do something big in the Test Summoning War.”

Yuuji unintentionally looked into distance.

When Yuuji was a kid, he was called ‘Genius’. However, the past glory had faded. Yuuji never said anything about it, but he was at the current state because most likely he lost the motivation in studying.

The test scores would become the power of the syokanju in the Test Summoning War. In this war, although Class F result was obviously bad, if they used their intelligence and strength and won against Class A, it would prove that those who couldn’t study could also stand on the top. I think, that’s what Yuuji wanted to prove.

“To achieve the goal, Akihisa you need to help me. Anyway, let’s concentrate on recovering the scores tomorrow.”


This meant, we were going to have tests tomorrow. We had used up a lot of scores today; it looks like we were going to have tests on every subject tomorrow. Oh no, it would be tests for the whole day!

“Don’t just play games, read some books before you sleep!”

“Alright, alright. I will at least read the”

This is so strange, why my bag is so light? Maybe....

“Ah, text book, I forget about them under the Japanese style table!”

“Idiot, quickly go back and take it.”

“Aww..... Then you go back first.”

“Of course, why should I wait for you?”

“I just knew it, you are heartless.”

I was nearly home. Complaining wasn’t going to help, let’s just take the book and go home!

I thought about it and ran to the school, which only had few students participating in club activities left.

“Oh man.”

I sighed and wore the indoor shoe, and headed toward Class F classroom.

“I am back!”

Just like I went back to my own home, I shouted once, and then walked into the classroom. Because of the Japanese style table and tatami, this room looked more like home than classroom.


“Eh? Himeji?”

Himeji was in the classroom which I thought was empty.

“W..What’s wrong?”

She looked panic, what’s wrong with her?

I looked towards Himeji’s seat(?), and saw a cute letter paper and envelope on the Japanese style table.

“Ah, T...This is...”

What was she doing? It looked just like she prepared the paper and the envelope, and readied to write a love letter for Yuuji; although I didn’t know what they were for.

“Face the truth, it is a love letter.”

Shut up, the devil in my heart! I wouldn’t be deceived by your lies! If you said so, what proof did you have to show that it was a love letter?

“This is, ah....”

“OK, I understand, no problem.”

“Eh---- Wa!”

With a crashing sound, Himeji was tripped by the Japanese style table.

The letter she was hiding at her back flew in front of me, and I accidentally saw one of the sentences.

“I like you.”

“Nothing can prove that this is a love letter more than this right?”


“Understand? This is the truth.”


“Is it time to give up?”

I folded the letter that flew towards me, and returned it to Himeji.

To show that I was a caring person, I joked:

“This letter of unfortunate is really special!”

“Are you prepared to neglect it until you die?”

What are you talking about, you stupid devil! Every time you say something, it causes me unfortunate! I won’t be cheated anymore!

“Er, I think you are wrong......”

“You don’t have to do that, just come to me and tell me, I can do it directly. Ah don’t worry, I will go to borrow the stun gun from Yamashita next door. ”

“Yoshii, this is not letter of unfortunate!”

“No way! This is the letter of unfortunate! I am feeling very unfortunate now!”


I swung my arms like a kid, and suddenly something soft grabbed my hand. When I looked properly, Himeji was holding my hand, tried to stop me from going berserk.

“Calm down, acting like this will harm yourself.”

Her voice was filled with warning.

When I calmed my darkened heart down, these hopeless facts was starting to corrupt my heart.

“...... There is nothing I can do....... I have to accept it.”

My knee felt powerless and I just knelt down. What’s going on? Why did I get this losing feeling in two days continuously?

The person who would receive the letter is Yuuji right? I am concerned about it.

“The person receiving it is our class---”

“Yes, he is our classmate.”

Himeji blushed, but she answered my question without a doubt.

Then it was obvious. That’s right, that person was Yuuji. However I didn’t want to name it and embarrass Himeji.

“Is it? What is good about that guy? Maybe his outlook is acceptable!”

“Ah, no, what attracts me is not the outlook. Ah, of course I like the outlook!”

“Damn! I hate that guy from the bottom of my heart.”


“Yeah, for me as a person with no confidence in outlook, that sounds too good.”

“Eh? Why? You look very handsome! My friend is interested in you!”

“Eh? Are you sure?”

Even I think that her friend is mad.

