Clockwork Planet:Volume3 Chapter1

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Chapter 1

In the air over Akihabara.

Twenty dark aircrafts cut through the air of the dawn sky.

The driving turbines disturbing the air, causing a whoosh sound, while letting out the signature pitched whine of warplanes. The scene is reminiscent of a flock of steel clad birds of prey.

It is the seventh generation tactical fighters of the Tokyo “Military’s” 7th squadron.

--Commonly known as “Wine Room Squadron”. (!)

The strongest in air combat capabilities among the “Military” of Tokyo’s Grids.

Theses twenty aircrafts are flying straight from Yokosuka [1] to Akihabara.

--with only one operational objective.

“The destruction of the gigantic unknown weapon that has appeared in Akihabara.”

‘Eat shit and die!’

In the midst of the super sonic aircrafts flying the dawn sky,

The command was muttered by the “Wine Room Squad’s” captain and heard through the communicators.

Being suddenly woken up at 12AM at night to prepare for battle, and finally receiving the attack order during daybreak – the target unexpectedly turned out to be a freaking gigantic unknown weapon of all things!

‘Air control (AWACS)[2]. How about I fire some cruise missiles up your ass?’

This captain was already widely known for his impatient attitude.

As he half-heartedly replied though the communicator, the other sides dismissively responded with:

‘Captain, watch your language. This is a formal operation’

‘Your mouth is not what you use to spew shit.’

“I will repeat this one last time, captain. This is an order. 7th squadron, quickly destroy the massive weapon that appeared – tentatively called “8-legs”. I repeat, eliminate the threat.”

*Yawn* - the captain then let out a cold smile.

‘Are you an idiot? No, you are definitely an idiot for thinking that I am a fool.’


‘Yo, retard. Listen up. I don’t know what the hell is up with this weird ass “8-legs” thing, popping up in the middle of Tokyo from out of nowhere. Did the capital garrison rubbed one out till they fell asleep or something!?’

“The capital garrison has already all been eliminated.”

Hearing air control’s answer, a heavy silence permeated the squadron comms.

Then, each of the pilots received visual data from the comm net.

The image was burned into the eyes of everyone present – a mechanical spider that can easily squash a large building beneath its legs, standing firmly in the midst of an Akihabara filled with flames, the pilots couldn’t help but let out a noise. (!)

“Pay attention everyone, it is precisely as you see it. This threat is indeed real. If the Akihabara district is destroyed, it is not a stretch to say that Tokyo – Japan would be too. Please do your best!”

‘...... ......’

“Also, Captain, after the battle’s ended, you will look forward to the report right?”

‘Ha! Yeah. Really looking forward to it.’

Provided that we are able to survive went unsaid.

The captain forced down the words rising up in his throat.

His dignity as a captain won’t let his subordinates hear him say such things on the comm.

Bang! The captain in his frustrated and irritable mood, pounded his fists against the canopy.

A giant weapon suddenly appearing in the middle of a city – what a fucking joke.

Does this kind of thing even exist in the deepest of military secrets before this day? Let’s say that saying this kind of thing would help the situation, but then I would have to first blow off this head that’s full of shit. (!)

They knew before hand! – at least had some preliminary knowledge on it like what it is, or what’s its objective.

Otherwise, how can you deem this as a “target”, give this unknown machine a designation, and explain its objective.......!

The answer was evident, the squad captain grit his teeth, hard enough that his teeth were on the brink of cracking.

Akihabara was attacked, and the capital garrison fought back.

Then was defeated, even if it is due to be an error in a certain part of a plan – no matter what.....

(Simply put, this is just cleaning up the shit of some random bastard......!)

The captain screamed in his head.

It was only intuition – yet it is an analysis of the situation that couldn’t be closer to the truth.

The capital garrison troops are not weak, nor are they so easily annihilated.

For the protection of Tokyo, they were given ample budget, and a high degree of training, resulting in it having the highest combat prowess of Japan’s “Military.”

