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Track 3ː Meanwhile in Shin Makoku[edit]

-- At the Blood Pledge Castle --

Anissina: I've identified the type of poison that was used to cover the arrow.

Gwendal: Oh~! That was as fast as I expected. So... What is it?

Anissina: It's probably the Wincott poison. It is a drug that allows anyone connected to the Wincotts by blood, to control the will of any sort of others, whether they are alive or dead. Because it's a poison which is very difficult to cleanse, it is said that it can only be found in the birthplace of the Wincotts.

Gwendal: Wincott? Our country's Wincott family? It can't be. Does that mean that one of the members of the ten noble families organized the assassination attack?

Anissina: No! Please pay attention when people talk to you! Didn't I say that it can only be found in their birthplace?

Gwendal: Eh?

Anissina: Before the Wincott family became Mazoku they were originally from the area currently known as the Autonomous Region of Caloria in Small Shimaron.

Gwendal: Ah! Right... that's how it was...

Anissina: It is a honorable family, who never resented the ungrateful humans, even though they, fearing the power that defeated the Soushu, took away their lands, rights and everything else they possessed and drove them away to the west. It's impossible that they would rebel against Shin Makoku with an attempt of murder such as this!

Gwendal: Hmmm...

Anissina: Because they were a family that trained people in both fighting proficiency and potion making, their knowledge and techniques remained in their birthplace. Clearly, someone took that knowledge and put it to bad use.

Gwendal: So, it must have been Small Shimaron....

Anissina: I don't know whether it was Small or Big Shimaron, but in any case this was the work of humans...

Gwendal: I see.... By the way, that... what in the world is that?

FX: *bling*

Anissina: What do you think? It's pretty artistic, isn't it? Snow Günter.

FX: *classical music*

Anissina: When the patient arrived I had to give him an emergency treatment, and even though I wasn't sure whether this state of suspended animation would work, I was able to completely stop the poison from spreading.

Gwendal: "Snow" you say... But isn't this just Günter's naked body, frozen with powdered snow? It's the same as what they do to fresh fish at the market.

Anissina: This is why men with no artistic knowledge bother me so much! How can you not understand my wonderful aesthetic sense?!

FX: *Gwendal covers Günter's private parts*

Anissina: What are you doing, you?

Gwendal: No, it's just that I couldn't leave him like this, *haha* I mean his nether regions...

Anissina: And what is the purpose of you putting such a cute snow rabbit [1] on his groin?

Gwendal: What? Is it wrong that it's cute? Then, let's try this...

Anissina: It's not necessary, so please don't put a straw hat there either! Why are you turning Snow Günter [2] into Straw Hat Günter?!

Gwendal: I thought maybe he could bring us food for New Year's Day[3]. Then, at the very least, this...

Anissina: Wait a moment, why do you have all of them ready to use one after another? A crane? A pig? A goose? A Little Red Riding Hood?[4] And why do you have this macho man?

Gwendal: "The Little Match Günter" [5]

FX: *bling*

Anissina: It seems that you really like the children bedtime stories you heard from his Majesty, huh? Even without those things his whole body is properly covered in snow, hiding everything. Don't bother me with such trivial things!

Gwendal: But...

Anissina: More importantly, did you bring the thing that I asked for?

Gwendal: Yes... But, why do you need this little kitty-tan....?

Anissina: Give it to me.

Cat: Mee... [6]

Gwendal: Ah! Please don't treat it so roughly!

Anissina: It is said that animals can see things that we cannot. Alright, little animal, where is Günter's soul?

Gwendal: Eh? Is Günter's soul in this room?

Anissina: Well, of course. He was shot with a poisoned arrow and now his body is in a state of suspended animation, he's not dead. In those cases, the soul is always near the body. But since such an existence is very unstable, we must secure it quickly.

Cat: Meeee, meeeee....

Anissina: Oh... You're staring at that one place, huh? IS IT THERE!?!

Gwendal: Uwah~!

Anissina: What are you doing screaming so pathetically? It's not the soul of a dead person, so you don't need to make such a fuss! What a weak man you are!

Cat: Meee.... Shaaaaaaa!!! *rapid movement of paws * Mee, mee, meeeee~!

Anissina: Woah, you did a good job catching it, huh? For a little animal you did an excellent job~!

Gwendal: It caught him?

Anissina: Yes! It seems like it splendidly bit the tail of the soul. A soul with no regrets is a perfect sphere , but in this case the cat seems to be pulling a long tail.

Gwendal: Is it full of regret then....?

Anissina: And it is said that a pure soul is really bright, but....

Gwendal: You can't see any light coming out of it at all...

Anissina: But this is a problem. We can't let the cat hold onto the tail of the soul forever. We have to find a container to put the soul inside....

FX: *the door is slammed open*

Wolfram: *breathes heavily*

Gwendal: What is it Wolfram? I thought I hadn't seen you in a while. Where did you go?

Wolfram: Yes, brother. Since Anissina... Lady von Karbelnikoff said that she needed to catch Günter's soul, I thought that the soul would need a vessel to reside in and so I went to the treasure room looking for one... and.... eh? This Günter that looks like a fish from the market.... it can't be... is he dead.... ?

Gwendal: Wolfram, don't put the glass slipper on his groin just yet[7]. He's only in a state of suspended animation. At any rate, you did well going out to look for a vessel so quickly. So? What happened? Could you find a good container?

