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His Excellency and the MA Love Journal?![edit]

Original Title: 閣下とマのつくラブ日記!?Covers stories in Kakka to MA no Tsuku TOSA Nikki!? And Chapter 2 of Vol3. of the Gaidens
Release date: December, 2006
Cast:(Yuuri) Sakurai Takahiro; (Conrad) Morikawa Toshiyuki; (Wolfram) Saiga Mitsuki; (Günter) Inoue Kazuhiko; (Gwendal) Ootsuka Akio; (Anissina) Takayama Minami; (Murata) Miyata Kouki; (Shouri) Konishi Katsuyuki; (Cheri) Katsuki Masako; (Badwik) modified voice of Yuki Kaida.
Completely supervised by Takabayashi-sensei
(further information unknown)

Track list[edit]

Download the track here
01. Prologue(6:20)
02. Meeting with the Editor 1 (8:02)
03. Romero and Argent(15:45)
04. Meeting with the Editor 2(2:54)
05. Dream Theatre (19:21)
06. Meeting with the Editor 3(4:26)
07. Signings(3:42)
08. A night alone(4:04)
09. Epilogue(5:07)
10. Cast talk --- translation not available ---


Track 1ː Prologue[edit]

FX: * gavel being struck against block*

Günter: And now I'd like to start the ordinary state meeting. But before that where are my glasses, my glasses...

Murata: They on your head, Lord von Christ.

Günter: Ah~! That's where I left them....

FX:*put glasses on*

Günter: Heh. Alright... Lately even if I wear these glasses I can't see well... Let's see *read slowly*"Even though it is improbable that this is happening before our eyes..."

Yuuri: Are you losing your sight?

Shouri: Hey, Yuu-chan! You can't tell an elderly man something like that so directly, it's rude. Please say: "The strength of your crystalline lenses is diminishing".

Günter: Excuse me, Your Majesty. These two people here, who are they?

Yuuri: What do you mean? They're Murata and Shouri.

Murata: I love soccer, my name's Murata Ken~! *bling*

Shouri: I love dating-sims, my name's Shibuya Shouri.*bling*

Günter: Even if you say that, I don't know the meaning of "su-cker" and "day-tin-sims"... But what concerns me, is why, even though there has never been an era when two soukoku lived at the same time, there are now three soukoku right here?

Yuuri: Ah~! Good for you Günter. You're lucky, lucky!

Günter: No, Your Majesty. Even though you're taking it lightly, I'm perplexed.

Gwendal: Aren't you going to start the meeting? You're wasting time.

Günter: Eh... but...

Wolfram: Alright, alright, alright! I want to ask for an urgent motion to discuss fixing a date for Yuuri's and my wedding ceremony.

Yuuri: That's not an urgent matter at all!

Murata: It's something that has to be decided gradually, right Shibuya? Ahh... how nice!? That young blind love...

Yuuri: It's not like that! In the first place there's not going to be a ceremony...

Conrad: Lately, there are many people who start a new life together without the useless formalities of a day when everyone gathers, right?

Gwendal: According to the principles of imperial rule, it is absolutely necessary to hold the wedding ceremony for the Maou!

Yuuri: Don't talk about that!

Wolfram: Don't be shy Yuuri. I am the one who understand your feelings the best.

Yuuri: You need to shut up...

Shouri:*sighs* Now listen, Yuuri. Parents look forward to spend this proud moment with their children. If you betray their expectations... the two of them... are going to cry in their graves.

Yuuri: A proud moment, you say? In what world is a wedding ceremony a proud moment if there are children!? And heck, father and mother are not dead! [1] Alright, I've had enough of this talk. Let's change topic!

Gwendal: Günter, what was the original topic we were discussing?

Günter: Yes. Lately, inside the castle... but... who are those two people?

Yuuri: I told you already, they're Murata and Shouri.

Murata: I get 'A's in all my examinations, I'm Murata Ken.*bling*

Shouri: I will be the future city governor, I'm Shibuya Shouri. *bling*

Günter: "Ex-ami-nation" and "cit-igovern-or", what does that mean?

Gwendal: Let's go back to our conversation.

Conrad: Uhm... So, there's something suspicious moving around inside the castle, Günter?

Günter: Uh? Ah... yes. Lately, there's a presence inside the Blood Pledge Castle, that is constantly looking at me and I can feel that gaze all day long.

Yuuri: Gaze?

Conrad: I haven't heard anything about it in the guards' latest reports.

Wolfram: Humph! Couldn't it be a grown woman[2] hiding somewhere?

Yuuri: Eh? A woman? Ah~! I see , like a stalker, huh? After all Günter is pointlessly beautiful, it would be strange if he didn't have one or two hot blooded women after him.