If this fighting force collapsed – yet, did not even deal any significant damage to that thing as was shown in the visuals.

(Must’ve frightened those wretched politicians pretty badly, to push this mess onto the air force.)

--Truly, this is ridiculous.

The army failed, so use the air force – not only is this kind of thought shallow. If they truly think that the situation can be resolved like this, then they are truly a bunch of hopeless idiots.

The Capital’s garrison possess many Resonance Cannons.

Theoretically the strongest weapon – if even such a weapon cannot significantly damage it, that means that the target either possess a defense that can overcome even that, or has some system to nullify it.

Although the information about it is not exactly forthcoming – there’s one thing that’s clear.

Even if the missiles of this entire squadron was to be exhausted, the possibility of an effective attack can only.....

“Approaching the target’s position – all fighters ready for combat!”


The captain answered air control, and let out a resigned sigh.

--to listen to orders. That is the responsibility of a soldier. However –

The ones up top claims that the target’s armaments, ammunition, and range is unknown, even so – The Wine Room squad's captain inwardly smiled.

He grabbed the mic, and announced to his squadron.

‘Typhoon 1 calling all fighters, delta formation, weapon safeties off.’

This formation is so to avoid the disastrous situation of entering the enemy’s firing zone at the same time.

--Fire the missiles at its maximum range then scram – This order caused the air command to let out anguished cries.

“Captain! I did not order this engagement protocol! This unauthorized action is –“

‘Engagement method? As if ordering “destroy that giant weapon (8-legs)” is an engagement method, the ‘how to destroy’ part is for me to determine! These pointlessly aggravating words, the least you can do is shut your stinking mouth!’

Although it is an order to followed, that is of course the responsibility of a soldier. However –

The individual has a more important responsibility, and that is to avoid the unnecessary fighting that causes needless sacrifices.

‘You hear that squad? Everyone, follow my orders – I’ll shoulder the responsibility’


Air Control continue to yell over the comms, but the pilots deigns to ignore them

“This is Typhoon 2, understood. Moving to delta formation.”

As if the tension broken, the rest of the squadron replied with an “Understood,” and proceeded to assume formations.

“7th Air Squadron.....! You—“

The squabble transmitted from air command suddenly –

Was cut off.

At the same time, a large bang was heard from the comms of air control.

“What, what happened? Could it be that–“

“Hey, now it’s not the time to be joking......could they actually have shot down the Command Plane!”

Before the pilots could get over their hearts wavering shock, the captain saw that further ahead of them was –

The sonar registered a large ping, causing him to let out a roar:

‘Squad, take evasive action, disperse, then turn back, light your afterburners, retreat at maximum speed – We are in the enemy’s strike zone!’

“Un–understood –“

The pilots, with heavy hearts, obeyed the captain’s orders and proceeded to take evasive action.

However, they cannot conceal their inner turmoil, the captain was no different.

(To first shoot down the command aircraft -- ? Bastards......!)

From well outside of our missile range, yet it shot down our command aircraft from a distance of over 20 kilometers.

Their intentions are obvious.

To proclaim to the air force that they have long since entered their range, a clear provocation......!

“Wine Room’s” captain endured the G-forces of his sudden turn, his wingmen followed suit as they also turned back, and ignited their afterburners to full.

‘ -- !’

Accelerating to top speed – along with the tall tell sign of a sonic boom, the pilots barely avoided blacking out to the G-forces that squeezed them to their seats. In front of the captain –

Turn complete, as soon as the afterburners kicked in, an aircraft – exploded.

“Typhoon 3 is hit! I repeat, Typhoon 3 is hit!”

“How – What happened! Just what the hell is this –“

From the communicator then came a miserable, pain filled shriek – then it suddenly cut off. A bright light then flashed in front of their eyes.

Though withdrawing at top speed, the retreating crafts were eliminated one by one, as the pilots screamed through gritted teeth.

