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05. Appearance

Yuuri (monologue): How many days has it been.... since we've been wandering underground? The only thing I can say is... that I'm not dreaming... because this isn't a dream. No one is coming to get me. That's right. No matter how harsh this is... it is reality.

Yuuri: Agh... it's ... reality... *coughs*

Saralegui: Yuuri, should you keep walking? Can you walk?

Yuuri: I can't sleep... I have to escape from this place...

Saralegui: What a nuisance you are...

Yuuri: What did you say?

Saralegui: Even though I'm waiting for you to stop moving, you are not easily defeated.

Yuuri: You....

Saralegui: When that man died, I thought this is going well, I finally have him cornered. It was also convenient that you couldn't see anymore. And even though I was planning to enjoy this, you ended up having an unbelievable strength. You just won't give up.

Yuuri: Sara... you....

Saralegui: But your body is already at its limit. You're thirsty right? Aww... you poor thing, Yuuri. Even your lips have gotten so dry. Here.

FX:* Saralegui grabs his hand and puts a few water droplets on his palm*

Yuuri: Ah.... water? Why do you have water?!

FX:*Saralegui brushes his finger on Yuuri's lips and then Yuuri tries to attack him, he knows he shouldn't attack someone over water, but his instincts take the best of him*

Saralegui: Calm down... by the side of the road, there were water wells every now and then. And even though you couldn't see it, I drank water many times.

Yuuri: You cunning ...

Saralegui: I thought that if you wanted help you would ask for it.

Yuuri: Dammit! Give me!

Saralegui: *laughs* Do you want it so badly? I guess it can't be helped. It would be boring if you died.

Yuuri: ...Sara...

Saralegui: Open your mouth...

FX:*Saralegui gets his fingers wet and then uses them to give Yuuri water .... Just like in the novel image*

Saralegui: More?

Yuuri: No, don't give me so little...

Saralegui: *laughs* How greedy of you, Yuuri.

Yuuri: It's not enough... more...

Saralegui: Alright, I'll give you more. So, let's do this. If you answer my questions correctly, I'll give you as much water as you want.

Yuuri: Why won't you just give it to me now?

Saralegui: Shhh... Listen up. I have an interesting story to tell you.

Yuuri: ...Gh.. Gnh...

Saralegui: A long time ago, here in Seisakoku, a woman gave birth to male twins. Her husband was a wounded soldier, an outsider that washed up onto this continent.

Yuuri: What in the world is this story .... ?

Saralegui:*chuckles* The interesting part is about to come, Yuuri. When the woman gave birth to the children, one of them didn't cry no matter how long she waited. He was half dead. And what do you think she did?

Yuuri: ...She grieved...?

Saralegui: Wrong answer. The woman wasn't sad at all. She hugged both of her sons and hurried to the tomb of her ancestors. She galloped through the cursed tunnel on a horse. How brave, don't you think? *chuckles* Why do you think she did that?

Yuuri: ... To bury the child...?

Saralegui: Nope. She's not a woman who would be satisfied doing something like that[1]. She tried to revive her child. She asked god and the dead and even used her own houryoku.*smiles* And as a result, what do you think happened?

Yuuri: Something like that... can't be done. It's impossible.

Saralegui: Correct answer. She could not revive the dead child, but ... she also didn't allow him to be taken to the land of the dead. And even though he was left here in this world, he was not alive. So, what do you think happened?

Yuuri: What...?

Saralegui: She made a monster. She created a monster, two monsters!

Yuuri: Both children...? Why?

Saralegui: Did I ever say that the monsters were the children?

Yuuri: Eh?

Saralegui: One of them was the son, but the other one was no other than herself. Now she has a power greater than the houryoku that the shinzoku possess, and she can manipulate the will of the dead. The baby that should have died, did not become as evil as his mother, but he did become a ruler with an overwhelmingly strong power.

Yuuri: And that is... your...

Saralegui: I know that there's something inside that tomb but *laughs* She got a power that surpasses the rest. She wanted more than just reviving him.

Yuuri: Is that so?

Saralegui: Of course it is! That's because she wanted a successor who was stronger than anyone else.

