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04. The happy Sandbear Family[edit]

Note: The voice actor for Ryan and Keiji is Namikawa Daisuke

Ryan: Hello~! This is Ryan. And this is Keiji, the Sandbear. [1]

Keiji: Bear-Bear [2]

Ryan: From here on you'll listen to what happened to me after I fell into the Sandbear pit...

Keiji: Bear-Bear

Ryan: The love story between Keiji and I!A fated encounter that will bring you to tears.

Keiji: Bear-Bear

FX: *Falling into the Sandbear pit*

Ryan: *screams* Ah.. Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.... Oh~! This place is the bottom of the pit... It seems no one else fell down with me.

FX: *stands up*

Ryan: Who would have thought that at the bottom of the pit there would be this huge area? Ah~! I think I know this is ..."the place where all of those beings have their kids"... No, I mean... the Sandbear nests are built underground and connect through countless passages. The whole family uses it to go and visit one another... then....Ah~! Then what was written in that famous animal book about strange animals was true! I'm so excited... Th...Then if I continue walking through this passage, it means that ahead, I'll find a big Sandbear family!

FX:*Sandbear footsteps*

Ryan: Oh~! What is that sound? It's coming from behind me...

Keiji:*angry* BEEAAAR~!!!

Ryan: Uwah~! Waiiii~! It's a Sandbear~!

Keiji: Bear?

Ryan: So cuuuu~te~!

Keiji: Bear!

Ryan: Oh... it's alright, it's alright. Good boy! There, there, there... Eh? Are you hurt? This is... a sword wound!

Keiji: *explaining* Bear-bear-be~ar!

Ryan: How could use a sword against a Sandbear! Foolish soldiers can't do anything else...

Keiji: Be-Bear?

Ryan: It's okay, it's okay. Don't be afraid. C'mon, let's treat that injured paw.

Keiji: Eah~! BEAR!

FX: *Keiji puts Ryan's head in his mouth*

Ryan: *from inside Keiji's mouth* Look! It's not scary.

FX: *Keiji whines and takes Ryan's head out of his mouth*

Keiji: Uooonnn

Ryan: You were just startled, right?

Keiji: *sad* Bear...

Ryan: What is it?

Keiji: Bear-bear...

Ryan: Are you apologizing? Thank you. Don't worry about it.

Keiji: Bear? Bear!

Ryan: Forgive me. I came into your nest without asking for permission. And you even got injured. Let me apologize in the name of my fellow soldiers. I'm really sorry.

Keiji: B-Bear!?

Ryan: Eh? Your language? Yes. I know it's strange, but I can understand it.

Keiji: Bear. Bear-bear.

Ryan: Eh? Your name is Keiji? Hmm... what a beautiful name.

FX:*little hearts*

Keiji: Bear... Bear?

Ryan: Ah~! I'm Ryan. Up until now I've been a soldier working for His Majesty the Maou but now, I'm thinking about quitting...

Keiji: B-Bear?

Ryan: Dummy! I wouldn't do such a dangerous thing. You really don't know why?

Keiji: Bear?

Ryan: Then I will tell you. It's because.... I met you.

Keiji: Bear...! Bear-be-bear~~!

Ryan: Really?!

Keiji: *shy* Bear...

Ryan: I'm so happy! Keiji, we've both fallen in love with each other at first sight, haven't we?!

Keiji: Bear~~!

FX: *Wedding bells*

Ryan: So this is why... I, Ryan, am looking forward to talking about my relationship with Keiji-kun... uhm...

Papa Bear: Bear~? (Shori's voice)

Ryan: Well, well... it's Keiji-kun's father~! Thank you for having me. As I expected from the provider of the house. You sure are impressive and dignified!

Mama Bear: Bear? *offers tea* (Cherie's voice)

Ryan: I can't believe you're offering me tea. You're Keiji-kun's mom! I really couldn't tell.

Papa Bear: EHHH~!HE! Bear bear!

Ryan: Ah, you're right. Please excuse me. So I'll go right to the point... there's only one thing I would like to talk about... that's about .. ma... ma (marriage or Keiji)... please entrust Keiji-kun to me!

Papa Bear: *snorts* BEAAAR~?!