“Yeah. Although I am not too sure about the detail, but when she saw you and Sakamoto walked together, she would say ‘Muscular looking Sakamoto and Beauty looking Yoshii walk together, look just like a piece of drawing’.”

“Your friend is a good person, you have to be good to her.”

“Other things she says are ‘Yoshii will be the uke[2]’ and so on.”

“I take back my words, stay away from her! That world is still too early for you Himeji.”

Yuuji and I.... *vomit*!

“Anyway, beside the outlook, isn’t his inner side good as well?”

“Ah, Err....Yes....”

“That’s right, his liver looks very strong and healthy!”

Should be able to sell it at a good price I think?

“That’s an organ inside the body.”

“That, although I think it is not possible, is the personality of that person good?”

“Of course, no problem!”

Waa.. I never imagined Himeji would speak so loudly. I was scared. I never know she liked Yuuji so much.

“What’s good about his personality?”

“Very...very gentle....”


The person who cheated me to go and got hit in Class D, and nearly broke my arm was a gentle person?

“I give you the numbers now, have you prepared your pens and paper? Don’t worry, he is a very good Cranial nerve surgeon. ”

“My brain is perfectly fine!”

How could it be possible? What made you think that he was gentle? What kind of cruel family did you grew up in, Himeji?

“Gentle, bright and optimistic, he is my idol!”

Listening to her honest comment, it gave me a strong feeling that made me unable to laugh at her.

“About that letter..”


“Good luck.”

In a situation like this, I couldn’t do anything to destroy the relationship. Since Himeji liked Yuuji so much, as fellow classmate, I couldn’t stop myself from cheering for her.


The smiling Himeji was just too adorable; I really envied Yuuji from the bottom of my heart.

The next day, I went to school as usual.

In order to replenish the scores we lost in the war, we had to undergo a whole day of tests, I needed to do my best now.

“Good morning---”

Along with the ‘kala--kala’ sound effect, I opened the classroom door.

It was still tatamis and Japanese tables in the classroom. I still felt a little bit pity for not getting class D facilities.

“Oh, Akihisa. You are nearly late! ”

“Ah. Good morning, Yuuji ”

Yuuji arrived earlier before me in the classroom, he sat down near the Japanese table beside mine, with the English textbook in his hand. It seemed he was still planning to do some last minute study before the test.

“Nobody complain about anything?”

“Huh? Complain about what?”

“About Class D facilities.”

We all put so much effort and won the war, but eventually we didn’t take the enemy facility, it would be normal that some of us to feel unhappy about it.

“Ah, that! I have explained about it with everyone, so no problem at all.”


I think because of Yuuji’s performance yesterday that make people follow his order so well. Besides when they knew it is possible to win higher level classes, they lost interest in the facilities of Class D!

“By the way, are you all right?”


“About what happened yesterday.”

What, which event is he talking about...... Ah, is it about Yuuji’s execution?

“Ah, even idiot like me will give up doing idiot stuff like that after knowing my nails will be pulled off for doing that.”

“No, I am not talking about what you plan to do to harm me.”

Then what is it you want to talk about? I totally don’t know what Yuuji is trying to tell me.

“What are you trying to say----”



My speech was broken by a punch from nowhere.

“Sh...Shimada, good morning....”

“This is not the time to say good morning!”

Shimada looked like she was really angry.

I was lying on the ground now and able to see her underwear, but I was not feeling happy at all.

“You idiot, if you couldn’t save me yesterday, that’s fine. But how dare you used the fire extinguisher and broke the window, then blamed it on me!”

Oh, now I remember.

“And thanks to you, my ranking on ‘'The Most Unwilling to be Her Boyfriend” is even higher now!”

That’s surprising; I thought you are at the top of that rank already.

“I was planning to tie you up for interrogating and torturing. ”

Suddenly, Shimada calmed down.

By the way, before you tied me up, haven’t you hit me enough already?

“I think you have enough punishment already, I shall forgive you this time!”

“Yeah, I can’t stop my nose from bleeding till now!”

“No, I didn’t mean that.”

“Huh? Then what do you mean?”

“The first test we have today is maths.”

Shimada looked really happy--- happy from the bottom of her heart and said:

“And Funakoshi sensei is supervising the test.”

The moment I heard this sentence, I dashed out from the classroom and ran on the corridor.

