Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha:Volume 3 Chapter 2

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The Merits and Demerits of Swaying the Master-Servant Contract


Master and Servant contract — the magic of swearing allegiance to the master.

Because each other’s souls are connected by the magic of the contract, it can grasp the position of the partner if thought deeply.

In addition, if each other’s relationships of bonds and mutual trust are strengthened, The master and subordinates may both raise their combat potential.

To prevent the subordinate’s betrayal on the other hand, the characteristics of the caster’s ability is added as a curse. If the subordinate’s side have guilty feelings for his master, the curse activates.

… It is a terrible magic, if you think about it.

Facing up the ceiling above his bed, Basara on his room stared blankly. After he came home with Maria, Yuki and Mio finished the dinner for four people.

After that, he was told by the three girls living together with him to wait in his room, which he is doing right now.

Tonight is a full moon. The only day where the master-servant contract can be recited in the human world.

Basara will, and thereafter, link the master-servant contract to Yuki and then followed by Mio.

At first, Basara was pretty reluctant in having a master-servant contract with Yuki.

Though Basara and Mio are connected by the contract, Mio falls into a horny condition when she held guilty feelings for Basara, and made to accept a considerable mental burden.

Particularly, being able to do nothing but surrender as a subordinate to pleasure, Mio has been done many shameful things up to now. One of it exactly is the incident at the shower room today. Therefore, it is not really necessary, if Yuki thought about it.


To know each other’s positions. And, as the master-servant contract is deepened, the combat efficiency is also raised.

These two advantages are very big. In fact, Mio has been saved thanks to one of these merits till now, and was able to come through while fighting the powerful enemy. In the future, it will be impossible to avoid fighting powerful enemies further – called the high ranking demon clan. After all, Mio pledged to avenge the murder of her adoptive parents — the high ranked demon Zolgear. In addition, if the other side began to move and target Mio, clashes will be inevitable.

Therefore, countermeasures were an urgent need for Basara.

——in this situation, the idea that surfaced, is that for Basara and Yuki to enter a master-servant contract.

Yuki, from the hero clan has been ordered by the village with the mission of monitoring Mio, but what if, she was living together with them only for working with the enemy hidden from Basara's view?

——not possible. Yuki is an important friend who, similar to Basara, betrayed the ‘village’. She defied the orders given to her for the sake of him and Mio. If a case they were attacked by Zolgear, Yuki will surely fight for Basara’s sake.

Though this is very reassuring, this meant that Yuki’s life will be exposed to danger. To decrease such risk even a little, Maria proposed to make a contract with Yuki.

In contrast to Basara and Mio who are reluctant because they knew the risk of the master-servant contract, Yuki agreed at Maria's proposal without delay. That decision didn't even change upon seeing the aphrodisiac curse that took effect on Mio.

However, due to the fact that Yuki assertively wanted to form the master-servant contract with him, Basara finally gave in. A few days ago, when he went to the shopping district with Yuki—— she disappearing in front of him in the middle of shopping is a big thing.

The impatience and fear that he got in that time, Toujou Basara hasn’t forgotten. In case Yuki would be lost, the bottom of his heart thought that it would be better if the master-servant contract has been done.

Right now, a clear threat called Zolgear approached them.

Until the matters regarding Zolgear has been settled, the option to link the master-servant contract to Yuki following Mio temporarily won’t be a mistake.

Because the master-servant contract can be only done in a full moon, it is possible to release it under the mutual agreement of both sides.

Suddenly, the door of Basara’s room was knocked with modesty from the outside.

“Basara, please come down. Maria and Nonaka have already finished the preparations.”

In response to Mio’s calling from the other side of the door, Basara got up from the bed.

“Okay… Coming.”

Replying calmly, he prepared and walked towards the person on the door.

Going out of the corridor, Basara went down the stairs and followed Mio.

Mio, who first reached the first floor, looked back with her eyes pointing up to his.

“I say… I woke up not in the mood because of having strange thoughts.”

Sulking only for a little while, however gave warning of insecurity from her upturned eyes.

“I know it already… However, it’s all right. This time is different from that time. If the contract is properly made, the curse will not activate in a sudden.”

At that time when contract with Mio was made, various things happened. The original master-servant contract was reversed and the magic activated because Mio refused the contract. There won’t be any problem if it is done according to normal procedures. But,

“…because I believe in you”

Saying a few words, Mio took a step to the living room. What could possibly to go wrong? Basara followed while thinking, he set foot on the living room.


