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Track 9ː Epilogue[edit]

Yuuri: Suddenly, a sad feeling overcame the Maou Shibuya Yuuri. While his tears were still drying, the ambitious Big Shimaron awaited him. A story about fate toying with Yuuri, who is still only 16 years old.

Murata: Shibuya, by the way, how old are you really?[1]

Yuuri: Hey, look. That's because of the influence of my stupid brother... Eh? Murata?

FX: *Murakenzu bmg*

Murata: Hello! From here on, this will be an epilogue with the average guys from Murakenzu! Or actually, this time it will be "Maganezu"[2]. This is Murata Ken, the spokesman of all the people who wear glasses.

Shouri: Hello! This is Shibuya Shouri, the spokesman of all the people who wear super-fashionable glasses. Ah~! Finally it's my turn. Really, it took some time.

Yuuri: You mean, you're the spokesman of the Akihabara otakus who wear glasses, right? [3] *whispers* Actually Shouri fits the part perfectly .

Shouri: How rude! Fujoshi[4] think glasses are cute. Like in"Specs-with-neck-chain-Girl Manager 2" they like them a lot.

Yuuri: Nobody asked about your hobbies, Shouri.

Shouri: What did you say, Yuu-chan?! Call me, oniichan!

Yuuri: Don't call me Yuu-chan.

Murata: Alright.. alright... It's alright, oniisan. Let's make this simple and call ourselves horny-glasses and white-glasses. Of course, I will be white glasses.

Shouri: So I'm horny-glasses?!

Yuuri: Wait! Before we continue this reunion as if nothing's happening, answer me this: Why are you two here?!

Murata: That is because, in this epilogue we won't have Murakenzu today! No, it will be Meganezu!

Yuuri: That's not the problem! The problem is that this is Conrad's room... you don't find this strange?!

(After this Murata starts speaking like a foreigner)

Murata: *tsk*tsk*tsk*tsk*tsk* No, no, Shibuya. If we talk about the circumstances we're in, you too are in the wrong place.

Yuuri: How am I in the wrong place?

Murata: Because... listen. First of all Shibuya-kun you study toured during summer-time from a beach, to a storage room where Lord Weller was. Not to mention that once you were done, you shouldn't have come back to Shin Makoku anyway.[5]

Yuuri: *arrow sticking into Yuuri's head* That is...

Murata: You don't really have time to be making a narration as if you were some sort of legendary idol.

Yuuri: Y.. Yes.. you're right, but you know? If you compare that to how unnatural it is for Murata and Shouri to be in Shin Makoku...

Shouri: Ahh.. ah... Yuuri? We forgot to give the people in the set a break. Hey staff! We're taking a break!

Staff: Alright~!

Yuuri: What is this? A "set"?

Murata: Don't speak broken Japanese.

Yuuri: But you have been speaking broken Japanese all this time!

Conrad: Your highness, give this to his Majesty, because I can't see anything.

Yuuri: Wait ! Why is even Conrad here!? And on top of that he's wearing those manga-like thick glasses!

Shouri: Yuuri! Since this time we're doing the "Meganezu" epilogue, you have to wear glasses too!

Yuuri: No, no, no, no. I have good eyesight so.... I don't want to look so shameful! Stop it, don't put them on Shouri!

FX:*he puts the glasses on Yuuri*

Murata: Uh... Shibuya. Glasses really don't suit you.

Yuuri: Eh... really?

Shouri: I always thought that if it was Yuu-chan, anything would look good on him, but it seems that I was wrong...

Yuuri: Ah... I somehow feel defeated....

Conrad: Your highness, sorry, but these frames are too much...

Yuuri: You look way too natural in them!

Conrad: Sorry, but the frames don't suit me.

Murata: Well, alright! Let's continue with the impressions that everyone had while making this drama CD: "Poison lady, Anissina and the Ma-powered inventions"

Yuuri: That's not the name of the CD! I mean , yeah, we talk here and there about Anissina's inventions but ...

Murata: Her inventions are really fantastic... If they had her zombi poison in Hollywood, they could use it to make awesome special effects in the movies.

Shouri: The superstars would end up in a coffin.

Conrad: Since I don't have any maryoku, I have never been used to test her inventions. That really saved me. Ah... ah... my head is pounding.

Yuuri: Take off those glasses!

Conrad: Yeah.

FX: *takes them off*

Murata: A machine to spy on people's dreams is nice, huh? I actually wanted to look into Shibuya's dreams.

Shouri: Me too. Yuuri, tell us, what kind of dreams do you usually have?

Conrad: I'm quite interested too...

Yuuri: Eh! Ahh... I *embarrassed* I have average dreams.

Murata: Hu, hu, hu! That's why! Pararara-cha-cha-cha-chaaan! "The great Ma-powered viewer of dreams: the Dream Theatre".

Yuuri: Eh?! Why do you have that?! And it's even nicer than the one I have! It has a golden microphone!

Murata: Well now, I think everyone here will want to enter Shibuya's dreams!!! Alright, so who wants to go in?!

Shouri: Me!

Conrad: Me!

Shouri: Me!

Conrad: Me!

Shouri: Me!

Conrad: Me!

Murata: Alright, are you ready? "Testing, testing..."

Yuuri: Wait, I'm not sleeping right now! If a person is not sleeping you can't do it, right?!

Murata: This is the improved version, "Dream Theater 2". No matter where, when or whom, this device allows you enter people's dreams and expose them. It doesn't matter if the person is sleeping or awake!

Yuuri: What a troublesome device! Wait, don't! Don't look into my dreams!

Conrad: That's not fair, since you already took a look into other people's dreams, your Majesty.

Shouri: That's right, Yuu-chan!

Yuuri: This has nothing to do with you, Shouri! Ah... I'm telling you to stop... please, please stop! Someone, anyone!!! HELP MEEE~!

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  1. So, Yuuri and Murata always ask each other this question. Yuuri asks it because Murata speaks like an old guy (because of his memories), and Murata asks Yuuri the same question, because he also speaks like an old guy (but that's just because Yuuri's like that).
  2. Meganezu: Specs-guys; Murakenzu: Murata Ken and company (it's always Yuuri)
  3. Akihabara is a district of Tokyo with lots of anime shops. Otakus gather there.
  4. Fujoshi: older woman; and also, girl who likes homoerotic manga. (different kanjis but they sound the same)
  5. Absolutely correct. He should be with Murata in Caloria, not back in Shin Makoku. But since in the anime Conrad returns shortly after, they had to mess up the timeline to make this drama cd fit in there somehow. ( Tracks 5 and 8 are based on Chapter 2 of the 3rd Volume of Short Stories " Starting Today I'm the Ma!King!?" )