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Track 7: Epilogue[edit]

FX:*Yuuri and Murata resurface*

Murata: It hurts! I got water in my nose...Eh...? My glasses, my glasses...

FX:*lifeguard blows whistle*

Lifeguard: Sir! That's dangerous, okay?

Murata: Ah! I'm really sorry!

FX:*Shouri runs*

Shouri: Yuu-chan!

Yuuri: Aha! Shouri, I'm back.

Shouri: Don't just disappear like that!

Murata: My glasses, my glasses...

Shouri: Hey, specs-kid. If you're going to leave with my little brother, at least let me know so I can be prepared!

Murata: My glasses, my glasses...

Yuuri: Murata, calm down. It's not good for your health. Your glasses are on your head.

Murata: Ah... you're right. *spits water, puts glasses on* Ah... thank goodness! When I was leaving, I didn't mix up my trunks with my shorts...

Yuuri: Aha... we had to leave in a hurry, huh? Ah! But I messed up!

Murata: What do you mean?

Yuuri: No, it's just that after my bath, Wolf said he would give me another present. He said it was a very rare plant, which bloomed brightly-colored flowers.

Murata: Oh!

Yuuri: And it seems that the wood of that tree is very close to the one used in wood bats. That's why I was thinking, how about growing lots of them in the castle's garden to make lots of bats? Then we could play baseball in the state-owned GROUND, using bats made in the country.

Murata: I see.

Yuuri: Ahhhh! I wanted to see and bring that plant with me. And besides, we returned without saying goodbye. I'm sure everyone must be angry, right?

Murata: *chuckles* Lord von Bielefeld must especially be flaring-up in anger. Hm... Shibuya, you did bring the BROOCH he gave you, right?

Yuuri: Ah ! Crap! I forgot it! Ah... there were so many things left to do! I want to take a U-TURN and go back home!

Murata: *chuckles* Go back 'home'? Shibuya you really have gotten used to your job as the king, huh? Well, I'm sure you'll meet them soon. Then you can apologize to that easily angered fiancé of yours.

Yuuri: Right?

Shouri: *clears throat* You two... could you please start talking without neglecting oniichan?

Murata: We're not doing that, excluded-pe!

Shouri: Don't say "pe"![1]

Yuuri: Now, look Shouri....

Shouri: It's oniichan, right?

Yuuri: I'm hungry, give me some grilled-meat, oniichan.

Shouri: So you remembered....

-- At the grilled meat restaurant --

Yuuri/Murata: Let's eat!

Shouri: All right, here you are...

Yuuri: If you insist...

Shouri: Woah, woah... wait, first you have to eat lots of vegetables. Vegetables...

Yuuri: .................................. what?

Shouri: It's proper etiquette for people who are being treated to a grilled-meat restaurant, to only start eating meat once they've satisfied their hunger with vegetables.

Yuuri: .............................. okaaaaay.

Murata: Uhm... I too am being treated by oniisan...

Shouri: You're paying out of your own pocket, friend of my younger brother.

Murata: Ah, I see. Then, EXCUSE ME! Please bring me some special ribs and fillet![2]

Shouri: Woah, his attitude is "OH MY" disgusting.

Yuuri: *with his mouth full* Hey, leave him alone...

Shouri: Hey Yuuri! *hits him*

Yuuri: Ouch!

Shouri: What are you mumbling to yourself? And don't eat all the grilled meat!

Yuuri: Why? It was already done[3].

Waitress: Sorry for the wait, my master[4]. Special ribs and fillet...*puts down the plates*

Shouri: Ah! There it is! The meat is burning, it's burning!

Murata: Here they are. Shibuya, this is my treat. Dig in!

Yuuri: What? Really? Can I?! WAHA! Muraken is the best!

Shouri: Heyheyhey you! Don't just treat my younger brother!

-- Scene change --

Yuuri: Ah.... I ate a lot... Woah... I'm full...

Murata:*sighs* I too ate too much, trying to keep up with you, Shibuya.

Shouri: It seems that I too.. ate a lot ...

Yuuri: Shouri you're eating too much ... Aha! Shouri thanks for the meal!

Shouri: You're welcome. For my birthday we'll do anything I want, right?

Yuuri: Ah... that's all you can think of... Ahaha... Eh? When was your birthday again?

FX:*Shouri dies inside*

Shouri:*squeals* What are you saying Yuu-chan?! What, is it... is it possible?! You don't remember your oniichan's birthday?!

Yuuri: Ah, sorry. I want to say it's during the fall ...

Shouri: "Good Married Couple's day" .. it's super easy to remember, it's on November 22nd[5]! Even though mom and dad always joke about it, how can it be that you don't remember it!

