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17. Public executions[edit]

Yuuri (monologue): We were led by a lively old lady, Hazel Graves, known as Venera, to an area underground in a place that seemed to be ruins. In other words, this is the hideout for the RESISTANCE against the emperor. According to what Hazel said, this place is also the entrance to a series of terribly long tunnels that connect to an area that's very far away.

FX: *fire crackling*

Venera: Many decades ago, I "died" on earth, in the United States... in that place called America.

Yuuri: America?

Conrad: In 1936, you went missing in the Boston suburbs. When the relocated mansion was destroyed by a fire, you were believed to have died in it.

Yuuri: EH?! It happened such a long time ago? Wait, Hazel-san how old are you now?

Venera: Ever since I came to this world, the way time passes for me has changed. The years kept piling up and before I noticed, I had been in this world for 70 years. Because of the preposterous way the slaves were treated, I taught them everything I knew so they could fight against this country's regime, and I became the leader of this RESISTANCE that was created so suddenly.

Yuuri: And that's how, Venera, became another way to say "hope".

Venera: Yes, that's right. It has been such a long time, since I broke the forbidden seal and touched "that", since the moment when I went up in flames[1].

Conrad: You opened the lid of the box. And the force that was released sent you all the way to this place.

Yuuri: ...! Did you just say "box" ? Is that one of those "boxes" that we know about?

Conrad: Yes.

Yuuri: No way... here?

Venera: It's not here. It's located further north[2]. The tomb of the previous emperor is in a land where the people in charge, basically tomb guards, are constantly watching. If no one has moved it, the box should probably still be there.

Conrad: Hazel...

Venera: What is it?

Conrad: I heard that for your funeral over there, they had a beautiful ceremony.

Venera: Well, that's nice. Hah... But it feels kind of weird, you know? To hear about your own funeral while you're in another country.

Conrad: By chance, your successor, April, got involved with a "box" two years after your disappearance. Just like you.

Venera: No way... did the same thing happen to her !?

Conrad: Your grandchild and the people who helped her... you know this person right? Henri Régent was your friend. April borrowed their strength and sunk the forbidden box to the bottom of a deep lake, while deceiving the German army.

Venera: Ah! I see...

Conrad: I met April Graves. She looked just like you and she also said that she was very proud of you.

Venera: *shakey voice*... Thank you. It's what I wanted to hear the most.

FX: *footsteps*

Resistance fighter: Venera! Venera !

Venera: What is it?

Resistance fighter: Our comrades will be executed. Tomorrow, at noon, they'll be executed!

Venera: What did you say?

Yuuri: Executions?

Venera: It's the public executions. Why is this happening all of a sudden? There hasn't been a public execution in many years. And here I thought that Yelshi was not going to follow the path his mother took as a leader. Ah... that was a miscalculation of mine, huh?

Resistance fighter: Venera, the names!

Yuuri: Won't you save them?

Venera: If we go save them there will be more victims and it will only get worse.

Yuuri: But you know...

Venera: Majesty Maou, which one do you want to hear first the good NEWS or the bad NEWS?

Yuuri: Eh?

Venera: Alright, we'll do good first. In this execution, there will only be 5 people.

Yuuri: That's... (awful)!

Venera: But the bad news is that there are two odd names here too. Furthermore, they're only children, two girls by the names of Jason and Freddy.

Yuuri: They are...!

Venera: This is the worst possible situation.

-- Later --

Yuuri: The weather is nice, huh? The town is shining.

Josak: Yes, beautiful buildings and beautiful people. The town is so well done that it looks fake[3].

Yuuri: When you look at it like this, it is difficult to believe that there are people who live here as slaves... So? Where is the place for the executions?

Josak: It's the central square up ahead. That's because they want everyone to see.

Yuuri: Tsk. That's a horrible hobby, Yelshi.

