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Right now, at the side job[edit]

Murata: He'll be fine! That's because he's strong and sturdy.

Yuuri: Aha... Murata, you're surprisingly cold, huh?

Murata: Oh, come on, the sun has set already. You two need to get busy!

Wolfram: We know... It's fine if I put them in through this opening, right?

Yuuri: That's right. Ah! And don't forget to put the sweets in there. And the star-shaped cookies too, you know?

Wolfram: Yeah, I put everything inside. But this... Are the mazoku boys who will meet the maou going to be happy to get this kind of knitted stuffed animals?

Yuuri: C'mon, c'mon Wolf... Don't worry so much about that. Besides, the ones we were making just now, were for the many girls that will be there. In any case, if Anissina would have heard that remark of yours, you would have gotten in trouble.

Murata: Ah... Lady von Karbelnikoff teaches how to knit stuffed animals, right?

Wolfram: She's the founder of the art of knitting stuffed animals in Shin Makoku. She was also older brother Gwendal's teacher.

Yuuri: And all of these stuffed animals were knitted by Gwendal. I was thinking kids would be happy to get them but... are they not good enough? I mean, little kids love animals which they can't identify, right? Like cute, creepy, weird ones!

Wolfram: Is that so? I thought that since older brother's goods are avant-garde art for adults, children would not be able to understand it.

Yuuri: Eh!? That's how you see it? Ah... you're a good brother.

Murata: Ah, by the way, where's Lord von Voltaire?

Yuuri: He's locked in his room going all out making knitted stuffed animals. We still don't have enough.

-- -- -- --

Gwendal: *sneezes*[1] Eh? Did I catch a cold? I can't stop now. I still have to make thirty doggies and kittens.

-- -- -- --

Murata: In any case, I would have never guessed that you would come up with something like this, Shibuya.

Yuuri: Heh, but you know? The true charm of winter holidays are Christmas and New Year's, right?

Murata: Mhm... I guess... If we're talking about the fun EVENTS that Japanese children enjoy during the winter then yes, that's about right. That's why you wanted to do this, right? So that everyone could have a fun time.

Yuuri: That's right.

Wolfram: I don't have good memories of that "Increasing-Suffering" (Christmas) event[2].

Murata: Eh? Did something happen?

Yuuri: Ah... that's right, Murata you weren't here. A while back, you know? Cherie-sama said: "This is the ultimate love event!" , she got everything completely wrong, and introduced a strange, distorted Christmas EVENT.

Murata: Eh? What kind of event?

Yuuri: Ah, what was it? Something like anyone is free to KISS someone who stands under some strange branch.

Wolfram: It was mistletoe. We tied mistletoe to our foreheads, so whoever got to Yuuri first, could steal his lips and then a shameful competition took place[3].

Yuuri: Shameful ... ? But didn't you enter it?

Wolfram: Of course, I did! That's because it is my job as your fiancé to protect your chastity.

Murata: Ehhhh... and so? Who kissed Shibuya?

Yuuri: Don't say that! Nobody kissed me! And besides that's not the important part. While all of you were fighting about Ao[4] barging in, Günter couldn't stop getting crusty...

Murata: Crusty? What do you mean, what happened?

Wolfram: Mistletoe is a very dangerous, banned plant. The worst thing that can happen is for a person's body to grow warmer, for it awakens it and it starts growing rapidly. And so, Günter who had tied the mistletoe to his forehead, became a prey.

Yuuri: That was pretty gross...

Wolfram: Once the mistletoe finishes covering the entire body, the person will be on the verge of death. In the end, Conrad used a fire hook to remove the mistletoe from Günter's forehead.

Murata: How fierce...

Yuuri: Only Cherie-sama kept saying: "How beautiful! Just like being burned by the flames of love!" and looked really happy... Although, he was literally burned...

Murata: Ah... so that's what that was about...

Yuuri: What do you mean?

Yuuri: The priestesses at the Shinou's Mausoleum have recently started calling Lord von Christ "mistletoe guy"[5].

-- -- -- --

Günter: For his Majesty, I will suffer! Because of all the turbulence, I'm falling in the water![6]

FX:*falls in the water*

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  1. There is a superstition in Japan that if someone's talking behind your back you'll sneeze.
  2. Christmas is 'kurisumasu' in Japanese. Wolf hears: Kurushimi (suffering) masu (increasing) or maybe "kurushimimasu" (suffering). The way he pauses the words makes me think it's probably "Increasing-suffering" though. Wolfram calls Christmas Kurushimi-masu in drama CD 70.
  3. Reference to drama CD 1, but actually, the mistletoe tied to their foreheads didn't count.
  4. Yuuri's horse.
  5. So the events in this cd take place soon after the events in CD1.
  6. Günter's lines rhyme in Japanese.