Yuuri: Didn't she.... just want her son to come back to life?

Saralegui:*chuckles* This is the woman who threw away her only living child because he had no power.

Yuuri: You're wrong. Your mother was sad. There's no way she wouldn't have been. She loved her sons... I saw it.

Saralegui: You saw it? Where did you see it? Stop making up stories!

Yuuri: She hugged the baby, she cried while praying to god ... "Please save this child somehow!" she said.

Saralegui: You're full of lies!

FX:*Saralegui puts his hands to Yuuri's neck and slams him against the stone-wall*

Yuuri: ...S...Sara...

Saralegui: If she loved me... then why didn't she give me that power too!?


FX:*An overwhelming power overcame Yuuri and he grabbed both of Saralegui's arms and started twisting them by the wrist. He couldn't think anymore, and he didn't understand where he got that strength from *

Saralegui: Agh...!

Yuuri: You want the terrible power to control the dead, right? How can you envy something like that?!

Saralegui: My arm, it hurts... Yuuri!

Yuuri: Everyone wants power, you know?.... (Even) I ...

Ue-sama: But... there shouldn't be a power that I can't obtain...

Saralegui: Yuuri?

Ue-sama: I will get rid of everyone who possesses it. The ones controlling the dead... I'll eliminate them[2].

Yuuri: Agh... what did just...?

Saralegui: Is that the real you? *laughs* So that's how it is! Then the two of us are the same! We should get to know each other better!

Yuuri: That was... You're wrong...

Saralegui: Say, let's leave this tunnel together and go to the royal tomb. And over there let's obtain a power like my mother's or Yelshi's... no, a power that's even greater than theirs!

Yuuri: I don't want that!

Saralegui: You've realized this already, right? There's something inside the tomb. That's right... A treasure that no one in this world has obtained! What do you say, Yuuri?

Yuuri: Stop it.

Saralegui: Yuuri!

Yuuri: Don't call my name!!!

Conrad: Yuuri!

Yuuri: Eh?

Conrad: Yuuri, are you there?

Yuuri: Co... Conrad?!

Conrad: It's me. Are you alright?

Yuuri: I'm fine, but why (are you here)... ?

Conrad: Hazel guided me through the desert. Do you have injuries anywhere?

Yuuri: I don't... have any injuries.

Conrad: Thank goodness. I'll pull you out of here right away.

Saralegui: Oh my... you sure are late, ne? Lord Weller...

Conrad: Majesty Saralegui

Yuuri: Ah, I'm sorry. Take this guy.... pull Sara out first.

Conrad: Yuuri...

Yuuri: It's not like that... it's because I can't afford to let him escape, that's why I'm asking you to do this. We can't leave this guy alone. Once you put him under surveillance, come back here to get me. Alright?

Conrad: Of course. Then, please excuse me.

FX:*Conrad grabs Saralegui*

Saralegui: No, I don't want to! I'm not going , I'm not going! I'll go underground! I don't want to get covered in desert sand!

Conrad: If you don't want me to drop you, you better obey.

Saralegui: That's right, it would be best if you came with Lord Weller and me. That way you won't be lonely. Don't you think?

Yuuri: What a shame Majesty Saralegui, but I can't take (receive) your advice. Besides...*sighs* I didn't even receive more than a drop of water from you.

Saralegui: Gh...

Yuuri: Conrad

Conrad: Yes.

Yuuri: Come back as fast as possible. I have... I have something to say to you.

Conrad: I understand.

Yuuri: Really, come back as fast as you can.

Saralegui: What are you going to talk about? Is it a secret?

Yuuri: Shut up.

Conrad: Yuuri...

Saralegui: Ah! Could it be that *laughs* it's about you letting that man die?

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  1. In the novel after this sentence and before the next one: Yuuri tries to give other answers. Saralegui tells him to calm down, puts his pinky finger and thumb on his forehead and scratches the corner of his eye with his nail. Then Saralegui traces a finger down his stomach.
  2. Meanwhile, Yuuri asks in his head who's talking? And then at the end of this phrase he's outraged wondering who's saying something so awful.