Ryan: Ah... I know it's sudden, please excuse me for startling you !!! But dad, the two of us are seriously...


Ryan: You don't want me calling you father... That's ...! But please listen to me dad!

Papa Bear: UWAHHHH~~!

Keiji: Stop-Be-bear!

Ryan: Watch out, Keiji!

FX: *A lamp/dishes break*

Ryan: Ah...

Keiji: Be-Bear?

Ryan: I'm alright, Keiji. C'mon... don't cry. It's alright, as long as you're not injured.

Keiji: Be~ be~....

Papa Bear: *rolls eyes* BBBBBBBwwwwgrr...

Mama Bear: Bear-bear?

Ryan: Mom... Yes! I think that I'm Keiji's fated partner...

Papa Bear: Beh~..... Sandbear....

Ryan: You're wrong, dad. I would never steal the precious son that you've raised away from you.

Papa Bear: Bear... Bear. Bear...

Ryan: Thank you, dad. And yes, of course... I will make him happy no matter what! I... I... I would die for Keiji!

Keiji: Be... bear~! *cries and hugs with Mama Bear*

FX: *Many Sandbears come into the house*

Ryan: That's a lot of Sandbears! Uwa~ ... So, who are you ?

Uncle Bear: Bear, bear, bear... (Günter's voice?)

Ryan: You're Keiji's uncle! It's nice to meet you.

Uncle Bear: Bear, bear, bear...

Ryan: Thank you very much. Please entrust me your nephew!

Uncle Bear: Bear...Humph

Papa Bear: BEAR BEAR! Bear...

Ryan: Oh~! I see... You're dad's younger brother, right? You two brothers look like you're really popular ...

Papa Bear:*blushes* Bear,

Uncle Bear: *blushes* Bear...

Twin Younger Brother bear 1: Bear! Bear Bear Bear~! (Yuuri's voice)

Ryan: Good afternoon. Your name is Toraji-kun? You're Keiji's younger brother aren't you? So... the one that looks so much like Toraji-kun is.... ?

Twin Younger Brother bear 2: Bear, bear, bear.... (Murata's voice)

Ryan: Aha! You're Haiji-kun! I see, the two of you are twins aren't you? Which one is the eldest?

Twin Younger Brother bear 1: Bear~! Bear Bear Bear!

Twin Younger Brother bear 2: *sighs* Bear... bear... bear

Ryan:*laughs* I see... so Toraji-kun is the eldest. You two! Nice to meet you!

Younger Sister Bear: Bear.. Bear.. Bear! (Anissina's voice)

Ryan: Your name is Yukiji-chan ? Uwah~ You're super cute, ne?

Sister Bear: Bear bear...

Ryan: You think I'm that good looking? Ah... I'm blushing

Keiji: Bear~!

FX: *Keiji pulls Ryan's ear *

Ryan: Ouch, ouch, ouch! Keiji, what are you doing? Dummy, what I say to others is not meant to bring you down...

Keiji: Bear~!

Ryan: It's true! When I told Yukiji-chan that she was cute, I did it because she's your precious little sister.

Keiji: Bear~!

Sandbears: Yoo-hoo~~~ Bear-Bear~!*Cheer*

Ryan: But anyway, Keiji. The sandbear that's at the door looking in, who is that?

Keiji: Bear? BeaBea

Ryan: I see, he's your older brother.

FX: *heavy sandbear footsteps*

Older Brother Bear: Bear-Bear, Bear-Bear (Gwendal's voice)

Ryan: Ah... hi. You're Hamaji-kun? Eh... I'm sorry I don't know what you were just talking about ...

Older Brother Bear: Bear,Bear, Bear

Ryan: Uhm... I'm really sorry. But I'm not familiar with these Ran-Ran and Kan-Kan that you're talking about... [3]

Older Brother Bear: Bear,Bear, Bear,Bear

Ryan: Uh~? No, right now, I'm not really interested in finding out the origins of Ran-Ran's father, or the problems that Kan-kan has... do you collect them?

Older Brother: Bear,Bear, Bear,Bear

Ryan: Uhm? Fan-fan? Ah... that name is in Cherie-sama's boyfriend list...