The meaning of Mio’s words were immediately understood, he stood on the spot.

In the center of the huge magic circle drawn on the floor, Yuki stood. But that is not the reason why Basara halted his step. It is because of Yuki’s appearance. What Yuki wore is a sensational white bustier with garter belt —an underwear to lure a man to temptation. Charmed by the gallant beauty involuntarily, Basara turned his back in a hurry.

“WA ——, my bad… that’s not… that appearance!?” slightly screaming in embarrassment, the voice called out Yuki at the back.

“I said that I don’t want to lose to Naruse-san… Maria prepared this.”

“What is this sense of ridiculous rivalry? No, if anything apart from that appearance, I will not yield to Mio. Do not be deceived, Yuki. Such appearance only pleases Maria!”

“Basara-san, that’s a terrible misunderstanding. I just only responded to Yuki-san’s feelings”

“Lies! You, you are really enjoying this confusion aren’t you?

Right. To think that I was worrying a little too much after coming back from school, here she goes again in full throttle. If there is any room to place her eroticism even a little bit, I will shove it in full force.

…if these kind of things happen, you should have told me earlier!

Basara sent blaming glances at Mio, who in turn made a displeased face and turned away. It seems that Mio had tried and failed to stop the situation somehow.

“…Basara, look this way” “No, before that, Yuki should change her clothes first!”

As Basara tried to appeal the request of Yuki at his back,


“…? Uhm, Yuki-san?”

As the atmosphere at his back got disturbingly quiet, impatience struck Toujou Basara. This silence—— it’s obvious that Yuki is clearly displeased. Basara was asked timidly,

“Basara…If you won’t face this direction within five seconds, I will take this off piece by piece.”

“I-I understand. I’m sorry!”

In an instant, Basara turned back with a sudden momentum.

Why am I apologizing here…

To think that he is being held hostage by the act of a girl getting nude. Although embarrassed, as Basara’s gaze swam all over Yuki’s captivating figure, Yuki seemed somewhat happy in spite of her blushing face.

…damn. What a joyful face.

Sometimes, Mio and Maria pose wide open and daringly defenseless, and may do physical contact time to time that may look like they’re teasing Basara. Is his embarrassed reaction really that amusing?

Smiling full of bliss, Maria was given a look full of resent,

“Fufu. Now then, shall we start?” “More like, let’s end it all quickly.”

A negligent response was retorted from Basara. The agreement of the situation has been completely accomplished, and all preparations are ready. Identical at the time the contract of Mio was signed, each person stood in their respective positions.

“…won't you not get a wrong master and servant this time?”

“Leave it to me. By any chance if I make Yuki-san Basara’s subordinate, she would also become Mio-sama’s subordinate indirectly. I won’t ever make a mistake this time.”

Beating her chest with pride, Maria joined hands with Yuki who is standing next to her.

“——Then Yuki-san, here it goes” “…Roger”

As Yuki replied with a nod, the magic circle began to shine at once. At first the body of Yuki, after that Basara’s body was surrounded with the same light too ——shortly thereafter, a magic circle appeared on the back of Basara’s right hand. Seeing it, Basara felt relieved.

“Alright… Yuki, do you understand the procedure after this? To the magic circle on my hand, you have to kiss i ——"

“…don’t want it”

“Oh. Don’t want i…eh? Come again? What are you saying Yuki…?”

As the face became startled by reflex, Yuki took a deep breath and matched his eyes,

“I have decided it from the very beginning—— I won’t do a normal contract.”

Before her own eyes, the agitated Basara, Nonaka Yuki saw it clearly.

The childhood friend that Yuki loved, mouth agape.

“wha-what are you saying Yuki…?”

He approached her as he panicked. As he presented his right hand where the magic circle appeared,

“Did you hear it from Maria? The magic circle will eventually disappear if we didn’t do it right away, and then terrible things will ha ——“ “I know. But it will be fine.”

In contrast to Basara getting impatient, Yuki declared as is nothing will happen. Shifting her gaze from Basara to Mio,

“I should have said it properly… I won’t lose to Naruse-san.”

“————————" In contrast with Yuki’s declaration, Mio who saw her glance turned away without saying anything. Those eyes, were not similar to the agitation like Basara.

Somehow, what Yuki wanted to say can be predicted. That Yuki is a formidable opponent, she thought. But thinking even further at the same time,

…I won’t accept defeat.