“Ha....This is tiring.”

I lied on the table and sighed.

Finally we finished the tests on four subjects. The tests by themselves were exhausting, suffering the questioning by Funakoshi sensei at the same time made me even more exhausted.

By the way, I introduced an otaku[3] living around my house (thirty nine years old/ single..... should be male) to Funakoshi sensei, and told her that’s all I want to tell her yesterday.

“Hmm, you look exhausted.”

Hideyoshi came from nowhere and said.

He had a pony-tailed hair style today. Owww...... this is exactly what I liked. He is a guy, but he was tempting me with that pose now.

“......(nodding his head like mad)”

Silent pervert, who was always quiet and you could hardly felt his presence, was beside Hideyoshi.

“Good, let’s have lunch now. I will have ramen, katsudon, fried rice with curry today. ”

Yuuji is still looking energetic and stand up, you can’t see any bit of tiredness on his face. What material is he made of? And he eats too much for his lunch.

“Hmm? Yoshii you guys are heading to cafeteria? Can I stick with you guys?”

“Ah, Shimada you want to come as well? No problem for me!”

“Then I shall go with you guys.”


Silent pervert nodded and agreed, maybe he was planning something? Idiot, there was nothing good from a tomboy like Shimada.

“Yoshii, are you thinking something bad about me?”

“Definitely NO.”

Her sixth sense was scary.

Anyway, I finally got the chance to rest in the lunch break, I should eat something nice to recover my strength! However you couldn’t really get anything nice from the cafeteria.

“Then, I will be luxurious today, and have a salted water meal today.”

“Err, everyone...”

When we stood up and prepared to head towards cafeteria, someone’s voice stopped us.

“Hmm? Ah, Himeji is that you? Want to go to cafeteria together with us?”

“Ah, no. Err.... it’s about l...lunch. That, I promised everyone yesterday....”

Himeji looked at us uneasily, what’s wrong?

“OOH, could it be the lovely lunch?”

“Y,Yes, if it is OK for everyone.”

She took out the package from her back after she said that.

Really? Himeji, you are really a good girl! Thanks to you, I might be able to live a few days longer!

“Of course it is ok for everyone, right? Yuuji!”

“Yeah, that’s right. Thank you.”

“Is it? That’s great.”

Himeji shows a happy smile. This is so strange, she is the one who made the lunch, but she is happier than us who are eating it for free, I really don’t understand what gentle girls are thinking.

“Hmph...Mizuki you are pretty aggressive...”

Shimada stared at me fiercely as I was the murderer who killed her dad.

I don’t understand fierce girls thinking either.

“Then, since we have someone making lunch, let’s eat at the rooftop instead of the classroom.”

“That’s right.”

For such a high class food, it is not acceptable to be eaten in a lousy room filled with rotten tatamis and smelly smell from guy’s sweat. We should go to an enjoyable location such as rooftop, enjoy the food there and feel grateful to the chef.

“Is it? Then you guys can go there first.”

“Huh? Yuuji, where are you going?”

“I'll go to get some drinks, as a treat to you guys for the effort yesterday.”

“Ah, then I will go with you! You can’t take so many drinks at the same time right?”

It was very rare to see Shimada being so caring; did she take the wrong medicine?



Yuuji agreed without a doubt. If it was me, I was sure I would feel worried to be taken to somewhere and got beaten badly. “Remember to keep a share for us.”

“No worry, but I can’t guarantee anything if you come too late.”

“I don’t think I will be late. Let’s go!”

Yuuji and Shimada took their wallets and left the classroom, looks like they were heading to the cooperative store at first floor.

“We should get going as well.”


I took over the package from Himeji, and walked to the rooftop.

These lunch boxes are pretty heavy, it seems that she put a lot of effort into making lots of different dishes, I am so touched.

“Great, the weather is pretty good!”


We walked to the roof top and opened the door, and a clear sky without any cloud welcomed us. This was the best weather for eating lunch box.

“Ah, I have brought the cushion.”

Himeji took out the cushion for picnic out of the package. She seems to be well prepared, maybe she has brought the whole set of equipment for picnic?

We felt exited and started preparing together. There was no one else on the roof top, like we had booked the rooftop for ourselves, that’s great.

“This really feels good!”


I lazily lied on the cushion, enjoying the sunlight and the breeze that was blowing towards me.