Josak: After all this time, there's something I have to tell you, young master. In Van dar Via when you were in the middle of that crowd brandishing Morgif, that was a public execution too.

Yuuri: ...Ugh! *embarrassed* Yes, it was...

Josak: Are you angry?

Yuuri: Eh? What are you saying, all of a sudden? Are you talking about Morgif?

Josak: That's right.

Yuuri: Why do you have such a serious face? There's nothing we could do about that. I too didn't have much confidence in myself...

Josak: Even so, the way I behaved back then, was not the proper way to treat a ruler. I'm really, truly sorry.

Yuuri: Stop it... This is the present now, and I rely on you a lot, you know?

Josak: Thank you very much. I've been wanting to apologize for a long time.*sighs* I'm glad... now I feel good.

Yuuri: You feel good you say? Josak...

FX:*crowd cheering*

Josak: Look, young master. The emperor has left his carriage. Any moment now Hazel and her people will set off the explosions. After that we'll have to move fast.

Yuuri: Yes, but... this is strange... I can't see Jason and Freddy in the execution area.

Josak: Could it be that thing over there? There's a big bag behind the carriage with something moving inside.

Yuuri: There are only men in the execution area... which means that Jayfre[4] may be inside that bag? Josak, we can't do this! We have to change the plan...!


FX: *people scream*

Yuuri: Uwah~!

Josak: It started already!

Yuuri: Let's go! *runs *

Josak: It's dangerous~! Wait, young master!

-- Later --

Yuuri: Ouch... *whispers* Jason? Freddy? I'm going to save you...


Saralegui: You probably shouldn't take that bag with you, huh? Because inside, there is an apprentice for lady-in-waiting from the palace.

Yuuri:.. Eh?!

Saralegui: Oh, Yuuri. I was sure that you would come back.

Yuuri: You are... no way.

Saralegui: I wanted to try and cut my hair. What do you think? Don't I look exactly like Yelshi?

Yuuri: Saralegui... why?!

Saralegui: It's nothing more than fun and games. Since I'm a twin I wanted to try and change places with him at least once.

Yuuri: Are executions nothing more than fun and games as well?

Saralegui: It's just that, from the side of the spectators, it's actually quite entertaining, don't you think?

Yuuri: Where are Jason and Freddy?!

Saralegui: Ah... those girls with names that are not very Shinzoku-like, ne? They are not here. They're in the northernmost part of the continent, in a far away facility, so I didn't bring them here.

Yuuri: What does that mean?!

Saralegui: I added to the list the names that I heard while we were on the ship. I thought that if I did that, Yuuri, you would come back.

FX:*footsteps approaching*

Josak: Let's get out of here[5]ǃ

Yuuri: Josak! This guy knows where those kids are!

Josak: I said we don't have time!

Yuuri: But!!!

Josak: Ah... good grief!

Saralegui: Yaaan~! Wait!

FX: *Josak puts Saralegui in a bag*

Yuuri: You're stuffing him inside a bag, Josak?!

Josak: Alright, let's go! Come on! Hurry up!

Saralegui: Let me go!

FX: *they run away with Saralegui in a bag* [6]

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  1. In the novels: it says blue flame.
  2. In the novels: Venera says that Seisakoku is probably as big as Australia.
  3. In the novels: Yuuri says that all the people look the same, same eye and hair color. And that all the buildings look the same too. That's why it looks fake.
  4. In the manga and drama cds, Yuuri combines Jason and Freddy's names as "Jayfre". In the novels, I've only seen it as "Frejay" (フレジェイ) so far.
  5. In the novels: At this point Yuuri sees someone getting shot by an arrow, in a scene similar to that which he had seen before. He calls out Wolfram's name, then he remembers Wolf is not there and that Wolf wasn't injured by the arrow.
  6. Josak is in a hurry because there are "living dead" running after them. Yuuri first thinks that the zombies are strange, but then he remembers that some of the citizens of Shin Makoku are pretty much skeletons.