How could we have known, this damned thing!

From outside the maximum range of our missiles – a range of 18 plus kilometers –

To think, having the range to reach the Command aircraft at a distance of 20 plus kilometers, and able to accurately take down crafts taking evasive maneuvers at supersonic speeds. What an outrageous air defense for a single – no, for even an innumerable amount of military weapons, it’s still ridiculous.

But, the reality of the situation can’t be refuted as the evading aircrafts are successfully downed one by one.

Never mind about losing, to even to be stripped of the option to retreat from this one sided slaughter – then.....

And absurd thought.

‘– Bastards!'

The captain didn’t hesitate following this absurd thought, forcibly shutting down the Air stability control[3], and pitched his stick downwards. (!)

The plane was sent into a nose dive.

Such an action of shutting down the stabilizing limiters, an idiotic move even in the most dire of times – was done without hesitation.

The violent “negative G forces” from the sudden dive caused blood to rush to his head, causing his vision to be dyed red.

--it is a phenomenon called “Red Out”, one that can easily kill the pilot. However –

‘woosh – woosh!’

A violent attack grazes the aircraft – proving that preposterous intuition is indeed correct.

The captains escaped the “unknown attack” from behind by barely a hair’s breadth.

Understanding downed on the captain at this moment, he leveled out his plane, and through the terrible headache from his violent maneuvers, let out a victorious roar:

‘What kind of a fucking joke is this! We’re going Mach 5! – How is it that we don’t even get a warning!’

--The attack from behind, catching up to jets going at Mach 5.

As far as the relative speed goes, after subtracting Mach 5 from the speed, it still remains undetectably fast?

It’s definitely not a laser weapons, nor a resonance cannon, otherwise it wouldn't have been possible to avoid it.

--There’s no mistaking it, this is still a projectile weapons.

It’s speed, accuracy! All are so far above the norm that it’s hard to believe, it’s simply absurd – a “magic bullet.”

‘This is Typhoon 1 calling all pilots! Abandon your craft “Eject” – NOW!’

The captain of “Wine Room” squad yelled into his comms.

A bullet with speeds that even with a retreat of Mach 5 – 1650 meters per second, is unable to be identified and avoided.

Facing such a thing, everything within its radius of fire is sure to be shot down.


With the confirmation of the remaining squadron members, the pilots prepared to eject –

The Captain too, reached his hand to the ejection lever.


The ejection seat, along with its passenger is quickly shot out of the canopy.

During the supersonic ejection, his life was almost robbed again by the violent shockwaves that followed another bullet as it zoomed past him. The captain, showed a fierce expression – staring out into the distance.

Not at the target that was at the center of Akihabara, but where the national diet building[4] is in Kasumigaseki.

‘All you politicians, just what is your scheme.....!’

As the captain expressed his anger –

--just as if waiting for the air squadron to be annihilated.

Numerous bright lights cut across the morning sky, striking Akihabara, this scene caused the captain to let out a derisive laugh.

--Haha, even though the capital garrison troops and the air force both failed, they just switch to the next thing – The mindset of politicians are as shallow as ever.

That was the capital defense cannon – the telltale streak of the ultra-long range, massive yield, fixed artillery fixed atop Mt Fuji.

It protects the entirety of the area surrounding the Tokyo Grids -- Tokyo’s “Pillar of Divine Protection,” an anti-ground, anti-air trump card. (!)

Looking upon that scene, the Wine Room squadron’s captain was beyond anger – conversely, he let out a laugh.

‘These incompetent politicians......they probably already finished preparing their next spew of rhetoric right?’

As his parachute opens, the captain had a realization.

--even with the numerous streaks across the sky. It was they(politicians) who truly made him afraid –


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  1. naval base/port in Tokyo bay
  2. basically a floating command center for directing sorties
  3. limits the maneuverability of an aircraft to ensure it doesn't stall
  4. Japanese congress/parliament building