“Err, I am not very confident....”

Himeji opened the cover of the meal box that was only used during New Year time.


All of us cheered together. It looked so delicious. There were karaage, tempura, onigiri, bamboo shot rolls and so on. Whatever dishes you could name, all appeared in the lunch box.

“Sorry Yuuji, I will start----“

“....(took a piece)”

“Ah, Silent Pervert you are too cunning!”

Then he smoothly put the food into his mouth---

“…..(fell onto the ground)”

(Sound of Silent Pervert falling to ground.)

Silent Pervert boldly fell down, and his muscle slightly was twitching.



Hideyoshi and I looked at each other.

“Wa! Tsuchiya?”

Himeji was panicked and dropped the disposable chopsticks that she prepared to give to us onto the ground.

“……(Suddenly stood up)”

Silent Pervert stood up.


Then he faced Himeji and raised his thumb.

He probably tried to say “delicious”!

“So, so that suits your taste? That’s good.”

Silent Pervert’s thinking must had been delivered to Himeji, because she looked so happy.

However, Silent Pervert, why were your legs kept on shaking? You looked just like a boxer who was going to get a KO.

“Don’t restrain yourself, eat as much as you can!”

Himeji showed her smile, and told us to eat more.

When she put it this way, it looked like we couldn’t refuse at all. I even had a feeling to eat all of them no matter how awful they were.

However, I still cannot forget silent pervert’s empty looking eye and shaking body.

(Hideyoshi, those dishes, what do you think?)

I used low volume so that Himeji couldn’t hear, and whispered to Hideyoshi.

(…… No matter how I look at it, it is not faked.)

(That’s right, now we are in deep trouble.)

(Akihisa, is your body strong?)

(To tell the truth, my stomach is very weak. It has degenerated because I rarely eat anything.)

Of course, Hideyoshi and I were using the happiest looking face and talked to each other, we couldn’t allow Himeji to discover our conversation and the shocking in our heart.

(Leave this to me!)

Hideyoshi bravely spoke in a low voice.

(Stop kidding, this is too dangerous!)

(No problem. Although I might not look like it, my stomach is very strong. Even sprouted potato can’t harm me.)


(Don’t worry! Believe in my iron stomach---)

He had the outlook of a pretty girl, but he was saying some manly lines. At this moment---

Yuuji appeared on the stage.

“Ah, Yuuji.”

Before we couldn’t stop him, he used his hand to take a piece of fried egg.

(Sounds of munching)

(Sounds of Yuuji falling to ground)

(Sounds of juice cans falling on ground)

The juice can fell onto the ground, and spilled everywhere.

“Sa..Sakamoto? Wait, what’s wrong?”

Shimada appeared before him and saw what happened. She immediately dashed towards Yuuji.

There is no mistake about it, Himeji is the real killer chef.

I looked at Yuuji, who was shaking crazily like Silent Pervert.

After that, Yuuji, who was on the floor, used his eyes to ask me:

(Did someone put poison in the food?)

(This is not poison, this is the true ability of Himeji.)

I also used the eye contact to answer his question. This was the secret technique that could only be used by us since we stuck together for a long time; it was very useful in situation like this.

“Ah, my leg… suddenly cramped.”

Yuuji told a kind lie because he was afraid to hurt Himeji’s feeling. Himeji, maybe it is just like what you said yesterday, Yuuji is a gentle guy!

“Ah haha, it must be because you are dashing up and down the stairs right?”

“Ah, maybe that’s the reason.”

“Really? I thought Sakamoto is pretty strong and healthy.”

Shimada, who is totally out of the situation, shows a doubtful face. It seems we should make her get off the stage before she speaks too much.

“By the way, Shimada, the place where your place your hand….”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“There is a bug just died there not long ago.”

This is total bullshit.

“What? You should say it earlier!”

She panicked and moved her hand away, this made her looks a bit more like a girl.

“I am sorry. You better go to wash the hand.”

“You are right, I will be right back.”

Shimada left the scene. Now the danger was lower by a little bit.

(We can’t let Shimada eat something like this, right?)

(Of course.)

HAHAHA--- the frank laugh of three guys was spread all over the roof top.

(Akihisa, it is your turn now!)

(D,Don’t be silly, I will definitely die!)

(What happen just now has lowered my determination….)