Yuuri: Ah, that's right! I sort of remembered it was the day before a national holiday[6].Ah! Then, when's your birthday Murata? It's coming up soon, right?

Murata: *sighs* You really don't remember. My birthday has already passed![7]

Yuuri: What? Really? Didn't it come two days after mine?

Murata: No, that's wrong! Hey, listen to this, oniisan! Yuuri-kun right here, got my birthday completely wrong last year!

Shouri: And whose birthday was it instead?

Murata: Mh... He probably mixed it up with the world's most famous magic-user's.

Shouri: Ah! The foreigner with glasses? The one with that strange scar on his face?[8]

Murata: Yes, yes, that's the one.

Yuuri: Uhm... who are you talking about?

Murata: Shibuya! This information is basic knowledge. It's a name that people at an introductory LEVEL know.

Yuuri: As far as names are concerned, the INPUT I have in my head are the names of baseball players and related terms.

Shouri: I'm pretty sure that's right ...

Yuuri: Since I remember the players' names and their shirt number, my MEMORY is already bursting with information.

Murata: Ah, I guess that's how it is...

Shouri: Yuu-chan. As someone who has lived longer than you, allow me to give you some advice. "Make sure you always remember the birthday of people who are close to you". Otherwise if you get a lover, they'll doubt 90% of your character.

Yuuri: Eh?! Is it really like that?

Murata: That's good, right, Shibuya? The mazoku don't really celebrate birthdays.

Yuuri: Oh, crap.... I don't remember mom and dad's birthdays either.

Shouri: Fool, you dumb-head! *whispers* It's different with dad, but you don't want to make mom angry!

Yuuri: Right? If I make her angry she's not going to let me have dinner. Okay, so it's best if for her birthday I give her a big, big present.

Murata: Ah! I know Miko-san's birthday!

Yuuri: Why do you know that?!

Shouri: You don't have to buy her a present. Because all of us received a huge present from our parents, that no present we get them can ever possibly compete with.

Yuuri: A huge present?

Shouri: That's right. Mom always says: No matter what birthday present you get me, it won't ever match the present that momma got you for your zero birthday.

Yuuri: Our zero birthday? So you mean, when we were born?

Shouri: That's right.

Yuuri: Ehhhhh~? There's no way we'd remember what she gave us back then...! Eh? Wait... something that all parents give to their children? To Shouri? And Murata?

Shouri: That's right.

Yuuri: Ahaha! I wonder what nice things they got us! Murata, you have the memories of the Daikenja from the past 4000 years, right? Do you remember anything?

Murata: Shibuya, it probably wasn't a "thing", you know?

Shouri: Life's first step.

Murata: Mhm.

Yuuri: Life's... first step?

Murata: That's right. They gave it to you, there's no doubt about it.

Shouri: And along with it, a strong body and heart(mind).

Yuuri: Ah... yes, I see...

Yuuri (monologue): That's right. On July 29th, I received a pure white life, a healthy body and a resilient heart (mind). There really is nothing that can compare to it, right? To all the people who once use my RECYCLED soul, to the person who safely carried my soul to Earth, to the ones who made my body and raised me; and also, to all the warm people I've met, and all the people that I will meet, to all the people everywhere, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Everyone, thank you!

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  1. Familiar suffix used after a personal name.
  2. karubi (ribs):
    joutan (fillet):
  3. At grilled meat restaurants, they bring you raw meat and you grill it. Once it's done, you put it in your own little plate. Like this: If you don't pay attention the meat can burn.
  4. Goshujinsama is "my lord", "my master". They only call customers that, in maid-cafes, so I wonder what kind of restaurant Shouri took the kids to XD Usually waiters/waitresses call you "okyakusan", which means customer/guest.
  5. Note: "Good Married Couple's day" . The day comes from turning numbers into words, like this: November becomes "one one" = ichi-ichi(11), ichi-ichi turns into "ii" which means "good". 22 turns into "two two" (for items)= futatsu futatsu then turned into fuufu. Fuufu means couple. SPECIAL INFO: Not many of you know that Shouri's birthday was originally on November 23rd (Takabayashi wrote about it in her doujinshi, Tachibana) and was then changed to November 22nd. Why? No one knows. But I imagine maybe she wanted him to be a Scorpio rather than a Sagittarius. (because believe it or not, November 23rd is ALSO "Good Married Couple's day" , instead of fuufu it's fuusai, which means the same. Oh, glorious language. XD )
  6. November 23rd, Labor Thanksgiving Day
  7. Murata's birthday is on June 6th.
  8. Did you guess it? ^^; It's Harry Potter. His birthday is on July 31st.