Wolfram: Yes, big brother! This is probably the best vessel so that the captured soul can't escape.


Gwendal: This is... Have you ever heard the story about this item? Is this not the okiku doll[8] , the typical present that you bring from abroad?

Anissina: It's exactly as you say. This is the first time I've seen one. It's the doll that is said to have hair that grows, that cries blood, and that picks her nose in the middle of the night!

Gwendal: Ughmph....

Anissina: I heard that because it brings bad luck it was hidden deep inside the treasure room.

Gwendal: Is it cursed?

Wolfram: It seems that if we lock the soul inside this, it will not be able to easily escape, because of the strength of the curse.

Gwendal: You said it's cursed now!? Are you sure?! And even so, you want to put Günter in a thing like that....?!

Wolfram: But this, is a container of ancient and honorable origin. Even though Günter is rotting, he's still one of the ten nobles. We cannot use some cheap item to contain his soul.

Gwendal: But even if you say that..... no wait, he's not rotting yet.

Anissina: Well, if the soul were to escape, we would be in a pickle, we can't escape this problem without making some sacrifice. Please give it to me, Wolfram.

Wolfram: Yes.

Anissina: Alright, cat. Please put that soul into this.

Cat: Mee...

FX: *Günter's soul enters the okiku doll"

Gwendal: Good boy, good boy, well done! Alright, come over here kitty-tan.

Cat: Mee...

Gwendal: Come here as fast as you can. Hurry up!

Cat: Meee!!! Meee!!!

Anissina: Why are you in such a hurry? How rude!

Wolfram: Is Günter's body alright, big brother?

Gwendal: Ah, yes..... Thanks to Anissina's treatment, the progression of the poison has been stopped.For now there is no problem.

Wolfram: It looks like it was merely frozen though...

Gwendal: That's none of your business...

Wolfram: But if that's the case, then couldn't he easily end up melting if you pour some boiling water on him?!

Gwendal : *whispering* Shhh, don't say something so reckless! What if Anissina likes the idea! In the first place, if she does something like that he will die for real!

Anissina: What are you saying? It's not like he's a flying cockroach. Something like that wouldn't kill him.

Gwendal: Uwah, you heard?!

Anissina: As long as we're in the same room, I can hear you! But, I'm curious about the type of chemical reaction it would create. There would be a lot of valuable information to gain if I do an experiment!

Gwendal: No, don't do it. After all the trouble you went through to freeze him....

Anissina: If I think about it, this is a great opportunity, isn't it? I have right before my eyes, someone who won't talk back, and who would be the perfect test subject!

Gwendal: Cut it out! Are you trying to kill him?!

Anissina: Wow, how exaggerated! No one has ever died during my experiments. It's not like I'm going to dissect him! Certainly this is a great opportunity and it would be a shame if I were not to take it.....

Gwendal: Please stop!

Wolfram: Then, big brother, I'm heading towards the site, along with the search party to look for Yuuri.

Gwendal: Anissina, I'm begging you, please be gentle, Anissina!

Anissina: What's up with that pathetic face? And you call yourself a soldier?! It's just a little bit of boiling water, and then wait 5 or 6 minutes to see what happens!

Wolfram: There's no doubt, I will find Yuuri... I'll find our king.

FX: *Wolfram heads to the door*

Gwendal: Stop! If you wait that long it will be too much! Too much! If you do that nothing good will come out of it~!

FX: *Wolfram leaves the room*

Wolfram: Yuuri is alive for sure.... I will.... I will go out and look for him no matter what. No matter who I'll have to interrogate, no matter who I'll have to crush, I will find him without fail....!

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  1. Reference: The moon rabbit, a character in Japanese folklore.
  2. Yuki-Günter (Snow Günter) sounds like Yuki-onna, a spirit in Japanese folklore.
  3. This is a Japanese winter fable called "Straw-hat statuettes". An old man gives a straw hat to a statue to protect it from the snow, and in return the statue leaves a pile of rice cakes and treats for New Year's Day in front of his house.
  4. All of these are references to traditional fables. The crane from "The Crane of Gratitude", the pig as in the "Three little pigs" , the goose from "The Golden Goose" and then "Little Red Riding Hood".
  5. Boom! A terrible pun MADE IN GWENDAL. Luckily, Günter was already frozen. I'm starting to see where Conrad got his bad habit from.... ALRIGHT, here's the explanation of Gwendal's pun. First of all, the story "The Little Match Girl" is called "The little girl who sells matches" in Japanese. So when Gwendal put a (knitted?) "macho man" on Günter's crotch, and Anissina asked, why a "macho man"? Gwen turns the word "machou" into "match uri" (which means "who sells matches"), to turn Snow Günter, into "The Little Match Günter".
  6. Friendly reminder: cats go "mee, mee" in the other world.
  7. WHAT?! XD Uhm... Cinderella reference. I'm sure it's a euphemism for "don't assume he's dead"... a very strange euphemism XD
  8. The story behind the okiku doll: In 1918 a 17-year-old boy named Eikichi Suzuki was visiting Sapporo and bought a doll as a souvenir for his 2-year-old sister, Okiku. Okiku played with it all the time, but the following year, she suddenly died of a cold. The family placed the doll in the household altar and prayed to it every day in memory of Okiku. After some time, they noticed the hair had started to grow. They believed that the girl's spirit had entered the doll and lived in it. The Suzuki family then placed the doll in the care of Mannenji temple, where it has remained ever since.