(Yuuji, eat it! Himeji definitely wants to see you eat it.)

(Is it? I thought this is for you, Akihisa.)

(No way! You don’t understand a girl’s thinking!)

(No, if you put it this way, you are the one here who don’t understand---)

(Shut up, stop struggling!)

“Huh? Himeji, what is that?”

“Huh? What?”

Himeji turned around and looked at the direction where my finger was pointing.

(Eat this!)


I took the chance and stuffed all the food into Yuuji’s mouth.

Yuuji’s eye had already turn white, I grabbed his lower jaw and helped him to swallow the food---- when you are eating, remember to munch carefully and swallow them slowly.

“Hu, finally finished it.”

“I didn’t know you were so good in torturing!”

Although I am being commented like this by Hideyoshi, I don’t care at all.

Yuuji was lying on the ground, and shaking even more crazily than just now, but I didn’t care as well.

“I am sorry, I think I look wrongly.”

“Ah, I see.”

I could never imagine Himeji to fall for such a classic trick, this is so helpful. But she is too pure; I am worrying for her now.

“The lunch box is very delicious, thanks for the food.”

“Yeah, your cooking skill is very good.”

Thanks to Yuuji, the lunch box was cleared without any problem. Our heart was just as clear as the sky now!

“Ah, that’s fast. Have you finished all of them?”

“Yeah. And Yuuji kept on saying ‘delicious, delicious’, and ate them at the same time.”

Yuuji, who was at the corner of our eyes, weakly shook his head.

Don’t worry, you have left a good impression with Himeji, maybe she will make the lunch for you again.

“Is it? I am so happy.”

“No no no, we are the one who are happy. Right, Yuuji?”

I signalled Yuuji to show some reaction, since he was still conscious, there should be some reaction from him.

“Argh…argh….T,thanks, Himeji….”

This is so terrible; his eye is looking very empty.

“Talking about good food, there is a café in front of the station just opened not long ago.”

In a situation like this, the person who changed the topic was me. This was all for avoiding Himeji to say ‘Then I will bring the lunch for you guys tomorrow’.

“Ah, the comments about that shop are pretty good!”

“Huh? There is a shop there?”

“Yeah. To thank you for the lunch, Yuuji will give you a treat there.”

“You bastard, don’t simply make promises for other people.”

It seemed our tactics was successful. We have finally avoided this crisis.

We were just chatting about everything and enjoy this warm time together.

“Ah, that’s right.”

Himeji put her hands together.

“Huh? What’s up?”


She put her hand into the bag and searched for something.

“I have prepared dessert as well.”

“Ahh! Himeji, look at that!”

(Akihisa! Even I will die if you do it again!)

Yuuji risked his life to stop my plan.

(Chi, you little bastard, your reaction is pretty quick huh.)

(Akihisa! Are you planning to kill me?)

(There is no other way! This mission can only be done by you, Yuuji! I will leave this to you!)

(Don’t be idiot! I won’t do it even if you use that frank smile in the shonen manga[4] and ask me to do it.)

(You are hopeless.)

(If you say that, why don’t you do it yourself!)

(What! Why did pose like that? What are you trying to do to me?)

(I am going to punch your heart using my fist, and then stuff everything into your mouth after you fainted! Take this!)

(No---- Crazy Killer!)

Yuuji held his fist firmly, just one second before the fight began, Hideyoshi quietly stood up.

(…..Let me do it!)

(Hideyoshi don’t be reckless, this is life threatening!)

(And you actually want to sacrifice me?)

Of course! Compared to you smelly guy, Hideyoshi who has a pretty girl outlook is so much more important.

(No problem. My stomach is very strong, eating these at most cause me Dyspepsia.)

That’s true, Hideyoshi’s stomach can nullified the poison, maybe he can resist these desserts.

“What’s wrong with you guys?”

“Ah, no! Nothing at all!”

“Ah, could it be……”

Himeji’s face suddenly darkens.

Did our thinking of not willing to eat these desserts is exposed?

“I am sorry, I left the spoons in the classroom!”

The dessert inside the container was fruits mixed with yogurt (looks like it anyway), so using chopsticks were really not suitable for eating them.

“I will go to get them now.”

Himeji disappeared at the stairs entrance. Now is the chance---

(Use this chance and eat them!)

Hideyoshi held the container in his hand, looked like a warrior who treated death as returning home.