Günter: Eh?~! What are you saying your Majesty! I am your Majesty's loyal servant... if someone were after me it would be nothing but an annoyance to me... *gets a runny nose*

Yuuri: Alright, alright, I get it... stuff's coming out...


FX: *cascade of mucus/blood springing out*

Murata: Since you're wearing black clothes, the blood on both of you two really stands out. So, be careful to clean it properly when it dries, Shibuya.

Shouri: Wasn't this man the most dedicated person to you, Yuuri?

Murata: That was an unspoken promise, oniisan~!

Conrad: But anyway, I wonder if this really is the presence of a woman...

Günter: No, it doesn't feel like that. But having said that... Yes, I guess that would be about right. The presence that's always around me feels more like that of a small animal.

Gwendal: A small animal!

Yuuri: That was a quick response.

Murata: When it's about this subject, as expected, you bite into it quickly, huh, Lord von Voltaire?

Gwendal: Have you seen it? What is it like? Is it cute? It's cute, isn't it?!

Günter: If I would have seen it, I would have told you by now. But since I don't know its true nature, I feel uneasy.

Conrad: What should we do your Majesty? I really don't think this is an emergency though...

Yuuri: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Murata: If leave this to me, I will reveal whatever is hiding in the castle. If you entrust this to me... I will handle it.

Shouri: Let's work together, friend of my younger brother. Let me set up the trap.

Yuuri: Uhm... no. We haven't decided yet that this is a bad guy. For now let's increase the amount of guards inside the castle, and let's give Günter a bodyguard, alright?

Günter: Ah~! Thank you for your consideration, your Majesty. I, Günter, can't stop these tears, tosa~!

Yuuri: Ah?

Murata: Ah! The Tosa dialect. That brings back memories.

Yuuri: Dialect? That just now was a dialect?

Wolfram: That's right. Günter was born in a part of the Christ region, in the vicinity of the Tosa Lake.

Günter: Because I was so deeply moved by your generosity, I accidentally let out that word. How embarrasing.

Yuuri: Huh... So it's something you say when you're agitated. Hehe.. I see so Günter, you were born in Tosa. That's kind of nice, to have a word from that place. It has a special charm...

Shouri: Huh! If someone who is born in Tosa says Tosa at the end of a sentence, then people who were born in the Shiga Perfecture near the Biwa Lake, would have to say: "That is a beauty, biwa? What a beauty, biwa!" [3]

Yuuri: That's not going to happen, Shouri. I'm kinda sad that there's no dialect of Saitama. [4]

Murata: Eh? Saitama has a dialect too, Shibuya.

Yuuri: Eh? Really?

Shouri: "Won't you come over for a bit?"

Murata: "I don't want to." [5] Just now did you hear when we said: "osaite"(*sounds like Saitama)

Yuuri: No way! You didn't say wake up? Is this a Saitama dialect? Ah... I see, you were right.

Murata: Well, I believe that it does sound a little bit like Saitama, right? Hahahaha.

Shouri: How cute~! Yuu-chan.

Yuuri: Don't laugh~!

Günter: Excuse me for interrupting your conversation, but those two people over there who are they exactly?

Yuuri: I've been telling you that they are Murata and Shouri!

Gwendal: Let's go back to the meeting!

Back to Drama CD24 - Scans Return to MA Series Forward to Drama CD24 - Track 2


  1. Shouri and Yuuri are talking about two things at the same time: 1) Parents look forward to being with their children at the wedding, but this could be interpreted as : The parents of the bride and groom are looking forward to this proud moment, or the bride and groom are looking forward to having this day with their children (meaning such children were born out of wedlock). This is why Yuuri says that if you're getting married once you already have children, it is not a proud moment. Alright, I know it sounds old-fashioned but in Japan there are still a lot of shotgun weddings, which as you can imagine, are not a proud thing. 2) Shouri says that if Yuuri doesn't have a wedding ceremony, their parents will cry in their graves (he's just exaggerating). So Yuuri tells him their parents are not dead.
  2. Ah~! Yes... He says "fujoshi", which as most of you must know means "woman who likes male homo-erotic comics", but it can also mean "grown woman".
  3. Biwa Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Japan. Also, Shouri is playing with the word beauty and Biwa to make those sentences sound like gibberish.
  4. Saitama is the prefecture next to Tokyo, where Yuuri lives on Earth.
  5. I'm not sure if the words between the quotation marks that Shouri said are correct! They're speaking in a dialect, and each prefecture has its own dialect (Yeah, because Japanese is not difficult enough). The words are seriously different and if someone speaks a dialect from a different region it is very likely that they will not be understood. But Murata and Shouri were just making fun of Yuuri, it's not like there's actually a dialect where you end sentences with the name of that place on Earth (like Günter does with Tosa). It's just that they picked a word that sounded like "Saitama" and made Yuuri believe that the Saitama dialect included words that sounded like Saitama.