Older Brother Bear: Bear?

Ryan: Eh? Someone super cute? Then it must be a different person... I'm sorry Hamaji-kun, I don't have with me any items children would like...

Older Brother Bear: *grumbles* Tsk... Bear! *Walks away*

Ryan: Keiji, it seem that I did something to make Hamaji-kun dislike me...

Keiji: Bear~!

Ryan: Even if you tell me not to worry, I think he hates me...

Mama Bear: Bear, Bear?

Ryan: Ah! Mom, what is it? You say the preparations are ready... ?

Mama Bear: Bear-Bear, Bear!!!!

FX: *Here comes the bride song*

Ryan: EH?! A wedding ceremony?! Keiji and mine's?!

Papa Bear: Bear Bear, Bear!

Ryan: Father! Even if you say that we should do it quickly, I still have to get my heart ready...

Keiji: Bear?

Ryan: No, Keiji, I'm happy. I'm happy but, *whispers* I wonder if Mazoku and Sandbears are allowed to marry each other?

-- Scene Change --

Wolfram: *sighs* I wonder where I am...

(In Wolfram's head) Yuuri: Wolfram~!

Wolfram: I wonder if Yuuri is alright... Even though he didn't fall into the pit, since he's such a henachoko (rookie), if he's alone he'll be so lonely he might start crying... *scared* If... If I'm not by his side... *startled* Ugh~! Ah... What is that? Water? Cut it out! You can't get scared over something like that! Pull yourself together, Wolfram! You're a Mazoku soldier ... if you become so helpless over something like that,*almost crying* what will happen to you?

Conrad: Wolfram!

FX: *Conrad runs towards him*

Wolfram: Huh? *crying*

Conrad: Wolfram!

Wolfram: *happy* Lord Weller~! *changes* Ugh.. Ungh.... Why did you come here?!

Conrad: Heh, I'm happy you're unharmed. Wait... That's a dead end over there.

Wolfram: Uhn... I knew that... already...!

Conrad: Just now, I showed the soldiers that fell into the hole how to get out. The exit is where the streams connect. If we don't want to get eaten by a Sandbear, it will be best if we hurry too...

Wolfram: Hey...

Conrad: Hm?

Wolfram: Why did you come here?

Conrad: It was an order of His Majesty.

Wolfram: *surprised* Yuuri's order?

Conrad: Yes. "Go to where Wolfram is"

Wolfram: What's that?! Is he taking me for a fool?! All soldiers have come out of one or two difficult situations...

Conrad: I know... Gwendal and I told him so.

Wolfram: Big brother too?

Conrad: But His Majesty told me to come. "Go, and save your younger brother"

Wolfram: Younger brother...

Conrad: Honestly I wasn't worried at all, the same goes for Gwendal...

Wolfram: Lord Weller...

Conrad: Heh... C'mon, let's leave this place quickly for His Majesty's sake...

Wolfram: Ugh! Uhn! I know...!

Conrad: From here on, the path gets really narrow. Watch your step. I'll go first, so follow me...

Wolfram: Mh...

Conrad: What's wrong? C'mon!

Wolfram: Why are you holding out your hand?

Conrad: Since it's dark I thought it might be difficult to walk, so maybe we can walk hand in hand.

Wolfram: *gasp uncomfortably * Don't treat me like a kid!

Conrad: *laughs* I guess you're right, huh? You're not a kid who's afraid of the dark and can't go anywhere on his own without crying...

Wolfram: Uwa~! Of course not! How old do you think I am?! [4]

Conrad:*laughs* You're 82. *sighs* But I guess I still think of you as a kid...

Wolfram: Be quiet~!


FX: *footsteps*

Wolfram: Conrad...

Conrad: Hm?

Wolfram: For coming to save me....I want to say th.. tha... than~...

Conrad: Hm? What?

Wolfram: It's nothing !!!

Conrad: I see...

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  1. Yes, it's Keiji, not KG.
  2. *Bear* is the sound that Sandbears make.
  3. Quick reminder, Ran-Ran was the name of the girl that turned into a Panda in Shouri's game in the prologue...
  4. He was crying and frightened before Conrad showed up though XD