“I am sorry, I will never forget your kindness.”

“Sorry, and thank you.”

Facing us who were bowing and quiet, Hideyoshi smiled, and spoke as nothing happen:

“Don’t make it like I am going to die, I didn’t plan to do so yet!”

“T..That’s right.”

“Ah! Hideyoshi, we are counting on you!”

“OK, leave this to me. I will start eating now!”

Hideyoshi raised his head, and drank the entire object inside the container.

“Munch munch. What, this is just normal----Wa!”

Life is like a flower of virtuality, and another flower has fallen in a blink of an eye.



“Sorry for forcing you to eat those foods just now.”

“……I am glad you understand that.”

The person, who self proclaimed himself ‘Iron Stomach’, was now lying on the flow with white foam at his mouth.

“By the way Sakamoto, about the next target---”

“Huh? About the Test Summoning War?”


After the very happening lunch, everyone revived and casually enjoyed the tea, especially Hideyoshi. He was trying to drink as much green tea as he could, I heard that green tea could help to kill the bacteria!

By the way, Shimada only managed to buy green tea. Although she was very angry, we were very grateful.

“The opponent will be Class B right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

This reminded me that Yuuji mentioned about destroying Class B air conditioner machine outside Class D yesterday. What was that for?

Since Class B air conditioner had nothing to do with attacking Class A, would that mean we will be dealing with Class B next time?

“Why Class B? Isn’t our final target Class A?”

Class A was our target. Everyone must be wondering why were we challenging Class B, which was one grade lower than Class A right? By the way I didn’t understand why as well.

“I will be frank.”

Yuuji suddenly turned serious.

“No matter what tactics we use, we can never win against Class A with our fighting ability.”

Admitting we lost before fighting? This was not what Yuuji would do.

However this was not news for us. Fumitsuki Gakuen divided the classes from Class A to Class F, and Class A wasn’t just any ordinary class; you could say their abilities were in a totally different dimension from the others. For all the fifty people in Class A, forty of them were still beatable. They were just normal students whose results were a little bit better than Class B. The remaining ten students were totally different. Especially the Class Leader Kirishima Shouko, her ability was totally out of anyone’s imagination. Even if we managed to attack them by surprise, and surrounded her, we would end up getting beaten up badly.

No matter what tactic you used, if you could not defeat the Class Leader, you could never win the war. Since we couldn’t defeat her, we had no chance of winning at all.

“Then our final target will be changed to Class B?”

Although there was still some distance away from Class A, Class B equipment was pretty good as well, I believed no one would be unhappy about it.

“No, that’s not going to happen. Our final target will still be Class A.”

“Yuuji, this is totally different from what you have just said right?”

I continued the conversation after Shimada, being able to defeat Class A or not meant a lot to me.

“If we fight as a class we can never win, so I decided to challenge them to duel.”

“Duel? How should we do it?”

“Use Class B to achieve that.”

Use Class B? How?

“Do you know what happen when the lower level class lost in Test Summoning War?”

“Eh? O..Of course!”

Actually, I didn’t know.

(Yoshii, if the lower level class loses in the war, their equipment will be one grade lower.)

Luckily Himeji reminded me from my side. I see, that’s what would happen!

“The equipment will be downgraded right?”

“That’s right. Which means, for Class B, the equipment will the downgraded to Class C equipment.”

“Of course, that’s common sense right?”

“What if the higher level class lose?”

“They will be sad.”

“Silent Pervert, go and bring me a pincer plier.”

“Wait! Are you trying to transform my body into one that will never need to use finger nail cutter?”

I didn’t say anything wrong, they would be sad right?

“They will need to exchange the equipment with the lower class.”

Himeji helped me to answer this question again; she was such a good girl.

“Yeah, I am going to use this rule, and negotiate with them.”


“If we win against Class B, I will ask them to attack Class A, so that they won’t have to exchange the equipments with us. Even if they lose to Class A, they will only get the equipment of Class C’s level, which is much better than the Class F equipment, this should work smoothly.”

“Hmph, then?”

“I will use this to negotiate with Class A, and warn them ’we will start attacking you after you have finished fighting with Class B’.”

“I see.”

It must be tiring for them to fight another war after they finished the fight with the second level class in the same year.

Although this was the same for Class F, we had our unhappiness which motivated us. We might not be as smart, but we were very motivated.