The time Mio and Basara entered into a master and servant contract, Yuki heard what kind of condition Mio was in. The circumstances Mio and Basara was in if thought thoroughly, you can say that this is a valid excuse. The feelings that yearn for Basara however, Yuki can’t allow herself to lose in that aspect. Therefore Yuki can’t afford to keep silent without doing anything about the relationship between Basara and Mio. First of all, it is out of the question if they don’t have to be in identical terms with one another.

… It is useless to be treated in the same condition.

Of course, losing is never an option if it’s loyalty to Basara. However, the lack of knowledge concerning the relationships between opposite sex can’t be denied. And there is a situation to follow. No matter how much effort she gave to catch up to her, she won’t be able to surpass Mio.

For this reason Maria was requested for a favor, and became a figure wearing an erotic underwear. However,

…There will be no meaning if she easily made the contract here.

It was heard that Mio endured nine times for the contract to be made. And after that, she was treated like that too many times by Basara. Even after today’s swimming lesson in a place where Yuki doesn’t know, she has been done again by Basara.

That was not a joke. Today, Mio surpassed the number of times she has been done to herself up to now.

“Yuki….” “Its alright…do the same thing to me as you did to Naruse-san”

To the anxious Basara, Yuki responded.

“Basara, please——dominate over me”

Immediately after those words were uttered by Yuki, the magic circle at Basara’s hand disappeared.

——That moment,

“Ah —…”

In the depths of her abdomen— a sweet ache was born in the organ that symbolizes femininity. Yuki’s body quivered.

The same time, a sensation came at once. In the sense similar to what he got when she was done with the swimsuit with Mio last night, the idea which Maria proposed in which Basara was made a full coverage.

“…Ah…nn, yaah….n…”

As she made alluring voices in sweet agony, Yuki staggered and leans her body in front of his eyes.

“—to” “Fuaaahhnn”

Both hands wrapped the back and held it firm. Then— a weak titillating sensation ran on Yuki’s whole body.

…What…is this…?

Snuffling naively in the arms of Basara, Yuki was caught in a surprise.

“Now Basara-san… it’s your turn to respond to Yuki’s feelings this time.”

Maria joyfully told while Basara was hugging Yuki.

“I get it already. Now that it has gone this far already, I don’t have a choice——but to do it"

He retorts in a slightly lowered voice than usual.

“then, please come to the sofa. First, please look for Yuki-san’s weak spots first.”


To Maria’s words, Yuki and Basara stared each other in silence.

Words were not needed. As Yuki entrusts her weight to Basara, and he carried her towards the sofa—with Yuki’s back lying flat onto the couch.

And, as Basara cover’s her delicate figure,

“I’ll be touching you, Yuki” “Okay”

With her whole body in heat, Yuki nodded, and Basara began touching her body.

Basara’s hand was gentle. The fingers working, which are concerned about Yuki’s body which became really sensitive,

“Ah....fuh ,ahh…Nnn…Yaahh….Ahh..Nn…nu…ha…”

Nonaka Yuki clad in underwear enough to allure any men writhed her body in sweet senstions above the sofa.

Wherever she was touched it was so comfortable that it’s unbelievable. Whenever Yuki was touched by Basara, a sweet sensation ran into her whole body, and the area round her waist becomes hotter and hotter. Yuki, who had such sensitive reactions, there was a moment where Basara hesitated for little while——before he began touching her breasts and thighs.

Yuki, looked up with eyes willing to accept everything, Basara’s hands eventually extended.

“Yaah…ah, fuh…uh….haaa….fuaann…ya…ahh”

As the sensitive parts of her body was assaulted, pleasure developed on the woman’s body. Yuki gradually raised her voice. When the contract was signed, it was found out that Mio’s chests are her weak points. At that time, Mio which her chest was assaulted became in complete disorder, and it is heard, master and servant contract was completed in the ninth time. That sweet sensation, was far stronger than any place Yuki was touched until now. However —

…If it’s like this…by all means….we’ll be even…

Because there is a certain tolerance to senses such as pain acquired from the training as a hero, it will be ridiculous if she was to lose focus here in no time. Mio was subjected to hardships nine times before she has given up, but she herself seems to be able to tolerate it even further.

With this I can win against Mio — — With this catch up with her for once. Or so she thought,

“?….Hm, Basara…?”

All of a sudden, Basara released his hands from her chest. What on earth? What’s wrong? As those things filled her thoughts, Basara’s hands reached to her hips, and then ——


Incomparable to the pleasant feeling when he did her breasts, Nonaka Yuki’s body trembled all over.