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Track 8ː A night alone[edit]

Yuuri: Uhm... I'm sure I left that book somewhere around here somewhere.

FX: drops something

Yuuri: Eh? What is this pillow? It's not one of mine... Ah... there's a microphone here. Ahhhh~! Could it be that this is the "Dream Theater"? I never gave it back to Anissina! Ah, this is bad! But... this was a long time ago, probably by now Anissina-san has also forgotten about it ... Uhm... I wonder if it still works...? I haven't used it since that time. That's right. Conrad.... Conrad is not here now.

FX: *enters room*

Yuuri: I knew it. There was no way he'd be here. How big... was this room always this big?

FX: *footsteps*

Yuuri: Eh? There's something on the bookshelf. Uh! It's Günter's book! So you read it after all, Conrad... But back then I was really surprised. I couldn't believe that Günter was the masked author and that he was even signing autographs.

FX: *opens book*

Yuuri: Back then, Conrad was still here. It was peaceful. Uh! What is this?

FX: *squeezes rubber duck*

Yuuri: This cheap thing being here right in the middle of the room. Just seeing this duck doll here makes you want to laugh. Hah...*sighs* Peace, huh? By the way that day, when I went to see Anissina-san to give her my report on the Dream Theater she talked about that. She said that in the past, people only dreamed of war... But that now, since there was peace, everyone had dreams that only weaklings would have...because they felt safe.

FX: *squeezes rubber duck*

Yuuri: I wonder what kind of dreams you are having where you are now, Conrad. Eh... "Testing, testing... I am now falling asleep." Yeah, there was no way that was going to work. If the actual person isn't here, this machine couldn't...

FX: *strange fx sound*

Yuuri: Eh? What is this? What's this whitish thing? Eh? A petal? Is it a sakura petal? The window is closed. Why is there a sakura petal here?

Conrad: Your Majesty...

Yuuri: Eh? No, it can't be. Conrad is not here. But.... you're alive, aren't you? I'm sure you're not dead, right? But, but... I still can't believe... that you are not here by my side.

Yuuri: And so, while I was still immerse in those feelings, right after this, something happened in Caloria, that I would have never even dreamed of. [1]

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  1. Since this is the last track of the story (before the epilogue and the cast talk), Yuuri is making a brief introduction of the next cd "Ura MA DX!" that covers novels 5 to 8.