However it was very different for Class A. They wouldn’t get anything from winning the war, and they didn’t want to waste time with an opponent like Class F, the morale between Class A and us would be very different.

“However, there is a problem with this tactic. This might cost more energy, the process is troublesome, but compared to a duel, the Test Summoning War is much more secure war to win against Class A right? Also---”


“Are you sure we can win in the duel? They must already know that Himeji is in our class.”

After Class F won against Class D, everyone would definitely focus on the winner. Himeji was not our secret weapon now. Therefore, they must have prepared tactics to fight against Himeji.

“I am well aware of this and well prepared, don’t worry.”

Yuuji looked confident, which was totally different from me, who was really worrying now.

“Anyway we will need to fight against Class B first, I will fill everyone with the details later.”

“Is it? Well, it is fine by me as long as you have tactics about it.”

If there was no chance of winning, he wouldn’t be able to say something like that right?

“By the way, Akihisa.”


“After the tests today, go to declare war to Class B.”

“No way. You can go to do it yourself.”

No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind.

“Well, let’s decide who will do the job using paper scissor rock.”

“Paper scissor rock?”

Well, at least this is better than him forcing me to go.

“OK, I accept the challenge.”

“Good, then who ever lose will go, ok?”

Yuuji nodded and said: “It will be boring if we just play normally, let’s include a psychological battle as well.”

This was Yuuji’s suggestion.

About the psychological battle, it is that, right? Everyone said what they would use, and then guessed whether the opponent would do as they said or lie. I see, this is interesting.

“I understand now, I am going to use rock.”

Yuuji made a pose for paper scissor rock, and told me:

“Are you? Then I am---”

Yuuji, what will you think? Am I going to be honest and use rock, or use others? This is a fight of intelligence as well.

“If you don’t use rock, I will kill you!”

Wait…. What kind of psychological battle is that?

“Ready? Paper, scissor, rock!”


Paper----(Yuuji), Rock---(Me)

“Then it is decided, you will go.”

“I will not go!”

I won’t accept this! This is so different from the psychological battle I imagine!

“Are you still worrying about being beaten up badly like in Class D last time?”

“That is one of the reasons!”

“If that’s the reason, you can rest assured, I can guarantee that it won’t happen again.”

Yuuji stared at my eyes.

I won’t be cheated! You keep using the same technique and ask me to do the dirty work!

“Because there are a lot of people in Class B who like handsome boy.”

“Really? Then there is nothing to worry about!”

Only I can complete this difficult mission, the responsibility is huge!

“However you are so ugly……”

Yuuji had a long sigh. Nonsense, that was not true!

“You are so impolite! I am a handsome boy when I looked at myself from three hundred and sixty five degrees!”

“There is 5 degrees extra.”

“I think there is only 5 degree!”

“I hate you two.”

I only mixed up three hundred and sixty five days in a year and degrees of circle, so why are you using the magnifying glass to look at my small mistake! Damn!

“Anyway I will leave this to you!”

Yuuji’s voice came from my back, as the lunch time ended; the afternoon which was full of tests had just started.

“I would like to listen to your explanation.”

The test in the afternoon had ended safely; it was now after school time.

I used my hand to cover the sleeve that had been pulled into pieces, and walked towards Yuuji slowly.

“This is just as I thought.”

“Wa--- I am going to kill you! I will cut you into pieces!”

“Cool down.”


A…attack at the heart….this is terrible.

“I will head back home now. Tomorrow morning we will have test, don’t oversleep.”

After saying that in with a frank tone, Yuuji left the classroom. You are a Devil!

“Urgh….my stomach….”

My whole body was in serious pain, it looked like before the effect that Yuuji’s technique caused on my body disappeared, I couldn’t move at all.

I could only lie on the ground and watched every classmate left the classroom. No one worry about me, and bring me to the nursing room. Am I so hateful? Although I think Himeji will worry about me and come to me.

Because I couldn’t move my body, I turned my neck and looked around in the classroom. I saw Himeji still remain in the classroom, holding her back and looking around as well. She looked very suspicious, it seems like she was guarding something.

---Ah, now I remember, Himeji wrote a letter yesterday right? Maybe she was thinking where she should put her letter.


I felt shy about continuing watching her, so I slowly crawled out the classroom.